TOMORROW'S TIDES Saturday, September 11 High 11:30 a jn. 10.1 ft. 23:02 p.m. 17.4 ft. Low 4:55 a-m. 7.3 ft. 17:18 pjn. 10.8 It On the Matter of Disarmament .u"wn rroth. Palcstlno as 7 julet has been restored and danger of further Arab-Scm-T "lc clashes has passed. I stronger with the house of com- mons than at any time since the inception of his government In June, the premier's friends believe. The Dally Hews said that information Ambassador Dawes was able to give the premier revealed that the United States had come very close to the British point of view, adding that there could be little doubt Mr. Macdonald would not make the visit unless an agreement in principle had been previously reached. wAwiTMriTnu o.f i. q.1 : retary Stlmson announced today that Great Britain and the Unl-I ted States were now prepared for a naval disarmament conference. Negotiations between Ambaesa-dor Dawes and Premier Maedon- aid had reached & point. Secre tary stlmson said, where a conference could be called. "It can deal with any matters," he added,: "which have not yet been settled in direct conversations. j ' "Discussions," he continued, "now centre around a few thoa- ssna ions ai snip m u smgie class, meaning cruisers, n is probable that even this potat win become a discussion of the way in which these ships shall be constructed or the guns they carry will be manned." PUTD0UKS ON ISLAND Provincial Government Calls For Aid of Dominion in Matter VICTORIA, Sept. 13. It, wai learned here yesterday that the provincial government had laid i a proposal before Hon. Dr. J. II. King that the federal government : place fanatical members of the Doukliobor colonics In western Canada on D'Archy Island, in the Gulf of Georgia, I or some similar Isolated place, , where they could cngaje. in agriculture. I LLOYD TURNER NEW MANAGER Will Take Control of Destinies of Seattle Hockey Club MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 13,-Lloyd Turner of Calgary, manager of the Minneapolis hockey team In 1025. has been named manager of the Seattle club of the Pacific Coast iioekcv .League. He takes over mo rintiM left vacant last season by1 the death of Pete Muldoon. BORDEN STREET TEAM The following team wm n-v.rv sent Borden Street School in the Junior League football flxturo tomorrow: H. Fisher; W. Willie croft and C. Olbson; J. Campbell, H. Morgan ana i. uuiiguw, Brochu-. L. Wilson, A. Hardy, cap- 1 tain, J. Currie ana ' ' spares. Currie, J. O'Neill and shrubsall. Did Not Race The United States withdrew its ony Schnrtder Cup entry from ,lhe f b9u8- r lta bmty ?ror!hl.nefi8 Went- iy mj wamini res' Doing sent to Bntland. 'Abov Is Lieut. Alfordi J. Williams, who was to have pl-j tower, toe pian. DONCASTLR STAKES . . U" i u : Jij'M1' AthTord . wop ' the Doncastcr stakes for' Ihrpe-ycar-olds today jug0 wag second and Karabath, , third. Four horses ran. State Health Insurance Is Advocated At Convention by Provincial Hospital Chief NANAIMO, Sent. 13. The twelfth annual convention of the British Columbia Hospital Association opened here lyosterday. Secretary Winthers reported seventy hospita's in the province, of which Sixtyithrcc are affiliated with .the association. Mr. Winthers submitted . his resignation owing to ill-jhottlth. In his annual address President J. W. McVety of Vancouver, viewing from the stand-. point of the hospitals, which lose' ifrom 35 to 50 or their accounts through inability or unwillingness, of patients to pay. stated that! health insurance should prove as; advantageous in a general field as j the Workmen's Compensation Act in a more limited field of Industry j accidents. A PUBLIC MEETING WILL BE HELD IN THE Capitol Theatre on Saturday Boston Grill LARGE CAUARET epeclil Dinner Thursdays and Saturday Pandng Etptj Saturday Night, 9 to 13 Oanc Hall tor Hire V Accommodation tor Private Parties PHONE 45 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH .COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XX.. No. 213. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, SEPT. 13, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS United States and b?ain Believed to be Close to Accord This Is General Opinion in London, Following Announcement of Premier's Trip to Washington; Will Strengthen Labor LONDON, Sept. 13. The impending visit of Premier Ramsay Macdonatd to the United States is taken gener-a'ly today as signifying that the London and Washington governments are very near to an accord on the matter of limitation of nava! armament. His visit is expected to be short, possibly a week or more if he can spare the time. When parliament reconvenes at the end of October Premier Macdonald, with a naval reduction agreement to .his credit, would be Immeasurably MANDATE TO BE RETAINED British Government Will Adhere To Balfour Declaration in Palestine LONDON. England. Sept. 13. lord Passfleld, secretary for the Honle1! Informed a deputation of Jews that there would be no question of the British government glv-z up the mandate lor Palestine or departing from the policy embodied in the Balfour declaration i establishing in Paletslnie a na-;onal home for Jewish people: Appeal Dismissed J On Technicality Action Aealnst Teter Hruno Thrown Out of County Court; ' Dahlberg Case Stands Because the appeal papers were made out for hearing on Tuesday, September 3, the day following La-tor Day, instead of Monday. September 9, the first Monday after Labor Day. when the regular monthly session of county court u actually held, Judge Young, in rnunty court today, dismissed the Ppcal of the crown against Peter Bruno, who was dismissed by Magistrate McClymont In police fourf some time ago on a charge of brpinr, liquor for sale. Milton Cisruuics anted for Bruno, and W. I Fisher for the crown. . Date will be set later in another itmllar appeal Rex vs. Dahlbcrg. FRASER MILLS ARE CHAMPS Won B. C. Baseball Title From Generals by Odd Game VANCOUVER, Sept. 13-Frascr Mills won the British Columbia baseball championship when they defeated Generals of Vancouver in toe deciding gamo here by a score ' 8 to 0. The Mills won four games nd the Generals three. Nanaimo Mill Is Destroyed NANAIMO, Sept. 13 Fire yostcr-morning destroyed the lumber m"l and .surrounding property, of Pckett it Strom Co., Ltd., seven to'lcs from here. - withdraw Titoors FROM PALESTINE JERUHAT 13: - British troops arc being with- SEPTEMBER 11 SETNEWf RECORD, Squadron Leader Orlebar Flics 357.7 Miles Per Hour CALSHOT, Sept. 13-The world's speed record was raised yesterday to 357.7 miles an hour by Squadron Leader Orlebar of the British Schneider cup' team. This is 1.9 miles faster than he flew when he set the record on Tuesday. It was hours before it could be determined the new record set, as it took rcchecklng and calculations to establish Die fact. BRIGHT PICTURE J. W. Dafoe Sees Canada as Leader in World Commerce and Financial Power CALOARY. Sept. 13: Canada as the hub of the world, bound by its location on the globe to be on the main stream of traffic both by air and land, was pic turcd by J. W. Dafoc. editor of the Winnipeg Free Press, in ad dressing the Canadian Chamber of Commerce here today. Not only did Mr. Dafoc see the Dominion holding a commanding position In world trade and ultimately in financial power but he prophesied that the world would also be dependent upon Canada which held the key to the great mineral treasure house of North America. "t ELECTION 'orrroBEUiS', CANRERRA, Sept. 13JPolllng in the Australian general election has been fixed for October 12. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. Sept. 13: Wheat was quoted on the local exchange today at $1.51 "8. CONDITIONS IMPROVED VANCOUVER, Sept. 13: The condition of H. C. Hughes, Con solidated Mining engineer, who was mauled by a bear at Ootsa Lake and brought here by plane, is greatly Improved, AT 8 O'CLOCK When the issues of the day will be discussed by HON. DR. J. II KING, MINISTER OF HEALTH J. W. de B. FARRIS, K.C., VANCOUVER, B.C. OLOF HANSON, LIBERAL CANDIDATE Doors Open at 7:30 Scats Reserved For Ladies Britain Wins .ISLC OF YY I (i H T Great Britain. France and Italy raced over this 218-mile course or the coveted Schneider Cup, emblematic of the world's speed championship. Great Britain won. the trophy last year with the then wonderful speed of some 280 miles per hour. And Great Britain retained It this year with the more wonderful average speed of 328 miles per hour. Above, left, Is one of tho S8 planes going down the slipway on the Solent for tho great race, which was watcneu by over a million people. Below is the map of the course, showing the dangerous turning points. Oh the right, is the familiar face of O'Air.y Grcig, who broke the previous world's record. Greig is one 'if the aviators selected by the Royal Air Force officials and flew n th" Cup race. DR. KING, MINISTER OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, TO PAYOTITOTH FARRIS Jn the course of a tour of the province, Hon. Dr. J. H. JCinrjr. minister' nf..halth.anrlhQh8inns in the Dominion n?avcrnment, will arrive in aboard the steamer rnncc George tomorrow night and proceed on Monday morning to Terrace, Hazelton, Smithers, Burns La. ke andj ot)v interior points The minister will be accompanied, on his visit by J. W. deB. Farris, K.C.f of Vancouver, former attorney-general of British Columbia, who Is said by, many to be the best public speaker in British Columbia. It has been arranged for them to address a meeting In the Capitol Theatre here tomorrow evening. It will be the first occasion in several years that Dr. King has visited Prince Rupert.' He is the only Liberal member of parliament in British Columbia, his seat being that of East Kootenay. Dr. King and Mr. Farris will speak at a meeting tonight in Ocean Falls. Olof Hanson. Liberal candidate for this riding in the next federal election, having left last nlcht for the paper town to meet them. McMaster of Brome Is New Treasurer Former M.P. Ha Been Given Post in Quebec Government Service QUEBEC, Sept. 13: A. R. McMaster, K.Q., former MP. for Brome, was today appointed provincial treasurer, In succession to Jacob' Nichols, who resigned to accept a seat in the legislature. TORONTO STOCKS (McCatfery. Olbbon 4c Oollart, Ltd.) Amulet, 3.31, 3.35. Mandy, 45, 50. Falconbrldge. 10.00, 10.05. Holllnger. 5.60, 5.75. Hudson Bay, 17.50. 17.85. International Nickel. 53.35, Nil. Lakeshorc. 22.75, Nil. Mining Corporation, 4.10, 4.15, Mclntyre, 14.40, 1450. Nlplsslng. 2.?, 2.55. Noranda, 60.10, 60.50. Abana, 1.75, 1.80. Sherrltt Gordon, 7.05. 7.10. Sudbury Basin, 8.15, 8.25. Treadwcll Yukon, selling at 9.0o. I Ventures, 7.10, 7.20. FAVOR BEER PARLORS GRAND FORKS, Sept. 13: Clt izen's here yesterday voted in fa vor of beer parlors by a vote of; 317 against 228. Speed Race the city from "Vancouver To Visit Here Hon. J H. King, federal minister, duo In city tomorrow. Power Company May Buy Timber Negotiation Reported to Be On Regarding Stands On Falls River Regarding the settlement of ob Jections raised by owners of Urn bcr at Falls River where the Power Corporation of Canada is making preparations to put In its hydro-electric plant, it is unof flclally reported here that the Power Corporation has entered into negotiations with the Nation al Airplane Lumber Co. to pur. chase the timber stands referred to. No information is available at Power Corporation offices as to tho deal which is assumed from a despatch from Victoria publish ed yesterday with regard to the Power Corporation's application to the provincial government for a I water license. CAUSED HIS CONFIDENCE INote From United States Believed To Have Made Ramsay Macdonald Hopeful WASHINOTON, Sept. 13. Secretary Stlmson says that the note sent to Ambassador Dawes might have caused Premier Macdonald of Great Britain to be "confident that there would be an agreement" between Britain and the United States on naval limitation. LOWER TARIFF Important Step Taken by British and French at Geneva GENEVA, Sept. 13 Great Britain and France today took u Joint step toward bringing about a world conference on the lowering of tariff bars in the spirit of comments of European statesmen while discussing last week Premier Briand's project for a United States of Europe. Delegations ot the two nations in the economic committee of the League of Na tlons recommended that negotiations be begun between members of the league and non-members as well as to promote the meeting at the , earliest possible, moment. The purpose of the meeting would be to frame the first collective agreement to diminish hindrances to trade and to develop and facilitate ecpnomje'ela-tlons by all practicable' means.'' ' The resolution " . of ,lha Frenda and the British also, called on the states of the worJdjnofcAo'taprease their protective (frffls afiove melr present levels for a period of two years. Crew of Golden Forest Removed And Are Now on Way to Seattle From Unimak Tass Aboard Admiral Evans VANCOUVER, Sept. 13: - The crew of the American freighter Golden Forest, abandoned at Avan-stanak Island, Untmak pass, was. removed at 1 o'clock this morning, presumably by the Salvage King, and transferred to the steamer Admiral Evans, bound for Seattle. Few Carloads of Grain Are On Way Five Cars at Red Pass, Seven at McBride and Four at Endako Bound Here Railway offices this morning reported five carloads of grain at Red Pass, seven at McBride and four at Endako bound for the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator. The four cars at Endako arc expected to arrive by tonight's way freight. , . .. BIRTH NOTICE A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Lcavltt, Osborne House, Third Avenue, on September 11. 4t RUSSIA TO SEND .. LONDON DELEGATE r -4 1 ' MOSCOW, Sept. 13: The Russian government announ- ced today tha it had. acccp- ted the Invitation from tho British government to send a representative to London for discussion of procedure in negotiations for a renewal of commercial and diploma- tic relations.