Builds fitness Not fatness ITB A New and Sensational JilRADIO-lPIIONOeCAIPH Achievement !RAiDIIC)liA"4J" RADIOLA "47" combines the latent of hat-terries Scrcrn-GrMl rwl't receivers with the niot advanced of ehctric phonograph. It. I the greater! dteUincnt of the asfoci-y- jStl laboratories of Canadian General Electric ; ia'fld KatUo Corporation of Aierka. 1 Willi llodiola "47" in jour home you can liJy the jnuIc of your favorite records .' . or you can hear, villi amazing reaL-m, your choice of the continent's broadcasting Flaw, less reproduction of both oice und-music is ciwuml by an.elcctro-dvnamic " loudspeaker. ; t- . H puree you to see (lie beautiful tladiola ii47 a as t atrourshowrooms and learn the advantageT'; vantage! of our easy payment plan. n.ttm S375. Complete with Radiotrons Distributors in Prince Rupert Power Corporation of Canada CANADIAN rCENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Limited Annual Effort of Ladies' Aid Is Being; Held This Afternoon The annual bazaar of the Ladies' Aid of First United Church Is being held this afternoon In the church patlors which are tastefully decorated In red and green Christin-ts colors for the occasion. Many articles are being offered for sale and the affair elves promise of being a great success. It was opened at 3 o'clock by the pastor, Rev. Alfred Wilson. Mrs. Frank Vlckers. Dresident of the aid, la receiving the guests, with , Mrs. Alfred Wilson and Miss Isabel muUQOCK. tnttt. 'YiUMfU Ulu lAfe. J. J. Payne are in charge of the musical program. Mrs. George Wilson is convener of the tea room and Mrs. Georep Beverldge. Mrs. Edg-eumbe. Mrs. T. J. Shenton and Mrs. W. H. Kergln are pouring. Other ladies in charge are: Plain sewing Mrs. Fran!: Vlckers. Mrs. M. Thomas and Mrs. G. M. Hunt. Miscellaneous Mrs. A. Wilson and Mrs. George McAfee. Babyiea Mrs. Santerbane and Mrs. J. S. Irvine. Fancy work Mrs. T. Silversides, Mrs. D. R. Barclay and Miss Sharpe. Home cooking Mrs. O. V. Wllkin-;on and Mrs. L Styles. Decorations were In charge of Mrs. Sllveraides, Mrs. Harper and Mrs. Vlckers. TORONTO STOCKS Close For trfjhay T (Country 3. D. Jdbnatan Co.) Amulet 1.78, 1.79. Dome. 7.15, 7.26. FaleonbrWge, 5.80. 5.55. Hudson Bay, 10.06, 10.25. Mining Corporation 3.10. 350. Mclntyre, 14.50, 14.75. Nnranda 31.05. 36.25. Nipisslng, 1.S7, 145. Stacacona. 4. 5. Sherritt Gordon. 3.50. Nil. Sudbury Basin. 3J0. 3.95. Teck Hughes. 5.05. 5 15. Treaawell Yukon. 6.75, Nil. Ventures. 2.75. 2.85. Wright Hargraves, 1.25. 1.28. MANY SURVIVORS HAVE BEEN RESCUED PAGOPAGO, Dec. 5. The steam-! er Trongate reported all survivors oi tne umisn ireignter Norwich City, wrecked on Gardner Island, had been rescued. The survivors. 22 In number, had been taken off the island. Eleven members of the crew were drowned. The Association of Professional a meeung ana luncneon in tne Commodore Cafe Wednesday. Talks were given by O. Young of the Biological Station; W. K. Gwyer. government engineer: J J Little, and others. Women are saying; "Pinkham'i Compound keeps me fit to do my work." "I was nervous and all run down. Now I eat better and sleep better". "It helped my thirteen year old daughter." "I took it before and after my baby was bora." "I am gaining every day." HOTE ARRIVALS Central Hotel -120 Rooms Rooms 59c and up SWANSON and BESXER Proprietors Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water til all rooms A. J. I'RJJDHOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Every purchase of B.C. Products .HELPS YOU n.c. ntoDUCTS bureau Tb Viaiwim Hoard Mrad TTtZ DAItT WZT73 FACE TWO TiiUfaday. D(vr.n,K , OF u imkmimtmtm m i if mm wmv i m yii m i ip i iii,iLj READY IN TWO MINUTES! I A HOT NOURISHING BREAKFAST U. CHURCH With all the Iran of the whole wheat AU the body-building elements of the whple wheat, nothing added, nothing taken away. So easy to serve and so dcllcfoti'-ly nourishing. Gives new viieorand life to tired tissues. Serve with hot or cold milk or fruits. You MUST be Properly NOURISHED to Resist WINTER Ills, Colds and Chills IflHuenza attacks old and young when the resisting powers of the body are weak. Keep fit this winter by making sure you are well nourished. The unique power o! YRIL ' ' Amxaaa '" - f Pre-Christmas Sale Starts Friday Morning Quick turnover pf stock, low prices to customers, this has been the motto of Richmond's Louvre. This policy the new management will continue. At this Pre-Christmas Sale you will notice that prices continue to be amazingly low for high quality goods. Sale will start on Friday morning. Come early and make your gift selections while the range lasts. f try ft y JkfeucstSkdes in Sheer H0SIE LADIES' !HOSE-Service weight, full fash-'joned. Regular value $1.95. Q-fl f)tZ Pre-Christmas Sale Price. . : . LADIES' CHIFFON HOSE Service weight. Regular value $2.50. Pre-Christmas Sale Price. . . . -''I A i $1.45 50 ONLY, LADIES' RAINCOATS All sizes and all colors. This is a very special value. R S Q Pre-Christmas Sale Price . . . fotJJ 50 ONLY, LADIES' RAINCOATS Regular value $9.50. Q9 QC Pre-Christmas Sale Price $A.VO LADIES' PARTY DRESSES, 50 ONLY In taffeta, satin, georgette, etc Assorted shades Q( A and sizes Pre-Christmas Sale Price . . V 7 eJ v LADIES' AFTERNOON DRESSES in crepe backed satin, georgette, crepe de chine. The latest silhou ette. Wonderful values. Pre-Christmas Sale Price $5.95 LADIES' HATS Felts, velvets, metallic. C-f Qff Pre-Christmas Sale Price from ?AtJeJ ALL OUR STOCK OF LADIES' COATS HAVE TO GO AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. 51 Dainty Gifts LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS Regular value 75c. Pre-Christmas Sale Price, each 40c EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS nz0 Pre-Christmas Sale Price, per dozen 10 DOZEN ONLY, SILK HANDKERCHIEFs- Pre-Chnstmas Sale Price, ftn 3 for 100 0NLY: BOXED Embroidered. Pre-Christmas Sale Price HANDKERCHIEFS 50c LADIES' PURSES Regular $4.95 value. Qffp Pre-Christmas Sale Price UUJ" LADIES' SWEATERS Coat and pullover tv!.-. Exceptional value. C9 QC Pre-Christmas Sale Price W&U0 10 DOZEN ONLY. EMBROIDERED TABLE RUNNERS Regular $3.95rlue.- QCp Pre-Christmas Sale Price u DAINTY UNDERTHINGS I 3 DOZEN ONLY, BLOOMER AND VEST SETS Maybelle silk rayon. Q n Pre-Christmas Sale Price, perset uov' 60 ONLY, SILK NIGHTGOWNS Pre-Christmas Sale Price, $1,25 SHADOWPROOF SILK SLIPS Ci -Pre-Christmas Sale Price WE HAVE MANY OTHER ITEMS OF CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. RICHMOND'S LOUVRE Coal? Coal? Take dimtre ot low prln U put la jour wluttr ivppl, EOHON and CASllV-MrU.Ia-TOX In any qoantltlrf. Alto flour, tit j, Grain and !ffl. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND S58 LEADERS IN STYLE AND FASHION Dr Alexander rnoNE its BCHXEB BLOCK DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 69 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. The Daily News Goes Into 95 Per Cent of the Homes in Prince Rupert. i TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN A,RY F0B S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Collage Cheese FKES1I rASTElTvlZED M AND CKEAM PA1" Throuihout Early Delivery