4 i 2 Ts HW DAILY NEWS. + AT ? —_— _— — gir : 2] cm = ‘ LE OE AA . a —— ee RR rn ee, i 2 MAIL SCHEDULE ” . © | THE DAILY News } 5 oe 00s I ' - ] PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East. ina ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS 7 - ; a “i Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News || — aa and Sat- ‘ D rt t « i Sones ishi ‘ ; irdays at 9:30 a.m. . f ‘ Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. Freer the Bast Savings epa men : Z a qH. F. PULLEN, MANAGING Epiror. | assiaeon Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- Deposits of $1. and up- ae NA Boge ing and pre- ae eT ward received, and Interest m SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Jost 00 good tet For Vancouver: allowed at highest current # é City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. HH] fi) fender oF bite. Saturdays ....... ais led 2 p. m. rates. Savings Department / \ By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00.| J ] muscies, qnscquite ¥ WW [Sundays ......eseeeees oe accounts given special” - OF To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. L///fi bites, cuts, bruises, \ TuesGAyO 2.0. seivecves 5 p.m. : \ pal ——~ Uf yt ne ——- \ Thursdays .... «++: ... 40 p.m. attention. 3 , sure cure for ecze- \ : a iI] : TELEPHONE 98. iia ma and all skin dis- From Vancouver Deposits may be made, ||) ay — coer re a oe oe and withdrawn, by mail as ' : neon . Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a.m. 7 wit TRANSIFNT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inch. AMET Be hick nd bad ~ os easily, readily and safely as ce. : Sontract Rates on application. S 8 | 3} 8} RN Saturdays ........+. 10:30 a. m. in person. ieee | * * - . = si iasladleg ta ss . ; . a ee For Anyox: H. ST. G. LEE, Manager - Prince Rupert Br: pe # DAILY EDITION, unig pons. Friday, August 15, 1919. e o \w ’ ; anch, a ‘ "FT —-- oe INFORMATION WANTED OUOGRE Fo kc cs ci cecces 10 p.m. i ‘ a om F , siictiitinint Vednesdays ......+++. 10 p. m. — : ” a, ¢ ; Terrace Strawberries Information as to the where-|Saturdays ..... ‘ peawves 10 p.m. ; NER SEETAS ue SET EET ERE TERSER oh Prove Profitable. abouts of Axel Hjalmar Arnes: From Anyox: Lome aS ee : SEES i i oni — ‘ ei alias A. Anderson) and Anders|Tuesdays .......++++e00+ p. m. Gupttcl and Meccrve 1918 eins ee a That a lady is able to cleanup $700 from half an acre ot Aascaard (alias Andrew Olson) is| ‘hursdays p.m Total Assets, Nov. ¢ . » over $153,000,000 Aasgaard (alias Andre 80 § OGGNG 2 0:06 6 6s 64.6% eoee DM. ' emai a land at Terrace is the best kind of proof that the farm lands Of fy.cjeoq py Norwegian Vice Con-jSundays .........eeeeeee p. m oa Pn | the interior are productive. Mrs. Bohler is a lady who under-|s»ylate, Prince Rupert, B. C. 38 : —— The Spirit of Co-operation | { stands gardening and fruit growing. She usually exhibits her . . ‘or Port Simpson and Arrandale, 4 produce at the local show. Her efforts to prove what can be Salvation Army. sundays on +98 SES Os f an 10 _ a. The new spirit of co-operation rules the bus | +4 done, and to give publicity to the results are worthy of emulation. Publi siskieidine ww emo wo Tk world of to-day. Hit] “ince oP > . Terrace vs rria , , 4 * rig ge TOMEye 9 6 SECRET TESS 56% 8 eee if Individuals, companies, or merchants, enter | Prince Rupert people apes on Terrace strawberries for Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p.|For Port Simpson and Naas River HI) a new field or desiring to extend their present their main crop. After the Gordon Head product has all dis- Sundays at 7:30 p. m. pointe: HHI activities will find us always ready to help them i appeared from the market, along comes the Terrace crop aid ’ ee | Pe ies) ah aed 648 10 a. m. ny solve their business problems. o for several weeks the epicures of this city revel in the luscious|* * * ** * * * * * * ***** *! From Port Simpson and Naas nuit fruit that is grown by the farmers of the interior. We beuetit, * Notice to Advertisers z , River Pointe: Ht UNION BANK OF CANADA and so do they seoey gL OREE ba cvesescevees ein Wi THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA ‘ ‘ * * ; i ae ae UUUUL HEAD OFFICE - WINNIPEG, MAN. |) Casual advertisements Queen Charlotte Isiands: EE | Andrew Carnegie , * for insertion same day */F Massett, Clements and { Passes With His Age. * should be in the Daily * acceak tnmnis osteo: PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH, Andrew Carnegie has passed and with him passes his age.|# News oflice before 10 a.m. *}Wednesdays ...... cues Oh tie A. T. BRODERICK, .. s Manager. ie “The good old days,” as they are sometimes spoken of, are Changes in advertisements *) ?pom Masset, Port Clements and ee . Ss nothing like so good as the modern days. We are beginning to should be on hand before : Upper Island points: 5 Sees realize that it is not good for one man to have too much wealth. See ee * ae le, Queen: | eh rh ne I : =| : : Ss B . an tu oitety If he gets it he does so at the expense of men and women who|@# ####### HHS ES “City SE aatied - aates ' Th R l B k f C d ought to be better treated. Andrew Carnegie amassed greal|iy pyp warren of an appiication for the} Fortnightly. e oya an Oo anada wealth and then began to realize that it was useless to him. He + aria . 1 States a 5, Coast District: Vi i none | epieitiahed many libraries newt United States, Canada andi 3,9". HEREBY GIVEN that it ts my] rm - Lower Island points 1 | SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES Great Britain and for that will be remembered. No one feels [intention to issue ae ae nigntty. Th led for th tection f : i o 0 0 P pO s } rg . n c 0 0 hre or burg- any debt of gratitude, however, to a man who makes excess [Publication hereof, a fresh Certificate of Paige | +hey-are recommended for tne protection fron litle to the above-mentioned lands in the) For Skagway and the Yukon. |. lary of valuable business or private documents, Victory profits from the product of labor and returns it to the people in [ame of Albert F. Young, which Certineate ; | d . ’ : I f Title is dated the sixth day of Juty, Mondays. 1 | Bonds, jewelry, etc. “ge See It smacks tog much of absoluteism and belongs |'911, and fs ramesees eI eab, From Skagway and Yukon. The Manager will be glad to furnish particulars on a o an age that is passing. ees Saewer St vites Saturdays. rince Ru h - W. Cameron, Mgr. ant ee Eet & C. stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Prine pert Branc A.W. C a Prosecuting Trusts June 13th, 1919 = Point. $$ —_—= —— — —— Is Not Effective. For—Thursdays ...... 8 p. m.}. —_— — This talk of prosecuting the trusts and profiteers is non- Synopsis of From- Saturdays ...... p. m. sense. business is business and men in business will usually IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH take all the business will stand. That is part of the recognized Land Act Amendments payee IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTIVA TION ACT MITA 5-5. PRINCE RUPERT ethics of trade. To prosecute one man or one corporation for ——_ or doing what all others are doing is most unfair. The only way to Mintmum price of first-class land [iN THE MATTER or THE ESTATE 01 ats deal with profiteering is to deal with it as John Oliver would have] $2.60 an — ‘a " AER Novice’ . ey ‘Welan of Hi 8.5. PRINCE GEORGE people deal with the tariff, Make legislation general, based on a] vapor mame Ry Rew Conaned to our- a le ab tele Te mane ae ie SATLANG matter of principle. pmerente wan ee era ee oot ai ae ag MR “a z One way of dealing with profiteeering is to increase the in- Ss ana ahed : foe came, prepa we a > come tax on a graduated scale to such a point that excess profits] ut parties not more than four may 1919. and ail cae indebted rg gt are all taken by the state, Deal also with inheritances in a similiar with Joint residence, but sash as thats “tm tea, necessary | ‘ents on ve vir indebtedness to me forthwit! THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY, OCEAN FALLE VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX. 8. S. PRINCE JOHN / ND PRINCE ALBERT For Stewart, August 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th manner and then there wil! be very few inordinately rich . claims. Dated this 30th day of July, 1619 . ; leme 1 Buckley B August 13tt ) people. J. H. MeMULLIN, Massett, Port Clements anc uckiey Bay . Pre-emptors must’ cooupy claims for Official Administrator September 3rd In Great Britain the Government is taking strong action and| Sve years and make improvements to includ! clear - Southern Queen Charlotte Island Points August 16th . ‘ value of $10 there is no reason why we cannot follow, even if we cannot lead,| {mg an4 cultivation of at least S acres, |‘ THE A TRAIN SERVICE bp . : : F ore receiving Crown G ; COLUMBIA. Too much wealth is not good for the person who possesses it any Where pre-emptor in supannaien not — Passenger Monday, W°dnesday and Saturday aj |i '8 @ | e than it j et ; less than 8 years, and has made pro- |!\ THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct more than it is good for the community as a whole. portionate improvements, he may, be- TION ACT al points east and south cause of ill-health, or other cause, be ~~ 4 - | ees Well Off H granted intermediate certificate of im- |'% THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE UF ere provement and transfer his claim. ADALINE EDITH KILBURN, DECE AS! AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES ecords without - “STATE. : i iy to Compared With Britain. dence may be toned apeied reat- TAKE NOTICE that in Order. of His For tnformation and reservations apply City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. Phon® 260 In comparison with the old country, according to reliable SES Soe-cnnunl ond tencehs na en aa july AD. 1018 ea eppotntes reports, the people here are in clover. We have few if any re- oy seeil aes Gt ° ao edith Kilburn, “Saceted ae ait partes strictions on what we shall eat and only one important restriction iene, than 6 yeate, and LSconmeante hereDs Sequired to furnish ‘comme, property on what we shall drink. At any restaurant in the country there cleared, ant caltiehtnd eden eseree of Sopiomber,” 1919. and all "parties = et CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY is enough waste to feed dozens of people every day. People live a eo grant he unamns et tee Teniiaals te as ~ on the best of beefsteak or other products, they have all the requires land in conjunction witht ine “pated ibis 90th day. of July, 1919 merit butter and cheese they wish or anything else they can afford to vided ‘statatery inguovenenne sinks - Gaced Tltoloweser yl] e Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points buy, The same applies to wearing apparel. Granted lana” a ee SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION whey via Steamer to Vancouver and the In Great Britain and Ireland there is a marked searcity of coven rear ba ena, net. emssods be DISTRICT OF .QUBEN ‘CHARLOTTE Canadian Pacific Railway food products and especially of butter and cheese and meat. dential 4 y Shy Oe TAKE NOTICE et pg ar Meals and Berth included on Steame! Butter is still doled out an ounce and a half to each person week- oom Ph ee ee (ee S. ae hinist, intends to apply for : ly. Cheese is a luxury that it is difficult to secure. Meat is not Rt, Pmecees ns tadecemn ion feum on the West Coast of Graham ISiana, S.8. PRINCESS ALICE 68.6. PRINCESS MARY used to any extent and wastefulness is little known. timber iand not exceeding 40 scree at a past pansed ‘as tee tombenat anenen ees ees aaa neers em Svinee meow may be purchased; conditions include |of ¢. L. 10312; thence east 80 chains: During July and August every Saturday 4' — —~— ———_—__--—____— i saeniadhial . 4 ~—,*\-, : oie | ene’ South “86 chains, thence west ss For Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, Skagway, Alaska, from P by existing roads may be Sanaa ¢ ao, t a north 80 chains to point of During July and August every Monday 4! conditional upon construction of @ road o wemen Si . tothem. R “ NEIL McLEOD, - : road, not exceeding haif a Gunes Per Austin Brown, Agent CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES a Seer es vated. May 18, 10 te. ! rates, reservations and sailings, apply | PRE-EMPTORS’ FREE GRANTS | °*KEENA LAND RECORDING — DiVisiv) W. C. ORCHARD, Genoral Agent. ACT. DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE 3rd A d 4th S Pri Rupert B.C. Ride in Comf. The scope of this enlarg ISLANDS. rd Avenue and 4t treet rince Rupert, © 3 Modern 7 ne Ce include all. persons joining eee TAKE NOTICE that Edgar Davis, of At ond , rees ‘ ’ 4 5, O # ir, ‘ enger are at your time within which the neuen se dev © jyox, B.C., electrician, intends to apply tor Sanaa Service Day or Night * @ deceased pre-emptor may apply ||” perene, 3S process for, coal eae pet o or tle und . eum on ie west coast of Graham Island Third Avenue and from for one y thig Act is extended in the Vicinity of West River: Commencing year from the death of z Sixth Street such ‘son, as formerly, until one . ‘ Bee he - a nd nal year after the conc! ? ) oe oe »,312, thence north 80 chains, war. This Privilege fe clog a erenent thence east 80 chains, thence south 86 reactive @ re- jchains, thence west 80 chains to point of 0) — © fees relating to pre-empti commencement e - = Es @ue or payable by elaine etions are EDGAR DAVIS —_ ers on = - emptions recorded afte Per Austin Brown, Agent 1632 Taxes Are romitted for eco 5. a8. Dated May 18, 1919. PHONES 130 ang 423. we p. 0. BOX Trovision for rety » a aiiin Section One L grued, due and been paid since August | SKEENA LAND RECORDING - DIVISION Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central 8. © oO or &. 1914, on account of payments, fees DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE SE OE NS ee re gs caine, arate i } aennen 0@ soldiers pre-emptions. ISLANDS. FISH BOXES 4 SPECIALTY Lots ti, 44 and 15, Block 5 $1,800 Assessed at Sere» « Ses . town i "lots held a $2 purchase TAKE HOTICE Was Oliver Brown a. he. oo Meare paeeeeee OF ores cree rer ees 6,900 wre, 4 ie lots held by members of | Victoria, B.C., ocecupation machinist, tn AR Be eS Wik wk oead db ec ecis 485 Assessed af .............. one direct or indi: c. ependents, acquired | tends to apply for permission to prospect CE FIR ° is... > aerrrere 495 Assessed Cte tere een ens 2,600 listment ta Masct: remitted from en- |for coal and petroleum on the West ( Lots 16 and 17 oc. oe : Btw sase trrrere §,700 at to March 24, 1920, of Graham Island, in the vicinity of West 17 » Block 26 ... $2,750 Assessed at .............. 7,800 6UB-PURCN River, commencing at a post planted one Consult Us. THEO. COLLAR } Cleese OF CROWN nile souen of the senthencs corner of €. 1 REAL } : 103412, thence east 80 chains, thence south ESTATE wasvuecnn’ wens. a FIRE INSURANO. oeettine mate wt issuance of | 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence oon | Crown Lands acquiring ener of jnorth 80 chains to point of commen « purchasers who failea rights from | ment. af urchase, involving forf fo ng Complete OLIVER BROWN, Biiment of conditi*ns of ture, 22 tul- Per Austin Brown, Agent 5 of purchase, in- | Dated May 18, 1919. terest and taxes. Where syub- has ers Go not claim whole of ori eee. ZEN C ; ; : 7 0 «inal - | SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION } - Giaribored orsneenne —— may DISTRICT OF OUEEN CHARLOTTE For Comfort, Courtesy and Service ; roportionately over SLANDS whole area Applications must be TAKE NOTICE that William Trae | ¢ “4 t 7 , ger, of | go to The Smeeton Tea Rooms | ™“*"™::\*: wanes, scume ema eel | L : : GRAZING. to prey a permission o epcapect for : T H E S AV OY O T coal and petroleum on t ollowing de } 309 SECOND AVENUE Grasing Act, 1919, for systematic | scribed lands on the west coast of Graham ~ —_ erererwmsereserwrewrer™ www The Business Man’s Rest . Sezelopment of livestock industry pro- |isiand, in the Vicinity of West river; em | . es auran : edministretion “inder’ Banaue co py 8 Pts wPTair, OF ee south . oe B Cc nissioner ast corner > L. 10312; thence west i £ ad REAL HOME COOKING. BOARD BY WEEK OR MONTH Annual grasing permits ineued $0 chains; thence south 80 chains; thence Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, M B Oe conate beens ee estab- | cast 80 chains; thence north 80 chains to Ris of Home ade read and Cakes Always on Sale. forma Asseciations for vanee on 4 point of WIL Tian TRARGER Home Cc ; rd Cold ue ment. Free, or partially free . : ooking Running Het 4! —, cee ad EO. Per Austin Brown, Agent fer eatery, up | pated May 18, 1049. " anh ° s