lesday, October 15, 1029 m CORN Jchovs' The!G&nadian t' housewjfe appreciates the :i genuine, and always insists on Kellogg's the original Corn Flakes . . . because Kellogg' s have a crispness Stnd flavor that can't be copied. CORN FLAKES Ar DUiout for breakcut, lunch or (A 9 V Tun 2 meal SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 1 :l L. T. FIVER'S FACE POWDER Assorted odors and shades. Formerly $1.00, now 60c. Oriaies lid yw Pioneer Drttteisla THIRD AVE. & SIXTH ST TLLEPHONFS v200 TjmOTTSTEAMSlIIPS LIMITED Halllnc liuin I'rlnrc Kui:ert lor VANCOlMlt. VII TOKIA. !ai.Mji, uaj. rtiitrdalr. Alrrl liar. etc. furn-tly. 3:3u p ra. Inr V tXUtMK, YIL'TOIill. Ilturrtalr. Wert llaj. Ht.. IrllAT midnight lor ALICE AKM, ANYOX, Sim A It T. aa Khrr, IWt Minpon. Sun. day. :oo p.m. IU tnd Atrnur It M SMITH Aint ITIne Ituprrt, II. C. Tt rough t'rkH Kild to Victor l and rttU .and bagtiitr elirtkrd through (a dntliuitlon. ICANAQIAH B. C. Coast Steamship Services SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Oct. 9. 19. 30. To Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle Oct. 2, 13, 23. Princess Mary Oceans Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p m Agents I or All steamship Line W C. Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave- Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Canadian National Qfie Latgcft fiilway Syfiem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate points, each Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. For ANYOX and STEWART, each Wednesday, 4 p.iri. For STEWART and KETCHIKAN, each Saturday, 4 p.m. For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. I'Assr.MiEit Tiims ir..ve ritiM't. tti tkiit WILY EXCEPT Sl'NItAY at ll:SO am lor HUME (ilOItdE. tlM-tO.V, YVINMI'EO, all poind Ealrru Canada, lulled SUtr. AGENCY AM. tKJKAN STKAMMIIt LINTS City Ticket Office, 528 Tlilrd Ave.. Prince Rupert Phone 2C0 LUIVIDJLYIV I. 1x6 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 1x6 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.0Q. lxlONo. 2sSpraco-gH)pnp 2'Wf 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14VS4S, No. 1 Common ..$&fit 2x4 and 2x6. 8 tn 1.1'. R.1S. Nn. 2 CommonlftfS&jSu Kiln Dried Flooring, Cciiuiff and Finish, Mouldings Lath. Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY) LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT. B. C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 301 Retail Yard, Cow liny, Telephone 123 Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Annual -meeting of Rupert East Ratepayers tonight. C, R. Cocks arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Port Esslngton ior a brief tttlf in- town. . Classes in Jesso work, lamp shades, etc., every Tuesday and Saturday afternoon and Wednesday evening. Instruction free. Mc-Rae Bros., Ltd. (240) The bylaw prqvldlng for the temporary borrowing from the Royal Bank of Canada pending the collection of the year's taxes was finally reconsidered and adopted at last night's meeting of the city council. The fire department responded! to five calls during the montn ot September, damage being slight, according to the report of Fire Chief D. H. McDonald for that month presented to the city council last night. Expenses of the department, including salaries, amounted to $1222. Equipment hac been as usual inspected and found to be In good order. On recommendation of the utilities committee, the city council decided last, night ttnt, two street lights should be Installed on Fred-"r)"fc 'Btree. on th crossing from Eighth to Eleventh Avnues. Aid. Huddsrham. in necessity of having the llehts in .tared pointed out that they would be out in by the power com-nany and that the only cost to tne city would De tne regular n TOE DAILY NEWS PAGE TOREK on't dose M - S ' fl X. W Dentist, Dr. CSC. Child's Cold Continual dosing upsets children's delicate stomachs. Vicks is applied externally and therefore cannot 'disturb the digestion. It acts in two ways: (1) The body heat releases the ingredients in the form of vapors which are inhaled. (2) At .the same time Vicks "draws out" the soreness like a poultice. ts always yat once WVA PORUB OYER WMlUIONjARSUSEDYeMUr J. R. Gosse. rhone Billiard openinv tonight. Grotto exmaininT the vs- Canadian (240 Dance in the Moonlight Friday night Elks' Home. SmaUe's Orchestra, tf. V. J Smith rMumwi tn thp eltv hara-e for electricity for street on the Catala this morning from tenting. a hrie business trip to Anyox and (Stewart on which he was accom- On receiving a recommendation panied by Mrs. Smith, 'rom the finance committee that he application of Joe Slaggard w. H. Manuel. CNSl. travelling o transfer his house and lot 3. auditor, with headquarters in Win-block 28. section 6, to P. D. Cam- nipeg. arrived in the city from ron be granted under the Soldier s prince George on yesterday after-Housinir Scheme, the city council n00n's train, being here on official 'ast night decided to defer final duties leclsion In the matter pending, he property being advertised. Dr. an(j Mrs. Robert N. Rogers This was done on suggestion of 0f Port Alexander. Baranof Island. A l A T) h,Via kUI a J (kat a .a. .... . -eedpd, with by reason of the fat ad at a nrice of $250 of lota 19 hat owriers on more than ha'f and 20. block 16. section 8. on the value of the nroperty concern- which stands Rupert East Church! SA- hA JJetklooed against the. fc .and Ryum. Thechurch hav-atlylkwerinV theori. fhg rKW "TOmSfejSfment. the .!d nrowr felt that It miaht b motion was passea trr . order to lust as well In juture if the co-in- authortee the new registration of cii werf.lnfoi "pJtOndlr. tMf n influx work. doed tbdird go- when S'ich a. lne property. ed against. Un- : - " of works In . (ttthftfHwl the. Mtv 4. ' jmil 4.1 ahead with the AWNUUKCE3IBNTS Team dahce in Elks' TOO LATE TQ CLASSIFY nl Elks' oTt Patrol T8. WANTED To buy old ahoe. An- Royal Purple Bridge. Whist and Avenn pance nu 'Home, October 25. HOUSEKEEPER Wants position or Mooseheart Day would do general housework. Sunday, October 27. i nunc nra in. (Jio) NOTICK 6. 4. Pursuant to the Municipal Election.. Art nil rutrann. A- 4. Presbyterian Basaar November slrin to be entered on the November 7. Voter' List for the farthonm- ins Municipal Elections as Rupert East United Church ba Householders or Holders of raar' November 7. Trede Lircnses muat r9li.r . their names with the ntv Premier Orchestra Clerk during the month of to&ff on a statutory form Dance, November 8. vlth the PKOpntlon of Sat,,-. 4. ' ! dav. when it wiU be open . Unltd Church Bazaar, Decem-1 from 9 a.m. until 12-30 nm her 5. E. F. JONES. i i Oct. 5. 15. City Clerk. ' 28. 29, 30. 31. t.........:SUITS SUITS! 8f SBnrsBBttssa N. M. McLEAN Boat Builder Marine Ways SEAL COVE I take you out of water under roof where rain will not trouble; build boats any size or kind at surprisingly low J)lce?. JIaJibut;-. Pleasure, Trolhnjj Boats For Sale I generally have a boat to suit any requirements. Mooring spaces for boats' winter quarters. Agencies any engine required. Kepairs Why pay more when your work can be done for less with better accomodation? PHONE GREEN 429 MADE TO ORDKR Cutting, Workmanship and Style AH (luaranleed SUITS STEAM. CLEANED ANIJ PRESSED VYe Deliver to Any Part of thr City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 649 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELI ViSIt Y Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. Mrs. H. E. Denlson of Porcher Island will sail Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. J. II. Plllsbury, manager of the Pacific Stevedoring Co., returned to the city on the Catala this morning .frpma. brief business : rip . to Arqmewart. The Youne riPdoDle's Society of First United Church has changed ' .us meeting nignis irom Aionaay : to Tuesday. The annual sitDDer : meeting Is to be held tonight. A. L. Clement, assistant general manager of the Union Steamship Co. Ltd.. and Mrs. Clements, are passengers aboard the Catala this aiternoon returning to Vancouver after baring made the round trip to Anyox ana Htewart.1 Provincial Cdnstab'e William Smith of Anyox and other witnes ses In the Paul Evannlkov case which is to be heard here in i County Court this afternoon ar-1 rived in the city on the Catala his morning from the smelter town. . Having madft a speedy run north hls trio. Union steamer Catala,1 Capt. James Flndlay returned to port at 9:45 this morning from Anvnx Stewart nnrl nthr no-' era points and will sail at 3:30 n this afternoon for Vancouyer and wayports. . J,u"" "u owi.7i r1 i Aiasxa, auer naving spent a coupie on he Prince RuDert tomorrow !L",el.I??nw"e ""5lVLi.of days in the city following their Dn0 from viKwr SEE where - -- - ....... j ai U'tii iLviu nirr iiuf.it, icii, iicic iers as mis were maae. City Solicitor E otalnedto the ci F. Jones ex- citv council last on this morning's train for But- ;iaio. New York. A motion was passed at last night "pnstr he Judge F. McB. Young an II F. i McLeod. court registrar, will sail I 'borrow afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Anyox and R""-t her wmp'otir of naturalization court will be held. They expect in "t"rn to the cltv on the same sieemer -rnursaay night. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Muldoon and family are sailing this afternoon on the Catala for Seattle where they expect to take up residence. Mr. Muldoon was formerly accountant here for P. Burns Co. Ltd. and Mrs. Muldoon, who has 'ived in the city since girlhood, Is an accomplished vocalist. Their departure from Prince Rupert will be regretted by many friends. Thomas Brown of the leeal firm of WUUams. Manson & Gonzales is exnected to return to the city he anaeared In Snnreme Court on Vhalt of the aDnelant in the certiorari proceedings of Peter Mor-mn of Terrace aeainst a convic tion under the Game Act. No word ' : that inat the tne lo"l 10"ai Improvement improvement night's '"8"n meeting urceung ui of the me civy city coun cuun- h, v-. rlvpd In th rlf-hi ruction bylaw providing for ratl'vlng an agreement of Oc-1 iae hVou outcome tconTe of the caL ca8e- 1 a: ritffflg6l the lane In Block tober 26. 1926. providing for the10 - .,i tl- Seetibn idhad not hfn nro. sale to the United Church of Can HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel 120 Rooms , Rooms SOc and un .... su'Avsnv mil nrsvrn Proprietors Central Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Pearson and daughter. Winnipeg: J. Cryer. Pre mier; Li. uanjeu, Seattle; m, McLeod, Prince George. O. Koval R. Fisher, Sunnyside: A Middl-- Observance. J- "aw;,?Jinirsv . it. iinFinr. 11. uuuei wixju ip, M. Montroy. S. Robinson and K. HU1 60 Annual Bairfar: NovemJ" AeC NR B. E, Cleveland, hr 2 iwarw: js. o. Beuiclnl, Houston; Eagles' whist drive ; and dance. u. Aiicu. oumiyaiue. j. iaaaro vox: Mrs. T. Johnson and son and M. Harrison, Stewart. rnfc Rupert R. W. Sinclair. Inverness; W. H.' Manuel, prince George: C R. eltv: w Smith. Anyox: J. . Balkln and C. E. Imeson. Van- leonver; Miss Vema Wfltnn. J. A ' Whoopee Wilson and O. Dernan, Alice Arm. j I I Savoy n OMnn'nffhB.m. Port Failnv. X jprr 8Upplled the City bcAlfn W. A. Bair, Novem- t(m n, Lindoand" A. Oavlqclty Tl City ciertt Office will he open from 0 a.m. until 5 t p.m. eacn and every day dur- ing the month of optnher Moose Annual Bazaar and 22. 21 j Exemptions On Road Tax Have Been Extended Ex-service men discharged as being medlcallv unfit, persons over sixty years of age and members of the active militia, who are exempt from $5 poll tax. will not have to pay $2 road tax either in order to register as householders for the -ivlc election It was decided by the -ty council last night. The proposal to this effect was made by Aid, Brown and seconded by Aid. Macdonald, being carried unanimously. In answer to an enquiry by Aid. Macdonald. City Solicitor Jones 3tated Uiat he would, as usual, attend at his office the last three evenings of the month to receive householders' registrations. ' SGALE OP" CHARGES ' The following is the scale of charges made for reading notices: Eilrth Notices 60c. Cards of Thanks, $2, Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c per name. Mnrrloie and Engagement announcements J2. I tSU I Coughs. CoctsXroTjp, Bronchitis Dr. Chases Syrup of unseed 6c turpentine' Coal? Coal? Tikr advantage of low price In put In jour wlntrr supply, tDSOX and CASSIIIV-WELLINO. ION In any quantities. AIM Hour, May. Grain and Fetd. fniice Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 553 tfaflaKarnalBm I ! ijen & FRYS CHOCOLATE SYRUP is pure I chocolate with sugar and milk solids I edded ... in syrup form. It is particu- arlym lor cake icings and fillingi for hrtad. . . . Dtllciont as a (xtwragt with milX I I or wattt hot or coU. I tINJUX A TIN WtliK II I. S. FRY A SOS'S iPanKl.) t inutH Vl..t.l i I Dr Alexander rilONE S73 RCSNEB BLOCK DENTIST CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. 1 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Uoilermakers, lllacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 If you want anything;, try ,a classified, ad.