LETHBRIDGE, April Leth- bridire Y Aces held the Winnine"1 flights for it, were msiru- Toilers to a 29 to 27 score here Sat-j ntal in making the 1929 train- Am Q fJm the p,aylnjt urday night in the final game In Mtr season the most turbulent in h,gh 8tandard Ba8eball has been Standpoint is marked by the win-the Alberta round or the western j JHdern history- writes DaV18 J his prime interest and ha has de'v ning of the National League Canada championship. The Toil,. Walsh. ,voted hlmself tp improving the pennant. in 19,0.1. 1902, 1903, ers took a 16-point lead in the, .True, the boys were carefuljrame in all its aspects tin the again, jn 1009, then in 1925 and first game, so won the round, and j0 egress themselves on their business end as well as wn the: 1927 as wel as .the world, series will meet the New Westminster employers' time. They went in playing field. Dreyfusa is known against Detroit in 1909 and and Friday. FINALS PLAYED ATBADMINTON Finals were played Saturday night in the I.O.D.E. badminton tournament, the scores being as follows: Ladies' doubles, final: Mrs. V. Long and Mrs. C. J. Norrington . , w i i, n Ti j "vui ...o. xa. i. niaiivj ami ami a. t a t im in t. n i Ji, Jt-o, iu-u. Mixed doubles, semi-final: Mrs, C. J. Norrington and Darton beat Miss C. Mitchell and HalloranJ 15-8. 8-15, 15-8. Mixed doubles, final: Mrs, Brass and Norrington beat Mrs. C. J. Norrington and Darton 15-14, 11-15- 15-14. Men's doubles, final: Stuart and Darton beat Blance and Norrington, 15-8, 15-3. BOSTON IS GREATEST HOCKEY TOWN IN ALL WORLDSAYS PATRICK VICTORIA, April 15. "Boston today is the greatest hocktv town in the world," declared Lester Patrick, well-known Victorian, who guides the destinies of the New York Rangers of the National Hockey League. People of Boston were just hockey crazy this season," Lester remarked. When the Stanley cup game was played at Boston be tween twenty and thirty thousand fans were turned away, the rink being jammed to capacity long be fore the game started. The reason for so much interest being taken in hockey is the fact that Boston has not held a major sports championship since 1918, when the Boston club captured the American League, Lester states Asked what he thought of the Bruins as a team, Lester declared it was no super-team. Its big advantage lay in the fact it did not have a single weak link. Every position is filled by a capable player and this rpeans a lot, the Rangers' pilot stated. Evidence of fishery officers was taken hy Stipendiary Magls. trate H. F. MeLeed this morning in the case of Ole Skog who is charged with seining within the herring spawning area at Pearl Harbor and the case was then adjourned for ten days so that the defence may obtain witness. E. F. Jones U acting for the fisheries department and Miltnn Gonzales for the defendant. hours; too long after business hours, as a; matter of fact. In consequence, the managers of live Dan ciuos were constrained to make a num-j ber of overt gestures before the i desired effect was achieved and house detectives could be permit- ted to go home for the night. I the American League. Those the club there. When the Nstio-Judge Fuchs is said to have reduced from gamea Were the fore-runner of nal League was been one of those who had to the World Series which became twelve to eight teams and Louis-apeak firmly to the help on sev-'tne outstanding event of the vllle dropped, Dreyfuss merged eral occasion, although I'm In !!.,. 1 iklnn ikU moat mihtu tu .mm . mv inn ,11140. , , nae oeen somewhat exaggerated, The Brave have nothing to cele-! brate about. Neither have tnet Chicago White Sox, for that mat- i ter. yet Mr. Blackburne had to j so severely to task that the latter had to leave town before he could get away from the harangue. The departure, of course, wasn't permanent, although Mr. Shires made it look that way. He even took his spats and cane with him. However, he'll be back at such time as the management sees fit to summon him, for. baseball Is an institution that It determines to get along without eligible ball players; only when they die. BURNS LAKE BEATS . TOPLEY BASKETBALL Clone Gam In Interior at End of Week Ended In Score of 22 to 20 Burns Lake beat Topley 22 to 20, in a close mUen's basketball game I at Burns Lake at the end of the week. It was the most keenly con-'on tested game ever seen in Burns Lake. Return games are planned. j ABOLITION OF , DUTY ON TEA ! LONDON, April, 15. Immedi ate and absolute abolition of the tea duty of eight cents a pound at i coat to the treasury of more than ix million pounds sterling was an outstanding feature of the taxa-' lion announcements (n the budget ' today. The betting tax of one J nnt nf cent elsewhere is repealed repealed and ! certain harbor duties' are removed. A 36 per cent reduction is eN fected in beer and spirit licenses, A tax of ?200 a year on telephone in bookmaker' offices is imposed. TROUBLE your cir with a new set of " c OODBYE TIRE Equip i - It ia encouraging to note that i baseball seems to be itself again j after some of its fretful athletes, determined to seek self-expres-j I sion even if they had to climb ; uomimon Koyai cords or Royal Matters and bid a lonj farewell to tire trouble. Theto two tires can't b beat Royal Cords art the finest moderately priced tirei made. Royal Matteri coat more than any other tire but they're certainly worth It. DOMINION ROYAL CORDS AND ROYAL MASTERS S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORD DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone 83 Barney Dreyfusa, owner of the FUUburgh Nationals, is among . , .. ' as the shrewdest of the mag- nates of the major leagues. At the conclusion of the Am- encan League war in 11HM Drey- flusa moved to strengthen the peace treaty between that league and the National hy arranging a post-season series between his pennant winning Pirates and the Boston Red Sox. champions of baseball world starting in 1905, Thfi Pittsburgh club, under the direction of Drevfuss. has beenler of the Pittsburgh Pirates. , , " "" t I f I TATI TIAAr I KuLLINll I llilK VANCOUVER ISD, Salmon. Scarce This Year in the South As Result Possibly of Cold Weather VICTORIA, April 15: From all along the west coast of Van? couver Island, trailers report that the salmon run la very late 'this year. Only small catches have been reported so far thU season, which gives lse tp the belief that this wi)l be a short season. The salmon. catch in. British Columbia waters for the past several years has been decreasing.' stead' lly. ' Trollers .give the reason for the late run as due to the cold weather, but it is felt that the 'findings of the International Fisheries CtunmlPiionJ "i?iae more authoritative. light, to bear oh the rmatter. The 'commission's report Mimon; fi.Mnir. hnth in Tlrit- iish .r,i,,mWVnrf Unifp.l Srnta waters, resulted recently it the signing of a treaty between Canada and. the United States where-, by restrictions will be Imposed on fishermen in an attempt to build up the salmon runs on this coast. PAPERSQPPOSE RECOGNITION OF SOYIETRUSSIA . . ,. ,.., LONDON, A.mnM April 15: While bor has declared for resump tion of diplomatic and trade re lations, with 'Soviet ' Russia, the great majority of English news- l : i-'ii u . 'i "T" , T t the 1 1 British "A trade r. delegation ""u". being ' i m i maue a lever ior securing wnat could not be secured In any other way. . Urge orders of British goods are promised to the delegation, Dut tnese are dependent on mo Ilrttish banks financing them. j QUEEN TAKES CHILL BUT NOTHING SERIOUS! ; under the age of 16 at moving pic- ROGNOR, Sussex. April 15. ture shows Is the aim of the Na-The King's p,hys(cian,8 cpnsider as tlohal Counell of Education as ex-in no wise serious today an illness , pressed In a resolution passed to-developed by Queen Mary-yestcr- day. Replacing entertainment of day. A slight chill 1ept her from J'8 and lr'8 t moving picture attending divine service. . theatres, the council would have , ! educational films shown In schools There's n big time Friday ev n-Under direction and with restrio-ning, April 19, Gyro Hoedqwn.. 8Q ' I1'0"! 'rnposed, by educational au- ithMties. r them to put FLAVOUR and nourithment Into Soups, IUe Saucei, Oraviei Jle Pies. Stew and Hath-Salada sn4 Salad Drenlnga. CUBES 'uniformly successful financially and jts owner l one of tne weai fMMt nf hnsehnll owners. The against Washington in 1925. Dreyfusa was born in Fret- tin fir normonv .. lor, l?65 " cam to e UnlUU n,tt.i States in 1881 and was first em-, ployed as a distillery laborer, lie soon owned the company and became interested in baseball in LouiseviUe, eventually owning. !his club with Pittsburgh in 1899 and ultimately became sole own- , FOUR NEW CN.R. BOATSPLANNED Three Large Boats to Run Between Here and Islands and One to Islands The 192? estimates of the Canadian Railways which have been tabled In the house of commons contain a figure, of $5,235,000 for the construction oJf four new steamer for service on this coast, despatches from Ottawa state. Three of these, new boats are quite Jarge, vessels and will ply between Vancouver an,1! Prince Rupert to Alaska and. the fourth steamer will Uf operated n and out of Prince Rupert' to the Queen Charlotte Islands and other district points. The four ney boats will just doiible the present C. N. R. fleet jn this'(coast. SHRINE TEMPLE TO BE BUILT VICTORIA VICTORIA,"April 15. Permit to cover the erection 0f new Urine Temple, at 1087 View St., t an estimated cost of $20,000, has een issued The plans call for a one-story stucco and concrete structure. w(th six rooms, and a basement. A large auditorium will be provided by the use of basement ipace, with a seating capacity of several hundred people. The building will be built on property ecured In exchange for Rockland. Avenue lots. Tho site of the new temple will be on south side of View Street, between Vancouver and Cook Streets. W. C. ROSS DIES MONTREAL, April 15: W. G. Ross, president of the Asbestos Corporation Limited, and a well known sportsman, ' died today aged 65. DAM DiTTITDEQ Dnll llLi Uilliu TO CHILDREN! hibJtion of attendance by children' " ENGINEERS IUK - Locating engineers for the Power Corporation of Canada frpm Montreal are expected to reach the city within the next few days, possibly tomorrow. Mnll is now being received for them at the local offices of the corporation. We'll all b there at the Gyro Hoedawn, Auditorium, April 1?. 8C Total of 145,000 Pounds of Hall-but Sold, 14.2c and"8c High Bid Halibut prices were further improved "t the local Fish Exchange this morning when a total of 145,000 pounds was sold. Six American boats received from 12.9c and 7c to 14.2c and 8c for 118.Q0Q pounds while four Canadian boats were paid 11.9c and Gc and 12c and Cc for 27,000 pounds. Arrivals and. sales were as follows : American Marmot, 82,000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 13.1c anil 7c. Helgelanil, 35,00.0 pounds, Royal Fish Co., 12.9c and 7c. Democrat, 17,000 pounds. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 13.1c and 7c. Virginia, 13.000 pound, Atlln Fisheries, 13,Cc and. 8c Betty, 18,000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, 14.1c and 8c. Thor, 3,000 pounds, Booth Fisheries, 14.2c and 8c. Canadian Morris H., 7,500 pounds, and Tramp. 8,500 pounds, Booth Fisheries, 11.9c and Cc. Helen II. 6.000 pounds, Atlln Fisheries, 1 1,9c and Co. Pair of Jacks, 5,000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage o., 12c and 6c. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy S. D, Johnston Co.) The following quotation! were Md and asked: j B. C. Silver, 1.0Q, Nil. Uayview, G, 6'. Bg Mitsouri, 1.15, 1,20. Cork Province, 15, 10, Cotton Belt, 05, 70 I Dunwell, 17, Nil. I Duthle, 81, 55. George Copper, TI1, 7.50 Georgia River, 40, 41, Golcopda, 1.45, 1.47. Grandview, 47 48. ; Independence, 8'j, 9, Indian, 5,. fl. ' Intern. Coal k Coke, 34, 30. Kootenay Florence, 14, 15. Kootenay King, 48, 40. L, & L,, 3, 4. Lucky Jim, 14, 17, Mohawk, 5, 51,.. Morton Woolsey, 3Vi. 4. Marmot River Gold, 7, 7V. Marmot Metals, 4, 0. National Silver. 15, 16, Noble Five, C9, 70. Oregon Copper, 64, G5. Pend Oreille. 9.00. 9.25. Premier, 1.68, 1.04. PorterIdaho, 46, 55, Reeves Macdonald, 2.C0, 2.75. Rufus-Argenta, 26, 37, Ruth-Hope, 42, 43. Silver Crst, Nil, 8, Silverado Cons., 65, 75. Silversmith. 13.'., Nil. Slocan King, Nil, 6. Snowflake, Nl, 37. Sunloch, Nil, 3,19, Terminus, 6, 9. Topley Richfield. 33. 34. Torlc, 1.2f, 2.00. Wellington, Nil, 1C. Whitewater, 1.10. 1.18. Woodbine, 4, 5. Oils Advance, 9.00, 9-25. A. P. Consolidated. 3.70, 3.80. Calmont, 3.Q5, q.10., Dalhousle, 0.15. 6.?6, Devenlsh, 1.25, 1.30. Fabyon Pete. 15. 15Vi. Home, 23.50, 23.76. Illinois-Alberta, l.SQ. Nil. Mnyland, 9.25, 9,40, McDoug.Segur Ex., Nil, 7.25. McLeod, 6.20, 6.25, New McDoug-Segur, Nil, 5.35. Royallte, Nil, 155.00. Vlucan, Nil, C.5. Hargal, 1.85, 1.9Q, Freehold, 1.80, 1.85. United, 15.50, 15.75, New VaRey, 1 ,30, 1,40. EaHtcrn Stocks Sherritt.Gordon, 8.25, Nil. Noranda, 51.75, 52.50, NOVELIST DIES LONDON, April 18:-Flora Annie Stiel, novelist, wha had written more than a score of books uver a period of thirty years, Is dead at her home. Jn Minchtnhnmpton. Monday, April IS. iia PA'JE TWO THE DAILY NEWS TOILERSWON FISH PRICES Protect Your Health and Your Pocketbdok Sport Chat PROMINENT FIGURES IN SPORT 4mm iajfs BETTER TODAY BASKETBALL Written Especially for the Daily News by the Sports Editor Beaten Saturday Night by Leth' bridge but Took Round and Will I'lay Adanacs BARNEY DllEYFUSS, BASKNALI, MAGNATE GiVcs cold weather health a low cost full size biscuits of warmth and energy Crisp in oven and serve with warm milk Made ly Tlc Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd, SNOWING TODAY IN THE YUKON Snow was -falling toda at different ptJints 'In fukon territory including Dawson. The weather there is not cftld Reports of the Government "TeleBmphu Indlcatejat 22c and Gc. also that 11 is warmer in uie in-, . . . I i ; t T, r. L. 1 lenor ui u. v. me icjuii fol- lows': Prince RuDert-r.Qvereast lisht southeast wind; tnirtur,47;f: Haysport .Lltfhf wind, clotKljr, 40. Port Simpson Cloudy, calm, 4, Terraeo CJoudjr, calrd, 38. RosswQod Cloudy, south vast wind. 40. Alyansh-Cloudy, calm, !$. Alice Arm Part e!ely, ealra, 40. Anyex Part eloudjr, oflrq, 4S. Uaielton-Part elowdy, calm, ! 4G. Snithers-rCleudy, e)ffy81. . Burns Lake Clear, eatm, mild. Vanderhoof CleiiF,irtmi'4(l , Quesncl Part cloudy, jsalm. warm. Atlfn Ckudy, , avuthfAfL wind. Lower Lebarge, Part cloudy, south wind, 37. 1 Carmaeks Part eloutlv. calm. Stewart River-Clomiy, light northbreeie-wlthenowf lurries, tfl. 0gllvie--Snow1ng, calm. 32. Dawfl&rH&nowing, calm, 82. Mslyo iClAddy, north treese. 37. . , JOSEPH HOWE'S SON DIED NOYA SCOTIAi MIDDUrrON. N.S.. April 15. -Sldenham Howe, aged 86, the l..t .n.vtulni, n 11.1 if TmiAnl. Howe, Nova Scotia's famous statesman, died yesterday. . V - " so Oaf nw BtMtt n Coorarfnony ( mcny ktmuUrlnl ISt hmt. S y ram your ar'.f ar r" " rt( fa Ma com faajp al Mvntml. Gordons SPRING SALMON SOLD AT GOOD PRICE The fish packi-r Klm r r Johnny Clausen, sold I 'oo iff i-M Spring salmon u pounds of white at the lo. txchimgt' thin morning to 1 lif! 1 , iiadla Fish 4k Cold Stora ..TORONTO STOCKS (Tjourtesy S. 1). Johi istui) I Ilowey, 1.31. Intl. Nrekel, 47.40. Vandy, 1.40. Mining Corpn.. 4.50. Noranda. 51 JO. YM Oreille, 7.25. Sudbury Basin, 8.90. Sherritt-Gordon. 8.25. Tack IlBibaa, 9.35. Vlpond, i.09. WHtht Hargreaves. 2.01 PRICIJ QF WHEAT . VAfCOUVKR. April 11 Wheat was quoted on tho techange today at $1.24' t. The ease In which Edward Jc-hansen of Oona River w.n 1; .r ged by his wife with de? 't 3 was dismissed by Stij;cnu.ur? Mi)ristrate II. f. Mcleod In ix vtiu'ial police court this mcr: :& Over 400.0W womn snd Ir!s h9 w.-ro weak, 'blue." nervous, rundown, and unable to do their prorrly, hkv lwprod hr r health by taking Lydia K Vl ham's Vegetable t ompound. ill rursUj record, 8 out ol evenr l-'J report bprif-iit Vou can ba street certain that tX wOJ help yeu. too. BU 'mrnm w . , ii "That's a perfect Combination, John. I'm so clad yon got that B-H book." It was your Idea, dear, I was the doubting one, but I'm certainly convinced now and, I'm a bit proud of my painting ability, too," "Don't take too much credit, John, remember what the paint man said about B-JI " English " being cosy to use and covering well." RRAMDRAM-HENDERSOH U aa Ermlish BMW GutriaK4 ta tonltln Brirtm Caul. B.H. Wait. Ll 1 3QZ Willi, lint, tonkin, In tk. Mtit pr9pottlom ol0 to JO.IornJnf in ttion,t covcrlaf lan kaa kass Hardware