PAG2 FOUR iiWAiaiEtfr xxxx. "I was never there. 1 shun Jails. -Ttt I wa- forumately saved from that ! heart ThriWng ' Mystery Story In 30 chapters Lj HEAMAN LANDON "ft to Just as sad experience " a gasp sounded omtilius as it Still closer came the doctor, the sounds. I think you are Welling behind the .. "Saved? How? By whom?" Picaroon's back. "By a few thunderclaps. You ' '"rhrough my heart eh?" He see. there was no thunder the ,' appeared to consider. Hot such a night Miss Conway was murdered. bad Idea. It's a aides: death, and But it did thunder last night, j almost painless. If shoot you must, while you framed up the evidence ! please shoot .straight. I should against me. There was enoueh hate to be njussed up. Bein? a -uiiut-r w cum every pnener oripnyncian. you know. 1 suppese.1 cream in new york. That's where on which side my heart Is?" you made a mistake." "I do" said Moffett grittily, Evidently Dr. Moffett did not "and I promise to shoot straight." It enjoys a i&r You cannot Wg Ktjttcr reputation Z. gin for for quality. 'ZVx the moneyv- 8le This advertiitement i? not published or dinplayed by the Liquor Cuntrol Board or by the Governmeut of British Columbia. "who .haven't long to live. Ill hnmnr nn Hv falmirur atrnkrht ;your heart." I "Thanks. Do 700 know, doctor. I picked op a moat carious edl--Ooa of Ibeiras 'Amadis of 0ul' ; the other day. As a mark of my un, Tnana. s toe doctor dryly. "Tlx only question Is hew I am to mention you In my will. Shall by your real name?' Again the doctor eye biased at Mm out of the green Mar. "Yon fthtafc yea knew my xeal name?" "Oh, yes. I discovered it the morning foBowtag your visit to my apartment. Barely yon hvent for gotten. "That was the night yon flashed a green light in my face and gave me a' wallop on the Jaw. Not that I bear yon any hard feelings on that score. I dropped my grte- Mulsh steel of the automatic Dale. I dan! believe you brought xtxwA -j-,- THE DAILr NEWS Mosoay, . Station Wins Softball Tide of Canadian National League From Drydock in Fast Finals Softball fans to the number of two hundred-odd ..weee trAufPfl to the snaDDiest softhall xrames of the reason Sat urday pvenintr and yesterday mornine and afternoon I deafamate von as Dr. Moffett -riwlinn Sfntinn nni Tlrvflnek. Winners nf the first and She nodded. He marveled at the Station 1 112 4 0 3 0 015 things. a pleasant hobby. "W-ise nao uryoocc .-Buuv-- HS far " WOTUO ,fmD- ,nd Game i wruy crura ner. but instead she1 ; seemed to bear up amazingly well 1 .- 4 5 6 7 8 9 j Perhaps her Infatuation had not 1 0 - 0 0 4) 1 0- 9j been as deep as he had feared. Drydock 2 e b z u u i-iui you do." Oh wt" T x if m. The first and peeted something then. WU youlhnow kMtoatty A sooc wiH fi-nded that she should be sOen- - tell me hot' you got oat of Jail?" jnee waitung. The jsoeMot It ring, cd- S- -d ned her death" I put a bullet thtvogh yovtvarrant when she looked Into his race. "Yea. Miss Castle knows." the doctor added, "hat I don't think 7 i was handied by! Harold, second by, GYR0SWIN BALL GAMEi sharp tumultous sensations. "Your) . Mrt L ''iLt1-tcr City Final y cansee very weU to this light., rf 't nu 18 to '3 -Left-sleeee?" Moffett inter-! T - J-J&t MKHk . 1- j 1 w r '""T" uTO."-ce 'of basehall seen here this season.4 . orul- yr t the Gyro Club won Its way to the sleeve, Dale .began but even as -m ki n Hmi h ih iu quite understand. "It doesn't mat-1 Thanks. Awfully decent of," Pe a sense of bewilderusent (da by defeating the -f-u. ii wouw nave .you uom rorget. doctor." jwwii warn. (En ig to 3 yesterday afternoon. ior you u you had, "Dont worry. I shant forget. "Ainsworth?" the girl exclaimed ; Havettnd pitched the enttre nlnei R 'Its tne custom to humor people: in a 'olee of stopefactlon. "Why, Innings for the service chtb and : how ridiculous! You dont think" whiffed ritne batters, allowing abef MofJett's hunch Interrunted her hl Lobttck was not hU oW self "What an amusing miaapprehen- d ired on the mound for I slon'" the KlS m we sixui aiier isnnmj Before the doctor could reply a ,r -nd -Oowtn ntft Alex loud gong sousded aoxewhere In lUU:hn -he- the game for the h hm.. 1 !. Bks. allowing seven hits, to uv. ..vl.. wWVS. HWWU1 X U ' - the door . .h. .-!... evease the Oyro score even more. tion For an instant the Dttol Heavy hitting ieatred the garner a arered in Moffett's band v TBn'uha5 a P? " 1 . . . . with the bases lull: Ha raid. Meran 'JT. r "!?noea ,ran: dOrrleh garnered three-ba-d ng you w Havend collected a I never know. Through the heart, did you say?" ; : The girl screamed. There came a t - . . sharp crack. A muffled cry of hor- "Gel Annie and Caesar." he ror rang out. and Adele shrank cnunandt "No. Jt tt.a. ma. away, hands ehuoed against her ent Fst- white cheeks He breke. ott a duH roar' ! The Picaroon clutched his heart sounded O-tstde. , staggered back, gased with a grog- "What what iw that?" Axel- !gy eaprearion at the little curl of son jerked out. , gray vapor that eddied in the They are trying to snoot tne green light, reeled with a drunken lock on the gate to pieces. It's 'a1 foortoerew motsan. threw his arms good lock and tt wtn take eraTj and went tumhttnc to the floor. A shots Axetoon groan sounded, a hoarse, shudder- Throuah the green haze the tne aaan for breath, then alien doctor's eves travelled to AdeleJ And then another long, strident 8he stood at the wall, trembling. peal broke through the silence, her liands clasped across her Dr. Moffett dropped the pistol to breast gazing tn horror at the the table. limp foro 1 that had fallen beside "It win take them several mln- the tabfe. utes to batter down the gate "We eon take her with us.- the fence." he remarked. His voice Moffett murmured. was curiously quiet "Well have Axelson gasped.- He stared crook ample time to get out the back edly at the girl- way. Get the brown bag from my "NertHerj" saB Moffett "can we room. Hurry!" leave her 'here alive: Th taat wnrd ahant a a whin. Axl toerked UB hUs shoulders 'huh. brought the ld auut out of so they almost touched-the lobefl his atunor. He ran f mn the rwii of Ms aaHE The doctor stepfj'l. from the "I've ttetie my shire of the; nasti table. HU movemenU in the green business," said the doctor. Do, light grew obscure A little elicit yours " j came, then a sliding sound, as If He Hung the ipistol toward the a drawer controlled by a prin old man and the latter caught It had opened. "Ehe was a hurrkd With spasmodic Jerks of h shufOi-g of papers. shudder -lie t tuned it over and Axelson reappeared. camiW a looked at it. Another muffled rear small bag. He placed it on the suddenly penetrated the walls. ' table. The vMble part of Dr Mof- "Hurry." said the doctor, llett approached again. He dumped Aneieon hesitated. "I I don't ; a handful of papers and other Uke to do It" t articles' tnto the bag. Te Be Continued Tomorrow iWaT7T1 Radiola 33 Complrtr trtlh HmdiotroHt $96 50 Loodtpeakrr 100-B S2-.00. ( Sport Chat b. V r in 1930 With tPftrr as weU as those repr . CJ.R. Recreation As? - . ! waterfront groups V. shown this year tl-no "girls' game' a ,-. Acquaintorrfes of Dk Stubbs. uont to dob tt bef0-r I who spent several yean at Anyox sestng tt played From he wfll be Interested to learn that point of the spectau-'it rI-J. La -(U . lk ,. u ... .-. mu "- m exentng so, toeretore -.- e at Copper Mountain. Unable to Itiea of being develop' un; uuwa uc i duu r-a ui ger scaje yet. short spasms against a tricky op- ' .. ... . . ri. f . o ecod halves, respectively in the U.IS.K. e, inet in, final the Station the cham-;uw ' three-game series, winning t Aottlder, 0f Dick piOship tWO frames OUt 01 -Lfiree. Stubbs In a vigorous wrestling' The first game went to the Station, 15-4; the second ; boat at Oepper Mountain recently. j ame to the Drydock, 10-9: and the thirtl to the Station, ! originally scheduled as a handi- 7-6. While the Station had -an easy- cap affair in which Jepson agreed win in the first -aame. the second I AFTER SPEED RECORDS to throw Stubbs twice in an hour. and third were anybody's Mil the .- 1 the conditions were changed, and) hut ton int. excitement 'being held CALSHOT, CALSHOT, Eng Eng.. Sept Sept 9: 9: Brl-, the match made a straight f vance when my Jaw dropped baeklanr Dry dock player, as each was hreii on his game. For tne siauon. gleanrm menacingly in the ver- any poneemen with you. The po-1 -oh - m r- i- , Jfratnle Horton oUyed the most dam light. At length there was lice and the Picaroon usualy tra- nram tttaJsem and snappiest game only the width of the table be- vei separate paths. But if you did" know who j y,- throughout the series and deaerr -tween htm and the other two. He there was a blurry motion of a -yes." said Dale He east edly, was the beat man on either .eanea lorwara. uui 01 uie green nana, ana iae pmoi rose a inue hte hnnMr t th smudge biased a pair of eyes, higher "if you did." Dr. Moffett srfutinizrag the visitor's face. The added, "your career ends right doctor's shoulders perked back, there." "The Picaroon!" he exrlahned. The Picaroon made a wry face. Dr. Meffetrs Face "That's an awfully unpleasant .thought I am deeohr devoted to As he spake, the doctor's arm -.- career" came upward. He held the pistol -The career of a thief 1" I pointed straight at the vlsttor. The "You're mistaken, doctor. Moth-latter had dropped his anna re-, j-g m vulgar. I a collector." to the greenish blur that was all .t r. tirt aitvv. wi wMte-faeed gtrl standing behind Mm. He felt a wrench at his' iMIOrt 51 wtnat Vim- m-ui 4 I backward ane a a miMtinn k m . 11 Diydck c wg ue gm nam n eraorace. ; -A coUector of other peoples , and now he stood in front of iT,liewtiiy" TZZ.iT UmmeTed uri- m -1- ! ... Know? --- j - -no. a couonor or suerai- he could see of Marietta face. such .hi-. Its . eaalness T of her "Tour noble countenance seems you oaght to "fht-ftVf it 10 oe m ecupse. doctor, he re- more agreeable than murdering marked pleasantly. people." "Ton will be in eclipse befare "111 consider yoer adTiee." long remarked offett gritUly The Picaroon elaneed at his at fever pitch throughout It would be df leult and perhaps UneuDs and Then you i First Game "It was very dear. Dale. I never watch. "They are a little late." he ; "Yes- Miss Castle knows." said suspected but then I thought observed. "Uavbe their watches 1 .doctor in a queer voice. were as fei- Why cot now' pW, !B: uowney. J. tser. u; B. .ekaUebei cf A. " ; As If - she ted construed his SH-ineooi c; notwy.j. Oauthorne, p; Smith. 123 458789 Third Game 1 2 3 45 6 7 8i miss casue acted a bit queer when are stow." j " ltn sun uaie swung roun-I statton 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 you wound your paternal am' A P of eyes used at hfan out The four words had been Drydtxk 1 0 0 4 1 OA 00- nrouna ne?. ssayoe we pateraal! of the greenish base. "I still WKCn inat sent a emu Bart of it wam-t iimilai 1. Urint , t throuah his hehu? In a wnnrnt ' Jachssn anv i i j u. xm fnfft' iiinin she care a start I almost sus-lgers come to the gate, I shell, The doctor's safety de- ZJZi f British seaplanes, which set a new world's record lor speed, Satur- unfalr to stress the performance of day In the Schneider Cup races. will make a fresh assault on ail speed records tomorrow. R.ISIXG CEXOTAPH fair. In three 10-minute rounds. The game of soitball has been; jnoeessfuUy Introduced in Prince , Hupert this year by the Canadian National Recreation Association whose league activities came to a ---"' ; close yesterday with the finals Work pfenacatory to the laistng ; which attracted 200 supporters of of Prince Rupert's cenotaph in; the sport to the grounds on the cormemoratian of the glorious railways yards. So much enthus- fitatton Horton. 3b; Astoria, as; ;!ead of the Great War is now in tasm ha been developed this sea- progress at the Court House son that the prospect now is that grounds. a good city league may be formed RncU-.ll C.. vaa i,a s 1 Saturday's Gamei American League Detroit 5-7. New y r2 4. Cleveland 1-4. Ph:..:. St. Louis 3, Boston 4. CsUaaco 1, Washing 1. 1 National Learnt J Brooklyn 2. Plttsbure 6 j Boston -2. Chicatto riumaeipma 4 st ul j Sunday Scores Xalieaal Lea(Be Boston 13. Chicaer ; Pi'-tjiburgh l. Brv.,;;.- j PhUadelphla g-3 s ; ,u. American Leairac Chicago 4. Washing : ?, Detroit 3, New Y ,rfc 0t. Louis 1-0 Bneur. s in tenth .r. I A If- ;. TTT- I J 61183 tional aiue ! HERE is the greatest Anlnc ever offered in Uie historT of radio . . a Ualterylcss Couoletleof rare bcautr and nmazinp performance . . at the phenomenally lotf price of $75. In a few weeks time Radiola 33 has attained tremendous popularity. The large-scale production to satisfy the demand lias created big savings which are passed on to you. At its new low price Radiola 33 will enjoy still greater sales. We urge you to come to our show rooms now be convinced of Radiola 33's outstanding value . . and make lure that you will have no disappointing delay in getting your set. You will need only one demonstration to reveal the power, keen-edged selectivity and exceptional realistic reception nf Radiola 33. Complete willi Radiotrons Radiola 33 costs only $96.50 . . and the C.G.E. Loudspeaker 100-B which harniouixcs perfectly sells for S25. Our convenient lime payment plan will simplify your purchase. sl w Distributors in Prince Rupert POWER CORPORATION OF CANADA CANADIAN GENEltAL ELECTRIC CO., UNITED.