PACE FOUR " niE daily' NEW3 Friday. I,r 7T umbers made famous by Quality 5th Ave, New York, by maintaining a most exacting standard of quality year after year, has won far this thoroughfare world-wide reputation and fame. IIYE WBSBSKEY The most exacting standards of quality, strictly maintained from year to year, has won an .enviable reputation for ""83". Bottled from the oldest stock of whisker la Canada. The Government strip tells the story. ims adver-iitterm-iii is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Bcwrd or by the Government of British Columbia. Old English Via- 5? Ik ITS 1 fi: sf V Old Country Ale Speciot VOU will like the tang and flavor of these specially brewed ALES. They are of the highest quality and compare most favorably with the finest imported English ales. Order a case today. The best is none too good for you. Sold at all Government vendors. Free delivery. BURTON TYPE ALE AND OLD COUNTRY -ALE ThU advertiaontent i not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government 6f British Columbia. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Gppers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PIUNCE KUI'EKT, B.C. a crook .who tu-eva on the rich and then offers the return of his loot if they give one-tenth of its value to charity. Adele CatUe baa Just had the weirdest adventure of her life. She has been taken Thrilling Mystery Story In: 30 chapters V s Synopsis Adele Castle it on vm way to visit a mysterious Dr. Moffett. accompanied by the equally mytertous Miss Conway, who I has told her Virgil Ellsworth Cattle, her : lather, is In serious trouble and that Dr. Molfett can aid htm Adele has called : up her friend. Paul Alnswortp. and told him. to traU Miss Conway' oar. Two . Item are featured In the newspaper Mr. 1 Castle was reading before be left for bis office; the pursuit by tint polloe of "Mr. i Graves." who was associated In a reput- 11v thartv deal which netted tlO.OOOjDOO. HERMAN LAN DON the finest clothes, everything your heart could, desire. " "Tea, I know, dad, but I feel so guilty" "Tu mustn't feel that way. I could have afforded It easily, if only I had not awntJfd things. I was careless with my Investment, and afterward I aot reckless One project alter an a mytrrlou MlsCmTiy to mt ur. ; j thtt promW,a enormous hopekss expression house in a part of New York abe does j I was able to raise a Utue . money. not reoogrure she la met oy a green iignv enough to put the protect on its feet, throuoh which she observes only the vague outline of a man. who talks to her about ner isiner. Adle CaMle Is told by Dr. Moffett thai her father is. the mysterious Mr. Graves who was the aasoelate of the man, Daniel Forrester, who died after getting 110.000.000 by fraud. She Is eent to her father with a measoae which she delivers In person at his office. INSTALMENT FIVE doing? He la .trying aaaaeace m.a crtaslaal etUatBrtee tnrcugn you . rx is i, ai mm. as the pawn In his dtstf gam. The contemptible rat! The treacherous, potaonoua anaxel" 'Darnng, darungr Adeie murmurea I1U0WK) ItUrkmall Poor dadi" Aeele whtapered 'X- I ZZt Zrt mpath,.- "You nvustaVt." ia4ess. A.maa Jd my position should 1.1" were nompromlalag papers In Tor- her" mind and roae-nome in me Hester's Cett, lnaludlag a partnership way instead. . agreement, but during tola Illness. "I've been extravagent lopg emjuga. Forrester told m he had destroyed she told herself. ihem. Its powlble that his mind, A letter awaited her ,. vbm he -waant clear, that he confused the In- reached home. There was no stamp tentlon with the accomplished, fact. ; on the envelope, wmcn oore a iype-At any rste, one evening about a written address, so evidently It had month after his death. I received a, been delivered by a messenaor. Her telephone message." "From Dr Moffett.' mlaed. "Yes. from Dr. Moffett seen the man. I have breath. There la would be septeeced He 'Adele sur- I I have never received nu- i merous telephone calls from him and: s great number of typewritten notes, j all to the same effect. Dr. Moffett M a blackmailer, of course. He claims to have documentary evidence of my partnership with Forrester, and he has' repeatedly pointed out to me what I would happen U this evidence should be made public " "Exactly what would happen, dad?" .Her lather drew a long, shuddering for a number of years. Yes-we might as time wel have the facta. There la a strong "Green green." she murmured, sentiment against the mysterious Mr. I xo lie Continued Tomorrow Oraves. A Jury would be very likely to convict me. But even If I ahould , , , be acquitted i would be absolutely Our classified section may be ruined. A man can never live down) of special interest to you today, a Mack mark like tbtt. My career j would go araaah. and you " J ' "Dont consider me, dad." aaid Adele with a wnlle. "And I'm sure it will other ooUavaecl But there I shan't nc?,r to that. Dr. Moffett 1 worry you with the details. It's enough w,lMn to sen you the evidence for for you to know that when Daniel -. -m ner- and the latest exploit of the "Picaroon." 1 3arreeter eamc to me one day about "Yes. and he might as well ask a year and a half aco I was on the nunarea thousand mUlions brink of rata." j "Couldn't you borrow the Mr. Castle groaned. "Forreeter wa from Qm anr a sUb talker He had a brfttlant Oastle ahewk hU head money with a JuiMim, u mm in -- i returns , . , . . i 'Wouldn't IV mar u 'h nteM the roam of an. old , on lU B l D"M lUIMMIKUIl I j r w --' a lou ratner tnaa no oread at all?" "Moffett think I am rich, and that n. We became banners, . . altttasah I r stlmi- 1 - only staatng when I lated that my Him mustn't be as-."4 demands are Impossible tell him soclated with the enterprtoe. Adele 'considered for. m moment. "I "It waatrY that I had any doubt aa tell you what well do dad. Well go to the honesty and legality of the , away far away where ' nobody wUl unoertaklag, but I didn't want It to ever find us I dont mind being poor, become kaivn tha my Interests were for a ehaage. It will probetoly do me divided between the Knickerbocker good. Xet' do It. dadT Finance Corporation and this other "No. my dear. I dont like the Idea' thing. If I had looked a little more f running away. Besides, at would deenty Into Forrester's brill iaat take me a long time to make a fresh aefeeeae, peahaps I would have become start in a atraage place. Your future, suspicious. But I drdnt: there wen " too many other thinas on my mind. ''Pshaw! I don't oare a f i about I A r.ltVN IN Tlir. fiAMK land Forrester had oomc to m with my future. All I care about la you. I Mr. Castle went from cringing de- the beat sort of recommendation. Wo o)M be ever so happy, dad. I Jectlon to a mood of grim, savage "i look an active part In the man- eautd do tesnethlng to help toward I vindlctlvenesa . "If I couM aay get agtmssat af . the project and reaped oud auppart teaoh music or French 1 my hands of him! I would crusn tne half the prtfits. The profits .tided me r awiGamaBg perhaps. I'd Jast lave It. life out of his yellow hide. I would-- ow tfc and that was all. I Wont you oonsiaer It. dadr But there's no chance He want fight had vary tittle left over. And It wasnt jjr Oastle amUed feebly at her m jc wjjw. wm udiu rwjnwr ws ofw uu a eagerness ne oars, uun-i. jw m u covoieo tam i aaa oen associatea wno mt Her face was radiant again. Mfoa .akone as brlghuy as if she larrer gaaed Into the mMtaries of a green shook Ms head with aomethlne Mr. OasUe , brokenly. "I was . . H. You caa see what would happen. Mr. oaaue oauneo nuuaeu to " -" rmaw uu-tt uia n. i- . i grtni effert .There was a! atratoed. ma V far myself. If I had .,7 I " " , ,1; ' hen look in hi. faca tag of Jlr eeUoveT e slt! mentaJiaony.nd TL "7 Slight w.'. aanfean of ""- " - r - 1- gultt.,1 yfvii bar huated man for Mil. CANTl.i:'H FACE H.UKIEII. "YOl! YOU KOMVf" HE ECHOED IHIiY. suggested. "But first you must tell me everything . It Is true that you are the mywterlous Mr. Oraves, lant it?" Her father nodded heavUy. "Yea, It's true. But daat despise me, dear. I could stand anything else, but not that. Oh. I've buaa a fool 1 For fkftren years I have been making money for the Knickerbocker Finance Corporation, but my personal affairs have suffered gravely. "A year ago .they were m a dreadful muddle. They are la a somewhat better condition now. but even today I wouldnt know where to aorrrow even such a sum as 150.000. X have bren lying awake nights scheming and planning. Dveryttetng I touched on my own account., eemed to go wrong. I have worried night and day." "Oh. I'm so sorry!" Adele murmured. "Why didn't you ttll me, dad? I've been eitrav agent terribly. If I had only known " "There, thete, dont reproach your self. It's all my fault. If I had plan business. I fus aw a chance to recoup my personal fartune. and I jumped into it with my eys only half open. There's the story. I had hoped tt keep ths disgraceful eewet from you. but now it's out. Do you hate. mn "I love vtm . said Adele passionately. vae rear aaty me. fwesaM nevtr have; a mcananra peace. And you you would be dragged ulo all thla. It's out of j the qvewMon ." j ! AdeJels face fell Stoe knew her father waa aafleaJMe whea he spoke In thla tone. Besides, she could see now! that the Idea af flight had 1U draw, backs, ah could picture her fsther fcwkea. hunted man. fleeing from niare to place, always aurswed by the fear of detastlon. The Plearonn Mrltrs Shs nodded soberly. "Perhaps you see right, dad. It may be better to atay here and fight it oat. Bat wc must fight together. You mustn't keep anything from me." She paused for a moment. "You say you have naver seen Doctor MolfettT" 1 "Na. H has ramnwatoatiBd with tne only toy mail and telephone. That's what makes It so bard. An enemy who decent oome out In the open is doubly dangerous " "Maybe we can force him out." A vague smile touched Adele's lips. "Teu me eaaetly what he has threat-end to do." ' "He has threatened to des'rojr me by degreea If I fall to meet his demands. Little by llttte. Mow by blow, he intends ts increase the pressure until I psy wfca he asks. Jatt aa U I could . The firVt 'blaw has already fallen. He has told you thtt ytur1 fether Is a crbn " I "Hush, dad I It lent true. You made a mistake, that's all." "Anyway Doctor Moffett has struck the first blow. He had to convince me that his hite la as ad aa his bark. Besides, he probably thought you would be hafrtfled at the pratpcat of your father being canoeed as lawbreaker, and would prevail op me to 'buy Jila silence. I "He made a mlsoalanlaUen there . He ftldn't know you. But the first; blow baa fallen. The next will come! what aort of a man their chairman la. If that falls he Intends to not try certain influential friends at mine. "If I etUl resist, be meant to scatW various vague ernes wmco wm aa-eeierate the search for the mysterious Mr. Oraves without giving the authorities any definite Information regarding Ms identity. He thinks he wlti frighten trie into submission. If it falls, hs Dont." said her father. "I dont will retaliate by taking hit evidence deserve It. and so It tturts.- to the authorities. And that will be She leaned aver ad kissed him. the end." "My first' thought when I saw how He flung out his arms in a gesture things wre.H Mr. Oastle went on, of despair. A spurious smile plsyed "waa that X must reimburse tM in about his lips. "Now you know it alL 1 vectors who had been victimised by little Rlrl Maybt it's lust as weU tnir! rorrester and myself. I knew it you do. Tou had to know some time, would tske years, and It would have But tell me" and he strslghtened up to be done very quietly, but It seemed a little "what did Dr. Moffeit say to tba ot)ly decent thing to do. youf Where did you aoe him?" "I htapod to set sskle a portion of "At the house. That la. I didn't my income each Sar tot that pur- " Adele hesitated. It was Impossible pose. I thought there would be only to explain Her fsther would either s slight chance thtt my participation think she was out of her head, or else in the scheme "would benoms known, he would be freshly alarmed by the Then, soon after Forrester'a death, amaclng tale she had to tell. "It's a th(. police and W oewitpape began strange story, dad. I cant tell It now. to talk about a certain nijivenuui i warn to oe alone and think. There I tied better, things wouldnt' have got; Mr. Craves who was aupposed to have She flung her anus about his neck) into such a mess. You are all I have, been assoristed with Forrester. and klaaed him. Then she ran quickly" Idear I have always wanted you to "Evan then 1 had ijttle .car that my from the office On the aldewalk ahe I lhava jvtrytblni-rth finest edUdatwn.J secret wuuld leak outl ,knew thrs--stajjad to ItalJ a Uxi, but changed; read the brief 7'slftttfn .P""" The grass In Central Park is still green, and green la a lovely color There la a comfortable becteST mv the 7Jnd atreet eairaace. If you should happen to be seated there at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, some one would be pleasod to dl-cuu nature's otoc seheaae wnh. you. with particular emphasis on green. In the meantime, doat worry. m PIOABOON. . "TJie , Picaroon? said idele In a dared tone, looking Mp frtm the type- wosslbUlty I, written letter. Then she looked down to Imprisonment sgaln. 6he read the note a second BUCHANAN BOB AIT FTT V V 1-1 w UN lrlfc , R! eyes widened to amaaemeat as she.: iwy or nny-i wir i,m . Aiaong Them lb i -roe cfti? raimriiiii AI-onM he steamship i this morning going n ,, tl M Bu"hinan torn- , cf Miss Dorothy Pud: the' lads are from C':nii: us Winnipeg and M : vary In from ten . This tour la an nun ';x-n' r-d OV Qsorii. f j Detroit. Mich. One tir -t . be t 'tned bj ': ' contributed toy the ether third la )orrowp. chsnan nd repaid h so that saaac other tx : money. The party wUl vlit A -thr points and . Charlotte iljf odds' r'"lt mi Cf. t,. 'as 1 ' tt. M. B, ' -Hit, vmmmm REAL OLD SCQTCH WHISKY This advertisement is not published or displayed Liquor Control Board or by the r.overnmen: British Columbia. ...of. sen,. 'mmmkwsmssss EXTRACTS FROM VICKERS DIARY 1750 DIARY FR1-JULY 6-1750 "Luck hath attended us, for this day numbers of the gentry did come to our distill house to broach the first cask of Vickers' 4 London Dry Gin, pronouncing :J . ... !t It 1 ft u exceiiem in 1 lavor and quality. The labour of years has fruited, and ve embark with great confidence-on this busin'ess." tn eavorinf this rare, smooth Gin, yon, foo, witt pronounce if excellent in flavor and Quality at the treat tenUenxtn oj London did in mo. VICKERS FINEST IONDON GrIM 11m Miauiiu , JOSEPH JOHN VICKERS f CO.. 10. WNDON IJ5Q ENCIAND DRY This advertiReniorit is not published or disploytd by u'' Liquor Control Hoard or by l.ho Oovernmont of British Columbia