; io1yv — penne eeeeeeeeet Brief Facts ee al “JAGGED HOLE TORN IN ENA tion Ar y | WANTED | FOR RENT Sa va SIX FEET LONG GENTLEMAN WISHES ROOM. of rv RENT Sewing machines W r Work room and board with private| pianos, ierhard Heinteman a family, close to town. Box 201 phonographs—Singer Sho } | a g a p, the i a When Freighter Went on Rock in| yaily News Office, 192| home of the Gerhard Heintz- ms i ant Gotan ted Seymour Narrows Watertight IWANTI man piano. 329 Second Ave. | NTED- Young puppy. Cocker sl) ranks; the Arm Door Saved Her. . s music and or setter preferred. What of- | OR REN Furnished room with segues . ana It was only the swift clos | rote Box o00, Daily News | board if required Near wharf, ; nasil and inspires ei office. iu Would seuit on or two gentle- schings of Christ. The of the watertight doo between | | nen Phor Black 259 tf ; — one ar 259. tain E. mus the tunnel and the engine roo: | WANTED Woman for kitehen |— comforts work t 1r See le iFO ‘-ro ouse j ! on eneniial shutting of the rush of water _ work, Ini ander, Sec ond Ave. {I nq a 4-1 ao hou with i ath, electric light, apply box : that was roaring through a ga h| ‘ FOR SALE 289, News Office. 187. 4 . pn nigae — jin her sides that prevented the | ps Pa ee a ° . . - _ ‘ . “a i4 P. RR, freight Pri | | FOR SALE—Northwest quarter of FOR RENT—Room, with or with- ‘aval and ' : ig eT rincess . : ane 1} section 13, t wnship 1A (one out board. Phone Red 589. tf 8 es contare | from going to the bottom of Sey A Hange V, Coast District . . - nour Narrows within ten minutes! price $10.00 per acre; $800.00 FOR RENT—Offices—W.J.Alder. ge ens pot her striking Ripple Rock | eight hundred dollars cash Lost The freighter was goir ‘| down, balance in one and tw: sine Lee ecoceccesco sto OOOOOOOOOGOD | TOUGH Seymour Narrows at 6 nt years. If you are a buyer, gx LOST—Gray satin motor bonnet. a ED — Jin the morning, about an hou there and see it for yourself with silver braid and-silver hat {living low re Captain Clift wa ind you will like it. Write pin, between reservoir and the lying on the settee in his roon Herbert Wagner. P. O. box 1324 ‘ ee 586 | ; 5 o« government wharf. Finder | gj having come off duty about fo Bisbee, Arizo na. i8o please return to Daily News| ; hours before He was awak rie ] Se ee ollice nel ¢ racer by the rolling of his vessel, ay ) | FOR SALI Three bed-roon in jrushed below The boat had suites, dining room set, piano,| LOS’ at Salt Lakes on Saturday struc Ripple Rock sf gle epee? furniture also odd evening, lady's chatelaine bag Gt} Pi KR A : ing! : A ig, 216 6th Ave. W. land her stern had con clean| Pieces. Appointment by phone mtaining pocket ‘toilet set. ee lover, cutting a jagged hole f | Mrs M. Alvi azofm, | phone 133, Finder please hand in to Daily We wi business and j{about six feet along either sid | MONE Y A'T 8 PER CENT on build. |_Ne* office. me = der. Buy a te ee ee | ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru-|LOST at Salt Lakes, child's knitted store; take = |} pert Housing Ltd., Geo. W wor le *n coat. Finder please re- c n cheap junk. Prompt Action Saved Ship. | Nicke rson, Setretary. a turn to Daii y News office. oy The water poured into the tur a eee 5 a - SS EE . ” 7 I ¢ . . & FOR YOUR nel with a roar. and rushed into|FOR SALE Evinrude and row!/LOST—Bunch of keys with small NEY AT the engine room rhe men on boat, good condition. Cheap.| whistle on ring. Findér please I; ’ j duty jumped to the platform and| APP!) soat Daily News of-| leave at News office. tif } *\ } WI e ate z or fice ; aes egk ep LINZeY S Grocery ; screwed down th sng rtight de wt Po sii teeta athe ensiatiecial FOUND but not before the sea was severa FOR SALI Manure. Crder now = meson painienptisnedinea' tian POPLCOEEN EEE AOCECOTTOEOO ION: feet deep in the engine-room, and Will be scaree in the spring | FOUND Key ring with Yale and rising rapidly Fortunately the Pacific Cartage, Ltd. 189; post office box keys. Apply Daily door shut into place without de- -- --—— — | News office. Phont Green 607 1097 Srd Avenue filay. “That shows the advantage|FOR SALE—3 piano boxes, $5] eae of keeping it in readiness for each! Lindsay Cartage 91] MISCELLANEOUS ise sai Use all i . » : w “Ep : ; . : ; Dalgarno & Watts —_ ue nptete us. Bee FOR SALE—Old newspapers, ter |S McGOWAN, the Cycle man, any obstruction prevented the : La : ‘ > ArTnoc watertight door going into place cents a bundle. } or new and second-hand bi- LES CON “TOR ee ; F = cycles, repairs and parts. Easy BUILDERS AND CO TRACTO S quickly, the Ena would have sunk te : 1k : _ ane 1 Heavy Con ’ -aptain|for Vietoria, with the Tees fol-| ‘erms. All kinds of light re- and Alteration within ten minutes, the captain : » |lowine pair work. Second Avenue, near Work and stated. He added that the rock : | Ls 2 Ena’s First Accident Me Bride. Phone Blue 424. Estimates Cheerfully Given penetrated the only part of the ; : oe . : ae weage ae hull that was not double-bottom- his is the first accident the | THE NORTON The. place for a BRICK oe SvILOING ed. Ena has been in on the coast ei shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp . r , int ler : CON CTORS Captain Cliff did not feel the | has caused wat > Ove seek — ireatment 210 } urth Street ‘ ie : antain ‘ jjar of the impact with the jane tis the first mishap Captain Ope i6 a.m. or by appeint- ‘ lit lieing the rolling of the shij Cliff has had with his commands ment. Phone 493. tf . jas she left the obstruction that|Mate Palmer was on duty at the} — a EH. SHOCKLEY {jo tm {is fe raf tye | — FARME_FOR BALE | : ‘he fa: ie that races a ain wh-aanee ieee 7 L Lifeboats Swung Out. mows, Se. Mast fide that. ree P. R. FARM LAND — Choice GENERAL CONTRACTOR ithrough Seymour Narrows, caus- 4 weil ttled district ; nor » . el | arms in ‘li settled districts Fraser. St i x Knowing the extent of theling treacherous eddies, makes it “—"" gen Clade: 3 es: sng gpoamage, Captain Cliff ordered th : asy for a ship to be set off her | ww mone grypmemgplenn 6 gs and ‘ , : ; twen fears to pay; irrigates ni a jiifeboats swung out im readiness./,ourse and on to the hidden rock is in 8 nny , th my Al per i; . a ial lands | sun outher Al. stock fhe Ena proceeded through the}over which the water swirls in bert with 1 a f $2,000 Fyt ea th Narrows to Plumper Bay, where mid-channel, = ; \ - a “iy ig sist foal a » it = iproveme 5S ‘ assis hard she anchored. The ship's pumps This will probably be the last oe lardwood : od ' ba ; oi settlers. Act now they aré Estimates Given. gradually “cleared the engine-|saivage job done by the Tees,| * fast. For free booklet either room of water but the water! . “ne ack to th one —— . 7 ” —— REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN ‘ ' jwhie h is to be turned ba: ! and full information write H. Ph gained slowly in the after hold.j¢ p. RK, again by the last of this ne San ee where it had seeped through from| montt G, Loughran, General Land oe vhere i ad seepec our v0 ; . as hs . ia: emma MmOntn agen 744 Hastings St. West, o ee ee ees co r $C Creer erereoccoooeoe Captain Cliff thought it best to Fhe Canadian Department of Van uver, B.¢ ee F make for some point where the) Mines bas just issued a prelim- Advertise in the Daily News. W ii e vessel might settle in shoal wate: linary report on the economic | —-—-—_—_- -- if necessary, and so at 2:30 IN| geology of the Hazelton District the afternoon the Ena proceeded | py J. J. O'Neill. which is published! THI yud.d. itt ’ i sine nD AVENUE south through the Narrows to}jn pooklet fort th maps at- NDE ‘ : ~ = EW © ANAGEMENT Menzies Bay There she lay al | tached and is well illustrated. It : ‘oe anchor in four fathoms for some/ should prove useful to those er ' Exercise hours, and when the tide went/ gaged in mining. | , ' Keep You Fit down she. settled on the bottom, | | TENDERS FOR COAL _—_—__— with the water about four feet TENDERS WANTED | Sa Ci : e waterline. RS . aa’ SEALED TENDERS addressed to the gars and Tobaccos bn ae op aterline eae? SEALED raueses fees bf the | undersigned and endorsed “Quotation fur | eeeccooe Rarly next morning the salvage | erection of a uel 2 janie On, I, Dowinion Buildings British Cotui aan st lees arrived on the scene,!|™ - a th os —e - cedme a be received until 12 o’ciock noon, lip ‘ i ' rane ane apeeeneetees Eee . b al | a ng August 6, 1999, for the suppiy having left Victoria early on the | 0) applicatieo ners. Bt mul for the public buildings throughout ; .¢, | Hoskins, Smither a ee iad province of British Columbia LEE CO 1 CO. previous afternoon with about 40} o4 ee Ney ol a : lt bee ee . Combined specification and form i wuder ius eco any all Gers r : e ol ‘ ul oo agn eaee gy earn a nt eo. " opating a tg ae e Pupil Avenue, West. { put aboard the Ena, and Diver) ™ “ — =e Someee — Works, Ottawa, and rem the caretakers | tenders to be in the han the differe 01 o tidings Donaldson went down and made | secretary at Smithers, B. +7 i me k a > will art phe yd ulless ; : : 4 he 4th days of August, 1919, a . — : on the forms supplied by the Depart age a survey. It was —. that “ at nea f all ' : 1 ae n esenrteeell wth "in ( editions — “d ship d settled upon the he cheques of all unsuccess forth there holesaie and Retail injured ship had ttled uy | derers. will ae | forth there im as Se adainaiianion: aan hey tractos - greater part of the hole, so tha Smithers, B. C., Jume 4th, 1 sccepied eheque on a chartered nea, Scvors § . ¢ osees oO aw ™ le to the order of the inister o La} xchange it was found necessary to awail CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT able oer 1 ae 2 w high tide, when she floated off ‘ nt of the tender we Loan Bouts e Dominion will also be accepte as Py Nupert, B.C into deep wate! On Friday the i pantie oo c= as, la a , War Bonds end cheques if P “0 diver went to work and placed! work by the City Clerk, no later than ‘ red ; make. up en odd amount meetanens tS 0, Box 725 patches over the damage on either | P™ August 1618. Spee Beations gad far R. ¢ enien : T i F ' CESS cepte SBecre 'y : etecectcncessannnen rn side of the keel This took all any tende not moconsardy 90 pted cosstaens of Geile Works, oOre day, and at 6:30 the Ena started City Purchasing Agent tlawa, Ont July 7, 1019 Hotel Prince Runert ees anes EUROPEAN PLAN 0 Der day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE La Narte, OPC eae OPO OOS Pent ent neeneee Ie’ = Caran Boarding House venue Eat Vear nth or Week oar by M ock Phone Red 245 wrereecccncoccoonsonns LAND AO’ an ‘ICT OF cy ’ I “ark maby of prer, in wase the THE DAILY NEWS } ee ee ' Daily Rows Classified Advertising Dc rt emmy A ee a a Ee i a te ee ee a ee etree eee Sunlight Soap She saved work—Sunlight Soap washed the clothes without rubbing. She saved time—she did other work while Sunlight did the wash. She saved money — because Sunlight is an absolutely pure soap, therefore there is less soap used for washing than with ordinary soap, and less wear and tear of the clothes. Insist on getting the Soap you ask for— LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO MNURVULEU UNUSUAL Ut EE Dentistry DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Efficiency” Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS:— Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Saturdays, $ to 12 only; Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 Dental Nurse_in attendance.§ Phone 109 for appointment SUGARS THE LA CASSE BAKERY for BREAD PHONE 190 3rd Avenue Wedding Cakes a Specialty HAVE YOU TRIED OUR 30c. FRUIT CAKES? Florence, Genoa and Sultana A CREAT WIFE re VOU DON’T WEAKEN ARE ov THE LADN WHC ADVERTISED FoR A COOK — MY NAME iS JULIA =. Ps: 3 igi / Nes! You Louk AS THOUGH YOULL po! You WONT FIND Me VERY HARD TO Suit (1 \ BELIEVE THAT MAM! | JuST SAW YoUR HUSBAND AS | CAME IN! EMPLOY MENT AGENCY ITS A GREAT LIFE iF YOU DONT eee © oes © ae * iS ff EY Fy. ; ) a A * (LF Ve an