mm PAGE BIX THE' DAILY NEWS Monday, Aptll r NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. yet uncertain. SMITIIERS The Catholic Women's League held Its monthly bridge and whist party on Monday night, the affair being a financial sue' Charles Morris. The city council is considering replacing the wire-wrapped wood-,en pipes of the city water mains with some other sort of pipe. The week, having Hazslton. motored up So great has the canine nuls-.freight train In his capacity as a ance become here that Smithers railway brakeman merchants are making determined efforts to keep dogs out of their stores. More moderate weather conditions have prevailed here during the past week. Last week-end the thermometer went as low as 8 below zero here. Smithers Assembly, Native Sons of Canada, has elected of ficers for the year as follows: president, James P. Downey; first vice-president, A. C. Fowler; second vce-president, E. C. Dawson; sergeant at arms, S. F. Campbell; chaplain, Charles A. Bowland; secretary, II. G. Windt; inner guard, J. II. Birnie; outer guard, Angus Kerr; historian, D. A. McRae. S. S. Phillips of the department ' of agriculture has informed the Smithers Board of Trade that there is a bright outlook for. a big market in Van couver for turnips grown in the TERRACE Mrs. I. Martin and two sons who have spent the past week with friends here while enroute from Queen Charlotte City to their new home In Smithers, left for the interior on Saturday. Mrs. Donovan who has been the guest of Mrs. H. L. McKen ney for the past two weeks left for her home In Hansard, near Giseome on Saturday. Canon Marsh, Rev. A. W. Rob Inson und Rev. Win. Allan left on Saturday to take part In the official opening of the Marsh Memorial Community Church at Usk T. B. Marsh returned on Saturday after spending several days Jn I'rince Rupert with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Farquhar. Mrs. II. C. Creelman was a Bulkley Valley as a result of a (passenger on Saturday's train en- , trial shipment' which' was madejroute to her home In Topley af- last year. Iter a visit to her sister, Mrs. E. i Hunter of Terrace, who is a pa- J. K. Aida is making a twenty-jtlent in the Prince Rupert Hos-room enlargement to his room- pital following an operation Ing house on Broadway. I some weeks ago( for appendicitis. HPJ.tV.r'f ' - . "' MrsY Hunter Ts now convalescing Thcommittee having the mat- but will not be able to return '.;ier In-!'hand ha, recommended home for some weeks yet w that the Smithed "and District, : L Board of Trade purchase a suit- D Judson returned on &t. -Li r . ." r urday a tr5 to Pnce establish mi a local i airport. Rupert. '. Ellen-Champion returned ' t:t . attliers at the first M' the' .L" ", 7' " -Sfi, , , . , syiereu on oaiuroay auernoon egaTter having spent week a in uBn nHio mi., t ,l?rlnce,. Rupert as the guest of j..vt. , Mr; tm i J. t tr ti . t i .' .ftvov unquiet yi .nr. anu and Mrs. W. kilpatrick. .llTy Geo. Littl; celebrate her seventh birthdaand all enjoyed PIHVPP nvnnnv 1 KliSCti UhUKliL r a merry roundf games under Aid. Moffatt continues to make the supervision of Miss Davis progress at Ihe Mayo Clinic in Ro- and Miss Reid. On being called Chester, Minn., where he is re-'to the dining room they found celvlng treatment. The date of April showers, in the form of ma iciuiii mj 1IIUI.C uruusc la aainiuie streamers tailing irom a large watering can and fastened to a pretty little favor at each place. Refreshments were much enjoyed. Wm. Smith relllrniul nn Clu.. wooden pipe In certain sections of, day from Prince Rupert to hi the elty Is subject to chemical at-i home on -Jii Un'.), - tacks. ' Mr. and Mrs. BrowotsVr and meeting last Thursday night In the (?ra',y rented the ranch of Oddfellows hall . j Cole and expect to jnove ' ' w U within a few da RMTTlfPRS T- n numoer oi inenas paia ajon Saturday after spending surprise visit last Tuesday night on Rev. L. J. Hales, local Anglican rector, and his mother. A happy evening was spent by all. R. E. Allen, district forester, was a recent visitor here, going over the district with A. G. Wad-(1 Ing ton, the- new fire Inspector. Mrs. J. Olavring will move shortly to Edmonton, where she will join Mr. Clavring, who is now in the service the Canadian National Railways there. School basketball teams are con-tlnuihg their activities here until weather permits of outdoor sports. v With a surplus of supply of hundreds of cords of wood on hand for the power plant, 10 wood cutters have been laid off at the Duthlo mine There Is sufficient wood on hand to last until next spring. William Sweeney and Alex Ritchie have returned to the Harvey mine, which Is under develop ment 4y the Consolidated Mining e o . i . I . - ',, - a omening aj., auer spenaing a holiday in town. W. S. Harris and R. S. Sar- geant were visitors in town last few days around town. J. Hoar of Usk and nartv of mining men left on Saturday morning for the Kalum Lake mining district Several trips have been made 1L. A 1 me iai wee oy motor over the Kalum Like road, but x all who attempt It report the rbad In very bad condition and travelling done with difficulty and 1 Altai rf 4lma " vnn VI time W. A. King had a valuable milch cow killed on the ON.R track on Friday. .miss Karuara Sherwood accompanied her friend Miss Joyce Cole as far as Doreen on Satur day and spent the week-end with dit. iiorwen. Mrs. A. Olson and daughter Agnes, left on Saturday to spefid me week-end in Uek where "Mr. Olson is at present working. Mrs. Chas. Raven was In from Laxelse Hatchery at" the week end. The Canadian Legion celebra ted the dnnlversary of the Vlmy tuuge victory pn rriaay night with a dance in their hall here. While not largely attended it proved to be an enjoyable MERRACE PARENTS from 1 CMf AND A f C CDIDTC 4 . juncuunnujL. ui uiwu AND GAMES AT SCHOOL .. . .. PIONEERS OF TERRACE LEAVE Mr. and Mrs. Cole1 and Children Co to Calgary Party For ' Miss Cole Sidney Robinson has been con- TERRACE, April 15: Mr. and Provided by Parent-on Efl'Pt suffering from cuts and bruises fof Cagary where cess. Prize winners at bridge which h.e sustained while crank- " , " " " ,they intend to reside in future, 1 ''s 1'or were Mrs. J. II. Rife, Mrs. Wil-jinga car which was in gear. , dP Mr. Cole was one of the pioneer liam Grant, C. L. Dimock and hporis uay residents of this district, coming Norman Kilpatrick and at whist Clarence Foster has been receiv- ". '" to Kitselas in 1911 in the Meth- Mrs. Pike, Mrs. I. A. Bahler, I surgical attentiom following a iMtUAU April At the odIgt Ma,on work The folIow. James A. Macdonald and Mrs.:"" painful accident when his, monthly meeting, of the Parent ,n . he took ,ahd ,n the hand became canght in a drawbari leacner Association neiu on Terrace district and except for wniie e was coupling cars on a : ... u. ... " severai years spent overseas la 11, the athletic committee waa during the h resided here I..,.. i .1 . . U l" ' s(nce time uaseoan equipment auu vo usk the trustees to build a locker in the basement of the school to Ul.l It ! i He was married while overseas, Mrs. Cole being the first war bride to come to Terrace. They have many friends "um u" ' - here who regret their departure for more organization In- range d wJsh them weH , thelr the care of the equipment. MW home Appreciation of the work done jjits Joyce Cole was guest of by,A. Holmwood and H. King, in homt at a children's party given the erectjon of the giant strides, on prjday evening at the home was voiced. of Mn and Mrg E T Kenney, The holding of a school sports day was further discussed and a committee composed of G. H. Dyson and II. King appointed to arrange a date and make out a program of sports, other details to be arranged at the May meeting. ': Following the business meeting Harry King gave a very interesting and detailed description of the operations of the Consoli dated Mining and Smelting Company's plant at Trail, with which he was connected for a number of years before coming to Terrace. His audience showed much interest in his talk which was followed by the answering of a number of questions and a general discussion of the matter. when about a dozen of her school ehums were invited to spend a social evening with her before she Jeft on Saturday for Calgary. Bhe was presented with a number of gifts in token of their regard for her. Games and contests were staged Miss Margaret Cook, being the prize-winner in the contest. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Kenney. Miss Pillsbury and Miss Wright assisted In the evening's ' FELL FROM BOOM VICTORIA, April 15: Hugh Pedneault was drowned Saturday night when he fell from boom logs. The body was recovered in five or six minutes. A FEW FACTS ABOUT PRINCE RUPERT " Prince Rupert is: , , The terminus of the Canadian National Railway. '' '' ' The Central administrative point for the whole of central' and northern British Columbia. ,. .. The nearest point in British Columbia to the Orient.' i The centre of the halibut and walmon fishing business. The centre of an extensive mining and lumbering district. I'rince Rupert has: One of the finest harbors in the world. The largest fresh halibut business in the world. The largest fish cold storage plant in the world. A large, strictly modern drydock and shipbuilding plant. A grain elevator leased to the Alberta Wheat Pool with capacity of 1,250,000 bushels. A large, modern ocean dock. A new modern lumber mill, planing and shingle mills and box factory with capacity output of 60,000 board feet daily. Fish reduction plant. A new mill at Porpoise Harbor and another building alongside it seven miles from the city. Railway shops employing about 75 men. , Several ship sheds for building and repairing Htnall craft. Provincial government district offices ad court house. Dominion government fisheries, customs, find other offices. ffi-f; Marine, department central station. Dominion government wireless station. Canadian National district offices. Dominion fisheries experimental station. t IL C. Packers district offices. Consolidated Mining & Smelting district assay office. Several docks and wharves used by coantlng vessels. Number of fish house.4 doing an export business. About twenty salmon canneries in the neighborhood. Sceral fishery supply and shipchandlery establishments. Several wholesale houses doing u large business in the district. Fine modern retail stores. , Good steamship services to Alaska and soutlntojOancouycr ...... . . . .. 1 .i i iTf?j-. and Victoria anu west to tne ijueen unariimeisrunu.n Three large oil and gasoline distribution stations. ' Good hotels and restaurants. Prince Rupert has: , Modern high school with first year university classes.; Four public schools with over thirty teachers. Seven churches representing the most Important demonina-Hons. . ) j - Paved streets and concrete sidewalks n the business section, Well kept gardens and pretty residences Number of clubs and fraternal organizations. Prince Rupert has: r;,j" " No severe cold in winter. N j 7 i No extreme hent in uummer. . - No mosqultos or other insect pests., fe' . Great opportunities for boating, fishlrigj and Shunting, Fewer climatic or other disadvantages than most places in CanaJn. i The harbor never freezes. - .s. IIS .4 2nd of SVrirt Th? fro 2 purpose of a Budget EVBRV year you spend n large proportion of the money you get. So mueh for clothing. So much for shoes. So much for. things to eat for house furnishings, bools and wha! not. Here Is the way to get the most for your monwyv Keep a budget. Decide what you can afford to sjttnd for each item, and hold yourself within this amount. Then to get the most for your budget money road adver-tirements carefully. The advertisements you read tell you what is newest ami best. They give you the latek tdeas and Improvements. They help you to get mre from eath dollar you have apportioned In jour budget tfd's live better ami dress better with the same income. The.truepurpose of a budget Is to eoable yju to spend wisely a in 1 oaly by careful reading of adv'rtfcfjpij()Hn you hope to aeemnpllih this result. ' Read a'dvertisinu regularly. It poiiits-tlie way to hotter living. j iAJ EXTRACTS FROM VICKERS' DIARY 1752 Judgtt of food liquor In many landt hail echoed tht opinion 0 1 hit Old Entllih chant. Far uill , travel to find tquat of this celltnt Cin, bier l-S-'i you Zflfi the SSSjmA "Brother John who doth travel the road hath writ mc that a Mer chant in the service of Mr.Josiah Billings. Ship's Chandler of great rcnownc in Liverpool, nath bestowed high praise upon the quality, flavour and strength of Vickers' London Dry Gia Many cases have been contracted for, to be billed to agents abroad good tidings." ICKERS FINEST LONDON DRY GrIN ESTAM.1SHE0 tr JOSEPH & JOHN VICKERS fir CO.. LiJ. LONDON IJ5Q ENCLAND This advertisement. Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Govern'' "i uriiiin liOiumuia. a If. your News does not arrive before 6 o'clock Phone