September '9, 1929 n l A Folding Kodaks from. Ma C I 01U"6 Jkuuaivo from 10-u Kodak Films, all sizes In stock. Developing and printing for -.,4 mm ". .!!.. l i -I- JamatCUrS. way wrrviw:. uauby luusn. Rustic. KODAK TIME Brownies from ,...;..42.25 Vest Pocket Kodaks $5.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks From $n.25 No. 3 A Folding Kodak-,,' ' From . $34.00 Cine Kodak IMovle), F. 3.5 Lens $100.00 Ormes E Ztfw Pioneer Drttoeisls IHJDD AVE. V SIXTH ST. - TELEPHONF.S l " " UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ftulllntt I rum Irlnc Kuprrt LUMBER 0 lANCOlVEK, VICTOUIA, Swaikrtu Uujr. Butt-dale. Altrt Hay. te, Tuta-i.vtM'OHKH. In VICTOKM. HuUtale. Alert Itty. ttr.. TrMay midnight V...... ilrl &VVIIV MTI:VV1I(T Vim IMtr ISirt Klmnukn kun. HDf L ...--, J - - ' " - . .... , , - - f W12T MMl'KON AND WALKS ISLAND. Tnuri&ir. D m. f.i tnd tf nue K M. SMITH Atent lHure Itupert. H.C. U rough t'iket told to Victoria am Seattle .and bjfKage checked ihmufh I " ltluatlun. ICJWADIAN, kPACinci Jrd Ate B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES MIl.tMIH IKDM rillM'i: III I'KKT To KHrlilk'in. Wrangell. Juneau and R .ugway Xettemler 7. I. To Vam outer. Vlrtirla and Feattle ' Nelrmber T, II. . IMtlNTKMS MAKY Ocmn Fall, etc.. Vaneouter and Victoria etery I'rldar 10 p.m. Atenti far all PtramMilp Lines W. C OlttllAKU. (ir.NF.KAL AOENT Prlnre Kuprrt. B C Ftiooe 31 Ian ad ian National Largtil Railway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE im- tr m riUNCi: ui itut for VANrnrvKR virroHi.v setti.k. ind Intermediate point , Monday. ThurMtejia, 4 p.m.; Patnria)!, 7 p.m. fi ANTOX and STEWART. MenU). S p.m.; lYMaja, I p.m. fur M1SSETT lLET POUTS. Monday. S p.m. r kOl Til (JI EE.V CHARLOTTE I ! LANDS, (ortalibtl; for BkAUWAY, Hednedi)t, 4 p.m. I'ASsr.MlEK TRAISN LEAVE rKIM'f. nllfEUT IAI1.V E(TfT Sl'XDAY at 11:S a m for I'HINTi: flLt)R(IE, EDMON TON, UTNNin.ti, all pulnt taHrrn Canada. I'nlled Matrl. AOESCY ALL OCEAN HTEAMHIir I.IES City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave, Prince Kupert Phone 2G0 Thorouirhlv seasoned Shinlat). S IS Dimension and Boarda. KILN DRIED Snruceand :eand Cedar Cedar Finish Finish. Sitka Ceilintr. and SPECIALTIES 1 x 4" Edpegrain Hemlock Flooring 1 x 3" and 4s Sitka Spruce Ceiling 1 x 4" and 6" Cedar Rustic BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED v PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 361 Hetail Yard, Cow Hay, Telephone 123 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Radian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PIUNCG KUl'EKT, B.C. News Want Ads. bring quick Results In Ketchikan. Miss Phyllis Sloan, who has been spending the summer in! THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ' 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf R. Long sailed Saturday afternoon on the Princess Charlotte for a trip to Vancouver, Mrs. George Fritz returned to Dentist Dr. J. It, Gbsse. Phone C86. Charles P. Balagno, teachje? of P&noXortiU-Jtm .resumed, a.Qh tne city on the Princess Charlotte Albert & McCaffery Limited. Saturday afternoon from a visit phone 11C and 117. Tryf . our Soot- I T-i. It ' less stove coal. e guarantee Major C. B. North, well known T. B. Campbell, engineer in Vancouver. The Chilliwack Is In Will all those who have accounts; against the Fair Board, kindly render same at once. William Dann was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening bound from Vancouver to Ii U.lJiU 1 li ;ir-- i" service arrived In the cltv an the Catala last evening from' Bute- dale. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. W. Bart- satisfaction, lett, who were called south recent ly, arrived at New Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Murphy re-hust the dav after the Heath nt Winnipeg, returned to the city on turned to the city on the Catala ( Mr. Bartlett's mother. Saturday afternoon's train. last evening after a week's trip: . , ,. The steamer Hercules arrived at Prince Rupert from Sydney, OB., Mayor S. P. McMordie sailed with the first cargo of rails for Saturday evening on the Prince the G.TP. Twenty Years Aeo. Rupert for a week's trip to Vlc- Vancouver Province. J. W. Exley, dity Hall Janitor, to Vancouver. toria on city business. returned to the city on yesterday mining engineer, was a passenger day evening in the Metropole Hall. afternoon's train after having aboard the Catala last evening . There was quite a good attendance spent a two weeks' vacation on his bound from Vancouver to Stew- and the affair proved enjoyable. farm near Simmers. art. Mr. and Mrs. Akmzo Haines and! Mrs. E. A. Morgan and.chlldren. ier Princess Charlotte which was couven Albert & McCaffery. Limited, i In port Saturday afternoon south At 8:30 Saturday evening the fire department had a call to the Royal Hotel where paper near the furnace in the basement had; caught fire and caused a scare. Another dance under Scandi navian auspices was held Satur- Dr. J. A. West, who has been for the past three months. family, after having spent a who have been visiting for the taking up post-graduate work in montn s vacation m Toronto,, re- past two ana a nan jnomns ai London, Eng., is expected to return.. turned to the city from the east retersDurg witn Mrs;'.. Morgan's to the city within the next week on yesieraay aiternoon's train. imoiner. retumea tne cuy irom or so. the north on the Princess Char-John T. Spickett, Juneau theaijlotte Saturday afternoon, tre owner, and Mrs. Spickett were- .-' passengers aboard the Princess, There were 154 passengers com Charlotte Saturday afternoon, go- ing south, including 15 who dls lng south for a visit in Seattle. embarked here, aboard the steam W. B. Smith, manager of the Detroit Western Mining Co.'s operations at Khutze Inlet, returned north on the Catala yesterday af ter a brief business trip to Van- Phone 116 and 117. Two scows bound from Skagway to Vancouver Miss Ella Jensen of Bellineham of Nanaimo-Wellington lump coal on her final Alaska voyage of the arrived in the city at the end of arrived today. We are now pre-.y"- .the week from the south to spend pared to supply you wilh your I a few days here as the guest of winter's coal. tf Union freighter Chllllwack is Mrs. F. O. Dawson, Fifth Avenue due in pqrt on Wednesday from East. charge of totem pole preservation command this trip of Capt. W. W. j Indian Agent Jame Olllett of work along the Skeena River for.Mounce who is rellevln; Capt. the Queen Charlotte Islands, sails the Canadian National Railway, : John Mulr whose wife died re-1 by the Prince Charles thlsevening arrived in the city from Hazelton ! cently in Vancouver after a long on his return to Massctt. after on Saturday afternoon's train. -i Father E. Altard QUI., "HUILI) H. C." Pacific Milk For Five Years JVAPOMTEO. We are always very glad to get letters like the following from Mrs. Kerr. This comes from up country. She says; . VAVe live ln a camp where we can't get fresh milk. I prefer "Pacfflc. ft It is So lien lit' color and I do not have to use so much. When we go to town we always buy Pacific Milk. I have bought no other for five years." PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abhotsford, H.C. illness. who , Completing the company's final dance. The dance of the season. Irom w"1 Pmu :15 la" Moose Hall, September 20 whoopeef! a evening. The - vessel, .. which "v.. had a spending a few days in the city on business. ,has :been spending the summer Skagway sailing of the year, C. N.j Miss -Rita McLean, daughter of engaged in missionary work in,R. steamer PrlncW.' George. Capt. ' Mr. and Mrs. N. M. McLean. Seal i River district, arrived : Harry Nedde& anrfred in port at Cove, sailed Saturday evening on y from the north on the ; 10:30 thk rno'raln: from the north 'the Prince Rupert for Victoria Charlotte Saturday af-iana wra sail at 4 o'clock this ai- wnere sne wiu auena provincial ternooa, being Fraeer Lake,-;"0 on his Lannouncements . . way to ternoon for Ocean Falls, Powell j Normal School. River ?id, Vancouver, whence she1 , win arrive here next Saturday t Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wallace morning at 10:30 oh fall schediile. ! and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Clarke re- . u jturnfd by this afternoon's train Having beb delayed by fog!to the Skeena River after having down the cofct toi the morninir. ! Pent since the middle of last Union steamfr fatala, Capt. A. ln the city- Premier Orchestra's opening LE'..'"1?..!?1 W. J. RooneToTEdmonton. su- perintendent of CUR. Telegraphs, A . , will Mil thU nft.rnnnn on Ih. smaller passenger list than usual, ; " . V r Vancouver af- sailed at 10 p.m. for Anyox, Stew- f'T ,Geore Catholic Basaar. October 2 S.t on company business. whence she will return here 1G3 to- j morrow morning and sail at 3:30 Tf l TiMoaflrv r inmr rtAlnrr i-resoyienan Bazaar November i-- " """"""Mights on bicycles as well as on 6- , 7 , . , , other motorvehlcles, the police - l HavlnE been delayed down thepolnt out ln lssulng ft warnlng Those Splitting Sick Headaches! M FRUIT-A-TIVES " Stop Those Health-Robbing Pains Mrs. Michael Coulis, Oaloe Station, 0nt4 writes: "ArW ming rniic-a4ivt,4h hJmchn a! tirwl-iK flia tooa diMpp.r.d, and for lw rri tw 1 htn ba ia lb bM f bMith. Sick headaches that come back on you time alter time will yield to "Fruit-a-tim". Mrs. Coulis is only one of thousands who have discovered this. "Fniit-a-tivrs" is a natural medicine, made of intensified fresh fruit juices combined with the finest medicinal ingredients. It always relieves. Try it today. WT , sieamer that riders of bicycles must ob- iPrlnce Charles. Capt. NeU McLean. 'serve the law m thls ct to ;'"ru uu" Ul WUiy avoid being prosecuted, from Vancouver, and will sail atj 8 o'clock this evening for Stew- D. a dlrector of the art, Anyox and Massett Inlet, Prlnce Rupert Fisheries Experi- whence she will return here mmi&l station, and R. H. Bed- , Thursday morning and He over jord one of the members of the until Saturday night at 10 o'clock sclcntlilc staff, returned to the when she will take over the run clty on the last evenlng of the Prince John on a fortnight- from Departure Bay. Vancouver ly schedule between here and L,iandi where they went to attend Vancouver via the Queen Char- the annual c-onforr-nee nf Paring lotte Islands. imtmmLmssmm Will you please let us talk KINGS with you some of these days? Wc don't mean in an ad, What wc request is that you step into the store and ask to see our Ladies' rings. Don't expect us to particularize here. Always glad your questions you in selecting-. to answer and assist a T nn .THE STORE WITH THE CLOCI 1 Coast workers of Board of Canada. the Biological R. F. McNaughtop, CUR. district passenger agent, and W. T. Tobey, CJiR. divisional superintendent, will sail this evening on the Prince Charles to make the round trip to Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet on company business. Cash Cole. Alaska government auditor, and R. J. Summers, highway engineer for the Alaska government, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Juneau and will proceed on the Prince Charles this evening to Hyder. i Oordon Gosse, son of Robert Gosse of the B. C. Packers Ltd.. who was recently injured at the company's plant at Hecate, Vancouver Island,- is making very satisfactory progress and expects to be able ' td leave the Vancouver General Hospital in about three weeks. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Will THE PERSON who took the boys' watch out of the wrong pocket yesterday at the Salt Lakes please return it to' The Dally News office. E2 Your Family Might Well Demand ! 'JpHE holder' of the mortgage on your home demands that the mortgage be covered by Fire Insurance to protect, his investment and rightly so. Your family might well demand that you protect them through Life Insurance: their future depends on YOU. May we show you how easily this can be done? THE Manufacturers Life Insurance Company HEAD OFFICE There were 100 passengers arriving from Alaska aboard the steamer Prince George this morn ing. Seven disembarked here fromi the vessel. Mrs. Stephen announces that, having been asked to go to Ste art to do permanent waving, her Beauty Parlor will be closed from Sept. 11 to 20. Capt. and Mrs. J. R. Elfert, who have been spending a holiday In j the south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prince Charles this afternoon. N. L. Freeman, local representative of the International Fisheries Commission, returned to the city on the Prince Charles this afternoon from a brief trip to Vancouver. C. W, Homer, provincial assessor, returned 'to trie city on the Prince Charles this afternoon after having spent a three weeks' holiday in Vancouver, Victoria and elsewhere In the south. Halibut Sales American Ilene, 39,000 pounds. Royal Fish eries, 142c and 8c. Tahoma, 31,000 pounds, Pacific Fisheries, 14.8c and 8c. Addlngton, 21,000 pounds, Booth Fisheries, 14.2c and 8c. j Superior, 20,000 pounds, Faciiic Fisheries, 14.9c and 8c. Brothers, 12,000 pounds, Atlln Fisheries, 15.5c and 8c. Reliance, 9,000 pounds, Booth Fisheries, 152c and 8c. Onah, 17,000 pounds. Booth Fisheries, 152? and 8c. ! Canadian Volunteer, 2,500 pounds. Cold Storage, 13.5c and 8c Takla, 43,000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, 13.1c and 8c. Oslo, 13,000 pounds, Cold Storage, 13.6c and 9c. Mary M. Christopher, 3,000 pounds, Booth Fisheries,' 133c and 9c Selma, 6,000 pounds, Atlln Fisheries. 13.6c and 9c Emblam, 14,000 pounds, Cold Storage, 13.8c and 9c. Scrub, 10.000 pounds. Cold Storage, 133c and 9c. Lookout Station j Nearly Complete Forest Branch Erects Structure on Thornhlll Mountain Near Terrace .' ' . . TERRACE. Cept. 9: The forestry lookout station which Is being built on Thornhlll Mountain, is now almost completed, and commands a wonderful view of the district. The building was built ln sections In ;town and taken up the. mountain-side by pack horse and, thereassemf T. C. M.jrneFtfr1fi Ji jClrkpat- ncit nua cnarge oi construction, while John Gabriel did the packing. During the wet weather the work was considerably hindered by clouds and fog and by bitter cold on the mountain-top. The station can be seen from town oma clear day without Daily News "Classified" advertising brings results. TORONTO, CANADA Crai.tu Oirioe 202-6 Rogera Bid., Van;ouver B. A. TwlM, Branch Manager NOIiltIS W. 1'BINOLE, DISTRICT KEPKE8ENTATI"E Prince 3upert, B. C. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert S. J. Parkinson. William Ware, C. Duscombe. H. Sewell, W. C. Walker, A. M. Myers, H. C. Olbbs and A. Campbell, Vancouver; Miss Mary Peachland N.C, U. C Firch, Madison, Wis.; W. Simpson, Anyox; W. J. Rooney, Edmonton, J. Humphreys, city; William Llody, McBride; Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Harsch, Toledo. O.; F. R. Wilson, Inverness; S. W. Oelflx, Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. J. Meffre and C. Lazard, Paris; H. L. McKenney, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. J. Travis, Toronto; Charles C. Colby, Chicago. Royal Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Frost, Bute-dale; J. H. Peets, Joseph Pantlcy, L. H. Brawand and M. E. Olson, C. N.R.; Curtis Gardner, Portland; H. D. Waltz. Taku; George Kalen-dlch and John West, Juneau; Ray D. Applegate. New York City; W. Tritea and F. H. Shipley. Big Falls; B. C, Eyton, Porcher Island; R. Fisher and Wah Soon, Sunny-side. Central R. C. Kennedy and. V. Adams, Victoria; T. McQuinn, Usk; Louis McCallum, Stewart; K. Liekke, V. Heino, J. Pekkala and John Mc- Sween, Anyox; C. Roberts. James Hunter. J. Smith, Mrs. T. Scully and family and Erlkson Dahl, city; D. Barr, St. Thomas. Ont.: Adelard Prumean, Haysport; J. L. Wallace and J. Searle. CUR. Savoy R. E. Valpy, Inverness; Miss Vera Elllngen. John Hansen, O. Fraser and Magnus Nordstrom, city; F. Patterson, Porcher Island; E. Solem, Prince Rupert; Glen Eethuren, Usk; J. A. West, STOCK QUOTATIONS Courtev S D. Johnston Co.) B. C. Sliver. 1.05. 150. Bayvlew, 2, 3. Big Missouri, 1.18, 1.19. Cork Province, 9 4. 10. Oeorge Copper, 5.00, 525. Golconda. Nil. 74. Orandvlew, 30, 33. Independence, 7H, 8. Indian Mines, 5.-7. Kootenay Florence, J3V4. 14. Mohawk, 3VJ. 3. Marmot River Gold, Nil, 4. Marmot Metals. 3V4, Nil. National Sliver. 12H. 13. Noble Five, 57. 57V4. Oregon Copper. 19, 20. Pend Oreille, 5.15, 5.40. Premier, 1.72. 1.74. Reeves Macdonald, 135. 1.65. Rufus Argenta, 17, 18VSe. Ruth Hope. 35. Nil. Sliver Crest. 7?4. 8V4. Silverado Cons.. 70, 75. Silversmith. 7H, 9. Slocan King, 2 ft, 4. Snowflake. 32, 33, Topley Richfield, Nil. 18. Toric Mines, 75. Nil: . , Wellington, 5. N1U-Whitewater. 47. 49. Oils Advance, Nil. 13.75. A. P. Consolidated, 4.15, 4.70. Calmont, 4.48. 430. Dathousle. 3.0p. 3.40. DevenUh, 16, 30. MeLeod. 3.71. 4.00. United. 1.12, 1.15. Turner Valley, 1.00. Nil. Hargal. 1.80. 1.83. Freehold, 1.84, UO. n i is .'A 4 1