(Special to The Daily News) VICTORIA, March 8. T. D. Pattullo, opposition leader, elicited from Hon. N. S. Lougheed, minister of public works, in the legislature yesterday that out of the $9,-500,000 highway loan bill he did not intend to do any further work on the Prince Rupert road or to build the Galloway Rapids bridge. G. A. Walkem, Vancouver Conservative, defended this course on the ground that there was nothing but a few Japanese to be served by any extension and they had a .ft.. 1 1L - " rm a i a rt . a I . I similar to one which conducts ex4 amlnations of pilots along the St. Lawrence River. This announce ment was made at the depart PROPOSED TAX SALE OF STOCK ui 1AWA, Mar. o:-a uuaru ..., M HSlnndard Mlninit 'James Robb tit the conclusion of nn interview yesterday. PREMIER MINE DIVIDEND OF SIX CEN-S FOR QUARTER NEW YORK, Mar. 8: The f Premier Mines Company, op- era ting chiefly in British Columbia declared a regular quarterly dividend or 6 cents at their meeting yus- tertiay. This is the samo an j for tne previous quarter. : 4 i railway anu me river. i Mr. Lougheed said he did not intend to go ahead with p WltiX fiYfV the road until he could do it all at once, while Attorney- t. rt. Wiliu VU 1 General Pooley said an airplane survey was all that was intended this year. ! "My constituency is to be punished because it elected a Liberal," commented Mr. Pattullo. "This is the. more re-; markaole because the bnlesolutidnledgingthe(5on-' servative party to any definite action" passed by the Kam loops w w 'w convention was to Duna - tneroau - trrrnnce . nuperu . - ... . BRANCH LINE ! BUILDINGPLANj W OTTAWA, M M Mar. 8: The battle) That Was pbVloUSly done tO .influence pubUCQpiniOn 0 for branoh lines in northern Sas vnto Conservative. Since itf did not SUCCeeditllCilJeJopU df 3&teh!ewan has been won by th rhp : nnrth iiunii are iiib to iu be uk nuhiShed.4' iiumonvu. V 1 l"''r ' " 'Cifriadlan National, the applica- V . Mr. raituuo DOiniea. io ineiJiwreBa, jubub iujuwjuw " - v years in the task of linking up roads in the ttqd xm ZrtvZitoHo Prince Rupert might nave an out ei. victoria nau a .- Common,. RecenUy a . cnarte? way and the water, but its people were not expected to wa8 gnnitd t0 the CanaiIan swim when they wanted to go somewhere, and why should National to build from Meifort Prince Rupert be treated in this way, he asked. He point- and this morning the committee ed out that all but one Liberal constituency had had its refused a duplication of the line vote reduced, while Conservative ridings had had their from Meifort to Sutherland on increased by $250,000. Z dia" ' votes , , u . , , member for Acadia. rWnrvnMv fnpmWs nounded the r desks. "There is the thumning majority," declared Mr. Pat tullo. "They evidently believe that to the victors belong the spoils. We shall see if the people endorse that policy." H F Kerkin, member for Athn, pointed to the $24,500 cut in the road vote for his 60,000 square mile riding with its tremendous mineral development, "ir Vny riding is to be punished for electing a Liberal, I placed Jhe. welfare of Atlm above my membership in this house and I ani willing to resign rather than see Atlin lose $24,500i he said. (By Canadian Press) VICTORIA, March 8. During this year the govern- .. .mi tlnA n vrmtn fnr n rnnrl frnm Prinpfi SETTLEMENT OF THE LAND Tolmic Makes Statement In the Legislature Today VICTORIA, Mar. 8: "We have ben gathering information for a presentation to . the-BriUsh Government in respect to the land setUemBnt," Premier Tolmie told uieiib win euuciivui imu " . i . . . . . , t t. i i tt. It nnMccnnr with thf ubo nf mr-'the Iecislature today and we ptaU it was announced In tho hsUatnr. by the attorney, m JggZZASS j general. .... . i. ' upon which to begin negotia- T. D. Pattullo had attacked the government for not go- ti,ons .. In anawer t0 T D. Pat. ing ahead this year with roads. No satisfactory location tuUo the Premier said, "negotia- ' ... m . . 1 . r I t tlI1 1- i - . L A vey would be conducted this year. WILL EXAMINE PILOTS F0RB.C. (Canadian Railroads in respect to the same object. Discussion rose, when Mr. Pattullo questioned, the vote of $1(5,-000 for colon1znion purjfcse's'a'nd ! the nppointment of Mr. Geddes as commissioner of tho new department. The Premier denied vigorously that the appointment to be appointed to, examine pilots ; '' :, Toronto presented fUAPI AIM TO KIM out of n. C. ports and waters OTTAWA, March 8. "Repre- 1 was political. ment of fisheries on Thursday ! government to change the Pro-;""P'",n . l l baRed based on on the the recommendations recommendations of of posed posed tax tax on the h"hI? sale JjaVThii of shares of WH DIES AT LIVERPOOL LIVERPOOL, Mar. 8: The It... n A Ot.,.tJ-t L' The representatives asked the f ' u ii a Z as Woodbine thousand, of soldiers the Roya commission which In- stock .provided ir i the budget . lle by ' vest gated the p otage n . U. deputat on conienueu nun. -- ---- waters. the rate would be ruinous to the so-jfrank lalks and helpful advice, If Is hoped to get The mlnisterpathy and an unfailing board appointed In time to com- called penny stocks. suP; Plete th? Txamlnation by April declined to intimate wither h . ply of e iga rette,, died today of first. would agree to any change. pneumonin. CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill LARGE CABARET frcryons reads th Classified Ads. Special Dinner Thursdays and I( you lose, advertise for It. Saturdays . Dancing every Saturday nljht If you find, locate the owner. from 9 to 12. Whatever you need, advert! for It Danes Hall for litre PRINCE RUPERT Accommodations Parties for Frlvats GET THE CLASSIFIED HABIT. rnone 437 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vol. XX.. No. 55, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 8. 1929 PRICE FIVE CF.NTS - PRlti The giant trans-Atlantic line r "Majestic" being warped into dock at Southampton, England, a f ter a rough and stormy crossing of "the big pond." Britain Will Spend About $250,000,000 On Navy During Year New Cruisers and Other Craft to lie Built but Reduction Made in Total Expenditures Over Last Year LONDON, March 8. Naval estimates for 1929 show a decrease of 1,485,000 pounds over last year, but there will be no diminuation of the gtrength of the fleet and naval air service. On the contrary, modern developments have shown necessity for additions. The net total for the year's estimate is 55,865,-000 pounds. The 1929 program includes provision for commencing the construction of three cruisers, one flotilla leader, eight destroyers, six submarines and smaller auxiliary vessels. 1 Two cruisers of the 1928 program not yet laid down are being ordered. Streets of Juarez Reddened with Blood Rebels Attack Feds. j Bodies of Insurgents and Loyal Troops Lie Side by Side t in Street and U. S. Soldiers Watch Fray JAUREZ, Mexico, March 8. Streets of Jaurez were reddened with blood today as Mexican rebels entered the town and fiercely attacked the defending federal troops. , The bodies of both federal and rebel soldiers lay sprawled on the streets and there were many woiindod.- " ! On the second attack the rebel cavalry charged down the streets, targets of the federal machine guns. The rebels were in almost complete control. A stray shot wounded a boy in El Paso, Texas, on the United States side of the border. The fighting was in plain view of the United States troops across the Rio Grande ready to protect American lives' and property with machine guns and field artillery trained on the Moxican side. A truce in tho battle was declared this afternoon. DISCUSSED SANGUINARY BATTLE IN JUAREZ WHEN REBELS ATTACK No Work on Highway This Year is Stated in Legislature When Pattullo Arraigns Government Member for Prince Kupcrt Charges That lite Constituency Is Penalized for Electing a Liberal to House SAFE HACK IN PORT AF TER A STORMY PASSAGE Would Stop Importation Agricultural Products Hugh Guthrie UrgesiiThat If United States Take3 Action ; Against CanadatThis Country Reciprocate in Kind OTTAWA,. March 8. Speaking in the budget debate, Hugn Guthrie, acting Conservative leader, suggested to pan.ament how Canada can meet the increased United States tariffs against Canadian farm products. In the first instance, he suggested, stop importation of farm products into Canada ; secondly, to supply from Canadian farms those agricultural products which are now imported into the Dominion. Mr. Guthrie, in making the suggestion to the government, stated that the Dominion is now importing agricultural products from the world to the annual value of approximately $60,000,000. To the United States, Mr. Guthrie said, Canada sells annually farm products valued slightly over this sum. If the UniteciStates closes its door on, Canadian agricultural products, Canada could close hers on similar products from the rest of the world. The Dominion is in a position to supply her needs. "To accomplish that," Mr. Guthrie said, "all we need is a government with some courage. All we needk aepv-Ternment with-some resolution .na..a government that nas. the real interests of the people, of the. farmers, at heart." DROVE AUTO GUTHRIE MOVES OPEN BRIDGE j AN AMENDMENT Five Drown at Aberdeen Washington In Early Morning AHEItpEEN, Wash, Mar. 8: Five were drowned and three saved when two sedans drove off the open end of Wishkah Bridge near here early today when one of the automatic gates failed to function. The dead are: Carl Corey, driver of the first machine; I T. Qorey, Carl's father, Charles Porter, driver of, the second car, Jim Collins and a man named Harrison. All were loggers. It was said that Corey didn't nee that the bridge was open and whizzed off the span Into the darkness. The second machine followed before Porter could apply the ' brake; The bodies were not recovered up to this morning. TORONTO STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Sherritt-Gordon, 9.30. Tcck Hughes, 9.25. Sudbury Uasln, 11.80, ,i Int. Nickel, cfeAV. ' l KILLED FROM FALL OF ROCK BONANZA MINE Lawrence Watt wus fatally Injured from a fall of rock at the Bonanza mine, Anyox, on Wednesday and died two hours later as the result of a broken back. He was in his 49th year and came here about a month ago from Pioneer mine. He leaves a sister e,nd brother In "Scotland and will b burled In Anyox tomorrow. TOTHEBUDGET OTTAWA, March 8. Hon. Hugh Guthrie moved an amend- iment to the budget yesterday that "this house regrets that the financial proposals of the government made no provision for rea sonably safeguarding and protecting the Interest of those engaged In the agricultural pursuits or the industrial employment In Canada." Sir Georg Terley seconded the amendment. AMERICAN TROLLERS CATCHING SPRINGS OFF MORESBY LSI). SKIDEGATE. Mar. 8: Trappers returning from the south end of Moresby Island report .speaking to some United States trollert there. ' They reported 200 American trollers operating off the east coast of Moresby Island and all getting big catches of snring salmon. , Scottish Humor Imported direct from the Aberdeen Joke Factory "What's a self-made man,v FatherT" Father: "A man that mak's.. moneyy (ookln after himell" MAKING LIGHT OF IT "Could ye lend me a match iSandyT" Sandy: "I could, but I'll no', I lent ye a match last week an ye havena peyd me bark. I dlnna like the man that mak's light o his obligations."