-h 8, 1323 wvi NEWS P.'.ZT. time Local and Personal News In Brief Come in for Details of the 130,000 Prize Picture Contest Let us tell you how easily you can qualify for a major prize in this big Eastman Contest the greatest in the history of photography. Entry blanks and complete contest information are available at the Kodak counter now. Come to our store to fill any photographic need. We have a complete stock of cameras and dependable Kodak film. And our trustworthy Kodak finishing makes the most of every roll ( I film. Stones Im. 7fic Pioneer l)rtttfists s & aw m w Canadian National Steamships DRYDOCK m SHIPYARD "dperatlux UT.I- 2l.HMi Van Homing tr KnrOneers, ruachinlHts. Boilermakers, MacbKniith. rtieri. makers. Founder Woodworkers. I'c. KLKCmilC AND ACKTYLKNR VKI.IHNi. Our plant is equipped to handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and SS SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET Srd Avenue I'lione 7G5 . MEAT, PISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. RED'S Transfer Fifteen years experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood In any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, nelnhtfw nd mensures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT 8ERVICE Day Phone: 204. Night Phone: Red 317. Engraved Tableware When foi buy ydur silver from us you now can have it engraved artistically so that the work on all pieces will bo alike. " This adds to the value of the setfjfihd makes a gift more japrefflatcd. Our automatic engraving machine enables us to do this. John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results. I Scottish' National ' at Music Music ' Westholm'e tonight. 5C I Mrs. Howard Steen, iwp left this week for Anyox, will spend 'a month at the smelter town with her daughter, Miss Ella Steen. ' G. A. Woodland, local agent of the Imperial Off Co., returned to the city on yesterday after-j noon's tram from a busihess trip to the interior. Miss K. I. Deacon arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon train from Terrace and Is paying a visit with her nlete, mrs. names Kurquhur, 401 Fifth Avenue East. Ernest Love, formerly super-! intendent of utilities here and now proprietor of the telephone system at Stewart, is a business visitor in the city having arrived THIUD AVE.f SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 200 Hfrorn the., north-on" the Prince li.Geonre (George this this momlnir. morning. Arthur J. Curzon, who hasben travelling representative for a leading wholesale importing warehouse in Prince Rupert 'lor the ;last few years has resigned to (take a position, representing Guelph and Kitchener (Ontario) manufacturers, and covering Northern and Central British Columbia. Mr. Curzon will continue to .reside in Prince Rupert, i The Annual General Meeting jof the Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht Club will be held in the I City Hall on Friday, March 8, ANNOiJ.S'CFMBNTS. i 4 - . holme Theatre, March 18, anc ' ' 1 .&MUBf-if ! I . II I 11 e palatable way to take Veast QJ Soak a cake of Royal Yeast with a ' little sugar in a quarter ' , of a glass of tepidi';A . , water over night. Stir; -j ; well, strain and drink I "' i. thes liquid. Many people prefer to take it in orange juice. ROYAL YEAST CAKES Mitchell & Currie have the contract for the putting in of a cement fttamdation 'under the .. Street which has been taken by Women of Moheart IBionthe ConsottdrfiM Minthg &' Smel-8L Patrick's Tea Mttth IfoafcWJ, Co ffl .jfWr orce here, ' home of Mr''Mu!i4llm. " 1 ,. . ... . G. Dunn, who has arrjyed Bee "Officer W at.. West- "eru10,. 1 oince lor. irt me Lonsonaateo inning, & fcmei-i 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi tf , Dentist. Dr. J. It. Gosse. 086. ?hone St. Andrew's Society monthly meeting, Friday at 8 p.m. 54 fy, ji ,;jit JilLitjle returned tp thgi M r jon the Prince Gebfge this nio'r-i ning from a trip to Stewart on business in his capacity as Nor-thefn British Columbia manager for the Power Corporation of Canada. ZCl, " sZ V- Tn ' MILK All brands. 9 tins $1.00 !' " - , ,xi March 22. lAvenlie J?asf hy , John n Bergman. HAMS-Swlffs Picnic, average 1 I? A Mend of teas rcsh Zrom mountain gardens TEA 'Fresh rem the gardens' Last call! Pioneer banquet and - - dance Friday night, 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. S1.00 inclusive. Nine niece C.P.R. steamer Princess Royal. A. L. Grav. inshprtnr nf th. Premier Orchestra from 10 to 2 Capt. Thomas Cliff, is due in port Radiotelegraph department, is on a.m. uentlemen 50c, Ladies 25c. at 3:30 this afternoon from the his way, north ,froo I.Victoria and tVArvKskltr liraljiAmd KM ati.tV. nr. A ...ill ix.il n , 10 r. m nrt im A.......-.1 4-I .. ' ' : .',. . ...wMj tt i-ivwuit. , til wuui auu niii nan at v vu j uuxitu llxiv Wlinin a WeeK S her return to Vancouver and way! tihie to co 'infr th mnttur A. CarmichaI;iKlteji points. ' ...... , JocaJ reception. oi anyox wefg pasngejf SaCgd . irs . 'ji 4 J the Prince Ceofgethtt'feerSjnl , iU8.r3ei?Oiarmand, whd aM A. A. 'Cameron tKoinir throtitrh al VeTntifarer rivmih-'the ,ditv this week from chief fnPI of of Edmonton, 'y heth'4t'1 4fr husband re- adiah National Railways for Ai-(Ths Wherp they -Svill em1arer;mtflppled this morning berta and British Columbia, ar-'a trip to 'England.? .'ion" tgMfri0 George for . Van- rived in, the ity from the east - .!. " . ; toutfo'jljt , Ion yesterday- afternoon's train I Provincial Constable R. Ci Gil- iand sailed this morning on the ker returned to the city on the A. P. Allison, who has been on Prince George for Vancouver. Prince George this morning from a trip to the 0.ueen Charlotte . Anyox, having in his custody a, Islands in connection with hlsj Effective the week of March 'man named Ed. Strom, who has 'logging interests, sailed this i 25, Canadian National Coast 'been sentenced to two months'. morning on the Prince George Steamships will go on to twice-a- imprisonment at Okalla for vag-, for Vancouver. iweek spring schedule. Boats will ,rancy- jarrive from the south at 10:30 ir. ana .-irs. Jioy Lancaster 'arrant tnr t. P.n.j;.. XT...j "lulways. QUALITY AT RIGHT PRICES W. J. Larkworthy, well known a.m. Wednesday and Saturdays N'ew Hazelton merehant, arrived sail at 4 n.m. the same davs tnr ;wn" arrived tnis week from the hi the city on yesteruay alter-. Ayx and Stewart, return here " !Fraser Valley where they have noon's train from the interior.lat 7:30 p.m. Thursdays and Haddon, manager ot the Lbeen residinir durinc th mt fw hfn(r nn hi vmv nnth nn nldav anH ami k . m lOSQjat; . i pitj ' . . prompt. r-" Kindly; J Bank atllyder, is a visitor lt the f months, will feave tomorrow mor-, business, trip. . ,i those i da fJhe last -winter Fri- attend. Business, Election of Of fe'ers. YAinuul Statement.' 1 fH cny,. naving arrived trom - theming fUf BWhesU, west of Prince ' ! fday1 niorm'hp' bailing for the south north on the Prince George thisiGeorge, where Mr. Lancaster, wilt Mrs. Jl... Brocklesby, who hasiwill be on March 22. morning. jtake take over over, the the duties duties ptUstitfort nrfktktfmJ ihebh jj.h vliftfii viihfhtr hr hare with with hiV Aon soni I -ii -:t ! lrt- m"n pu "mlly will ar- 6 j.2 js. Each $1 43 at Kispiox, who has been a patient day it wss sold at about 30 cents Presbyterian Master SaW March rtve shortly from Rossland. I TOILET PAPER G roils ....22c in the Hatelton Hospital, arrived, a pound. It was used in , , ..- -- -- " I pt't c i nTit i or n in iht pltv nn vnstrdav after- cal work. In the manufacture of Good Friday evening Baptist jgT Church Musical Lecture, "The King's Herald." Refreshments. Royal Purple Bridge, Whist and Dance, Elks' Home, April 2. Anglican April 3. W. A. Easter Sale, United Church Easter Basaar, The Food-tonic That Imparts a Feeling of Fitness and Strength SCOTT'S EMULSION Rich in the Health- building Vitamins of Cod-liver Oil Scott ft Bowne. Tomtalti, Out 2 2h Have You Heard ? ? ApriI 4 . , -i With edn double purchase of C.W.L. Spring Sale In Ctholie COPFKK-Per lb Hall. Thursday, April 4. After- inoon from 3 to 6. Social in eve ning starting at 8:30. . SCALE OF CHARGES The following Is the scale of charges made for reading BAKING notices: Birth Notices 60c. Cards of Thanks, tZ Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c per name. Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. CORN FLAkSSOuaker. I 3 pkta. ...). 27c1 MINUTE OATS Ogilvies. j Per pkt. 27t ! SALTED SODAS Fairy. Bulk. 2 lbs 33c POWDER McLaren's j Invincible. 12 oM. 2 tins 35c! TOMATOES Ashcroft. 2 l-2sJ 7 tins 05c PEAS-Royal City. 2s, size 5. 7 tins . . ., '. 05c ORANGES S do 45c S doz ' 05c ft. , Seilars Grocery Third Avenue PHONES 45 AND 574 MILK MILK, Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VAIOTNDAIRY Telephone 657. LOBSTER Eagle, l-2s. Ter tin 48c SAANICH CLAMS Per tin lCc CORN STARCH Per pkg. . . .11c RED PLUMS .K. H 9 Watts Grocery duality Right Prices Right PHONE 53 PHONE 56 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant; ser' vice In buying and jeilln Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat order ou Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller. Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avvnue Prince Rupert. ILC. ami daughtr-in-iaw, jir. ana KK Tr , !illllilL3o.o AHIWkSxFn Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby, Summit DI.c,r Apartments, sailed by the Prince ROTARY LUNCHE1N George this mowing en het re- ( turn to Vancouver. , iH A. McLeaa.Ity -engineer. In brief ddiis to the Rotary Club r v p Vrn- rv.n h Ll Zll9t at ita 'wncheon yesterday after- n Cap . E. Mabbs. sailed at 5 o- nooni wJth n g R0che8ter pre. clock yesterday morning for ifdin- told ht)w hp bami . pn. SteSrflrt with a cargo of lumber gneer. for the mines and is due back j. j. Thompson told of the in pott late tonight or early to- manufacture and uses of alumi- morrow morning. num. He stated that the metal was taken from cbiy and had be- MIS A. Menzies, field matron come gradually cheaper until to- i . K4LMJ e i i iw aunr - ' - Per carton 78c noon s train from the Interior and motor cars, in paint, and in the the Prince manufacture of steel. APPLES-Small thi" " on size, for cooking or eating. Box ; ORANGES Sunkist .$1.75 Good size; UeurKe lot vnncuuicr wiicjc aiir will enter the Vancouver General MADRIGAL CLUB sweet and juicy. Sdosenfl.00 l,osP'ia' lor "ner uiiu, SOAP Classic. 6 bars 23c Scvoy Mr. and Mrs. LeSMur, George; T. G. McManame'n, .... 2 tins ....48c raP" Toint: .G5c : li A t'tvn nntutum . n- ti-. IBM. 'NABOB TEAPer lb 70aj G.. pectjn 20 We are giflSnj S lbs. Cranulated SEEDLESS RAISIN'S 8 lbs. f2c Sugar FREE for three dnva only. ' Ever thing in Green Vegetables in season arriving r.acn lioat. HOTEL ARRIVALS Yokubone and A. Mensies, Prince George. M. Halllwell, Tejraeet Mr. and Mrs. Hann and C Warner. Smithera; Brnest Love, Stewart; E. D. Haddon, Hyder. IS FORMED HERE With II . N. Brocklesby as the moving spirit and director, a JXT d'' f'ub has been formed in e ... . . . i -w- f rwmmrutA m rw TiiniiTn inpsii A. Hanwn. Invert ypled8tVfljrtMnif the crfnductors i of three of the city's church c oirs. The snill hall in the 'n, b-sement of the United States con- T. X$m city; M. S. Sherriff gulate ig Mng used for practices and T Hatton. Hazelton; W. nnd the first public appearance of J. Martin. Terrace; E. II. Jackson, (he new Voc.il organization is be-Vancoaver Mr. Campbell and ng planned for next month. Henry Jackson, Prince George; L. F. George and W.h Soon, Inver- yjjjQ REpjIQf ness, Prince Rupert A. C. Knight C. C. Pierre, G. Pl.h.r P U'olrh nnii C Wlnton I. . 1, T inompson, vanceuver; v. y. Larkworthy. New Hatelton t A. S. Tordiffe. Cedarvale; A HAS BEEN POOR IN ALL PARTS OF WORTH W. J. Pitman of Prince George Writes to D. C. McRae, president Flsk, M. of the Prince Rupert Radio Asso ciation, stating that reception at Prince Gorge, like here, has been very poor during the past two Weks. 'n the mutter of the cam paign to have a radio inspector stationed in northern British Co- Ontral . lumbia. Mr. Pitman suggests that C. Bourque. Billmor Mills; Mrs. McBride and other towns east of John Mackeniie. city; M. G. Mc- rnnw w, ge ot- circmrncu. Leod, Prince George; Oscar Burke. Fraser Lake; W. E. run- Ocean Falls also reports that radio reception has been poor dur- i. V, Vns Mnf .t-T-tVl J. Wall Hall and ahd i J tn PaRt knight, indicating thicondition ha9 been gen-Hector X. JiiNab, C-N.RX . eral all ... BMW over tha the nnrth north. t fl? 9 Dr. Alexander PHONE 875 RKHNKK HLOCK DENTIST ml