. ' Land Hwordtng DUtrtet of Prlnc Bup- v 1 VTL-Ti viii ANTED 1 Udy t eant as OURg trt tD1 ituate near the mouth of Mae-in districts around Prince Hup- eu inlet, araham iaiand. ert. Good cxata.IstaM. Apply Box 211. Daily News OTfice. (17C) WANTED Good stenographer. One with some experience Of . nlj pautiui nrofevrreH H u rv- oa f vaaa.w wi kitv n,i,o. ve . i i mo t.A.. vr ippiy " "".SetterlT to Botart of oonraetoernen, and Office. (17a) WANTED Girl with Some ex-selling perience for ladies' wear, and to assist with win dow dressing. Apply Box 210, Daily News office. 172 Kkrr.Vt l.tND KECORllING DISTRICT In the Prlnee Bupert Land Beoordlr.g TAKE NOTICE that th British Oo- DMrtet of Prlnee Rupert, and amiat latnbia Plahtng A Packing Oonipany. 1 on the South Weal coast fit Wale la-Ltd.. of Vanoourer, B.C., occupation, j land facing Be ton laland. fkrhuig and packing intend to apply Take notice that Anglo Brltlah Oolum-for a leaae of the following described bla Peeking Oompany Limited ot Van-foraabore. iltuat fronting on Lot onuver, B.C.. occupation, Salmon Can-S. Range S, Coast Dlctiiot: Oonunenelng ners, Isterda to apply for a leaae of th a poet planted at a pomt on the aoutiierlar boundnnr of Lot 2. Ranee 6, dlatant about 16 chain from the aouth- oaai oomor, wmwe Jt.ova. mi vnv yrw auction Mnibnerijr ui iuc wuuuvr Iot 2: thence northerly to mean high water mark: thence westerly and aou trier ly following mean high water mark, the point of commencement, and containing ten acre, more or lea. BRITISH COLUMBIA M5M1NU 61 PACKINO CO.. LTD. 3. H. Bttehnrtl. Agent. Dated 14tb June 1B29. FATHER v I eeM ur the OifcT "TO-DAt- 1 I yllRir8aTmBm I Hjii-illlaliifl Shoe . o v i i aWJ' i'- rfn ! 1 I VErVenSBtf8P FOR RENT o Fr'-J;. July 26, 1923. THIS DART NEWS PAGE FIVl! SUCCESSFUL TEA AND SALE YESTERDAY AT ANGLICAN RECTORY i (. U ,. successful and enjoyable tea of bona- ooklng wa held at :,irr under the auspice of v.,,,!! Cathedral W. A.. y-M,.nuion Although th weather not what vu hoped for, rn ,,. tea could not be held fn the , '.j. hoped, yet there u a . m,i and a substantial stun r.;.iimed. ai- oibnon and Mr. Andrew re-,,id Mr. WoodlMKi had charge -n assisted by Mr, flu and 0,vi Mrs McLennan and Mra. .".i. iir poured slsted by Mri. .. Mm Tucker, Mm. Rood, Mrs. Mr., CuUin, MM. Campbell and Wt and Mra. Rorle had charge .- i,nrc cooking and Mri. Evitt ,1: Creech -were In chaese of the .mi) ice cream. ; ten tablet were very daintuyi ;to with flowers from the gar Man in the Moon u .m are peoBae Jou boraaw un emergency; ammol atf . ,u nre in bad humor, and enryl tuey get a new oar. in.iy have cash to bSrn meetings talk your fill, may be the etnMest of ..toes in the hill ald the "-.M B. la likely to two atorey hotel In the city. ,tld to that all the other atortea ! to the hotel that bate bren will be a twenty storey bHd- LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lrase Lead In "ie Prince Ruperv tnd Recording ii Prince Bupert. and altuate .. s .uth Weat coast of Wale Is-t...i: mue South East of Bartlett v. nee that Anglo British Colum-Company Limited of Van-n c . occupation. Salmon Can-if:, ...itaOM to apply for leaie of the . i- described land: foreahore: i v, ! .:, ! mg at a port planted -on the , West ooaat ol Walca Island halt i s .nth Eaet of Bartlett Pout; - s- wth Eaat forty chain follow h .' water mark: thence South , rriain to low water nurk; e Nor h Wt forty chain follow w witter mark: theno North Eaat , ...-. :.g poet; and containing twenty -- :n re or lea. '.!' BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKING . COMPANY. LIMITED. "W E. Walker." Agent. ' '' Mny 22nd. 1929. LAND ACT f KotPe of Intention to Apply to utuxt Lna "'ie Prince Bupert Land Recording ' Prince Rupert, and (Ituate .- South Eaat of Spit Point Ml : ahor of PorUard Canal. notice that Anglo Brltlah Colum-' '.ik Comnanr Limited of Van- cr B C , occupation. Salman Can-n'. tida to apply for a leeae of the inie oeacrlbed Unda: foreahore: K-wtirmc at a poet planted one -ltd Eaat of Spit Point on the f re of Portlaad Canal: hence Eaat i (allowing High water mark! o Nxith 5 chain to low water ' 'if nee West 40 chain following i v -rr mark, thence North a chain ' tung poet: and containing 20 n ire or ten. N I'J I1RITIS1I COLUMBIA PACK IN COUPANY. LIMITED. "W E. Walker." Agent, n '.f i May sand, 1J29. LAND ACT Kotlre ot Intention to Apply to Lea Land 'be Prince Rupert Land Itoeordlsg I Prlnee Rupert, and altuate in .: South Can of BurUett Point u Stiuth Wet cooat of Wale la- i " tK tice that Anglo Brltlah Colum. 1 kuiK Company Limited of Van. DC. ocoalpatlvn, Salmon Can i -et.de to asply for a leeae of the 1 nn deecrlbed land, foreahore: iitt'iK'Uig at a poet planted on "th Eaat ot rjartlett Pent on the t ooait of "Wale bland: Eut forty chain following high murk atttH u't n J turt ti to hw water mark; thence Weat natna faUowlnc low waver mark: nunn can me enain to loca- Poet: and oonttlnlnr 20 acre, more V BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. W E Walker." Agent. I GOVERNMENT PROPERTY FOR "ALkJ 'iTNrjERa wnT be received by th ."'U'TMguod UO feo Monrtae Jntr lUh. tor th nnhau n. h Iw.b.. " ''r'tt'io' jnC Ko- now ,oe,Lt, --i vunaga ... 18 "'''Mered Tonnage .11 With 20-24 II. P. Type PPP. t)11.'' may be lnxtd at Prince ... ' '' B C , on amjllcatlon tn In. Hu';; b 06imer' B.O.'PolIc; Prince Jiu !!'K",t lr not nece. V. A. ROLLINS, p Tmreriaalng Agent. urw Aujuit 18th." CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. Summer Resorts Where to spend an enjoyable holiday boating, bathing, fishing, mountain climbing, etc. KITSUMOALLUM LAKE LODGE Terrace, II. C. Spend Your Vacnfion at Kalum Lake', . I Good fishing, boatlnsf and bath-, Ing; beautiful scenrr; twenty' mllearom Terrace. -gVtee leaves fTerraw 9 a.m.. Monday,.Vedaes-! day and Saturday, $2 return . Rates, $3 . 26 mr day . Write for ape rial weekly rates. K. E. DIX, PROPRIETOR Terrace. B.C. - WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Islands THE FARM HOME Fine beaeh and raoadows far children's playground. Salmon and Trout Fishing. River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cuajne. j or rort dements, tyirewaa it reservation. MRS. RAJOUT TlelL Q. C. I. SUMMER COTTAGE ATnEAUTTFbL FRANCOIS ' LAKE For Rent By the Week or Month Tartly Furalhd Apply Mrs. llenkel Francois Lake Lodge Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling beiwee Pert Clements, and Queen Charlotte City, hire car and trucks rroai W YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegate. B.C. LA K ELSE LODGE AND HOT SPRINGS Is opened to guest The lodge Is situated on the shore at Lakelse Ijikr Good flv fishinc for rain bow trout. The hot springs con- j tain Lithla which is fine for rVieutnattam. CottAarea for rent. I J. Bruce Johnston, Manager. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to l-ee Lund In the Queen Chart He Land Dwtrtct. Land Recording Dlntrlcl of Prince Rupert, and ituate near Klaahwun Point. Oraham bland Take notice that Bueene H Stmpara of Martt. B.C., oacupatwn, oanuery at man. Intend: to antdv far a leatt of the following deaeribed lanea: Poreahore. Ocmmenotng at a a poa int ptnio www on duini aoutheaaterlr from the N W m-r of tvt No 2741. Oral aim Mind. of thence weat lfl chalna; theno north iehalna to low water: thence eaat 10 chain: the-tce aoutn sbnlna to point to of commencement, ana containing acre, more or lea. EUGENE HUMPHRY SIMPSON. Henry Whit. Agent. Dated May VI th. 1829. BRINGING UP M kit HI JLT LOOK AT THAT LAW Of good oats- ruu ClGMTTitKl-OeKT I MU'bT VSFOOO- 7fn-- FOR SALE FOR SALE-Studebaker coach, mechanically guaranteed. Burns and Oo. Ltd, tf FOR SALE Iron and wooden put-leys, aioo two pieces shafting. Na.wg, Box xx. (tf) -JSfyJHL FOR SALE S nets adjustable iron hanger for shafting. Large sire. $10 per set. Ap ply Box 00 Daily News Office. (tf j FOR SALE Six H.P. 2-cyrinderi Z-cycle wuson marine engine in good condition. A bargain. Apply Box 212 Daily News Office, (tf) FOR SALE Fishing boat W. T., 62 feet long; beam, 18Vg feet 30 h.p. Frisco Standard en- ginej eight years old, in No. 1 eHtian Phon Rlu ir.o if 1 FOR SALE To clone an estate. erffers arc invited by the un-, dersigned for lot G6, group 1, Casajar District, situated near Alke Arm, B.C. and containing 142 acres, more or leas, John L. Christie, 3216 Carabie Street, Vancouver, B.C. 172 FOR SALE - Chesterfield suite. ' dining room suite. Heintzman piano, bedroom auite. French ! and Knglish WUtoa rugs, fior Unp. ead toblea, ytehen set, kii.Wt. etc. Phone Blue am, or appry 369 Fifth Ave. West. (tf) FOR SALE Bedroom suite. Chesterfield, bed, Kroler chair, bridge ad estvd-le lamps, Brunswick I'ana trope phonograph and record, Chesterfield table. Apply Douglas Stork, 19tf AiHo Avenue, or Stork's Hardware. tf BOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room $35 per usooth. Phone Green 21C. tf WANTED WANTED HematlteWag. Mrs. Chas. Edwards, at Wallace's. 179! HOUSEKEEPER wants position where her daughter, aged 12, could attend school. Apply. Mrs. H. PhrHipa, Aiyanh, B.C. (178) i f) itt 11 ristun B.rv(ct. lac Cl tt rlfM i FOR RENT Furnished flat. Apply Mussallem Grocery. (tf) FOR REfJT-?Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 547, tf. FOR RENT Furnished suite, Summit Apartments. Phone Blue 345.' (tf) FOR RENT Modern house near business section. $25.00. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue E. tf FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT furnished iouse keeping rooms by th day, wek. or month. Phone Red C07 tf FOR RENT Clean, well furnished modern two and three roomed suites. Talmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. fl7S CHIROPRACTIC PROGRESS The practice of chiropractic is reeognired in forty states of the unio"; This rewgnition has been ukrht nd gained by th people 0 -e benefltt-? through ropractic. It was not until -916 that legal recognitton was lust aLLUJ uru. e For your health's sake consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 241 Phones Black 282 Open Evenings CHIROPRACTIC Adjustments given aoaoraisg to our new Spinal Indicator, predute better results, i Conlujt R. E. EYOLFSON CHIROPRACTOR C23 Third Avenue Office Telephone Blue 85 Residence Telephone Red 589 Establish 1924 LAND ANDjjAt 'ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lea Land In th Queen Charlotte Land District. Take notice that Laneara Flahlng & Packing Company. Limited, ot Maarett. B.C.. occupation, ealmon caaner. Intend to aDMy for a leaae of the follow ing deterlbed land: Foreahore. Oommenelng at a fxt planted near th Mniwern ena ai moaeu imuu. .t, .northetly 10 ehain.; nceea- eel S enaln: tnence aouuwrij . - - - r chain, following low water: thence ooetValhlng a aere rugre or leta .j. i iiinini PIHHlNn Ac PACKING Henry White. Agent. Dated M7 11th. 1988. LAND A CI Notice of Intention to Apply to LraHe Land following described lanoe: lorwmore Commencing at a post planted on th South Weet Ooaat of Wales laland facing the Western extremity of Boston Islands: Eaat forty chain following high water mark: tbenc South one chain to Low water mark: thence Weet forty chain following; low water mark: thence North to locating post, and containing Tea i acre, more or less. ! ANGLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKING OOMPANY. LIMITED. "W. E. Walker- Agent. Dated May S3nd, 1928. OTf IT' GOKlWSTeKU TWO WAlTK?TO OMtfTY rsi Tetc rooo t'M Comma riJE lKJT-rt- MO- 1C.T , r Tt 1 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind' or furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will calL GEORGE J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's on r under the water we do it" . PACIFIC. SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped lor DIvtng and O' coral Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of ail descriptions for Charter. , Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains In Gas Fngines. AGENTS FOR Van Blerrk. Easthope, Hicks'&i Uallantyne Engines. Northern B. C Distributors Coolidge Propellers Phone. Day or Night, 564 P. O. Box 1554 BUY SHRUBSALL'S SMOKED FISH PRODUCTS (Smoked Black Cod and Fillets) De Luxe Smoked Salmon- To cook, cut the salmon into small strip, place in pan, pour boiling water over the fish and stand away from fire or fifteen rahrates. It cooks itself. Sold by Burns & Co., Ltd., Frizzell's, Bulkley Market, Watts' Grocery Makes nice lunch sandwiches riches I for husband or picnics Paints, Wrallpaper, Etc. I SILVERSIDES, BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies P. O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 SOME BARGAINS IN CERTI FIED USED CARS CHEVROLET-fiedan, .$500 CHEVROLET Sedan .$450, i i . FORD Sedan $275 : n. Tms , SUfv n. .... r.,. - j vice on All Used Lars ROSS & 3I00RE. LTD. Chevrolet Dealers LAND ACT Notice ot Intentlun to Apply to leatae Land In the Queen ChariotU Land Dwtrlet. j ijaaa Beooedlng Dsrtrte ol Prince Rupert, and Mae Mmlsten Porejt. North Dundee Island. 1 Take notice that Langara Fishing te 1 ffKVfl to apply for a lease of th tottow- escribed ing lands: Porcb.. Oommenelng at a post planted at the extremity of land on Annates PQtnt. thence westerly 80 chalna; thence northerly 6 chain to low water; thence easterly 90 chain; thenre southerly to point of commencement, and containing 30 acres, more or lea. LANGARA FISHING PACKINO CO.. LTD. By It Agent. John WUIlam Misxehouse. Dated June 7th. 1889 OH MR'OlGGVrM MR' CHeTTEn. fOOP WlMiTOLD MKYOO WCRfi CJ ' 1V16 PAMOO& 01B.T- IM'T IT 0OT NAONDEF5ji0J7 rvc UOT TWO pookid. ini the paw 1CANADLC! Krtettlkan, Wrsngell, VAcinc LPACinCj Jury 1, S, 8, l. . To Vanemrvrr, VMorla iMlWIIj i. 13. n. lo. ii. Sl Ave., UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing From Prince Rupert lor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay. Butedale. Alert Hay. etc. Tne-day, S:3 p.m. For VANC OUVER. VICTORIA. Butedale. Alert Rtt. etc.. Friday mldnlrht lor ALICE ARM, A.N VOX, STEWART. Naai River, port Minpwn. Sunday, 8:(K p.m. For PORT SIMPSON AND WALES ISLAND, moraday. p.m. 123 Ziul Avenue K. M. KMITII Agent rrloce Rupert. B.C. Tlruur.li ticket oM to Victoria aa4 Seattle .and baggage checked through to ilektlnirtkm. PRINCEHH M UJITN'XA Ocean Fat!, etc.. Vancouver and t kKirla every f rlday 10 pjn. Agent far all 8teamBtp Line W. OKCIl.tHU. liENKKAL AOENT Prtnre Rupert. n.C rhmie JI Canadian National Thc LargeSl fiilway Syfiem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE a.inng. from PRINCE RL'PEKT far VANCOt'tFR. VICTORIA. KKATTIJi. and Intermediate polnli. Mondays, Thunday. 4 p.m.; Katorday. 7 p.m. Far ANYOX aud STEWART. Monday. S p.m.; Friday. 4 p.m. Fur .MAKSF.TT INLET PORTS. Mond.iv, 8 p.m. lor SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS,' fort nljbtly 1 For KKAUWAV, Wednekday. 4 p.m. PANKENtiKR TRA1NN LEAVE PRIX'L GLJt KT DAILY EXCEPT NUNlltY at 11:30 a m far PRINCE GEORGE, EDMONTON, UINNTl'EU, aU paint Eastern Canada, United State. AGENCY A I J. OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 2Gn FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Dining Room Suites, Chester- ert. and ettuste near th mouth rf N-field Suites, Simmons Beds and ifT- Beddlng, Wnplruny and. Linoleum ' MKPjSL ti?'il '4Uh1 Wtciren Iurdware. ' We invite Ton to call. Mackenzie furniture PHONE 775 SKEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE that the BrtUtn Co lumbia. Fishing tc Packing Oompany, Ltd., of Vanoouyer, B.C.. occupation, flahlng and packing, Intend to apply for a lease of the following deaorebed roreekore, situate fronting on Lot 10, Range S, Coat District: UorazfceoatAg at a oust planttd at tr soutbweat owner of Lot 10. Range t. Oost DKtrjet; thence wuth 6 chain; thence in a southeasterly direction 16 chain: thence In a south-easterly direction 35 chalna, more or lees, to high water mark at a point distant 10 chains, more or leas, westerly I rum we aouueast corner ca ux u: thenco aorth westerly, toHewlng high . water mark, to the point of commence- meet), and containing is aere. more or len. narnsii nratiiraT vtaurvrt ' PACKINO CO., LTD 3. H. BnaoneU, Agent. . i LAND ACT Notice nt Intention to Apply la Lease Land In Toe Btlklne Laud Recording Uta-trbtt of British OotanMa. and altuate atoeut half uiUe Baaleriy from the. mtfeth -of the TiMseoutti Rim. vhloh Into the Taku Htoer shoot six mile tip urn esreawm stomn rmn irora tn Mw. amu Atuks Batwitan uounoaxy LtM' Tk tnato that I, James B. Stapler Lo Anoele. ooaaspation. nuning en - I". wn" HW W permiaaion Lto pHr" Mkwln - Cosajnenclng at a post planted one half mile Easterly from n mouth of en nonMiuk 'mw irnt cut UTi IZr ohalna: ttence North 80 chalna, u , theno. Weat 30 haaoa: tnenee South so chain and oontalnlng 40 acre, more cr JAMES B. STAPLER. Dated June 10th. 1939. tekI rwfc B. C. COAST STEA1V1SHIP SERVICES SAII.IMIH FROM l-RINf E IHTF.KT Juneao and Skagway Jane M. U, 1, 22, 26. 29 and Kraft le June 28. July 3, S, 1 I I r T" kJKTDK IjUl.TTV III I si. ii LAND ACT Notice of Intentlnn to Apply to Leane Land In the Queen Charlotte Land Dtstrtet. of Maaeett. B.C., oocupatlon, mill owner. Intend to asgdf for a leane of tne eoetnf at a eaat slanted near tee aonth eaat earner of Lot 3718. Maasr-redo Ulasd; thence northly 10 chain: thoatce eaaterff 5 chain to low water, thence fonowlng low water southerly 10 chain: thence weaterly to eolnt of com mence men t. and containing four anore or lea. ARTHUR ROBERTSON . By Henry White. Agent. Dated May 11th. 199. LAND ACT Not Ire of Intention to Apply to Lme Land IS the Queen Charlotte Land DtfttJet. tanad BVecordUU Dlatrlct of Prmce Rupert, and si (mate near the mouth of Mas-sett Inlet at Seven MU Point. Take nottoe that Langara Flaking et Packing Oompany. Limited, of Matsstt. B.C . cecwgwtfn. aatmas eantter. m- lends to apply for a leeae ot the follow- i- ,rfki i.i. (kmnetvelrMr at na.t alantari uii r'TThaii I OI ut M, orha lakan i westerly 10 8 chatm: ttieatc .v ..u. ,.,, thence aoutherly S chains to oe'iit ot oommencement. and ooatntnlng I aerea. ijtHiuBA mom A, isfn;tairi CO.. LTD, Henry Whit. Agent. Dates May 14th IMS LAND ACT Notice of latent) to Apply to Lease Land In th Queen Charlotte Land District. Land fk-conUur Dlatrlet ol l Prints Sap- . and areaate st an Mannnvaa point OB northeast of Zaye laland. north of i th, tlk,u?rii ertreui.o . ua.iasd lake on Zaye bland. Tale notice that tuaene H Smnaan ' ana Auinor Hooenson at Maaaett. a.O " ofthTfoIto wSi dSc rtKd lands Korbore wanmencina at a post pisnvd wo feet aeuth of hhrh water at the extremity ' " awe-meotlond unnamed point: -beno east 80 chains theno north 9 chain to low water; thence weaatrly X chain: thence south to point of own- menessnept and oaoUlning ao aere. more or 'ess EVOteVE MUMPMRXT SIMPSON, , Ked Jnne Tth. MSB. f By George McManus he;a watowm me-to i'lu have to TICK TO THE DIOT-1 VI)H bV4t"0 VjOB HEflEyE blCHT 04C.TH0 0-A iAH.f!06 A -L.CE OF CUCUMBER r j i .r i i l wt JL' OAY- I 4,-imwYZ1 - tUT