Wednesday, December 11, 1929 Christmas l'ardley's Lavender Sets Manicure Rolls Chocolates Furdy's Ori?-Inal and Moir's. Kodaks From the Brownies to the Cine Kodak. rascall's Novelties In Chocolate. fountain Pens and Pencils. ALL MERCHANDISE OF BEST QUALITY AND AT A REASONABLE PRICE Qrmes Im Jic Pioneer THIRD AVE. & SIXTH ST. - UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Railings From Prince It u pert lot VANOLKK. VICTORIA, Sttanaon Uar. ButfdaJe. Alert liar. etc. Tuesday, 1 :30 p.m. ar VANt'Ot'J KK. VICTOMt. liutedalc. Aim Kay. ele . frl4a inldnlthl t-t ALICE ARM. ANYOX. 8TCWAKT, Naa. Rlier. r6rt Mmpion. sun- da;. 80 p.m. WSnil Aienue M SMITH Affnt ITince Hupert. B.C. It rough (trkrts sold to Victoria and heattlti .and bactaie checked tsrainh to destination. . UCAMOiAKf 'PiPiriP4 B. C. Coast Steamship Services SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Dec. 14, 28. To Vancouver, Victoria. Seattle Dec. 18. Jan. 1. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. : Agents ror C Orchard, General Ajent, 3rd Ranadian Q7jc Largcft Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TWAIN SERVICE iJaHincs from PRINCE RUrERT for VANCOUVER, VIC-T0K1A, SEATTLE, and Intermediate points, each Thursdar and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. Fur ANYOX, each Wcdnesda- at 1 p.m. For STEWART each Wednesday. 4 pjn and Saturday. 8 pjn. For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnichtly. ttjevtnnfff WW fy tf.Mim TKAIV XbAVBVrVnC'E Rl'rEttT''' -JltlMHV E1IMI)IV and KATt'KllAV ut 1I:S ain. tat I'ltlVCC h'-OHUt. EDMOMOX, MINMI'Mi. all point Kaotern Canaifa. I nlted Hair. AIIENCV ALL nTCAMsitir LlVTS City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Prime Rupert Phone 260 CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Gifts DRYDOCK Dalcrose Toilet Soap and Toilet Sets' from ' EnfciHrid.; (Ke',;,Faell; 'Totiet , Hats," Christmas Cards, Paper "Tags, Seals, Dressings for "parcels and Christmas trees. Baby Toilet Sets, Fancy Stationery, Military Brush Sets. Druoaists TELEPHONFS 8? 1,200 AU Meamsblp Lines Ave., Prince Rupert, Phone 31 National Rupert AND SHIPYARD OI'EKATINU fl. T. V. 20.000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Uoilermakers HIarksmllhs, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked BHIy'Bjr' Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE HUTEItT, H C. . I have soincthintr you want: you Iiavc something; 1 n 0 SPUfirlSlllQrJhrouch .thcclassilieci -nns. Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Rig 4 Taxi, tf Dentist, Dr. J. R. Gosse, Phone C86. Local noise j minimised If 1 the Brunswick Radio. 'Ilea? It Before you buy. MacLaren's Music House - L ..r t W. A. Found, .deputy minister of fisheries is expected to be in the "ity Friday and Saturday when he will meet anyone wishing 'to sen him in connection with the fisheries. Mrs. D. Volt of Butcdale, who ha. been visiting at Barrett Rock 'Whthouse with Mrs. J. Milton, will all by the Princess Mary Friday "vening on her return to THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE A. D. Balllie, engineer at the I - ,, n. Ih. rHn ri, Rupert Marine Product plant at!. ffZAmU H Pwin sal Tucks Inlet, and Mrs. Balllie win yif "eth Mnrf mi-be leaving next week to spend the,c?W1'1.2?verir Christmas and New Year 'holiday l0' Tpfrihftan season at Vancouver ' couver and nn other points In th tne south. About twenty-five members of! ' . ,,,,.,, Jari .,,. of tho the rwp ON. the organization were in attend-'W'irid ance at the regular monthly meet-.tlcket ?'"P te,L faliS- S ing last night of the Prince Ru- w "tehLon, rM?n Min-the pert Retail Clerks' Association in!for Vancouver en City Hall. President Fred neaoolls where he will spend e a Hardv was m the chair. Business ; vacatlon- . was largely of a routine nature. Nominations for 1930 officers of!M"M "JS.,1!! the Gyro Club were received at itru limine mnnthiv i., cheon of the club In the Commo- aore care today. The election of TB &J&2L3i:- weeluuler The inlon be followed bv an informal rtnnr. ' at. which the district governor from ".IVr- aTh Xn DJfl Emission, Adults 50c, chll-the Tacoma and several members of 5 Vancouver and Victoria clubs tu'en a8c- have fallen on Christmas lir1VTJlM.S5tlat 3:20 omiS to the a rest President Joe Greer presided at on the Prmce Rupert for Vancou - dence ot 3 A Mathetaon. m 600 todav'a lunnhoon , ver where he wul spend, the Tommion Torrnnon Strict, Street, where where the there wa was Co nstmas luggesfioiiss CLARK'S MINCEMEAT S1.G0 5-lb. palts j CLARK'S MINCiMEAT 50c Jars, 21-oz. SMPRE8S MIN OEM EAT 75c 4-lb. tins I BULK MINCEM Per lb. 20 c CALIFORNIA SOFT SHELL 35c ALMONDS Per lb CALIFORNIA SOFT SHELL AL- MONQ6 S1.00 3 lbs SOFT SHELL WALNUTS 75c 2 lba. for MANCHURIAN WALNUTS 50c 3 lbs. for FRESH ROA8TSD PEANUTS 4 lbs. for 50c MIXED Kr lb NUTS 25C Headquarters for XmassS$. Avenue Toys and Xinas Stockings : Thursdajr. December 12. FRESH FltUIT AND VEGBTABLES ARRIVING EVERY BOAT Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited -417-123 5th Avenue East PHONE 18 AND 81 P. O. Box 575 SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDKIl Cuttinj;, Workmanship and StyW All Guam nt ted SUITS STRAM CLEANED AN I, PRESSED tYo Deliver to Any Part of tlir City. Ling, the Tailor Phone K49 BSC T7ir j Wit nmunm Dr Alexander PIIONC MS ItF.HVEK lll(CK DENTIST FcHILLSfS ffttw a a sis IV- l"lt"CW HtAUAUltrtVEK Jahe LAXPYRIN timet? Aqt now before a terat cold, flu, pneumonia get' a deadly grip on you. Eaipyrin destroys cold germi, reduces and eliminates ferer, relieTea headache and regulatea the bowel. At aU drug stores. iia3 TrR fal'lr"? over the line at wm""' ' T" wr. ruction we in veiraoniu r,r" between here and the out-!clty a,uc T. II. JobnsTwln show moving ,um of hUr recent tout .of F"rooe in Flrat Presbyterian lOhrMmei pnd New Year holiday .season at his home. C. N. R. steamer Princ Rupert. Cap. D. rvjnald. ajrlved in oort at 11:30 this morning from Vancouver. Powell RJver and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock. this afternoon lor Anyox and Stewart, whence she will return here southbound tomorrow evening. THE PAIN OF RHEUWATISIVll :'ru)ttivM,'Ra.Himof Trouble of .Long Standing A saffmr from rbeumatism for rears, Mr S. Floyd, Nanairoo, B.C, turned to "Fruit-a-tivea". He writes: 1 "In (boci whiU I W nlitL 'FrunWrm1 Do .you have the terrible (gobbing paint of rheumatism cant work, cant deep, torture all the time? "Fruit-a-tives" will tive you relief just at it has helped thousands of others. No more pain for the rest of your days! Get a box to-day. Sold at all drugfisU. ANNOUNCEMENTS Flks' Christinas Cheer Fund dance Wednesday December 11 IV'dSKK Moose wbist drive and dance Friday,- Dseetaber 13. See the Chrtatrnas Pagen't "Bymcers Of OlfU" AngBcan Cathedral Hall. December 16 at 3 pm. Baptist Christmas Tree, December 30. Canadian Legion Christmas Tree December at. Moose Christinas Tree, December 2a. Ladies' Auxiliary St. Andrew's Society Hogmanay dance December 31, Moose Hall. Moose Charity Ball January 10. , H.W JKi-M-raw m if i imf i y pans Don't Suffer ! Ke Clothed F6r the Cold Weather GET WHAT YOU WANT AT THE MONTREAL . IMPORTERS They brought Montreal prices to Prince Rupert. They have a great selectiona bigger stock than ever to choose from. BBS Nothing over $1 at Ideal Gift snop, Tnira Ave, next Ireland the Optician. (293) H. S. Parker left on today's train for a business trip to Smlth-ers and other interior points. Dr. J. P. Cade returned to the city "oh ' the Prince Rupert . thU morning--from a"twtt"week's"trtp to Vancouver. . . . (, Evervbodr be in good trim for the Elks' dance tonight at the Elks' Home. Punch, hot music and what have you. The Ladles Music Club meeting wax postponed owing to the pipes in the Cathedral Hall being frozen and no heat available. A Chlsholm of the Digby Island i wireless station stair sailed yes-i terday afternoon on the Catala for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs F. W. Allen, who has been visiting for the past six weeks in Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. Mr. and Mrs. George O. Bushby returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a two weeks' trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Malor C. B. North, well known northern mining man, Is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert toaay oouna irom Vancouver tf Stewart. F. D. Mathers arrived in the on Prlnce Rupert this morning from Vancouver. He will oe here Tor a few days on B. C. racjeers ousiness. Sergeant and Mrs. Alex McNeill returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning after, having maae a inp to Vancouver recently escorting a party of prisoners. The tire department hart call a cnlmney fire. No damage was aone ContfaWe Andrew Grant of the citv detachment of the provincial police will sail tomorrow night on the Prince Ruoert for Vancouver with a party of prisoners In his cnr.rge. H. L. Taylor, provincial eoverh- ment electrical inspector Jiafled n "enseal ine neaa. nng-yeeterdav afternoon by ,iettS2(ti 1 n5 a and Ml a8.wa.,he custom 1 a. a 1 . ' 1 . I . i it. on his return sonth aftl 0 lie i-iW . H. w. M. Roltori;; broki?! ahd newsoawr pub'lsher of Stewart. Is a nawenger aboard the Prince .Ru-PK today returnine noilh after a twn ri-8' trip tr) Vancouver ana victoria. Mrs Emblton and ucb,ttd .axe nanP"r8 aboard thelPrlnca. Ru-. :a retummOb. pSmler after a rip south. Mft.'EmfcJetoa a saicr 01 u. u. rui,. -general manaver of the Premfpr rtni,! Mining Co. Mrs. Walter Longwill and child and Mls Beatrice Marshall, who have been visiting for several iontrrs in Ontario, returned to the "ity on the Prince Rupert this morning, having travelled west via Vancouver. Rev. and Mrs, W. B. Jennings -ailed y-sterdav afternoon on the atala for Vancouver en route to their homes ln Ontario where they will visit during the Christmas and New Year holiday season, returning to the city ln February. Leslie J. Martin of the Home Oil Distributors ltd. arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this nornlng from Vancouver and will be here for the next few days on ompany business before proceeding to Princ! George and other Interior points. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel 120 Rooms Rooms 50c and up SWANSON and BESNER Proprietors Central Bert Johnson. Stewart. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water ln all rooms A. J. PRUDHOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy S. E. Raymer, Vancouver; N. Brew, Haysport: Mrs. D. Volk. Butedale: Mrs. Milton. Barrett HOOK. 4' r SCALE OF 'CHARGES' '4-1 The following is the scale of charges made for reading notices: Birth Notices 60c Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Notices $1, Funeral Flowers 10c per name. Marriage and Engagement announcement S2, 4 - 4 'Anniversary of Mission Work at Indian Village FUie-W v Jtell. n In. t. j. L cated With Appropriate Ceremony , , ;j y KITZEGUCLA, Dec. 11: large concrepatton gathered In Kltze-gucla church on Sunday, December 2. for the celebration of the forty-fifth anniversary of the starting of mission work at that village. Invitations were sent to the Eo-worth Iiairues at Klsolox and to th Church Army at Hazelton and Kitwangan. Rev. w. H. Pierce or Fort Es sington who was their first mis sionary, was invited for tnat occasion, also Rev. T. H. Wright B.A. of the United Chnreh at Hazelton. When the train pulled Into thei station at Ekeena crossing about 5:30 Sunday morning, to the surprise of all a stringed orchestra was there waiting to welcome Mr. Pierce and those visitors who had come from Kltwangah. A procession was formed and headed by the band, all walked to the village where each one received his billet n different homes, while Mr. Pierce wa taken to the Mission Houce. There were three services held on that day. and at each fervlc the church was filled to caoaclty. Rome whites from a pole camo about five miles awav. walked that. d'tance through the mud to1 Do present. At tne morning and nvrdpj service. Mr. PJerce spoke both in English and the native tongue. In the afternoon, the Church Armv .took, entire charge, the ipeaVer being .James Ryan. In th afternoon on the follow-'n day the new church bell was dediratM. Rev. T. H. Wrtaht BA. of HazeHoh, arrived In time for the service. The women, who a Vw years ago forrned themselves Into a "Women's Christian Union " wri with untiring efforts until sufficient funds were on hand to purchase a bell. The weight, of the hell Is 1S50 pounds and the cost $200.87. This was the first bell to be dedicated on the Skecna River. At 2 o'clock, the old church bell was rung and everybody gathered outside the church. Then came along 81"P..u,e. the W.C.U. w u u ..ln In Proces5lon- procession. w hen i the i np miDiiinn million tit-eef first bearan. nstran 1 thin mi hovtne to the vonn peonle the progress made, and the difference between then and now. Before entering the church, the entire con gregation united ln singing "Near r Mv God to Thee," and Mr. wriunt offered tne dedication pray -r Then the new belt began to neai which wis a Joyful sound to ail present. At the service inside the church, Mr. Ede, missionary teacher, occu--vd th? chair. Mr. Wright gave a very appropriate address, and the -hurch choir delighted the audience with the singing of the "Halleluiah Chorus." The organist -'as Jonathon Russel, Kitzegucla native. At the close ot the service, all -epalred to the hall where a good -upper had been provided for everybody by the young people. In the centre was a special table set apart for the whites. The lost of the program was a magic lantern entertainment given after the supper. Mr. Ede operated the slides, and Rev. T. II. Wright explained the pictures. Thus endxl a most pleasing and profitable two lay3 Christian gathering at Kitiegucla. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy. resident mining engineer for this district with headquarters here, returned o tne city on the Prince Rupert rSlJlSnr? Ings of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. -Tills is the RIGHT TIME 10 Bl YouH iave a lot of trouble and expense later if you. have your car properly equipped now. Look to yonr tires first No time like the present to buv a at nf these sturdy long-wear, ing tires. Each the best a; uie price. (DOMINION ROYAL CtfRDl AND ROYAL MASTERS S. E. Parker, Ltd. FORI) DEALERS Tlilnl Avenue Thonc 83 STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courteiy S. D. Johnston Co.) Bay view. 2, 2 V?. Big Missouri, 64, 68. Cork Province, 4, 5. Cotton Belt. Nil, 30. Dunwell, 5, Nil. Duthle Mines, 42. 43. owiBB Copper, 2J50. 2.80. Georgia River, 15, 16. tfoicpnda, 78. eo. Grandvlcw, 15, J5Vi. Independence, 3, Nil. Indian. Nil. 5. Inter. Coal it Coke, 25 "4, 27. Kootenay Florence. IV?, o Kootenay K'ng, 5V? 64. L. & L.. ' Nil. Lakevlew. Nit, 1. Leadsmlth. Nil. 1. Mohawk. 2, 2&. larmot Klver Gold, 20, 25. Marmot Metals, 1, 2Vi. National Silver. 7 V4, 10. Noble Five, 442, 45. Oregon- Copper, 11, 12. Pend Oreille. 2.50. 2.65. Premier. 1.61, 1.65. Porter-Idaho, 27, 30. Reeves Macdonald. 1.20, 152. Rufus-Argenta, 9V4, 10. Ruth-Hope, 21, 22. Silver Crest, 5ft. 62. Silverado, 35, Nil. Runloch, Nil, 1.10. Terminus, 2, Nil. Topley Richfield, 42, 6. Toric, Nil, 1.00. Whitewater, Nil, 25. Woodbine. 2V, 3. Bluebird, 5, 5. Falconbrldge, 555, 5.60. Hudson Bay. 9.00, 955. International Nl1"! 32.00, 32.25. Noranda. 34.65, 35.00. Sherrltt Oordon. 250. 2.95. Sudbury Basin. 3.70, 3.75. Tecfc Hughes, 5.05, 5.10. Imperial Oil. 2855. 28.75. Ventures. 255, 255.r Mining Corp., 3.05, 3,10. Oils A. P. Consolidated, 155, 157. Calmont, 1.06. 1.07. Dalhousie, 1.60, 1.65. Fabyan Pete. 6, 7. Home Oil, 850. 8.90. Hargal, 96, 1.00. Freehold. 60. 65. United, 70, 73. Sterling Pacific, 1.15, 1.17. Merland, 1.09, 1.10. Mercury, 66. 68. Dallas, 12, ND.. Capt. L. A. Demers. chief wreck commissioner for Canada with headquarters In Ottawa, arrived ln the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Victoria, where he fpent the past week or so conducting the Investigation into the receni collision of the steamers Princess Louise and Princess Marguerite in the Gulf of Georgia, and proceeded east by train. Mail Schedule For the East Mons.. Weds.. Si Sats. 10:30 ajn. From the East Suns., Tues. it Thurs. 3:30 pjn. For Vancouver Sundays ....9 pjn. Tuesdays .1 12:30 pjn. Thursdays 9 pjn. Fridays .u pjn. C.P.R., Dec. 18 ...4 pjn. From Vancouver-Sundays 4 pjn. Wednesdays 10:30 ajn. Fridays ....pjn. Saturdays 10:30 a.m. Dec. 14 and 28 ajn. For Stewart and Premier-Sundays 7 pjn. Wednesdays J pjn. Saturdays 3 pjn. rrom Stewart and Premier Tuesdays 11:30 ajn. Thursdays , 8 p.m. Sundays 8 pjn. For Anyox and Alice Arm-Wednesdays '...!"!"jxZZ!b pS Anyox and Alice 'Arm - - "j vv a a aa a -i 1 - Tuesdays 11:30 a m Thursdays 8 pjn. To Xaas River and Port Simpson Sundays 7 pjn. From Naas River, Port Simpson-Tuesdays 11:30 ajn. To Queen Charlotte Islands-Dec. 7 and 21 9 pjn. iFrom Queen Charlotte Islands Dec. s and 19 ajn To Alaska Points Dc. 14 and 28 ajn. From Alaska Points-Dec. 18 pjn. AJ.EdgeCo. Northern British Co-lunibia's Largest Paint, Glass and Wallpaper Supply House Clearance Sale . of Wallpaper TOTAL STOCK OFFERED AT 25 per cent Discount