hp- Si. PAGE FOUR ft! - i,CTE DAILY HEXT3 Thv here Are Times When Nothing Can - Take The Place Of fee as it should he 3. H. Roaf, manager of the t Oayburn Co., pipe manufacturers, t arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert last evening from Vancouver, being here in connection with the appointment of a board of arbitration to settle differences between the city and his company as to payment for sewer pipe which the city claims was not according to specifications. Mr. Roaf to KELLY DOUGLAS GCO..LTD. was in conference this morning with Mayor McMordle and City Solicitor E. F. Jones. i A. D. Hallett, Maaset muskrat farmer, arrived in the city on the Prince John this morning from the Islands. He is contemplating making a tour as far as Winnipeg giving performances as a magician. His muskrat farm at Massett is thriving, the twenty pair of fur bearers which were placed there two or three years ago having now increased to an estimated 250,000 or 300,000. Stephen E. Raymer. Jueo-Slav consul, Vancouver, who arrived in the city on Tuesday, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Anyox. ft Val ues a Our store has been burglarized twice and quantities of new. . goods stolen. Not now having these seasonal goods to sell . we have to pay for them andto do this we have to realize on--the remainder of pUr stock. To get in some money quickly -we- D resses am Coats OUR WHOLE STOCK OF NEW COATS OFFERED AT COST Ladies' Dresses THE VERY NEWEST Regular $9.75 for $G.75 Regular $14.75 for. $9.75 Regular $19.50 for. $11.75 Regular $25.00 for. $19.50 Regular $35.00 for. .$29.50 Ladies' Hats $1.95 $2.95 $4.75 LADIES' BLOOMERS 4 Qff Regular $2.75 for ... , tyM.VO LADIES' BLOOMERS Q9 AA Regular $3.25 for ... . t? A.W V ' SWEATERS Pullover style. C ft Off Regular $7.50 for tpU.AO SWEATERS Pullover style. Off 7ff Regular $0.50 for V SWEATERS Pullover style, OQ Off Regular $4.75 for i?0Jt) SILK VESTS Q-f Off Regular $1.75 for piL.eJ r. Local Items Billiards tonight Canadian vs. Orotto. Merclv routine business was nn lait nisbt at a meeUne of the local Elks 'Lodge-' This afternoon's -train, due -from ; the art at 3:W, was reported this ; morning to be on tune. Capta'n C. D. Haan was among the arrivals here today on the Prince John from SkWegate. Mrs W L; Newe-U sailed hv the Prince Hupert last night on herj return to stewari aiier a visu oi a few days L the city. Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Roberts of ducen Charlotte City are visitors in the city, having arrived on the! Prince John this morning from the Islands. E. C. Stevens, postmaster and pioneer resident of Skideaate, andi Mrs. Stevens arrived in the city en -the Prince John this morning ; from the Islands lor a oriel visit. I Obarlotte Island logging operator, mm ' DANCE SETS . Cl Off Regular $G.OO for . . VOO DANCE SETS T QO Off Regular $5.00 for SCARVES . CO Off Regular $5.50 for . . v ?OmUO HOSIERY Q1 15. Regular $1.50 for V i - HOSIERY O-i ftff Regular $1.95 for.w ? JLX, FRENCH COMBINATIONS QO ff A Regular $4.50 for f ?0OV DEMERS - Third Avenue .1 arrived in the city on the Prince John this morning from the la-lands and will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert fos Vancouver. T. J Shan ton. Inspector of mines, returned to the city on the 1'rlnoe Rupert last evening from a brief triD to the Butedale dis trict on official duties. He boarded the steamer in the channel near Butedale. i Dr. Arthur B. Man son. who lived 1 NERVES WERE BAD JESSM Could Not Sleep Tired All Day Long Miss Florane Coatler, Bark Lake. Oat, writes: "I wu troubled with 'wy -mwretrol!ltoitMiief jr fcf rdgTit; ' ud felt tired all day long-. "A'nelgL'bor e&m In to eee me, one morning, and advised me to take "The first box did me pood and after the eixth box I was able to go back to my work." Price, 50c a box at all drdgglsti and dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont J. C. Edwards, well known Lockeport prospector, arrived in T. A Kelley. well known Queen the city on the Prince John this morning from the Islands. Mrs. P. R. Kelly of Nanalmo. who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Stevjms, at 8kidegate. U here today on her way to her home in the south. here in the early days with hisi . . . i T parents. Mr and Mrs. William 1 A. Llndaay and Don Crerar Ma neon and attended the elemenr , eLurni 10 the city on the Prince tary and High Schools of the city. John this morning after a success-is now located at Cassidy, Vancou- :W ten day hunting trip to TTell.i ver Island, where he Is practicing Q"n Charlotte Islands. Theyi wx a good bag of and as a physician and surgeon. , geese yt ' ducks and report that weather on """ - - j the Islands, while they were there, ii i ii i ma m i - i di aiSsssMMMsaiMis f Saving Prices Mrs. J. C. Dunn of Massett ar-1 rived in the city on the Prince John this morning from the Is-4 lands to pay a brief visit here with her daughters. She will return to: the Islands Saturday night. ! was ideal. I Sport Chat The Canadian Legion will meet the Grotto In the Billiard League games tonight with line-ups as toiiows: M. Andrews vs. O. Waugh. A. Murray vs. D. Brown. J. Scott vs. W. Nelson. P. Tinker vs. A. Andrew;-M. Young vs. J. Hillman.. Hockey Games i On Rollers Played Last Evening Ferrets and Weasels played a game of hockey on rollers Jut night at the Auditorium. It w4 a keenly contested game which the Ferrets won 10 to 6. The teams we're. Ferrets Bob Walker, captain. Peter Onyan. Oeorge McLean and D. Kennedy. Weasels J. Walker, captain, B. Montgomery, Eric Jackson and Jules Welle. Replays of English Cup Five Tied Games riayed Off Yesterday Afternoon LONDON. Dec. 5 Replays Wednesday In the first round of the English Cup: Dageham 0: Barry 1. Sheldon 1.: Doncaster 1. Chesterfield 3: Southport 2. Portvale 5: Oalnsborough 0. Folkestone 2; Clapton Orient 2. I HAVE NOW OPENED AN Up-to-Date OPTICAL PARLOR over the Jewellery store I now offer you an efficient and thorough optical service. I assure you of careful, accurate . arid ' ton&eientlous ' " 'rk. ' jlT, If you do not need; glasses! I will tell you 'so. Have your eyes examined. The charges are very reasonable. Entrance Uirough the Jewellery store or Phone 122 for appointments. J. H. BULGER Registered Optometrist !! i MONTREA IN THEIR NEW STORE IN TIIP rp..r BLOCK HAVE A STOCK OF MEN s uPl, LADIES' WEAR AND BOYS' WEAR yi r,. Bigger and Better Than Eyc; HEKEISTHEMOSTttJ imvruii vULLEl TI0N Practical Gifts for ' Christmas Useful Things. The Kind People Appreciate Be good to o-ir : . Christmas. Gi ' , thing they can n. j give a lot of jo. : ,. money. See thc-c p. ;; MEN'S WESTERN KING MACKINAW i m 1 i r i an tne oesi uiacKinaw rnaue. au u ...,.-, r j ..1 l o ntr " '1 umr vaiuu o.;o. nsi Montreal bale rnce vwwoi Regular $6.95. Montreal Sale Price UUA'IS iaame oua i". : $4,951 PENMAN'S HEAVY RIBBED WoI. s"" AND DRAWERS Q4 95 Montreal Sale Price, ner trarment V-ltol PENMAN'S FLEECE LINED SHIHTs DRAWERS APJ Mnntrpal Snip Prifi nnr tynrmpnt uwll r I- - o STANFIELD'S RED LABEL SHIRT M DRAWERS Regular $2.50 value Q 0 Montreal Sale Price Shoes For Ladies We have a Lr of Ladies' Sh Oxfordg. R. 'y value. Mm : Price, 33.45. .A Patent Purm,- ' ' J'S) footwear"-gand chic - a misges and cliil-i: COME IN AND SEE THESE. CONVINCE YOURSELF OF THE VALVES LADIES' RUBBERS l CI l'fl J. LADIES' BOUDOIR SLIPPERS, too. in , , iety at a price which makes them a r.i'v-;' MEN'S "MASTER MEf!ITANT("J ' . BLUE DENIM PANTS Regular 61 39c LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SILK AND WOOL HOSE We made a special purchase and v - a1 ' to sell these at prices never befon ; : ( " Prince Rupert Thoge call for your in -pec' Sweaters! Sweaters! Sweaters. Here they are in an infinite variety 1 mvV w boys and girls. The thing to keep out i' -at a nrice that will surprise you. GIFT GOODS FOR MENF0IX( We have just unpacked a big shipment R v f?ave 35 per cent on these. Handkerchi. is. ,. Bathrobes for men and'b6y3jlil0.jil1 ia' ' 'yr' j jthat .would; plepse a man is here vo-;r MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW I)cI!JIi YOUR PARCEL MADE UP "ERE. &v CLAUS CAN PICK IT UP ON CHRISTMAS MONTREAL IMPORTERS MEEKER BLOCK, PRINCE Rl TERT.