Monday. September 9, 1929 ITU! DAIIY NEWS paob pim BOYS MEETING NEAR JASPER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUN! ConfcrrnifC f Canadian Hoys' Parliament at Mountain THIS IS TIIE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE HEAD BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. Point .TASPEU. Alta., Sept. 9: The voiiih s place ini the national life u cir.ada tind Its relation to lr.irt-r.shtp of the future will be on, of the main subjects of dls-, , during the forthcoming v,k when representatives of the ? hoys' parliament of Canada, u ii moot in conference at the Ed-r,,, ion YA1.CA. summer camp, C! i iu- shores of Lake Edith, about-ttt,i miles from Jasper Park lor. in the heart of the Cana-ij: .... Rockies. TDr boys' parliament of Canada couii ronce can bo laid to be truly r ,!ii;nal In its representation of the vouth of Canada, as Its repre-, f,i:n ' ; i uvea uiimticu uuuajr uuiir tin Atlantic to the Pacific sea-boards From the provinces by the n ;i cxme Joseph Berrldge, Pre-n.i r (if the Maritime boys' par-lu ii iit Jim Gibson, Caledonia, out is present as premier of that j i.ivmce and is accompanied by Kar! I. Auterelager, field secre- 1.,r (if the Ontario boys' WOrk b.:.n Jack Dunderdale, of Win- Terrace 9 a.m., Monday, Wcdnes-Tiiijf- premier of Manitoba boysVjay an(i Saturday, $2 return, puiument. is also accompanied! Rates, $3.25 per day. Write for ji- two other members of that special weekly rates. h,.iv whilp T rrrf Rt onart fit rin ' Aim Hi", premier of the Saskat-rii.'v ui parliament, has aim two. n'hi r members with hlrn. includ .1" In., tl'llfr-irl Qnntf nanl.n, In HI ll'liuu UWII) 9t-vicv jr III I i k itchrwan and L. Shipper- j f; -ui Bob Ralston of Vancouver,! ' Twmter. represents British r . imtihia. and is accomrj&nl hv' T no mw?nn of viptnrio ami i nt -l'lal. of Vancouver. Tom11'' n,re cars anu Trucits irom I i 'hnrne premier of Alberta, YOUNG BROTHERS I; i rv it, him. Bill rettlgrew, Cal-f."-v's candidate for the mJer-l ii ;i of the next Alberta boys' par-; uii' nt Alhn I. Endcls. a member! 0( '111 nifllintAnr ti v ftMtrSMM !.,p who ha. been bys' woTk i. try in that province for the nree years, and who is now irmzh dlseuulon of M f Trail Rangers and Tulds :'k and the place and function; h. . .ii-Jl.. .u-. I. i liip to the youth of the na- : planned. These discussions b( lrad by ft. D Poole, sec- r Mr nf the national boys' work b. r: and B. V. Richardson of n'-i'ioe. chairman of the na-' Fare, onei way, $5;00, intermedl-boys' work board. ate points In proportion. Special !i!ii.t'. their stay in Jasper, the tt nili also learn something of i !ii a systems and of that most; r iiuMnatod of all businesses, the pillion of a big first class hotel. F r :i the crueste of J. O'Brteh. t r- um;t of Jasper Park Lodge,! will Inspect the main bun-; The Premier Hotel 1 w ,md Its surrounding ones, ai ' Queen Charlotte City, B.C. i . .he Kitchens, refrigeration I heating plants and will have - " lire method of operation i LAKEI-SE LODGE AND HOT :! ' '"Ni'hly explained to them. At I SPRINGS iv r Park Lodge, with Its guastt , . . , . . . ' f. is a town m ItMlX. the Utl04 l T Yllul i mi,, .,, .u. u . .situated on Ufa shore at Lakelse iiica of Uie vastneas of t 'ludim enterprise and the it-" 11 v with which It is managed. liaUMhVNM00M HOARD And Room $8G per nvintb. Phone Green 21G. tf SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cu,!ns, Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed WITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Dilivir to Any Part of tin City. Ling, the Tailor Phone fill) i. ACT Ortlficnte of Improvements NUTlfR "! Mi Fractional Mineral Claim, altu-. Mil' Ailln tjt MlftJra, mvlakin of ' mirtet.';''T7TrT' i :-- located?-Bet ween the Daisy Mm kr v Mineral Claims iioiucr: Engineer Oold Mines '" ''! III! ,V "'' of holder's free miner's cer- , NolcE that Engineer Oold Mines 111 'i lim., preo Miner's Certificate ' 1 '!'9o.d, intend at the end of sixty , ,''"" ,ho aRt0 iweof, to apply to , Miniiu; Recorder for a OertlTOte of ' " w '"nts for the purpoj of obtaJn-. ' " wn grant of th above claim. lurihcr Uke notice tttat octton. I'M cuon 88 of the "Mineral Act" ' vimmenced bcfo the Issuance "Mi certificate of Improvement, i '' Uu th day of BrtWrrthe-r, 19311. REOlNAli 8YMEB, Agfnt. 1 Summer Resorts Where to spend an enjoyable holiday boating, bath ins:, Hulling;, mountain climb-Ing, etc. KITSUMGALLUM LAKE LODGE Terrace, II. C. Spend Your Vacation at Kalum Lake Good fishing, boating and bathing; beautiful scenery; twenty milft. frnm Trrar toairoa E. DIX, PROPRIETOR Terrace, B.C. Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte "tfl-J V I .1 A. m Skidegate, B.C. 1 ' HTTPPM PIT ATM HTTP f W m till sv M. M. 1J PORT CLEMENTS STAGE i A new fcUpawenger staged now vn.HMMK ' 1ST. mtvil I(UIM vu loiie ana rort t-iemenis, overeauiy cuuure the Hew Graham Island Iffcen hfghwA. n i ;!,. . . BeguftrifliHi will be run e Ins connecMon with the S, .A. Prince Charles, returnIii)ffM4 same day to Queen City. trips made any time for three or! more fares. Visit the beautiful Queen Charlotte Islands. Phone, write, or wire. It. G. McKENZIE bow trout. The hot springs ion tain Lithla which Is fine for rheumatism. Cottages for rent. J. Bruce Jonnstonf Manager. EDUCATIONAL FORM BY HOUSE SCHOOL FOR BOYS Ganges Harbor, B.C. Sound Modern Education ALL GRADES TO JUNIOR MATRIC Boys taken for holidays Moderate Fees Prospectus on Application BRINGING UP FOR SALE FOR SALE-Wicker baby buggy. ; Also Davenport In splendid con-: dltlon. Phone Red 787. (211) FOR SALE - Pedigreed aerman police pupd, 10 weeks old. phone Black 469. (212) FOR SALE Seven piece dining suite; hall rack; lino; chairs; tables and rugs. Phone Green' 701. (210) FOR SALE Jron and wooden pul leys, also two pieces shafting, Apply Daily News, Box xx. (tf) FOR SALE Six roomed house, good terms. Also set Book of Knowledge of 20 volumes. Apply B. Llpsln, Acme Importers, (tf) FOR SALE 3 sets adjustable Iron hangers for shafting. Large size. $10 per set. Apply Box 00 Daily News Office. (tf) FOR SALE Six II. P. 2-cyljnder 2-cycle Wilson marine engine In good condition. A bargain. .Apply Box 212 Daily News Office, (tf) FTClR SALE One Chesterfield suite, walnut dining room suite, library table, ' Sonora phonograph, rugs, combination book case and writing desk, bedroom furniture, table lamps, dinner wagon. Apply Douglas Stork at .Stork's Hardware. Phone 143. (tf) LOST LOST Bayview Certificate No. 3154. Finder return to News Of fice. Reward. (tf) i ; - MILADY BEAUTY SHOP; For first-class hair dressing, per- i navlUK U 11 U all AU1U3 VI PHONE 635 DR KNG MISS B. S. SMITH experienced dress and cont maker, Westenhaver Block, Second Avenue. Phone Blue 701. THE PRINCE RUPERT SCHOOL OF MUSIC (Ninth Year) H. Aubrey Pryce, professor and) teacher of violin and piano, will' resume teaching for the fall term on Tuesday, September S. For terms etc., phone C74. THE CRAIG SCHOOL OF DANCING PRINCIPAL, MISS NAN CRAIG Every Type of Dance Taught Classic Character Tap or Step Eccentric Toe Tap Musical Comedy Acrobatic Ballroom Ballet Spanish Limbering and Stretching Special children beginners' classes. Special classes for married ladies and young girls In physical culture. Classes commencing September 3. Studio, 216 6th Avenue W. PHONE GREEN C92 FATHER FOR RENT F0R KENT-Four room flat with bath Fllrnl8hed. Phone 547. tf FOR RENT Double or single housekeeping rooms. Phone 427. (225) FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing mach ines. Walker -Music Store. FOR RENT Furnished and unfurnished houses. Apply 21S Fourth Avenue East. (tf) FOR RENT Nicely furnished, steam heated room, close In. Phone Black 504. Apply 1045 Second Avenue. (211) FOR RENT Clean, well furnished modern two and three roomed suites. Palmer Apartments. Phlne Red 444. (tf) WANTED WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs. Cha?. Edwards, at Wallace's. 170 WANTED Kitchen help (woman) with some knowledge of cooking. Apply Inlander, 830 Second Avenue, (tf) WANTED Young lady with some knowledge of the shoe business. good references. Apply Box 221 I Dally News Office. (tf) CHIROPRACTIC PROGRESS The practice of chiropractic Is recognized in forty states of the .' rrl.:- : i ! 1 I. umuii. xius jetujfiiuiuu nits ueeu sought and gained by tne people who have benefitted through chiropractic, it was not until ,91B that leira reeni Ion was first accorded Fcr your health's sae consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 241 Phonls Black 233 I Open Evenings CIlHjA9R:''GETS REMARKABLE RESULTS itli 'Ii :: In Neuritis, Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Stomach Trouble, Headaches and Backaches. Consultation Free R. E. EYOLFSON, D.C C23 Third Avenue West Office Telephone Blue 85 Residence Telephone Red 58'J TRY DANCING! Now I Become a successful dancer! Study the fundamentals and technique of Dancing under My- fanwy Campbell, DMA. New classes commence September 14. For particulars phone Black 613. Box 467. EXTENSION OF TIME NOTICE is hereby jtlven that the time ur the reception oi tenoera ior nsner Vn.M. HmK Ovln. t) fl 1, u extended to 'Wednesday, September' 11, 1U'ja Rv nrrlpr 8. K. OBniBN. Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, August 8. 1939 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind or furniture or household goods, musical In struments, machinery, etc. Oen eral ral renairs cratinc P mcktni1 aCk "K r- auur uPl WA.N1T PROP 1 1 1 rM WW TO " I If o,-rrp itaT I i?lC aSsiT-TOR COUP AMD tR-b-OIC- J 1 MjlWrl J in m. Utl rslmw 8to. Or Briuhiy rmX . -Sl Cs 8KEENA LAND RKCORPINO DISTRICT .T?.e Take "fi" notice i? that Euwne W" H. 81mpwn Blmpwm ! ! distant distant about about 15 15 chains chains from from the the aouth- aouth-a li V.V , of Ma.Mf-B;C-.V0fcufatto?- cne7;t corner; thence N.65E. to the pro-nd Shipping. i Workmanship EJf"- Intends to apply for a lease ot the (auction eouthcrly of the east boundary guaranteed. .,aMnt,o,l Just T.. Black foltowlng dCTcrlbed lands: rbreshote. i of Lot 2; thence northerly to mean hleh ' a phone 120 and we will call. GEORGE J., DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal .Block TIIE STIRLING TEA ROOM Next to Prince Rupert Hotel Light lunches from noon to 11:30 p.m. Reasonable rates for dinner and supper to regular boarders. Home cooking. Cakes and pies made to order. PHONE BLUE 129 SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do If PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. ' LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage WorV. Boats and Scows of all descrip tions for Charter. now Boats ana winoes ior nire. Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers cj j i ii aana ana Gravel, in any quan- titv delivprprl nnvwhprp hv water. I'hone. Day or Night, 564 P. O. Box 1514 Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies P. O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 EVERYTHING FOR TIIE HOME Dining suites, walnut and oak; Chesterfield suites, guaranteed; bedroom suites; Simmons beds, springs and mattresses. Watch our dollar window this week-end. Mckenzie's, furniture Phone 775 LAM) ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leone Land In The SMklne Vna Recording District of Britten Columbia, and altuate about one halt aalle Easterly from the mouth of the Tulaeqush River, which Into tht Taku River about alx miles up-stream from the Alaska Boundary Line. ' Take notice that 1. Jamea 11. Stapler of Los AngeJea. occupation, mining engineer, intend to apply tor permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted one half mile Easterly from the mouth ot the Tulsequah River, thence- East 30 chains; thence North 30 chains; thence ' west cnains: tnence oouui au i chains and containing 40 acres, more or less. JAMES B. BTAPLER. Dated June 10th, 1029. 320 LAS;o Act Notice of IntmMon to Apply to I .esse Land ' In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Recording District of Prince RP - ,rti.-n, nealr KIahwun Pom, Oratiam MlaMl. ,. i . ., -,,.,, -w,.,. uthLterlfro fttJ tz.Jr: 20 i ,J.7 7? "?e U W corner of. Lbt No. 871. Oratn island chain to low water; thence east 10 Chains: therice south S chains to point tt commencement, and containing I acres, more Or lew. Dated May lltb, 1929. EUOENK UUMPItRf BIMPSON. Henry White. Agent. USD Act Notlr of intention to Apptf to Lease Land in the Queen Chsnott Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate near the mouth of Ma- ' den Harbor, on Mazorredo Island. Take notice that I, Author Robertson, of Maasett, B.C., occupation, mill owner, intends to anoly for a lease of the ; following described lands: I Ctammencln at a boat nlanted near the south east corner of Lot 2719, Mazor thence easterly S chains to low water: Chains: thence westerly to point of commencement, and containing four acres, more or less. ARTHUR fcOBfiRTSON. By Henry WhTe, Agent. Dated May 12th, 1929. SKEEN. LAND IttXORDINU DISTRICT! In the Queeu CJurlotW Land District. ' (Land Recording District of Prrnce Rup- t ert. and situate at an unnamed point on TAKE NOTICE that the British Co- l5 northeast of Zayea bland, north of lumtxa Fishing it Packing Company, ln eatreaiity oi tfce unnamed Ltd., ot Vancouver, B.C., occupation, lake on Zayea Island, fishing and packing. Intends to apply Take notice that Kugene H. Sim peon for a lease of the following described and Author Robertson of Massett, B.C.. foreshore, situate fronting on Lot occupation, cannerymen. Intend to apply 10, Range S, Coast District: Commencing (or a lease of the following described at a post planted at the southwest cor- lands: Foreshore. ner of Lot 10. Ranee 6. Coatt District: Commenctcg at a poet Planted 200 i thence south 5 chains; thence In a south- easterly direction IS chains; thence in a south-easterly direction 25 chains, more i or tens, to hlrh water mark at a nolnt distant 10 cnains, more or ieaa, westerly from the southeast corner ot Lot 10: thence northwesterly, following hl?h water mark, to the point ot commence- ment ' and containing IS aerea, more or lew. BRltlSH COLOMBIA rrStoNQ & PACKINO CO.. LTD. J. H. Bushnell, Agent. Dated 20th June. 1929. LAND ACT Notire of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Recording District ot Prince Rup-, ert. and situate at Arnlslon Point. North Dundas Island. Take notice that Langara Flahlng i Packing Company, Limited, ot lUasett,! B. C. occupation, cannera, intends to apply tor a lease of the follow-1 Ing described lands: Foreshore. Commencing at a post planted at the 1 extremity of land on Arnlston Point, thence westerly 20 chains; thence norm-; erly S chains to low water; thence east- erly 30 cnains: thence southerly to 1 point ot commencement, and containing 30 acres, more or less. LANOARA FISHINCJ As PACKINO CO.. LTD. By Its Agent, John William Moore houM. Dated June 7th, 1939. LAND ACT ' Notire of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Chartt Land District. Land Recording District oi Prince Rupert, and situate near the mouth ot Ua-sett Inlet. Oraham lalsnd. Take notice that Langara Fishing Packing Company, Limited, ot Maswtt, B.C., occupation, salmon cannera, Intends to apply for a lease ot the following described lands: treshore. Commencing at a post planted near the southern end of Hidden Island; thence northerly 10 chains; thence easterly 5 chains; thence southerly 10 chains, following low water; thence westerly to point of commencement, and containing S acres more or less. LANOARA FISHINO & PACKINO CO.. LTD. Henry White. Aent. Dated May Uth. 1939. Try a Daily News want-ad. It will bring results. By VB..Mtt A1D OJE COUUO WITH THAT RACKET GOIM OKI- WEMT TAKE NOTICE that the British Columbia Fishing & Packing Company, Ltd.. Of Vancouver. B.C.. M-.mirmt.lnn. j fishing and packing intends to apply foreshore, situate fronting on Lot I 2. Rahje 8, Coast District: Commencing at a port planted at a point on the ! Souther Lv bound iu-y of 1,yf a Itnnn "olcr nara; me nee wesTeny ana south- : 'IlJoll?w.ln5 mean hlRhVater mark. I tlTe Pnt of commencement, and con- talnm UY iwre. mr m- w BRITISH COLUMBIA nSHINO & PACKINO CO., LTD. J- n-pwmnen, Agent. Dated 24th June 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Letse Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District. Land Reeortliur District of prince Rupert, and situate near tbe mouth of Mas-sett inlet at Seven MUe Point. Take notice that Uagara PUhlng PteklDg Company. Limited, of Hassett, B.C., occupation, salmon earners. Intends to apply for a lease bf the follow. W described laads: Oommeneliw at a cost planted near the northeast corner of Lot S259. Graham Is'and: thence westerly 10 chains; thence northerly ft chains; thencs easterly 10 chaJbs following low water, thence koutheflT 8 chains to nalnt of vemmencement. and containing a acres. ' lanoara FI3HINO sc PACKINO Henry White, Agejit. Dstd May I4ta 1S29 LAND ACT Votlce of Intention to Apply to Lease Land feet sou th of high water at the extremltj f the above-mentioned unnamed point: thence east 20 chains: thence north chains to low water: thenre westerlT Sf mains: uience soum to point oi com- mencement. and containing 20 acres, -nore or less. EUGENE HtJMPHHBn SIMPSON, A0THOB ROBERTON. By the Arent. John William Mooreho'iM. 1 JU Ttb" 1 1 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 6S7. .D. Johnston Co.Ltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections We can make prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closing prices from these exchanges posted ' on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S. D.Johnston Co.Ltd. 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert, B.C George McMnnus NO THlf4Kl it