THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, Dcremh.. FAtiE SIX 5 Gas On Stomach MM lMffl7r;.iM n IVWHAOli . . . Hated To See '"WAVVW Meal Time Coming THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY Mr. D. Lnnick, Fort William, Ont, two SATURDAY 7HE ACME IMPORTERS writes: J'hij hiuband luffered with a snows bad stomach; could not eat at all, but ? and 9 p.m. on tuiog four bottles of s i Ml ''I THE SPECTACLE? QF THE AGES .1 T ' ' iempr ation Dolores Costello and In George O'Brien I M ens' Overcoats ElSHi3SiiH! HERE THEY ARE IN THE VERY LATEST STYLES Blue Chinchillas, tweeds, and in a wide variety of shades to choose from. Temptation Sale Price $19.85 ' 1 Men s Caps We have as large a stock of Men's Caps as we ever carried. Some odds to clear at, Temp- tation Sale Price 95C LUMBER Hunter ' Arrivals WMM,sWfmzw mm 1 1 n M Men's Shirts Tooke's, Arrow and Lang's Shirts for men in broadcloths and silk. Stripes & plain shades. All sizes. Q-fl Off Sale Price-. V-t'OtJ lxG No. 1 Spruce Shiplap . . i $23.00 1x10 Ko. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 lxG No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 1 Common. . . .$25.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 2 Common, . . .$22.00 . t. ' Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling: and FinUh, Mouldings Lath. Sh3glc& Doors, Windows, Etc. BtIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 361 Retail Yard, Cow Bay, Telephone 423 Furniture for sale. Watch the classified columns. ens HIRH-fJRADR MRN'c iTiT5i'i Dressing Gown We have a fine assortment of English brocaded silk Dressing Gowns. Beautiful materials and beautiful designs at Temptation Sale Prices. Mine Head Coal HARD, HOT, CLEAN AND DRY This coal is recognized by all who have used it as being the best Alberta coal coming into Prince Rupert. There is no rock nor slack and we can deliver It in any size you desire. E?C. 1 Inch to 3-inch $12.50 Stove. 3-inch to 6-inch $12.75 Furnace Lump $13.50 REMEMBER Our coal is kept under cover and you are not paying for jjpfwater. We Can Supply Telkwa Lump $13.50 Wellington Lump $14.50 INSIDE MILL WOOD Cut 14-X16", big load . ..$4.50 C. C. KETCIIUM & CO., LTD. PHONE 771 Advertise In the Dally News. ALL HAND MADE 2 Ilefre Brand and other well known rnnUws P In fancy worsted and pin stripes. Regular valutas up 10 $oo.UU. Temptation Sale Price $33.45 Boys' Shirts One lot of Dressy Shirts for boys. Fine wearing materials, well made and strongly sewn. Temptation Sale Q Price 3&3EBX3C3EXOEE THE ACME IMPORTERS SOBS rifciB Tavt'i'' iw i i ii if m m i i Local Items A. Richmond arrived in the city on the prince Rupert last evening from Vancouver. Oddfellow' whit rirlvn anil dance, Metropole Hall, December iu. AamiMion duc. (38g) Foster Wilton returned to the :ity on the Prince Rupert last eve-nine from n buslnnu trn n Ocean Falls. Rev. E. Hodson, Anglican Church clergyman, was a passenger on board the Prince Rupert last eve- SlnE bound from Ocean FVillc Anyox. H. V. Taylor, general manager of the W. H. Malkln Co. Ltd.. arrived in the city on the Prince lupert last evening from Vancouver, being here for a visit of in-'pection of the local branch of the company's business. h ii fit'linir 70-00. 2 lbs. a different man alto- i jethor. "I, myself, was terribly bothered with gns mi my stomach which kept tie awake, night afti-r night, and I bated tu nii-nl time romin(;, eo I ried the B.R.H. tK, and now I can at what I like." Put up only by The T. Milbum Oo iimited, Toronto, Ont EVAPORATED CHOICE APRICOTS 2 IDS EVAPORATED CHOICE PEACHES Per lb SMYRNA WHITE FI08- 3 lbs WOMEN'S BANQUET Fourth Annual Dinner of Women of Mooschrart Let ion on Tuesday Evening Th Women of the Moosstieart txe-ion hrld thrir fo nth annua banqu;. !n the Commodore Cafe -n T.'.day evening, there being forty lclonaires In attendance at the affair was as enf&v- ablp as it was successful. The 4?Ye.- were prettily decorated in 2r:r':tr..s rotors with a red faror at "-:h nlace. The banquet was opened with ne sinking oi -o Canada" which .vas fo lowed by the tout to tn Ulng proposed by Mrs. P. M Crosby, past went, who presided Mrs. A. O. BarUett. chaplain, then d In Draver During the evening there were speeches by Mrs. Zinar Larsen senior regent; Mrs. F. M Crosby past regent: Mrs. A. O Bartlett. chaplain: Mrs. J. Weir and Mrs. R McCarthy Mrs Bus-sanlch of Ketchikan and Mrs. Newell of Stewart, visiting legton-aires. also spoke briefly. Readings were given by Mrs. P. J. Ryan rr-mrrfpr rui Arm W rtiimm After the dinner Troeeedrng,- Vb evening was spent in playing card and singing and dancing. The winners at cards were Mrs. Klnar Larsen first, and Mrs. A. Clhnes-org. second. The proceedings deled a about 12:30 midnight with the slnelne of "8he a Joliy Good Fellow" and "Ood Save the King." The committee in charge of th banquet consisted of Mrs. F. M Crosby, past regent, convener: Mrs. Einar Larsen. sen tar regent: Mrs: Charkv, Edwards. iast repeat no Mrs P. J Ryan, recorder. ' " ' ' Week-End Special MILK All brands. Dozen tins MALKIN'S BEST COFFEK 1-lb. tin 81.35 60c MALKIKIEBBST TBA QQq MALKIN'S BffiT KOB TEA 1-lb. fancy tin WILD ROSE PASTRY FLOUR 10-lb. ORANQE PE- 75c 55c BROOKFIELD BirTTBR Q4 A A S-lb. pkg 91xU SUNNYBROOK CRSAMBRY BUTTER OI QC 3-lb. brick 01,9O EG 08 Fresh firsts. Per doc 60c , NABOB GRAPEFRUIT OA 2a. Per tin uuv EVAPORATED PRUNES 25c 45c 25c 35c COLUMBIA PURE CHERRY ff JAM-4-lb. tin tUV COLUMBIA PURE APRICOT JAM-4-lb. tin NABOB PUMPKIN 2 tins ; NORWEGIAN FIB1? iSUNKIST JUI 5 doz ' SPLIT STOCK Alberta Market TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I gamul.. i-ioprietor ; Fifth Street. Phone 208 FOR SALE drlhophonlc Vktrola in mat class condition with records. Phont Qreen 448. (283 55c 25c CtAN(3f5Snf- "Noah's Ark" (PART TALKING), RIBLICAL AND MODERN ALL TALKING COMEDY "CRAZY FEET" ADMISSION, 20c AND C5cs SATURDAY MATINEE, 15c AND f I RC.Kad V. .-Jl, For Every Purpose There's a dependable R.V.C. Radiotron for every socket in i all-clectric or battery-operated j radios. i UX-280 (rectifier) $4.50 i'Dfrons CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Limited POWER CORPORATION OF CANADA PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TO OHM ,...TUW 5 MAN to MAN IT'S 'best by Long ucias THf OtMCTHOatt INTHt WOtkO REAL OLD SCOTCH whisky" This advertisement is not published or displays ! Liquor Control Board or by the Covernnn-t British Columbia. COAL! COAL! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton SJ; ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton Jjrjg ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 1J,W Special Prices On Your Winter Suppb i , v WQOE) m MILL ENDS Per load '. i'S BOX CUTTINGS Per load M HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 If you lose anything, advertise for it.