PAGE EIGHT ICAWOIANJ PACIFIC 'viol'" Imperial Motors Ltd. , CALGARY and LETIIIiRIDGE ARE THE DISTRIBUTORS IN ALBERTA FOR CHRYSLER CARS AND FEDERAL MOTOR TRUCKS At all times we have on hand a large stock of parts that can be shipped to all Dealers or Distributors for CHRYSLER Cars, FEDERAL Trucks, or to any Service Garage needing parts for the above two products, or for any Chrysler product. 'c would prefer to ship from Calgary. Our largest stock of parts Js maintained here. This will save Dealers, Distributors and Garage men considerable time if they have not the part on hand, or cannot locate it in 'ieir particular community, rather than sending direct to the factory. Write to Mr. Thos. Bratby, Service Manager, or Mr. Ralph Eggen, Parts Manager. IMPERIAL MOTORS, LTD. CALGARY, ALBERTA t 5 !&N i 7S 8899 r The Old Man cays: . "I began work at fifteen Now I am retiring at sixty My pay averaged $1,500 I earned altogether $67,500 And I have $30,000 saved IT COST ME 6 A WEEK." Atk lor our bookltt, The hUaturt f JW Incomt." The Royal Basilt of Canada Prince Rupert Branch - F. E. Robertson, Manager lUi UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salllnct from I'rlni-i. Rupert tot VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Shannon Itay. Ilutnlalr. Alrrt IUT. tic. Tum-clujr, 3:30 p.m. lor V.M Ot:EK. VICTORIA. IIu(nl.tle. Alrrt lUr. etc.. Irlilay midnight lor ALICE ARM. ANVOX. STEWART. NAAS RU HR. Sunday. 8:00 p.m. lor PORT KIMI-MIX AM WALES ISLAND. Thurwlav. p.m. 13 8ml Avrnur II SI SMITH Atnit I'rlnrr Ituprrt. II. C. Tl rouuli tli lifts id to Victoria and srattlc .ami bajrtr rhrckrd through to drill nation. Ik I B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To KrtililUil, Wranirll. Jiint-au and Hkacway April JO, Mur I, llTo Vancouver, VIHiirla and Sralllf April II, 21. I' IIOYAI Orran lalln. rti.. Vaniwuvrr and Victoria nrrj Friday 10 p m. Anti lor all Mrnmshlp Linen, iv r mtni tun iiiivr Srd Ate . Prince Ruprrt. II.C. ' Phone SI Pan ad ian National Qjc Largcfl Kailway Syfletn in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailing Irom PRINCE Itl'PERT lor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. hEATTLH, and Intrrmedlatt point, each TliumUy and Kiimlii), 10:00 p.m. lor ANVOX and HTEWART. each Wednraday and Saturday. 4 MM) p.m. lor NORTH AND hOUTII Ql'LEN I'll AlfMil'l E lfUM.S. orluihll. r.lSMAOEII TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE HI PERT llaih MONDAY, W EDNEMIAV and NATURDAV at ll:a a.m. lor PRINCE OEORCE, EDMONTON. WINMPEO, all point Euttrru Canada. L'nllrd States. AOI'.NCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Tlilrd Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 2C0 SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET 3rd Avenue Phone 765 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. FINERECITAL BY ORCHESTRA Capitol nnd Westholme Musical (i roups Show Joint Versality, Assisting Artists Splendid An event of importance and pleasure for local music lovers was the concert in the Capitol Theatre last night by the com bined orchestras of the Capitol and Westholme Theatres under .he leadership of Jack de Jaus- serand, popular conductor of the Rupert Capitolians. There was a ivcll selected two and a half hour program which proved a thing of real delight to an appreciative .'.udience which filled practically jvery seat in the house. It was i notable get together of two musical organizations which, in lividually, have become much esteemed locally. It would be a jreat thing if all of the artists who participated could be retain id here and it is therefore very Jisappointing to hear that, owinji tp local theatre reorganization, nost of them may soon be leav ing. Though outstanding numbers on the program might be judges !)y individual taste, the stately Uchmaninoff Prelude, from the standpoint of selection and exe cution, might be considerd the most notable number. It was splendidly done although it did not meet with the response that wis its due. Lovers of really high lass music, however, were fully Appreciative. There were other numbers to illustrate the yersality of the articipatmg musicians. The pom-ous Suppe overture "Light Cav- ilry" which was used to open he program wfis one 6f these. Luiginl's delicate ballet suite "Egyptian" was another. Pader-ewski's rhythmical "Menuet" was h substitute item which was a happy choice. Boeehemi's "Men :ette " was a fine companion number for this. Among the descriptive num bers "A Clock Shop" was an out standing diversion with its entertaining effects. "In' a Chinese Temple Garden" and "Tea for Two" were other charming items in this category. Completih'g the orchestral pro-ram were Edouard Grieg's fine Triumphal March" and a firielj' arranged Scottish selection whicl appealed to many. The lattei number which completed the pro gram was disturbed by thought less ones who started to make for the exits as "Auld Lang Syne" was played. Supporting Numbers The vivacious "Bolero" and th "Tales of Hoffman" were happy selections for trio work by Jacl de ausserand, violin; Rill Beau mont, 'cello, and Ewart Lyne piano. Little eight year old Marie Balagno played two piano solos which earned an ovation frorr the audience. This little lady shows remarkable proficiency and holds a promise that succeed ing generations will not fail to carry on the musical talent of the noted Balagno family. Her father, Charles P. Balagno, might, be justly proud. Mrs. J. J. Muldoon was in excellent voice in two sets of vocal solos which rounded out the pro gram. Mrs. Muldoon is a popular local artist and she did not fail on this occasion. Her first ac companist was Charles Balagno, and in the latter numbers she was assisted with orchestral ob- : ligatos. Xylophone! duets by Fred Wells and Will Browne proved in keeping with the rest of the program and proved delightful to many, Musicians who took part in the orchestral program were: Jack de Jausserand, violinist and conductor. Frank, Williams nnd Prof. II A. Pryce, violins, i .-Dill-Beaumont,: 'cello. Ewart Lyne and Charles P. Balagno, pianos. Bob Greenfield, cornet. Fred Wells, xylophone and Will Browne, orchestral drums. NOT ON THE MENU Impatient Diner Hey, waiter, hey I All right, sir, but we shall have to send out for it. Punch. THE DAILY NEWS Monday, A "THE CRASH" A POWERFUL AND DRAMATIC RAILROAD PICTURE CAPITOLIANS ON THE STAGE ALL THIS WEEK Will Rcnier JUusical Presentations Between Shows Commencing with this evening's performance, the Capitolians will appear on the stage (between shows) each evening during the week and It is expected that this change of policy will be greatly appreciated by local music lovers, tonight the Capitolians will play: (a) Selection of Old Knglish Airs. (b) Paderewski's Menuet. FUNERAL SERVICE HELD SATURDAY LAte 13.' h. 01ome Laid to Ket unaer uepicet 01 in Die i Students Association Many friends attended the chapel of Ifee B. C. Undertakers at 3:30 Saturday afternoon to pay their final tributes of respect to the memory of the late Edmund George Osborne, pioneer resident of Prince Rupert, whose death oc curred last week. The service was under the auspices of the International Bible students Association and the speaker was E. E. Yaker. A. J. Lancaster presided at the organ and hymns were i 'Sun of My Life" and ".Nearer, My God, to .'nee." Deceased was laid to rest ' .longside his, son, who was killed ast summer. After the service interment took Jace in Pajrview ,cem3tery with Fred Cameron officiating at the rraveside. Pallbearers were David McKenzle, Benjamin Johnson. Henry Smith, Duncan McKenxie, J. Anderson and William Ruther ford. There were no floral offerings by request. Ladies' Silk Hosiery We have purchased a big clear ng line of Ladles' Silk Ktocking .t 30c on the dollar. They are alutd at 7"c a pair. Tliem nre tow on sale at S pis. for $1.00 Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE Public Notice Public notice is hereby given that I have been appointed a commissioner by the Minister of Marine and Fisheries of Canada to investigate and report upon whether or not it is in the pdblic Interest that trap nets for the capture of salmon should be authoriied in the area In British Columbia that is adjacent to the northern boundary line between Canada and the United States. A meeting of the commission will be held at Prince Rtipert oji Thursday, the 18th day of Attrfl next, at the Moose Hall, commencing at 10 o'clock in the morning. All persons interested and who wish to give evidence relating to the matter so re. ferred to roe are hereby notified of the above sitting. Dated this 4th day of April, im. (Signed) J. N. ELLIS, (88) Commissioner, Milton Sills Excels in Picture That (ilorifies Unsung Heroes of the Railroad; Thrilling Fight Scene; Thelma Todd Co-stnrrcd i All the power, the pathos and the dramatic events that have! made railroad operation in out of, the way places one of the most col orful episodes in the progress of this country, is Vividly depicted in the feature offering tonight and Tuesday at the Capitol. The picture is Milton Sills' latest starring vehicle for First National, "The Crash," and it is by far the best picture in which this virile star has appeared for a long time. As the "hard-boiled" leader of a tough wrecking crew, stationed in the High Sierra mountains, Sills lends a portrayal that compares with the season's best. The picture was adapted from Frank L". Packard's magatine staty. "The Wrecking Boss," and tells how the soubrette of a struggling burlesque troupe marries and tries to make a home for the boss of the wrecking crew. They have nothing in common except their love for each other. The girl has been used to the free and easy ways of the traveling show. The mn knows nothing of women except what he learned as a boy. A wonderful situation and every advantage of it has been taken in the unfolding. In one of the most thrilling scenes in the picture, Sills fights with William Demarest and two of the "heavy's" gang. The fight is probably the most thrilling and realistic scene since the never-to-be forgotten fight between Sills and Noah Berry in 'The Spoilers." Thelma Todd as the show girl; is perfect. i SPRING Specials Wtth Your While to Stock Up for the Summer Season ' WBARS SOAP AND 1 PRESERVING KETTLE $1.60 PELS NAPTIIA SOAP Pkg. 75c P. G. KAPTHA SOAP , 19 bars $1.00 PEARL NAPTIIA SOAP 19 bars $1.00 KLONDYKE SOAP 8 bars 96c ROYAL CROWN SOAP 18 bars $1.00 R. C. WASHING POWDER 3 pkgs 66c PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES 3 pkgs 66c RECK PITS BLUE 1 pkgs. 26c COMBINATION SOAP DEAL 3 pkgs. Lux, 2 pkgs. Rinao, 2 tins Gem Lye, 3 cakes P. O. Soap, all for $1.00 Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited ! 17-123 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. O. Box 575. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. Representative for MILLEIt COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can muke prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closing prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. G10 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert, &C. Try n Daily News WANT-AD. ON THE STAGE ! THE RUPERT I ! CAPITOLIANS I Jack de Jauserand, con- I ! du tor. in a Special j I Musical Presentation. I iM mmn m. Special l.Recl Color Classic "KING OF SPORTS" COMEDY PATHE NEWS Two Shows, 7 and 9 p.m. Adini 'sion. 50c and 15c Canadian National Steamshins Prince Rupert YDOCK AM. SMPYARI rpertiv (, .'!. iii.000 Ton Motiliiig Orv i tttijMr Arhlmt. Hnilerr.iHk-r. Hl$rki:iir i AtSftvrt. Founders, Woodworkers, Uc m.ATHW AMI M KTYIKNP. WKI.IMN. Kir Utuw l equipped W iahdl till kind of ' UA 111 KII AND COMMERCIAL WOHK PHONES 43 nnd m VH17 TP A MQCT 7ft PHONE 580 NKW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Mine Head Alberta Lump si Mine Head Alberta Sootlcss .Large Kgu 1 Mine Head Sootlcss EjjgS si 1 I'embina Peerless Egg v. si. Alio all other classes of coal. DRY KIRCH, JACKIUNE AND CEDAR Single load ...... , s: .' Double load S " Large sack 1 Box wood cuttings, large load . . . Piano and Furniture Moving. Express and Baggie Day and Night Service J3j Second A" 1 Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Resn' s.