Moiiday, April- 46, 199 Come 00 Local in for Details of the 0 Prize Picture Contest yfic Pioneer Druoeists DEMAND v Let us tell you how easily you can qualify for a major prize in this big Eastman Content the greatest in the history of photography. Entry blanks and complete contest information are available at the Kodak counter now. Come to our Btore to fill any photographic need. , Ve have a complete stock of cameras and dependable Kodak film. And our trustworthy Kodak finishing makes tin- moi-t of iwry roll of film. rates i THIRD AVE. U SIXTH ST. - TELEPHONES 81,200 "Rupert Brand" 'THE DAINTIEST HKEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fisli & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Princ Kupert. B.C. LOGGING AT HALF THE COST OF -rtx i ' w a j ZH UiRgcr rroaucuon SSP5 Operation CATERPILLAR 1R ACTORS Make Higger Profits Sole Distribulora for II. C. MOKRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD, 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUYElt, B.C. Brnnchea: Kelowna, E.C.; Nelson, B.C.; Prince George, B.C. SUITS! SUITS! jssBBsssimkm MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmnnshlp nm! Styl All (lunrnnlced SUITS STEAM CLEANED AN! PRESSED We Dtlivcr to Any Pari of Ihi .City. Ling, the Tailor Phone CI9 Dr Alexander rilOSE 575 nesNr.n w.ock DENTIST Pacific Milk In Caks "BUILD B. C." the L.!n news and ersonal News in Brier III H i"0 ! I li. I i li torn jwpitHJ. Kj ii iC A r living In N'orlh Vancou ver writes: "I put half the number of eggs In my cakes and use Pacific Milk when following a cake recipe and I . get splendid results. m.-hi. nf women al over the UR u' 4 a Vail Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf. , , pentist' Dr, .L R. Gosse, Phone! G8G. i W.' F. Rinns "of Balmoral .Can nery, arrived in the city, from,, the j rsKeena uiyer on efnwy ar-j teriioon's train,' , ." ' ', A Scandinavian dance was held Saturday night in the Metropole Hall, quite a good sized crowd being in attendance. E. F. Cribb, managing director ;pf the Pacific Salvage Co., arrived in the city from Vancouver on the Catala yesterday afternoon,' being here on company business. Sigurd Wailstedt; Joneau salesman and organizer of thp Moose Lodge, 'is a visitor Tn 'the city, havitfg arrived from the. north on the' Princess' Alice yesterday afternoon. t .. . . . . - Mrs. W. -a Walker and family were, passengers -aboard the Sft-ala yesterday aftevnotm tftfhft through from Vancouver lq,-Mf randale where they will join jfr. Walker who is manager of the cannery there. N. Sherwood of Terrace was ia the city over the week-end, returning to the interior on today's train. While here he was gathering information for a debate to take place at Terrace on the subject of the proposed new Mr. and Mrs John Spigffott of Juneau were passengers aboard tv PrinoHi AHfB viitrHV f- SCALE OF CHANGES f The following is the scale of "charges made for reading nMIees Rirth Notices 60c. Cards of Thanks,' $2. ' Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c name. per 4 Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. 4- 4 David Taylor returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's' BootlMedrial School, returned! By. and Mrs. Whaley were pa-td the city on the Caiala yester-1 sengers aboard the Catala yes- j day ' aftraoon from Vancouver, teWy'wffn B)ngf through to U fee re he aendecl ' the MfOfnf TrlWrJafter h&ving 8Pent I convention' of tae Rritiall'.tWii wi waiiriri lhe south. umbia Taaqhers' Faderation, and; Uie iaai6Bs.last weak of the Na- Ir- ad Mr- George Beveridge Upnai "Council of fiducaUon atnd family arrived in the city whkfT leading ' educatkusaHstaJlMi the CaUla, yesterday afternoon from all parts of the world wera'fUwn Victoria. Mr. Beveridge speakers. succeeds E. W. Marentette, trans- - (f erred to Terrace as manager, as Southbound from Sksfrway to ! McounUnt in the local branch of Vancouver, C.P.R. cess Alice, Capt. C. C. Saintey, iW. 1L Trotter. A. R. Bach, U. -Bratnley. E. F. Cribb, H. S. Wil-dera, Miss E. M. Pierce, Miss R. A. Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. George Beyoridge and .family and G. Carlson, for Prince Rupert; Mrs. W. E. Walker and,,iamily. for Ar-randale: V. .SmiUieriBffale, P. A. province that tJI in detail why : . , tbt demand fM raclfic Milk is . so great and growing. "f- PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, H.C. ROUGHS L Apply otr throat and ehat -willow small pitcM of 0r VAPORUD Prin-iue "nK oi .Montreal. Wrd has been received here Je'rS aVteTheV weW3 that the speech of T. D. Pattullo.j ConsUble R. McKinlay of the . city, detachment of the provincial I i ponce sanea last nigm on me Union -teumer CataU. , Capt. . E. pHnce Ru rt or the 80uth hav. A. Dickson, arrived in port at 4 Jnjf ,n hig cugtody Harry Andrew' odock yesterday, ancrnoon from of Terrace, who j8 to serve two. the south .and sailed at a p.m. t 0kRl& for vagrancy; for Anyoa. Stewart and other flnd a menta, t for Esson., northern polntH of call whence flje , !she will return hero tomorrow i iroornlug and sail south at 3:SQ Unlftn freighter Chilliwack.: p.m. Passengers coming north on ctpt John Muiri rrivetl !n port the veasel included: S. Deajardin, ,f r. nVlnrW M mnminD fmm .the souti and, after discharging lumber and shingles for the Big Bay Lumber Co., sailed about noon for ti Skeena River to discharge cannery supplies before returning here to load a cargo of Lepage, A. Scott and John Man. lnated Materials veneer sui, roj snawart; w, n. uoww, New Westminster, for Alice Arm; Mr. and Mrs. L. . ,. , A. Whaley and Mrs. Smith and Muttr Smith, for Mill Bav. and t . . ri i. i oa n "f 'fr ... . . m - i rtm a ainnnvifn nnu .i m in ilbb. t nt.wt I. .I.i.mdnfai 1 Lai t h II 1 rOTTl "V . . A IX IN I J I J i l ri M 1 I la It IL 19 OtRfcCiHVM-"", . ...r, A ..-w r Gyro Hoedown, nuuuuuumii Moosp Whist Drive and Dance, April 2G. Prince Rupert Singers Concert, C apitol Theatre, April 29. The Annual Bazaar In aid of .thr Ridley Home will be held on (Thursday, May 2. I Moose Annual Picnic at Digby I June :10. R. A. Creech sailed Saturday, afternoon on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Anyox. i Government Agent and Mrs. Norman A. Watt. sailed yesterday1 evening on the Prince Rupert for a, trip to Victoria. I P. S Jack of Stewart was a passenger aboard the Prince Rup-ert last night bound through on a trip to Vancouver. Olof Hanson left, by this mor ning's train for Smithers on one of his periodical visits to his timbering operations in that vic- iinity. w-, ,., a lrJp w me interior. nharo-ed unA.r h Pitv hvl.w j ,. 77" , . with parking his car on the wrong Mr. and Mrs. V, Grimmson of DMf w rtr t .,m . Osland have moved into the city fined $5 by Magistrate McClymont u,u , ..w,.K at ceacn riace,in city ' police court this morning. : Apartments. . i Jtt Rev. Joseph It. Crimont, of fn&eau, Bishop of Alaska for the tloman Catholic Church, was a jVisssmger .aboard, Jhe . Princess LXlicej yaWJayMdfiernobn Koingi FthrotigH1 to: Seattle ' 5 , , w W. ID, Bower, who has been spenafngt the winter in the south, was a passenger aboard the Cat-uia yesterday afternoon going through to Alice Arm where he has mining interests. Mr. and Mrs. Steve King and family sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Alice for Van couver enroufe to Beavermouth in the Kettle Valley where they will n ' visit with friends J. Noble of Winnipeg, western representative of the International Union of Electrical Workers,, arrived on yesterday afternoon's "train! a'ndis Jyf ng ia-n official Visit totne tyty. ale" MH meet and address the local union tonight. SPECIAL MISSION IN BAPTIST CHURCH HEE Rev. Dr. F. W. Dafoe of Chilll-wack to Conduct Special Services All This Week A special evangelistical mission, which will be conducted every, night this week was opened at. First Baptist church yesterday,! when there were large congrega-, tlons at all services. The mission teVnoon boniid for a trip to Be-1 on a aidewalk. was fined f5, with''" hf6 hI;iP:' attle. Mr; Spiggott conducts a i option of seven days' imprison- Frederick . Dafoe of Chilliwaek, ' i.L.u..-u i -i i. k . it.i . who cave gave inspiring insptnng sermons at Barhef Remmer, charged with vagrancy by obstructing traffic nd irs. piggolt fs in charge of irt city pAice court this morning. 'yesterday's the W office there. 'r;' imng xnerp ' ' .-t'ai- . L'A-AMialey; accountant of the ,the cno,r' . MUa E. A. Mercer. crinciDal of t. Packers cannery at Mill services. In the eve-was special music by SHOULD ADVERTISE SAYS VISITOR FROM CANADIAN PRAIRIES F. W. Miebach of Lethbridge, Alta., Is spending a few weeks in the city visiting his sister. Mrs. G. C. Walker, of the music store. He is on his way to California. F. W. Miebach Ji pleased with the city and thinlM its advantages should be better advertised on the prairies. aboard the vessel In- wuw w. opuoa - 'eluding passengers the following who di- 5r fr r,rln ,mde b.e' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY nbaiied her from Ketchikan: Miss liUlie mdy, Juneau; A. fore the Laurier Club last week was, . broadcast over radio FCT. This station is not whk. nunc . ,H prfnc RUpert Vancouver, musician; Sigurd; Wullptedt, Juntnu salesman, and Carl Presjholt, Davidson, Sask. offen pVkefup'R ALE-Quarter Oak Dining larjie. i;nairs, linger .ubchuib. Red 409. M Iry, Hacking Cough Was Caused By A Bronchial Cold Mrs. A. Frimeu, 30 Ingram St.. Chstham, Ont., writes: "I uu pleased to take this opportunity of telling you of my experience with Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup "Early last winter I suffered from erera bronchial cold that left me with a provoking, dry, harking cough. AftM Terrace ,poltonwood logs at the being bothe'red with itv both day and dry dock for delivery to the Lam- nforgonwtuiielhada profoeiional mill at Dune recomnKTHi 111c iuuit ayrup whirh I took with wonderful results, and. now. it ia the only remedy I ever use for eolda." Prioe 35c. a bottle; large family size 60c. at all dmggiats or dcnlera. Put'up only by The T. Milburn Co, Ltd, Toronto, Ont 'MILf -MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 6S7. tins. I. MALIN R.R. No. i, Banon St. Em. Hanihon. Obl I R. No. I. Ho "I have to work in the store "1 hp. J t and do my own housework too lit at v-v- and I got nervous and run- :ny third h :! down and was in bed nearly al! husband summer. The least noise would your mcJ.V-ie make me nervous. I was told to ) me three b. ; ,i take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegc-! had takin t . i table- Compound and I have to feel i. ctt -r taken seven bottles. It has j ing the wao'.-j made me stronger and put a healthy V ' more color into my face. I ct so pre d . along nicely now with my ' Lydia H. T work and with my four chil-! Comrx-ni'n: i' dren. I would like to answer mc. I t'jel v letters." Mt. J. Xfuin. HOTEL ARRIVALS ' . i r Pr&e. niilrt 1 ' i .J-S. ftoutfeit'f'- H. Martin. A Giger, E. T. Crihb. H. S. V tillers, W. II. Trotter, A. D. Me-Gillwray, ArUinr Skelhorne, C, , M. Buseanibe, F. J. Wrinch and D. C. Scoft. Vancauvt-r; V. A. Gourhry.-R: F. Davy, A. R. Bath and Mr. and Mrs. George Sever-, fdge, Victoria; E Ailistone, Halifax; W. H. r.iles, Winnipeg; H. W. Morry. Port ssington; Llrn. C. Raven, Lakelae; . Huntrr.. Terrace;. W. F. Binna. Balmoral j George Hefferman. nitht-rs, T,eorge Ringstad, Port Edward; HfpHWey rXankbte;. Mios H. Stringer, Toronto; F. E. Gijot. Stewart; D. M. Dimmick, New Westminster. Central 0. P. Johnson, Billmor Mills; P. B. Sutherland, A. Lassela and O. Hansen, city; Z. P. Game. C.N.R.,; John Ncb e. Tcro-to J. E. Beattie. Wir.r.i; j; , C. wus-combe, Vancouver. Royal J. Anderson, Seal Cove; N. Cil- bertaon, J, Wicks and II. Dnhl, city; E. Leek, C.N.R.; Jack Hanson Terrace; E. Cantello, Vancouver; J. J. liattie, M. McNewin and C. Rosen, Anyox. i Savoy John Garland, Kitsumkalum Lake; E. II. Taylor, Winnipeg; II. Jacobs, Port Edward; K. Bry-don, city; Mrs. J. Thompson, Cedarvaie; L. Froholm, Anyox. Our Special - Engagement Ring I We'd like to show you how good value this is. . I Fine white diamond set in j 13 K. gold in the newest terns. We buy the diamonds by 1 weight and we set them our- selves. We save you money I this w.'iy. ! John Bulger, Ltd. i THE JEWELLERS Mrs. i-r.r't i The sea la his f.ntne . . . the ocean lanes his strops . . . the ship his life ! bis Iot. H takes a !lor-: tug city along his tli-i thousand mile hi?.h-. t you would wilk sidewalk. A Can Captain : a tr.:J;ilM' the Seas. . . S-ii! Cur 3648-9), Or u.'iv ii.-iH, .. L ,u We. -ly 8ru- I CU!: Cabin, Tsuriit Tt. SBBBBSBKHLttk-A- w v Ulu Cart; f Cart.-ure.' vh- DistribisHu - 1 M-..r -r . Coal, San.! ! ' . Furnitiire M.n ; 1 av ns -.. ,1 . iiwiff . - 1 '4 4