PAGE 11Y0 DAILY EDITION The Daily News PKINCE KUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Bupcrt Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue il. P. PULLfcN Managing-Editor City delivery, by mali cr.canrier, yearly, periodrpaid' In advance $5.00 For lesser period. Daid in advance. n?r month 50 By mafito all parts of Northern and Centra) Br'it'sh Gpltfribh. Or four months for 1.00 paid bi advance for yearly period 3.00 Transient display advertising, per inch, per inserti6n . 1.40 Transient advertising on front' page, per inch 2.80 Lociil readers, per insertion, per line ............... Classified advertising, per insertion, per word ........ l. ...... Legal notices, each insertion, per agate Jine , ..... 1 ........ ,., By mail .o all other countries, per year ... . Bj mail o all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone ........98 Editor and Reporters Telephone ...V. 86 Ulember of Audit Bureau of Circulations She (on honeymoon): "Oh, eat us both!" .25 .02 .13 750 6.00 Monday, September 9, 1929 THE DOUKHOBORS It bocrinsr to look like the time has arrived when, something m of an impressive nature must be done to diRcioline the Sons of Freedom sect of the Doukhobors in British Co d-darllngl Supposing it Isn't able London bplnlon. r lumbia. They have set themselves against sending their iveidp the coal there and build a tu Btiiuui mm, as a prvium against navmg 10 no so, have resorted to the practices of burning down the wori?' schools and staging ridiculous and disgusting nude parades. Failure to send children to schoo', arson and indecent exposure are all contrary to the law and would probably hot be tolerated in people of any other races in Canada than the apparently i." v unintelligent C DouWiobor. Their winked at by the authorities, it.uuiii.1UK4 have nave ruucneu reached siicn such .iiume uie ivuunauuur as amenaoie 10 tne :aw as otner resi dents of the province are compelled to b.e. The continuous begging of the issue by the authorities is only making the' situation worse and the ultimate cure the harder. ! It is difficult, one realiees, to determine what to do with people such as these who make martvrdom of nunish- ment and who have indicated that they are determined not Argenta to obey the law if there is any way to evade doing so.. How-!lctU:r u to and start large industrial At Bmlthers a dinner will be given in honor of Mr. McKenzie under the J dirt t ausplws of the Chamber of Mines and the Board of Trade. T. S. Davey. mining engineer for - lW Hnklnn TJrt1 0 n71 OT I mnin carryings-on, which m past years have been more or less 'XSZTM the n srniro that drastic measures must be taken to nrevent them nnrl vi rrr 4-1- -v y n 1 -1- 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dast week inspecting work of the past few months which has shown up the bet ore so far found in the mine. Desolte denials there are grounds to warrant the conclusion that J. P. Duthie of Seattle intends 10 j abandon his option on the Rufus-( mine at Stewart, in onei. a Vancouver Droser wr. em, something must be done about it, even if it be thr-l.eet morTof SnSTS' """V A me jjiuvmuc ui ine oun 01 rreeaom drive and. after this worn is com uouKnoDor,wno, in many ways, has p-roven himself a good! pieted, 1 mtend 10 relinquish my Settler. There cannot, nevertheless, be fine law fnr him ioDtlon." In another letter to the and another for the rest of the people of British Co!um-!same broker he "x aLpaS bia. Whatever remedv must beWorted tn.hZl ihls wofk K to be cured. " . r .'SnWYZmt Hvie given insirucuou w I until further notite I want to re 1 iiinoulsh this property some time AVA-mmn . i ' this week and will be glad to hear nnuiiicu I'Al'JfcJKS MEWS from you promptly." p iwviM be int,eiesting to see how Attorney-General ' smithers chabeT of Mines took looleys proposal to deal with the fanatical elements of second place at tire provincial fair the uoukhobor community near Nelson will work ' out u Itn New westminuer last week for observes the Victoria TimPQ Ho ' amtm minlnc display and Port- the hn children mi,i "i of these v rt,,u -- . disrrlcl WJLS second. The that extraordinary peop'e shall be educated whether the parents like it or not. If the pa? tnJwi n0t (lehverthem ,to the school authorities voluntarily, ne proposes to take tho rhW How public opinion will react tn this linntimi ,i I Nicola Valley took first prize. parental roof and send them elsewhere to cet " the tn erinr-i eUUCa ue Portland canal district, haying tiona advantaiws th Ai-? .1 hut been Identified on the Ruth 0 vw ukiiwi Humid! ui me province en- Nickel and cobalt are the two latest metals to De aiscovercu u and Francis property, which is being worked by Duncan McLean. James Nesbltt and Andy Archie. ing But remains to be i seen. To atZiil some it may LX"?5 appear heartless. The samples assayed run 8 nickel unusual and difficult considerable extent, the effect may be salutary Combed with those members of the sect who conform to the laws irnCeTAf"vhoery are industrious and thrifty citizens, the fanatical element has very little in- ?Tvf' But a few PePle t0 Mkea rumpus: and these people manifest -2ly their displeasure in a manner which is m direct conflict with puljc decency. About the only other plan Mr. I'ooley cou'd have followed would have been a recommendation to the Dominion government for the deportation of the rtnTSoS-5 "y;.ut , th.e. Poposal suggested has the and M CODail, oeaiura - d making a total value of $43 per ton. The occurrence of this emerald green rock on the property has been known for some time, but the extent of it has not yet been determined. This is the first time It has been assayed. The principal work on the Ruth and Francis this summer, besides surface prospecting by stripping and open cutting, has been the driving of an adit tunnel which Is now in 160 feet following a strong vein with mineral-iiHnn rnmlne In heavier in the tar than ever before. This velrt been ULtn avoided avoiueu. ' S " a,"1CU,t Proceeding Will have .produces lead, silver and antimony commercial values. An nthpr vein, eleht feet in wiain, gives $48 in gold and further up the hill there are large copper show ings. Four big veins strike northwest and southeast with numerous cross veins, all carrying a variety ef minerals. Ore assaying 81.7 lead and 293 ounces silver was brought Into SUwart last week by N. Olloff froi the Dlack Dear group, consisting of five claims located above timber line in the Vicinity of George Copper at the head of Bear River. The samples were taken with a pick, ho shots having yet been put into Uie property. The streak of lead ore Is about five inches n width and ac- 15 CATARRH f the iBLADDER THE DAIL? NEWS Monday, September 9, 1929 News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Britannia Options Dolly Varden and Wolf; Duthie to Drop Rufus-Argenta; Nickel and Cobalt Found at Stewart O.V.4 4" 1 ORTHOPHONIC VICTROUS AND RECORDS Auction Sale of Alice Arm Lots One Hundred Lots and Several Acreage Blocks Sold High 1'riCc Was $710. ' tt : i : r 4-,.. Innum nvrtn. . ... . ..!for , S710. , xiiiviiiK uwt'U an uuiiuw ui wic uvu .wen nuuwn i"wm jjteserve secuon 01 Alice arm, neia: erties, the Britannia fining & Smelting Co. has already "Thursday, passed off very suc-commenced development work on the Dolly Varden and cessfuiiy, both from the stand-Wolf mines at Alice Arm. The Wolf is the first property , u2f7(J "J""1 to receive attention, the diamond drill operating on the ZnZwT ?TX Tone having been taken there with a gasoline engine to lnspector of iandSi on behair, of supply power. Both properties are owned by the Spen- the provincial government, one .Cer-McRae interests of Vancouver. The Do!ly Varden hundred and eight lots and sev- hallwaV. extending seventeen miles . eral blocks of acreage were dls- up the KlUault Htm from the town or Alice Arm, may also be Included in the ultimate deal. The manner In which the Britannia company 13 Increasing Its holdings is takeh as a very promising sign at Alice Arm. Hon. W. A. McKenzie, provincial minister of mines, is expected to make a tour of the central interior before the end of this month and will also probably visit Btewart and Alice Arm. One of the matters bringing Mr. McKenzle north is to make an inspection, with J. D. Oal-loway, provincial mineralogist, of eoal deposits on the Telkwa River and elsewhere, in (connection with the announcement of plahs to de- companies about three feet of cop- Psed of, the approximate total of ur ore In the same vein. Asso-, amounting to $14,000. jiated with Mr. Olloff In the Black The auction was confined prac-Bear are Messrs, Bolln and Garner, tlcally to local bidding, though They expect to get some develop- there were a few purchases for ment done this fall. : ouUlde interests. A great many of the lots went at the upset 1 Falls Creek which flows '.hroueh price, it having been tacitly agijthe townsite of Alice Arm uitn reed that the party with a house the kltsault Tihrer. The water wm oh the reserve more nearly ad- be diverted into the Kltsamt mJz jjacent to the lots offered was en ! titled to the lot. Several lots with out houses or in were BIG NEW DAM AT ALICE ARM Falls Creek to Flow North of Town Instead of Through it as at Present ALICE ARM, Sept. 9.' Word has been received here from the de- nnrtment of public works to begin . construction work on the dam which is to divert the waters of Orthoph True in Sound Model Ho.4yWiliam and Mary Period Walrtut 190. or with Ekcrric Motor $225. "in Dp ' to the north of the town ana to the north of the present wino rt.. choice locations built along the bank of h J the the object object of spirited bid- satilt River and which h..,. . rflnc Thi hloTi hlrl nf thft Rain tha tnuinclto trm it,. .. ; o - - - - o - - " - .u.i i.uivi. tium Vilv UVCrilOW Of 'ALICE ARM. Sept. "Or-The abe-j . LTJiT' JSSS tiori sale of lots on the -old Indian " X ' 1 , e"3'WPnelIture 0l upwards of $7,000. ,i Coal? Coal? take avantagr t.r low prre In put In your winter mppiy, KIISOV ami r.SSIIV-WKI.L!XO.' TON In nny quantity Hour, II:jr. firnln anil Trri Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 onic Trade Mark Reg'd Victrola P ' Sweet music gently playing, sot woods warmly glowing in the lamplight. Home, a chair that's easy, and a Victor record library to choose one's pleasures from. Music with all its truth o tone retained. Wonderful instruments from $95 up, and the unequalled Victor Record library to choose your music Srom. Records stop automatically when through playing. At all authorized Victor dealers. Convenient terms. Victor Talking Machine Company Of Canada.Umitcd Montreal McRAE bros: VICTOR RADIO RECEIVERS