THE DAILY NEWS Friday, March 8, L I. VISIT MADE TO Fashion Fancies The Daily News The Extreme Princess Silhouette PRUiCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIj INDIAN TRIBES Tales Fashion's Fancy 1 PubJJibed Every Aftrmxn, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally New, Limited, Third Avenue. . IL F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor.. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES' City Delivery, by mall or earner, yearly pejtaJ, paid to advance For lesser period, paid ir advance jwjvEMatfe By mail to all parte of Northern aaiCsttlr British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period .$ Transient uiapuu overusing, per itxu, n-jjiw. Transient Advertising to Front PKe. per utt Local ReaofcTt. per itmeTtios, per lise Classified Advciincjr. per iosertJoo, per word Ler NnVe. ra'-H inrtc,D per a sate lae Or four moots fr By mail to all other parte 01 British Colombia, the British Empire and Unfile States, paid la advance per ar .... 3y mail to al! other cooiitrfe, per yeat . Coatract Kale eo AppHeaUot. Advertising and Clreuiatkn Cetephone 93 Editor ad Reporter Teepnn ... 86 a'emher of udit Hvreee f ClrnAatlon 1MILY EDITION sajg Friday. March 8, li PRINCE RUPERT PENALIZED mands since the government ha&changed. utngry OFFICE IIUNTHIUUSY President Hoover is said to m teste hunters at Washmftott aod it is alio said This whole sydtfiTdf concerned with wtoch party stand that there are certain sirabie that the afficfal shoi sovernment. To harbor an eh, would coadttcive to whole, however, there eht&fa be ehanire in nolitical affitfatioite. It It miA am that ia not in trip rmblic interest It is to be hoped that thU d WA.I J5.00 JR.00 with rtftirp t Peemler ,he JtJL wei Tohnie has been msttlred bv men tVho stmuWeil Min in the late campaign and who have been kwkfme far tJieuj re ward. That accounts to mMheextesrtfor the larce number o ons where it is ar&de-i' in vwe can aott&unaer- tyMtn'S "tllbrUi' A complete range of Northern' Rubber, at Styl-Shus is on hand 10 meet your nceui. LOOK fOR THE TRADE MARK v WINNIPEG, March g. Eight hundred miles by snowshoe. through the wilderness of northern Ontario and Manitoba.' through vast tracts of territory wholly unknown to white man. was tne epic journey maae oy Arthur W. North of the Explorers' ViyUClBb. New York, and his 14-year-, 31 old son. Robert, wno arrived ftfr Winnipeg today over the Canadian , 1 NaLonal Railways from The Paa.i $1.81 Epic U a word by no means far- fetched. Hudson's Bar Company S&-OH factors and old-timer trappers of, !7 5 the north declare that they hare no knowledge of such a trip everj having been made by long trekking; Indians, to any no lis lug of white The Norths left the Canadian National line at Hudson, Oct.,) on Christmas Day and struck out; for York Factory by way of L&r ftfJikraed fiMirsml. snewmm-imaiara no Ir the corn uience 01 me ni in the inner cRdlaf.r i. . kl change because, gt : iWiadtL North. vm. i trip. Ker felt 62 degrees the- fashigi' en of dismissals from the. pultMrEerfiice since t&e election, ft exploring th. he-dwate T. - ,crt K- HA ' i thi'Attawrapilrot. Severn. At IC'C ID aBWi Fit BIT HVV sThpitir irtay at YeriuFae- j . stiiifchig the rMW of y JUrtway etyAmary, aoiaght a w.trk train frtitgfin a mai.. litis rmrninir on uu iiniinpnin ' "NORTHERN" Rubber Footwear The "Northern" range of Overshoes for Men, Women and Cluldren offers a wider selection than ever. Jersey or Cashmer-eue in various heights with buckle, strap or Wrazxer fasteners. Cottons Mad wttb BtKkfet some of the belongings they left publicity and very serious MtfMMtyit wflects a reahza-behind. On their mum home. tion on the part of the courts WatthJs rarticular kind of Robert, who ia a student of Ph.; offender will have to be dealt with more severely than in caemr AMOw' Jw"f--the past And behind that there dvelopi try an aggressive puonc opinion wnicn win, 11 necessarythini book of exploration the imy force th" hands of both judges and law-makers to the end has published nd it will be il-of compelling such changes in the law and its application Histrated by photogrphs taken on as will check a growing menace to public safety. ; the trlD byhto father. DREAM ISLAND , MEXICAN COAST BOSTON. March 7. The stcamnr Peary h:is sailed away in of a "dream island" in the Pacific. On the bridge of the steamer as it sailed from Boston stood. Matthew F. Bramley, wealthy Cleveland paving contractor, who planned the cruise to fulfill a dream in which he visualized a sunken Island off the ; west const of Mexico. I Aftr the dream, Bramley made an extensive search for the island ' in ship aid airplane, r ram an airplane he finally discovered be- ' neath the ocean a shoal resembling tiBdream falaiid.!' lie eommls-hioned Captain L. I). Lockwood to find 11 ship suitable for exor-imental work to determine whether the island could be reclaimed by the erection of a sea wall. The Peary, which was used by Commander Donald B. MacMillan in an expedition to th An tic in 1 1926 and which ha been tied up at a s'iipyrd in fhelseii since that THE FAMILY SHOE STORE voyage. Wiis recently purchased by Prince Rupert, B.C. liramley. mi captain Ixickwood's , recummeiulation . 1 J?f K ,1 fflSm. 1 i Soul. Woman Like and half a: popular model at a dosen other If"" they ch- nt drMS erhlbit w the satin , ed Bg Trout, from whence they !. . -HllrMi here. , 4traao4 84 miles twrth mtrfJ'lThs the ti is defmrte proof that lt looks as if Prince Runert was bebur ranalized for 'XTZt" u' .aggerated princess silhouette will. I a . g o a J ivi j J was mi m tiinssvii m 9m mmm vu imaf aMW . electing an opposition member to the legislature. At any The purpose of the trip was to,DV . rate, she is suffering as a result of the change of govern-; fr to idiM of the remote nunt Whiia it irasnfton rhiuarhr that the T.ihoral omvom- ,Miricte- F of tribes of. !1 . " " , " VJu" T L ' which had never been before vm- a road work and this ment slow to its was m regard paper M whUc meB Md they foaiML again and again urged greater speed, progress was being particularly in the region of Gods! made, but now everything is to be allowed to remain in K'w. natives living in the moat abeyance. Not even the bridge is to be built priti" shio,B- t "Pr,ttni We have a memory of local individuals vociferously jJJ JJj "'vJJJ demanding speed in the buflding of the highway and cnid- phyny ey were far uerior! ing us because we did not attack the late government for to the Indians w-ao knew mom not making better progress. We hope we shall hear from about civilization. 1 am afraid them now and that they will be equally keen in their de- tht th influence of the whu; aasi 1 sacso iivi ea-a w a J a itrii lUi ' igood." The ejrplorers had. them I elvA morttUlity li ve thek 1 opev asr toe. - r 1 ater .leaving Hudson down ?. -id te 'even on nignts wheo' outstanding type for 1 A BOW THAT BECOMES A GRACEFUL TRAIN the American Sgptem my life, tteo K I am 54 years Here is sometlhna4; M.riiniart reai to follow. , age. I put on eight pounds and and jaunty! It is sjm taffeta t Robert added fifteen. I sh; a Id bustle bow, attached )o the waW, A TIMPI iUlBUl V WAP WAKrtlAU VI VP I like to Uke the opportunity, whilt'that sweeps the ground with all 2m mboul iu of pay nR m deM of th 6ifmitraf a traln. Chief Justice Meredith Of Ontario raises the question gratitude to the Hudson V Hay men; Notice the saucy tiers on this whether a "hit and run" driver should not be charged with we de4lt witn Jow the wav ani,i smart evening frock. They have murder when his victim dies. He says: "It makes no dif- ? ot thm,ve frn. whPther death onirl imrnwlintplv nr nt If '?h 'J,d!me rtBant-t you wouldn't expect of such . : j - ionmii, wno aia so mucn ior us the driver went on, knowing that the person might be before we started. saved bv stoDDinc and rivine him all Dossible aid. then the The explorers left 1 . ; 1 t -i 1 MA4 . omy.quesuon in my riunu i wnein of murder rather than mansla; SMUH mmm s modest fabric as printed eWf- . . fon. Printed, by the way, with innipeg:ctrise splashes on a cream back- tw. . 1 1 11 r 1 lbv itiil fllllLV wMAMMil k ... this ahaidi touemi ' , hmK? Ltd stopping 'or Montreal . u.,j and New York. , F pahaixed T li il UMhe H . uffeU ,VZ TL bow of , iy be givfeii wide TUB AFTERNOON JluKETi DliLSff A SPRING SPIJE1 Ssr Don t iss This Lar 5 ST- The The SS m! Jubti. titrkets. and agaffn jaclwt! For sports wear, fer mul afternoon ul Lasts and' eve ning festivities the HUle coat Is indispensable. Here it Is in a charming print, to match the skirt of the frock. The blouse is of sulphur green crepe und affects three little Chanel !, , one at the neck and two at the hip. Green and yel low form the print -motif on a black background. CLEAN SWEEP SALE of Frizzeli's Dry Goods Stock NO RESERVE EVERYTHING NOW ON SALE-SEE WINDOW i MANY a man owes ha daily fitness, his sccesf , to the wife who sees that "he takes good care of himself." She watches that he gets enough sleep, takes enough time, to eat She acts as family physician, wth every meal she serves. And often as not, Kellogg'p ALL-BRAN is her trusted ally. For this healthful cereal has been adopted by countless women s the surest, easiest way to insure plenty of daily roughage, lacking in' so many foods. The know how important roughage is. In safeguarding their families from constipation they ate responsible for their own happier homes. Constipation is the bane of thousands. It attacks health. Ruins youth. Saps energy. Too often it brings serious disease. And yet it is easy to prevent Kellogg' s ALL-BRAN is guaranteed. Wh ALLBRAN is to effective Bulk or roughage relieves constipation naturaUf. ALL-BRAN furnishes bulk in generous quantity because it is 1 00 bran. This bulk absorbs moisture and distributes it through the digestive system. Cently distending the intestine exercising them ALL-BRAN SOO it the nrtt nri7f in the Kitmh Picture Puzzle Contnt ind th more thin 200 additional prizes totalling over 51.500 00. Evrryone in the family tan enjoy the fun at there are also 100 prizes for the young folk under 15.. For your entry mail the coupon today with: tWO Nabob (trtiflCirtl (rrrtifoit in irn package of Nabob Tea. CofTVt nd Baking Powder ) 1 28 ALL-BRAN ihijii J masmmnwM - "HW -S mr .vammmmmaraW samV After all, most husbands, are like children .P sf J sweeping out wastes and poisons. I a a part-bran prod-uct the amount ofibulk is seldom sufficient to completely perfor.n this work. That is why doctors recommend ALL -BRAN. Because they know that it W W)0 braa and 100 effeetfve. - Different from tmna lural pills ALL-BRAN works as nature works. How much better than habit-formngdru'gs whose dose mit be constantly increased and which sometimes injure tKe system. Kellogg' s ALL-BRAN is an inviting cereal to eat with milk or cream. Delicious with fruits or honey added. Sprinkle it into soups too. Use it in cookingrecipes on package. Mix it with other cereals. Eat two table spoonfuls daily chronic cases, with every meal. If you will serve it in some form regularly, you will surely protect your family from ittai censnpetien. ALL-BRAN U sold by all grocers. Served at hotels, cafeterias. On diners. Made by, Kellogg in London, Ontario. CuaranlttJt K.Htit'l ALL-BRAM It nU with I kit Jt. mUt traMt Cat It mAi Im dmtiim I. II It 4t mat nliav taatHamtia ma witt rtfmnj IK4 pmf srsn CHI IK) N r F ' u Contfst Manager. Dept. J-'l K 1 1 1 y. Douglas W Co. Limited. Vancouver. B. C. Please send me a copy of the Nabob I). ....... rK...i 1 .. I tars. 1 antnckwg tWjaVtttiStatr. I I j , Addrtu - U