PAOB PODS Ota FUUwk ORTHOPHONIC VKTKOLAS AND RECORDS Ti;,Tn o mo ant THE DAILY NEWS Friaay, eeem Fox Trot Thrilling ' Mystery Story In 30 chapters INSTAU1ENT XXXXIX Conclusion Summers was nesting craftily at the old man. "Tell me this," he said suspicioTislv. "If Ferryman wasn't present when his wife was murdered, how do you explain that I found a piece of green-stained lens in the room where she died?" "Oh," said Axelson, a sickly smile hovering about his Hps, "that happened afterward. We had an argument about what to do with the body. Ferryman struck me, and I struck back." Summers nodded as if satisfied with the explanation. Dale smiled at an odd recollection. He recalled the little scene in the restaurant when he had caught Ferryman's glasses as they fell. He j -HEfcAAAN LANDON was one man you didn't fool, and that was Alnsworth. He fooled you." , "Paul?" the girl exclaimed. "Alnsworth?" Dale echoed. The captain scratched his sturdy chin. He looked quizzically at Miss Castle. "Ferryman was working some sort of scheme against your father, wasa't he?" The girl started and turned white. "It was just a frame-up," Dale hastened to say. "You know how he tried to frame me. He tried to work the same sort of stunt on Mr. Cas tle, except that his motive was different. He hoped to get money out of Mr. Castle." Summers narrow gaze travelled from Dale to the girl. "Well, anyhow Mr. Castle must have been worried. And you were worried, too, Miss Castle. Alnsworth noticed it, but had noticed the green stain, but the i you wouldn't tell him what the thought of associating Ferryman with the evil enterprises of Dr. Moffett bad been too staggering, and in the stress and rush of subsequent events he had almost forgotten the episode. "Well," Summers grumbled, addressing Ferrvman again, "there Otlliqpjionie Nat Shilkrtt trouble was, and so he started out to find out for himself. It seems his intentions were good. He was piqued because you wouldn't tell him, and he wanted to help you. He bribed one of your servants to keep his eyes open and report to him what was going on." ictor Records My Song of The Nile from the motion picture "Drag" Vocal The Melody Three 22028 Am I Blue? from the motion picture"On With The Shout" Fox Trot Nat Shllkret and The 22004 Victor Orchestra -Oh Where Can You Be?' Fox Trot Rudy Vallee and IHs 22034 Connecticut Yankees Vocal Johnny Marvin 22039 Loui use Rudy VaH Maybe! Who Knows? Fox Trot Charles Dornberger and Ills Orchestra 22031 Vocal Gene Austin 22032 Heigh Ho! EvVybody, Heigh Ho! Rudy VulUo and His Connecticut Yankees 22029 from the motion picture "Innocent of Pari" Vocal Maurice Chevalier 21918 Fox Trot Ben Pollack and His 21941 Park Central Orchestra rtanqSolo Harry Thomas 216544 All the latest Red Seal records by famous Victor Artists VMorlTalklng MachlnCo. , ofCanada, wwMMrivwMkJt .w f t tTK-meeer- k t m McRae Bros. VE-U VICTOR RADIO RECEIVERS "Wambleyl" Adcle exclaimed. She looked quickly at Dale. "And we thought " "An all-round comedy of errors." xiaie murmured with a rueful sort of smile. I A 1 1 1 . . mm ne aiso got around somebody in your father's office," Summers went on. "Alnsworth seems to be the sort that gets what he goes after." "Oh, he. Is!" said Adele In a queer voice. "It seems he intercepted a letter," Summers went on, still watching the girl narrowly. "It was signed by Dr. Moffett, but it didn't tell much. It was Ju$t a lot of mysterious hints. Well, to cut a long story short. Alns worth got on Moffett's trail. He did things his own way. He couldn't learn much as ap outsider, so he "But even on the inside he could n't find out mueh," Summers con tinued. He never saw Dr. Moffett's fact to face but he had talks with am. That's where the mask and the green light came In handy. Be trig a newcomer, he wasn't let Into the secrets of the gang. They didn't quite trust him, and they threw dust in his eyes. It seems Dr. Mof fett has a brother who la the ugliest man in the world." "Oh!" Dale exclaimed, "That ex plains a little." ""The brother Is straight, even If his face would stop a freight. Ferry man doesn't like him. The brother knows something about his crooked work and has tried to stop him. Half jokingly. Ferryman has scattered hints now and then that his brother Is Dr. Moffett." "He told me the first tune I saw him," Adele remarked, "that one of the reasons why he didn't want to show, his face Is that he Is the ugliest man in the world." "Yes, that seems to be one of his little Jokes. He has several. Partly to tickle his own sense of humor and partly-to fool Alnsworth, he dropped a lot of, discreet hints to the effect fchaV file Picaroon ahd Dr. Moffett were the same person." i The captain turned to Dale with a guarded smile. "He aVso made Alnsworth believe that the Picaroon's other name is Martin Dale." Dale laughed amusedly. "Nothing new in that. I have been mis understood so often that it doesn't worry me. Even you, Sum-mers 'have viewed me with suspicion now and then. But that explains why Alnsworth paid me a visit the other night." He fingered his Jaw rerajnlscently. "Well, Alnsworth started to watch you." the captain told him. "And I guess he discovered several peculiar things about you, especially when he followed you in the dark hours of the night. The things he saw seemed to lend color to what Dr, Moffett had hinted. Alnsworth wasn't to blame for Ibelne deceived. You do some quedr things at night. Dale lookH moon, for Instance." "You're too literal, Summers.'' Dale eyed him with mock er I proach. "Don't you ever see , things through the eyes of the soul?" "I don't." Summers declared stoutly, i can see. plenty witn my real eyes. And one of these days "No Summers!" The captains reddish race relaxed in a grin. "Anyhow, you nave made good on your prom Ise." He regarded Ferrvman dark ly. "I haven't got the Plcaroou yet, but you've helped me to mak a eood catah '- "And in help von make an even better one, Ferryman de clared in a tone thai trembled with chagrin. Dale glanced quickly at the girl and saw a look of returning dread in her eyes. And then he glanced at the fireplace, where the evidence of Mr. Castle's trasfc mistake had been reduced to ashes. "There," Moffett snarled, his face black with malice, his manacled hands raised and nolntln In Adele's direction. "stand"! th- daughter of the mysterious Mr. O raves." Adele shuddered. A faint gasp of dreod fell, from her lips. "Raving!" said Dale contemptuously. "The dauaMar of who?" Summer?! exclaimed. 1 "The mysterious Mr. Oraves" said Dr. Moffett In a voice that throbbed with snlte and malice. He (dared at Adele. Summer stored in amazement. And then ho turned to Adele not ing her blanched cheeky and the horrified look In her eyes. "Yon mean to teU ma that Virgil Ellsworth Castle is the wv. terious Mr. Graves?" he exclaimed incedulously. . "I do " Dr. Moffett declared, his face aplow with malicious glee. "Look at fcr Doesn't her face tell yo'i enough? ' Summers eazed again at Adele iter fnee win a tile of horror tonight "One,., hundred thousand " The sum was too staggering for Summers, but again he;.. looked to-to Adele"3 stricken face. She would indeed have much to explain if it could be proved that she had given Ferryman such til check. -Where Is the check?" he demanded. . "In my pocket. Get it, please-. Thijse confounded handcuffs" Bummers, came forward with a brisk and eager step. "No. the other pocket," Ferry man gleefully directed. Summers thrust his hand into joined Dr. Moffett's crew, Just how the o&ei; Pocket. He brought out something. F: a moment he hP wnrtprt it t mh t.n i . he'll explain la.ter. Anyhow, he got on the Inside of Dr. Moffett's gang and pretended to work with it." "Just like him!" Adele exclaimed. "And he never told me. But then," and her face fell, "I couldn't expect Graves, and you will draw, the bigi gest laugh' you ever heard. Summers was not listening. His hard eyes were fixed on Ferry man. "Can. you prove that?" he demanded. Ferrvmnn pave a chuckla of malicious satisfaction. "You mlghtf ask Miss. Castle to explain why stared at It blankly. "The Picaroon's card!" he ex claimed In a hollow voice.. He searched the pocket again. "There is notning else. A heavy groan of frustration, edged with a beast-lllce snart, broke from Ferryman's Hps. A long trembling sigh of relief escaped Adele. Her brightening eyes fixed on Dale, and Dale cost another glance at the black, silent ashes In the fireplace. "Queer about that card," said Summers. "Isn't It?" agreed Dale inno- centjy. "Wonder how It got Into ferryman's pocket. Another irame-up raayDe. Maybe." Summers shrugged his sturdy shoulders. "Anyhow Its been a good night's work." Pale turned to Adele. He saw. a warm, mmy neaveniy smile in har eyes. He saO'd back and touched her hana lightly. "Thanks he said softly. "Why? Why should you thank me?" y "You will never know," he whispered. Then he turned quickly and a little awkwardly toward thfe door. He was still smiling. Life held Us compensations for the Picaroon. THE END Gardiner White Resolves To Win Looks Like Outstanding Player In jasper lion Tourney JASPER. Alta.. Sept. 12. Gardi- ser White served notice on all con tenders for the totem pole trophy contest that he means to take the unique trophy , of Jasper Park Lodge back to New York with him. In the first round of the tournament he played a steady and bril liant game, defeating F. Salberg of Winnipeg eight and seven. He Is now coming back to the form he displayed when he was the runner- up in the Canadian amateur championships, played on the same course, and It will be difficult to stop him from annexing the big. trophy of western Canada golf. As a resuK of the elimination contest eastern Canada will have bo representatives in the semi ffetala. A. V. Newhall of Calgary won over A. P. Foster of Toronto, two and one, and Jack Starky of Edmonton won over A. J. Hills after a hard-fought and an unequal game. The net result of the day showed that Albertta has five of the eight remaining players for the totem pole trophy. Kew York has two and Seattle one. The outstanding match In the f fjst round yesterday was that In t which Herb Black, of Calgary won from R. Smyes. of Vancouver, three, down and seven to go. The other matcnes in toe first round were not so closely con tested. Sport Chat They tell us that this baseball series starting here tonight between Anyox All "Stars and Prince Rupert Elks Is to. be the, finest diamond performance we have been offered this year in Prince Rupert. Fans have been looking forward to these games for several weeks and they should meet with good patronage. Extravagent or not as they may be In their boast, the Prince Rupert Elks' I Lodge claims that It has .the best V u y, v.f.f it uuu iJiayerBjjiij lowti um mm does not nee3, to go outside its ranks for reinforcements. We hope that they will put-up as gooci a performance as they promise they will. The smelter town boys are said to be a fast moving, crew, They have proven themselves so In the past. We Join In welcoming them on this, occasion and (eel "Ridiculous!" Dale murmured, their visit should mean a success,-! He laughed as at something very ful and Dleasant culmination for ARE CLOSE TO PENNANT she gave me a check for $10Q,00a; Philadelphia Athletics, and ChU cag Cusp. tth, ICd ,W Three More WJns Now HEW YORK, Sept. 13: phlla delphla. Athletics, approached to within three victories of the Am erlcan League pennant by shad ing Chicago White Sox yesterday while in the National League ChJ cago Cubs came within a like number of games when New Yor.k Giants beat Pittsburgh Pirates al though the Cubs themselves were defeated -by the Phillies. In the latter game, Chuck Klein and Hack Wilson each hit their thh iyninin nomera or the season. The Giants won their thljd straight game from Pittsburgh,, reducing the Pirates' second, place margin to three and a half games. Yesterdax's scores: National League New York 8, Pittsburgh 5. Brooklyn. 2, Cincinnati 3. Philadelphia 7, Chicago 1. American League St. Louis 2, New York 3. Detroit 2, Boston 1. . Chicago 3, Pha-idelphla 4. Cleveland 5, Washington 1. BJG LEAGUE STANDINGS National. Leaf ue W. L. Pet. Chicago 91 44 .674 Pittsburgh 78 59 .569 New York 73 61 .545 St. Louis , 65 67 .492 Brooklyn 62 74 .456 Philadelphia 61 74 .452 Cincinnati 57 77 .425 Boston 51 82 .383 American Leaeue - Wr Ii Philadelphia .. New York -i4.....78 St. Louis ,....71 Cleveland ..Lrl.,...7Q Detroit 63r Washington 61 Chicago 53 Boston 50 ANY0X MEN ARE VISITORS HERE Elks Members and Daseball. Team Arrived. Last Nlht lot. Three-Day Stay in City Members of the Anyox Elks' Lodge, coming to pay a fraternal visit to Brother Bills here, and an alf-star baseball team from the smelter town, said to be the snap- pies visiting baseball squad to be seen here 'this year, arrived from the north on the Prince Rupert last night. They will be here until Sun day evening, when, they will sail by tne cataia on their return home. About twenty-five persons are In the excursion. Last night the visiting Elks at tended a lodge meeting here when degree work was put on, a banquet following. On Saturday night there wiy be a blg,Elk.' ' bb.nquet.jn' the- Boston Itnll V Ball games are scheduled to be played this evening and again on Saturday- and Sunday afternoons. They are expected to., be. snappy, matcnes. The Prince Rupert baseball team will be exclusively of Elks' members and will be elected from among the following players: Bill Mitchell, Herman Lobllck, Bill Harold, Oeorge Mitchell, Bill Lambie, Dido Gurvlch, Fred Stephens. Alex ,Mltchell, Splro Gurvlch, Mike Bu-dujlch and Oeorge Arseneau. " After arrival of the visitors last night, they were led around the downtown streets In a parade which was led by a pipe band. At the lodge meeting, four can didates were initiated, The banquet was presided over by G. E. Gullck, exalted ruler of the local Kxlge, who extended a welcome to ths Brother. BlUTtrom the smelter town. W. Bruce of Anyox, entertained the gathering with a humorous address. The, proceedings concluded, .about mldnlgbt. Fred Ste. phens and Bert Morgan had charge of the arrangements for the refreshments. JUNIOB FOOTBALL iJPv&n VK;u 1929 bosebaK season In Prince School meet. Castle jfl the mysterious Mr.11"- The The Junior Football League sea.L son wiu open tomorrow afternoon at Acropolis Hill grounds when High School and Borden Street High School team will be "rY A N,r ro,ww'' lPP al -Best Procurable G3 (THE ORIGINAL) ttSI MxtMAMl pet. riin Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Ct !( i Son Lauitl CWuUkW a.4 &ImM-CIalivt DutilltnM, Daff--Clm., Wind, A SCOTCH WHISKY DISTILLED. BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND. "ALWAYS RIGHT" This advertisement is not published or dieplayed by the wquor control uoara or by the Government of British Columbia. BLACK & WHITE' N ......n, ,42 -10934 IHI A-T- " f I W j V H-ll J A IH riMtltMl M IUCHANAN LK3VCUH '" This advertisement is not publishea or displaytd by Liquor Control Board or by the Government of HHtWh r-nlttmhia the A ' BURNET U,K102)K1 tWJ 26.6 ox. $295 40 $435 ESTABLISHED 1770 13 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by th Liquor Cintro) Boanl or by the Government of British Columbia as. follows; stmcch; Katsuyama and, FUher; Nakamoto and Greer; Kanaya, Cameron, Fong, Bacon and Wlngham; spares, Hlckey, Bartlett and Bremner. R. II. Ive of the Forest Bunch service sailed last night on w Prince Rupert for Ocean a " after having spent a few dny w the city.