Friday, March 8, 1929 s " a Man in the Moon I i Making the first payment on a car makes a person feel as if he at least owned the radiator cap. Girls are always inventing things to draw attention. The latest of these is ankle socks. My wife spends so much It puts me on the rocks And yet she has to have The latest ankle socks. Parents these days read books P"1 1 i . . .. . otu to warn now to onng, up cnuu-;Distriet ' ren " Jake has been studying the Bible history and he has discov- If you really want to know the truth about yourself and y6ur frii-nds are too bashful to tell ' you, just try running for somej office. The BUn' is llVfc' wrne girls. It will kls'iinnejnJemons, Half Ihe city wonders how the other half can afford to keep a raj und buy drinks and smokes at the sorfKj ineg.' ' People who help themselves too freely now will need the Lord's help later on. HiKh Low HiKh Low Hijfh IiOW v,( Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert March 8, 1913 On motion of J. I). MeAuley, thn Prince Ruoert Board of Trade last night passtl a J9u tion seeking the flnUtan? of Lieut. Col. C. W. Psck, V.C, M.P.' in having a lower -freight "rate given to lumber sWprHetU destined from this distrtiit to Bur-j ope. A better rat, Jt,..lf te- i. ...i ...v., i.i niinur uuru s mills; of this district t participate- iiT the overseas business. The Board of Trade last night' paxscd a rasolution requesting the Dominion government to subsidize a small boat service out of this port. Reginald Beaumont was the mover of the resolution. It is being urged here that Digby Island marine station be made, as was originally intended, a seperatL branch ipd not a substation to Tictprln. ' ' . v ill I Mi PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Friday. March 8 0:19 a.m. 17.1jfL 11 :5G a.m. 1&9 ft. 0:11 a.m. r0.G ft. 18:39 p.m. 4.C ft. Saturday, March 9 ' 0:48 a.m. 18.0 ft. 12:35 p.m. 19.8 ft. 0:48 a.m. 8.2 ft. 19:11 p.m. 3.8 ft. Sunday, March 10 1:10 a.m. 18.9 ft. 13:12 p.m. 20.5 ft. 7:22 -a.m. 0.8 ft. tl9TT2lWn1.3ft. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE SEVER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOONI THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT ,1$ FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST m.YOUNG AND OLD. "NAVIOAIILK WATEK9 PROTECTION' A CI"' II. 8. C. Chapter 140 1IOMZ OIL DlallBUTORS t.TMtTITl whose principal place ol business Is at DUI Columbia, ambia, has District ol Prince Ruprt. British Co'um- Ti I """-Ma, at Prince Rupert, aforesaid, a de- nbout how to manage parents and scrlptlon ol the atte and the plan of tliev llliy succeed BULICCU wonderfullv well well. ! buildings and wharves proposed to be WUUUCllUliy hllllt l th hrhmir f Trlr... Di,n.rt In A lot of people would spats if they dared. When stocks take a drop much there is a tendency capital to be tight. You may earn yourself plenty of money, Entertain as your frin4s may expoct, But you'll not reach the social high places Unless you are of the elect. front of Lot 3 of WatTfront Block XT'. w Prince Rupert. wear AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex-jplratlon of one month from the date o.' ! the first publication of this notice Home for Jake says if there's one thing in the world he would like it it to join the socially eluct. un uistriDUtors. Limned, will under tion 7 of Use said Act apply to the Min ister of PUNlo worm at his office in the City of Ottawa for approval of the aald site and plans for leave to construct the "" aald whan as aforesaid . DATED at Vancouver. British Colum- PRINCE Die, tne inn aay oi januarv. lira. HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS. LIMITED. Bv its Soi'eltors. ROBERTSON DOUGLAS if SMYE8. s.NI AC1 Notice of Intention to Apply . to lease Ijnil In Prince Bujh rt Land Recording Dls-trlM ot Prince Kurort, and situate at the awtfe end ! Kaxn Wand, - opts, liange 0. adjacent to Tike russet that BUtaer Soruce Mills. Limited, of VcOT)vor. British Columbia. - M h.i M.nnfurftiMH IM.nrt. ti Moses CoUworth should Invent apply tor a lease of the following calendar which omits the first CTibel t ... i 4L 4V, . Oomaielne at the northeast corner of lew uu) j ui me iiiwtjui m m. it ussa, Ranse a. v u . tnenoe sovun thoso monthly accounts may never arrive. erly M delfeea 10 minutes east 800 tret more or leas, to low water mark: theoce i eg rn . easterly alow the aouthern boundary ot the aald rutr.t-of-wav to tre nortnwes-corner of Lot 653S: thence fol.owlns th sinuosities of the said lot to the point ol snend commencement ' n ..Mn .....O ITIimn B E. Morgan. Acent Dated December 33nd. 1928: 9 S--SSsSS? Your Cunard Stewardess . . lady's maid, chamber maid, guide, philosopher, and friend knows what you like for breakfast, which dress you want put out for each occasion. A wise, respectful,- friendly person Is your Cunard stewardess, she helps ,you ' i to enjoy ship life to. the'. full Sail Cunard! .... I. Book ikrouth The Ctimrd Sleam Skip C LimM, Ml llasHnt Si. IV., Vaneeurrr (Tel. Stymour jArf-9), or any tftamMpotent. fc Weekly Satllnaa loEufflf Nv Iroin Montiul Quebtc) (and CUNARD Vv CANADIAN SCHVICC 5v-;u Csblii, ToufW Third Cabin snd Third CJtis . FOR RENT phonographs and sewing mach ines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT rurnlfched house- FOR KENT Furnished modern j. house. Harbor view. Monarch range, $25.00. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind or furniture or househ6ld goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone. Black 120 and we will call, GEORGE J. DAWESi Federal Block. USED FURNITURE Brick lined heater, like new, $12.50; steel couch with mattress, $5.50; kitchen table with flour bin, $5.25; bed stead and spring, four oak dining chairs. to Dotnt due east on thanvt essteriy $9.00. Subject to prior sale, Httct at an unnamed Island: thence , northerly fotlowins the sinuosities of the Wand to the most northwesterly point of saae: thence In a norinvesttriv airec ereu mat nuaru anu nuu iu named wana: tnence rionnweaieriy to . ,,., ii, j , ivo nint waver mars: inence in a nwimni-move cllu not live because they tm dlreton alone hlah waur mark to un to residence district reouire- the o. T P. Railway rtant-of-way: thenre ments. People are foolish to money for the way they live. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone 775 OTICE NOTICE IS I1EREBT GIVEN that an aDDlleatlon will be made to the LeKls- latlye Assembly of the Prorlnoe of Brlt- an Act emDowennz tne wty 10 sen. irw- - - HAtta OTICB . . Iltf rsn and Use fumiiea. BRINGING UP FATHER r-awte IW OtsT rt TIM aarMKlCl S TOTHtLADtaVCLUB DOMTWAM i 1 AMD I rC;. . VX-rulMK THAT r-jl AUOSIC I'M TUVIkl' -ra MOnnAN Ant FCRQtTTHAvT -.TAflM- fTTil Jl 1 fX U I I T I II I. I I I I 7 FOR SALE HOUSEKEEPING Rooms for rent. FOR SALE Dahlia bulbs. Phone Annlv Mussallem Grocery, tf Black 244 and bath, English Hill. Black 401. tion 2. $200.00 View Hotel. Phona 57 kaeping rooms by the day, week, FOR SALE Lot 12, Block 5, Sec- or month. Phone Red 607. ' tr Apply Grand RELIEVE HEADACHES? CERTAINLY This, distressing malady nupcrk iiKiriuum Mum .uv vi.ii w. .Up vp&r B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and I FRACTIONAL ' I stream, which flows southerly and drains !utu the head of Porpoise Harbour, half mile nortneoat of Lot ba3, Hangs s, C.u. j The watei will be diverted from the Istresm at a point about half mile dis-! tsnt from Its mouth and win be used fcr ' Industrial nurnone tinon the Und de erued as Lot 6535, Range S, Coaat District. This notice was noated on thi (round on the 22nd day ot Dece-nber. 1928. ! A cony ot this notice and an aoollca tion pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed In the office Pt the '.Water Recorder a. Prince Rupert, o.a Objections to the anllcatlou may be MlN'MtAI, ACT 5G FOR SALE Small general store. Interior. Post Office. Apply Box 184, Dally News Office. 67 FOR SALE One line shaft 18 feet long and 1 inch thick One 20 inch Hanger; Four 11 inch hangers., Two lrg Iror Pulleys, speed 15 in 12 ineb., 32 inch belt. Two line shafts! 8. feet Jong, AVt inch Three Iron Pulleys, speeds 12 inch Wooden Pulley News. WANTED thick three tf WANTED Small cottage with one or two lots in exchange for Is is is ti a (rorm F) -8ectlonJI fd) KDTICe OP APPUCATION i"OR whose iSddrcM is 311 Rovers 'CERTIFICATE Of IMPROVEMENTS 470 OranyUU St., Vancouver. ouu fkaviiumai, Atu WApn llUNALi HINLKAu CUUM9, HI- tut use 100.000 1 of water out of an unnamed uate In the AUln Mining Division of Casslsr District. Where located : The Bob Fractional Mineral Claim ou Taku Arm between the BDeculatlon and Chawana Mineral Culms, and -be Wann Fractional Mineral Claim on Winn Rirer. adlolnlnt and to the north of the Jack Pine Mineral Claim. lawful holder: ENGINEER GOLD MINES LIMITED. INC Number of the holder's free miners on-tirirate- 87020. TAKE NOTICE that ENOINEFR ClOLD MINES LIMITED. INC.. Free MUier's Certificate No. 97020, Intend at the end ot sixty dava from the date hereof to aPDlv to the Mining Recorder tor a filed wltn the aald Water Recorder or Certificate of Improvementa for the pur the first publication Of ENGINEER OOLD MINE. LTD. TwELU- -S LOMCi A I'M ALONItE- t'UU KMJOSr M6Cur- CERTAINLV WEART , UfSTUrJltvl" TO . Jh r-A.OQlC LB-CTORE J M 11:5 INO. II. MeN. Fraser. Agenl. BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACHL 5Ci Experienced operator, moiltru methods uieuiuua ..... o... v.. ll l it ., . . . in ail mica v uurrara Street. Vancouver, British fun .nm-ruimiieu.iiai, iuui pnn SALE Tour roomed house . ... . . . ,ii,. hereby givea notice that it rooms and bath, Phone 547. ,, .... Am.iv i,,in loth' fulture and ha,r drsm-?; under Section 7 of the aald Act de-! " . ana two iota. w i,iv i, Mnl with the Minuter ot Public worn , ll Avenue E. .. ii riLA on iwa. and In the offices of the r.vw dlvt A.,.i,ti., i. , 1L' t . , Red .J3'J. RtHitrir o( th. Iinrt Biur. ' uwimuuiicb, Pnfi RAI.K HnilKP. K rooms I SHELL FISH Crabs, Shrimps, Clams or any kind of shell fish supplied in large or small quantities. District Orders a Specialty HANSON & WALLACE Prince Rupert Phone: Blk. 330 P.O SALVAGE AND TOVl s. Apply Da f. UMlTglJ 120 acres improved land with Bargains in Gas Engines. buildings in Burns Lake dis-, AGENTS FOR Ballantyne Engines. Box 832 55 If it's on or under tlie;wa(cr we. h'uUy, lilppcrfa'vDrv'ng and 'ieneraL.Soivae )Vork. Boats iind Scows' of all descrpi- tfons for Charter. Row Boats jod Canoes for hire. trict. Clear title. Owner injVj,n rjiercjc. Eastbope, Hicks Rupert. Write W. Funnell. Gen-J eral Delivery, Prince Rupert. CHIROPRACTIC isq Lwium,oia i iw pra" "j . . ... .. the; porporaaen;f tne uity oi rrinc)very yrevnicui) t mm nine vyy Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Phone, Day or Night, 564 P. O. Box 1564 and as a rule 'for the East MAIL SCHEDULE from all encumbrances inxra euch terms i symptom 01 a deeper troUDleM Uondays, WsJneadays, Saturdays, man ..onntr?anVutXra;.such as affectioas of the eye L after eiueu the company), the etirr.- UtKln ,,le ra" . "lJ . "er Hver. kidneys J ' stomach- etc. ' , . Y I sets of IU eleouic light and power d- . , B"i jEt Sundajai Tuedys and Thursdaya, i. . - i ... mnv lu filon duo., tn tnn after Pf-T . - t iMiiaivjit RwiuK u, iiM w j ' ------ - man due -M b:iii P4Afse grant to the Company the sole and tx-. - infliipnin .LSf.Z Vf clualre rtuht, power, licence and orln- ' " . "S?. - lege to carry on in tne inty oi nince consult inn inirupraciur in upf vi-vrain wwikkmji mu o- DuMrt t hlUlnMa Al lloh, h.a I nil I power company, and for auch purposes , to nutal Mtrnd. ooerate. reDslr and maintain In the said CMrs streets, lans ; and other nubile Pisces notes, conduits. urfsce and underground wires, cables i 6 nn(J 7 Exchange Block and all other equipment and appliances!. . , " 01 , for the transmission, distiibuiion snd i wieenj 2ll Phones IJIark: sale Of electric pewer fir light, heatund; g?l wer purposes, ana empowering isw Ity to enter Into an agreement with the Company for aupplylne to the City and Its citizens electric light, heat and power upon such terms and conditions, Uu City may deem fit, and further empowering the City to hereafter purchase or take oyer the whole or any can of the Companv'a electric Usbt heat and power system upon such terms a may be agreed upon, and to validate a bylaw til assented to by the electors, to whom It Is to be submitted) empowering the City to enter Into an agreement with the Company authorizing the City to enter Into the same and to validate the said agreement and to grant and confirm to the Company all the powera, privileges anu rights thereby conferred. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. thU tth dsy ot February. A.D.. 1829. L P. JONES. Solicitor for the Corporation of the City of Prince RUDerl 87-8 w. . 1 ' '- - .-- - Relief, guaranteed. Consult DR. W. C. ASP1NALL Open Evnines- REkuirJ COUNT TsF.Mrwart. 1-rtmirrT Anjox and rain in the side, intiigestionw 'ZZiglt- , T 7 W as on stomach. Headaches, Nert wednesdsrs :is pjn nnaneaa Insnmntn Pnfnrrh nf' From Stewart, Premier, Anyox ana Alice heumatism are completely re eved by our new form of dietet and spinal treatment. Read our National "Ad's," in he Liberty Magazine every week. hen consult ' DR. EYOLFRON Phone Blue 85, or Red 339 Open Evenings k. T j--i . su Arm Tuesdays 11 JO a A Fridays 8 ajn. Nana Rl-r l-olntk-- Sundays 7 pja Krom Naas Hirer Points-Tuesdays U JO sin. To tjueen Charlotir . March 9 and 38 0 pni. From tjuren charlotte Match 7 and 21 a.m. Tn Alaska Point March 9. 30 and SO Noon Kruni MKa foiiil March It and 24 s. ..pjn. LETTER IIO COLLECTION'S O.T.P Station A1L..PM. I Oraham & AUln Ave 9.00 7J0 1st Ave. & 8th St B.0S 7.S5 8th Ave. & Fulton s: 0.10 7-40 Uth Ave. A Thompson 8t. .. 9.1JiJ5 Uth Ave. it Bhemroske .... SJOJb Uth Ar Oonrad ajaY&a eth Ate. As Hays Cot Ave... 9 SO 8.00 6th Ave. & Hays Ooie Cttrele 9 3S Btb Ave. Si Oettrn St BA0 Bth Ave. Oreen 8t. (Hsptl). 9.40 Sth Are. & MeBrlde 8t. Pror. Oovf-. Building . . Prov. Uavt Wharf .... witn the oomotroner 01 water uiinvs, nose of obtaining Crown aranta of the in TP Wharf Parliament Buildings. 1 within thirty days sfter ths first aoiiear- ! nnce or tnis nonce in local newspaper. DILLMOR SPRUCE MILLS. LIMITED. ADol leant. DT B The date of this notice Is Janusrr Stn. 1029. above claims. And cmther tsks notice that action under section 85 of the "Mineral Act must be commenced before the Iseuance of such eertlflrste of lmnrovement. uatrd tns 1st day ot January. ivw. 9.45 9. SO 10.00 10.06 itJS 2nd Ave. it 2nd St 10.10 Srd Are. & Pulton St 10.15 rr Ave. ft eWi 10.20 8.09 7.00 8.10 8.18 8.20 85 8J0 8.40 8.41 ! 8.50 1 WK WIUUKIOW HEAR LECTURu FROM -TVAE. UAOit cuota i EMBARRASSING MOMENTS 1,-1-1 VvWAsk .1 OH- SiA. n davs ........ .lu.tu uu. 1 ' T7 "V ' ,.w.u.'w.'gg,-av' -i "jsjyti ---t i SaE-.t .1. si 31 1 i mornm ,V WW i nu&l&&?& 8:15 am' jiff ' Mt m' A rn, PDHXRIAN: "HI! Yynu put Vet paint' on that Jt:r;:Din !fr - s ? h tAtSASI B I9If fl. -Passing Show. HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 II U I fTMlfc TMlfc lt lt W-M-O-O W-M-O-O P-t-S.'. P-t-t'. I 1 Bf . ' y MT5-JGCib- J !B Iml f' slim SVirvtw. Inf . Grut BrlUln rlsMs rtrv4. v'KW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Mine Head Alberta Lump $13.50 Mine Head'Albcrta Sootlcss Largc'Egg $120 iMinc Head Sootlcss Egg S12.0U Pernbinal,ccrle$jEgg . . $12.00 Alall other classes of coal. DRY BIRCH, JACKPINE AD CEDAR Single load $30 moublel.?..: $G0 Box wood ciiitinil4rfie load $3.50 Piano and Furniture Jlovinjr. Express and Hfcifajre Day und Night Service 139 Sefond Avenue Early Ad. Copy is appreciated I By Gepi-ge McManus Mil W,.-' ,c 4 I . nnjiira 'rt-'i. I 111 -1 IUI