FACE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Monday, September 9. 1929 COMMISSIONERS EASY TO SERVE EASY TO DIGEST The Letter Box TO VISIT HERE MON. AND TI ES. I RE. OLOF HANSON Anglican Clervy of Diocese to Meet Two Show Editor, Daily News: Board nCli?:3gH With all the bran of the u hole wheat With Shredded Wheat in the home you are ready for every emergency a quick breakfast for husband and children with no work or worry a delicious lunch a satisfying supper-eat it with milk and berries or sliced bananas. I L quality always reliable. Insist I on getting Blue Ribbon Tea. 4 D ) Refuse substitutes, Shoe Polls "Nugget" your golf hoes and mount the steps of the clubhouse verandah with confidence! Most golfers use "Nugget"-the hardest round will not take away the bright good looks it gircs your shoes. THE 'NUGGET" TIN OPENS WITH A TWISTI CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. I. 20,000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, DoilermaVers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 UlNDSS Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. f f Ha. lp ,f i -t'.y; jcczaier Of 2 Dr Alexander rilONE Hi BESNEB BLOCK DENTIST Olof Hanson, Liberal candidate for the Feoera? House, "paW his I : first visit to the south end of the J Queen Charlotte Islands recently. There was great speculation among all as to what sort of a man they would find Mr. Hanson. Everyone was pleasantly surpris ed. One resident was heard to jsay: "He is a d. good mixer.". Another: "He's a common sort of ja plug." and still another: "He's: j one of the boys and our man," j l Mr. Hanson Is a Canadian by ! : choice. Everything he has is in , Northern British Columbia and hrj i is developing our north with his; I own money. He takes a persona! interest in all developments li: . the north. j The writer made a visit around to all his friends the fishermen and lumber workers after Mr. Hanson's visit to see what the feeling was. I found all agreed that the Liberal party had made a good choice in giving the nomination to Mr. Hanson. When the workers or the laboring class are behind a man, that man always wins. E. C. STEVENS. Skldegate. B.C. Christian Science Lecture onSunday Paul A. Harsch of Toledo Discoursed Before Good Sized ! Congregation in Capitol Theatre A good sized audience was In the CapHol Theatre yesterday afternoon to hear a lecture on "Christian Science, the Summons of 'Divine Love," by Paul Harsch CSB. of Toledo. O., member of the board of lectureship of Mother Church, First Church of Christ Scientist, Boston, Man. Mr. Harsch discoursed for an hour and a quarter and proved himself an able speaker. Mrs. H. W. Birch, first reader of the local Christian Science Society, presided and introduced the speaker. Mr. A. M.-Da vies played piano accompaniments for the hymns. Mr. Harsch, who is accompanied on his tour of the west by his wife, arrived in the city Saturday afternoon on the Princess Charlotte, after visiting various Alaska points, and will sail this afternoon on the Prince George for Portland and Vancouver. Free! Free! Demonstration OF CARNATION MILK BY THE "CARNATION LADY" Here Is your opportunity, ladies, to exercise the secret of Carnation recipes. The demonstration will be held at our 5th Avenue store tMs week beginning Tuesday, September 10, and until Saturday, September 14. Everyone is cordially Invited to call and see. For the benefit of the consumer we offer an extra special price on Carnation Milk for this week only. CARNATION MILK $5.35 Tall; 48 tins for CARNATION MILK TalL 95c 8 tins for CARNATION MILK fC OP Baby size; 96 tins for V 000 CARNATION MILK Baby 75c size; 12 tins for Also on Preserving Fruits of the Season at Lowest Prices CALL OR PHONE 18 OR 81 i 417 and 423, 5th Avenue, East Mussallem Grocery Co. j LimUed I P O Box 675. "A Miracle!" Cripple nox walks wtll thanks to Kruschen - For ecrr tigV memdu Ind t aiU HnmtSrm, f- to mart, ntf I mat MM la try Kmckm Sola. llUttmaff amrnelt, M mUkmU mm if a lit I m Mr tm t htm to t flmU Jar in U ttM wt in m fm 4tf I m t mtk im kttp tf nWq ; ni m tkart torn I mi wtttit wl Tkii it not tuvi lahMumml, W ftmr ynm. " km Utrn t rrrr Mel, emJ I mmrr ft Timet troMtw fc OTrrytaJ mmmd it. 14 twill lArm to ittt it liciMttom mm ItUtr lopt4 yoo irSl it ft hm t Kit, WHS&WU ttllMMKnlttoHMlM, tnrkn StK b obuiaabfc t drag tad dfrtaM ttrm to CuttU M 73c a iwttie. A Mtfe antafew noon to la tor 4 or i WEST AND EAST MEET Editor of Daily News Tells How Defecation Ilea-hed Edmonton VANCOUVER DELEGATES Free LuiMft Comnensates For Frigidity of Prairies Air (By II. F. Pmlen EDMONTON. Sept 5. (By Mail) West met east this morning, when about 80 people from t Van- m "T1 ,UP.trt arri here' about the middle of and 200 from the prairies and the next vwk east sat down to luncheon to- The talking equipment here. Col-gether at the Macdonaki Hotel the McMordte nkt. wuki be see-first of many gatherings to take'yj to none m the province, place under the auspice of the j We did not know each other. We met almost as strangers but are1 woung iorwaru 10 closer associa- tton as the days paai. There are 4. some ladiee In the party but most of the visitors are men. The The Prince Prince Rupert Rupert del delegate met the Vancouver train at Jasper and were accomodated aboard, although, at first, it seemed as if George Little would have to go on the other train. However, the Canadian National met the emer gency by putting on another sleeper for him and others who were squeezed out of the special cars. The delegates received us with great heartiness. The special train was a stag train, no ladies being allowed aboard. There were 72 Vancouver men and ourselves. A few Vancouver delegates who had their ladles with them travelled on the regular train, among them being Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lip-sett. We met them on the station platform. jin W. E. Payne, secretary of the Vancouver Board of Trade, was in charge, and George MeNicholt. eneral passenger agent for the C.NJt, represented his company. The newspapers were well represented, the Province and Sun representatives being among the first to welcome us. Evidently Edmonton recognises the Importance of the occasion, streamers being hung across the streets and an emblem of welcome placed over the entrance of the Macdonald Httel. Delegates are uuwu o, u us. j air of boredom they askttme Later they will be mote interested m each other. This breakjtng the tee is always a little difficult. i Prince Rupert people often com- plain of their weather. This morn- mg here was bitterly coM-The sun is shining through the clouds now. but when we landed It was dlffi - i cult to keep warm even with over- coats on I regretted not having brought along a sweater. It was a very decided change from the coast and not for the better. How- ever, Edmonton is a fine city, Its people are keen and energetic, and one should not erhMetee even the weather after a free lunch and & hearty welcome. Some of the members of the party noticed the large 'number of horses still on the streets here. even engaged In municipal work. and some of the old Fud earsj used, have their cranks iftnging, evidently being without starters, Now we, are off for the Peace.' Everybody u happy and we are looking forward to a fme trip, even if the mornings are cold. W. L. Stamford, aBt for the Marine Department, sailed last evenina on the Cats la to make the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on official duties. I Here With Survey I The Anglican clergy of the dio-! cese of Caledonia will hold a spe- j cial session in Prince Rupert short-! ly when they are to meet the members of the Anglican national commission, who have been travelling over the whole of the Dominion making a study of the situation as it concerns the Anglican Church. It is nearly three years since the commission started this, task, but it is expected that its report will be ready for the general meeting of the church next year. Hie object of the survey is to reorganize the work being carried on with greater efficiency In view, both as to ram and finances. The commission is composed of Bishop Owen cf Niagara. Dr. Oould of Toronto, and Chancellor Ois-bourne. TALKIES FOR LOCAL HOUSE l Capital Theatre to Be So Equipped J by First of October Mavot S. P. McMordie, manager Oi the Capitol Theatre, announced at the end of the week that talking pictures would be exhibited in the'iocal house at the latest on October 1. Wiring of the theatre for the installation has commenced program AT CAPITOL THEATRE FOR WEEK Monday and Tuesday Dolores CosteJlo in "The Redeeming Sin." Wednesday and Thursday John Barrymore In "Iter- rial Love." Friday and Saturday "Stark Mad,' with all-star cast. District News ALICE ARM W. J. Duke returned to town last week after spending a vacation Prince Rupert. Mr. Davidson, representing influential London capitalists, arrived here last week to examine mining properties in the district. Norman Praser returned last week from a trip to Prince Rupert on business In connection with the affairs of the Beperan-sa Mining Co. O. F. Hoadley. who was in charge of the Smithers school for the past two years, arrived here teacher m of the local wwvt- school, " NEW HAZBLTOX Rev. Mr. Bannister wtll arrive m Haaelton early next month . to succeed Rev. T. D. Proctor as Ang lican Church rector, -. Quite a number of eases of measles have developed among the Indians of Haselton since their return from the canneries but, so far. there are no among the whites. There are also outbreaks at Skeena Crossing and KUtpiox. Louis LavenseUer ME. of Seattle was a visitor here for a few days recently in the interests of his company. He Inspected the Silver Cup mine The New Haselton Sunday School held, a picnie recently, the affair being a great success. Fisheries Overseer Oeorge Mc grath is back from a trip up the Kitwancool Valley. All the natives there have had a good summer and are prosperous, he reports. The Haselton Public School Is shortly to be raised to1 sipertor school standard and another sjj) gj t I u 1 1 LH m Wr Dolores 7 and 9 p.m. "The Redeeming Sin" COMKDY, LOW NECKER PATIIE NEWS Admission, 15c and 50c. - - -- tar Shipment of Caps las Arrived You are sure to be able to make your choice in' this new fall shipment of G and C caps. PRICED REASONABLY AT $2.00 J. A. Kirkpatrick 6th Street Since 1908 Prince Rupert FURNACE or STOVE WOOD Inside Spruce and Hemlock, Cut 11 and 16-Inch $1.50 PER DOUBLE LOAD BOX CUTTINGS, 3.50 PER LOAD HYDE TRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage BAGGAGE teacher will be engaged. High school work will then be taken up. Harry Ouss and Omer Spooner have returned to New . Hazetton titer spending the summer on the telegraph tratt. Hm4 mm kual a mhn could lay hands on a ear took in I the barbecue at TWkwa last Mon-1 day. I Dr. R. Agnew, Vancouver den tist, has been spending the last few days In this district on pro. fessional business. SKIDEGATE So many southeast storms and so much rain as have been experienced recently have never been known before here. Local farmers have been having difficulty in curing their hay. Mrs. A. O. Pauant pf Sandpit," has been spending a few days visiting with friends at Skldegate. The Bushby interests of Prince Rupert are again seeking dogfish here for(,ihelr reduction plant, dapt. Ar Oswald Is looking aftbr bie comofijjjrs interests here, and papt. Reg Green is towing. Up to a few days ago, chum salmon had been very scarce In the Inlet, most of the boats having not yet wet their nets. Rev. James Glllett, Indian Agent, made a trip down last week from Massett on official business, accompanying A. D. Crease, prominent Victoria lawyer, from Port Costello In COAL Clement. Mr. Crease say coming again and will stay ; next time. 3. Oay and D. Main of Fri: Rupert, old timers of tlx I;-are back, being in the sen : "" 1 the O. C. Packers cam-rcry u'. South Bay. The Skldegate mission fl fishing vessels returned frc: mainland after a verv rout:! f across Hecate Straits. The of them wtll now fish dosfi the Rupert Marine Products. STEWART C. P. Hickman has been ::'TC during the past week to r.A.c his annual inspection of t)v ladder at the foot of Mi.Mi n Lake. The marriage took place rc'f-ly In Belllngham of Miss Elizabeth Ida Jane Watson, eldest dai:gM of Mr.and Mrs. W. H. Watson Stewart, and Lawrence St w i' Davidson of the Dunwrll staff. The couple returned fr'-" last Monday to take up rrsu! n 'f. ' A Auditorium SKATING Afternoons 2 to 4 Evenings 8 to 1" Competent Instructors i teach beginners. PJione lllack 119