rx 11 1 T PAJE TWO THE DAILY NEWS LJ1 CANADIAN TENNIS STAR WINS BERMUDA f n The World of Sport HAMlI0NSn,p Sport Chat With an abrupt and pronotlhced turn to warmer weather, the ice at Smlthers his been covered for a week or more now with water and no curling games have been possible. By the time of the interruption the consolation competition had been narrowed down to the finals between rinks of A. Macdonald and J. G. Stephens. Both rinks are pulling strong for one more night of cold weather so they may play the final game. It looks as though old Jim Maloney, who was supposed to- be pretty much out of the piituiv. may figure after all in the dispute for the world! heavyweight crown. Conversely, it would appear as though Tom Heeney. the New Zealander, who had been prominently mentioned, is nut going to figure. The result "i the battle last Friday night in Boston when Maloney completely outclassed the A mat was generally surprising to the fans," particularly in view of the fact that it was only a short time previous that Heeney had knocked Maloney out in the first round. i Judging by his recent performances, it would appear that another! shot at Sammy Mandril's lightweight crown should soon be due Jimmy McLarnin of Vancouver. The pink cheeked Irish Canadian has been knocking' them over again pretty regularly of late and the crowning event of his come-back was the sensational victory over Joe Click in the second round at Madison Square Garden last Friday night Brit-isr Columbia fans, who figured that McLarnin's defeat at Mandell's hands last year was but a temporary setback,, are keenly enthusiastic again vvih, .regard to their favorite's chances for the world's title. " A banquet and dance wis given in Burns Lake last Tuefciay night in honor of Pete Sandnes on his return borne from various ski tournaments in the nojtfawest where he won mapy trophies. Sixty persona attended the banquet and there were some 160 at the dance. Major Robert Lowe, president of tm Burns Lake Board of Trade, occupied the re I mm 'ERHAM' F WW lunKir.f 1 i This advertisement is oot published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or, by t!ie Government' of British Columbia' TY OP ACTION GOING ON HERE results were u Sons of Canada 16 Prince Rupert Hotel 14, C Operating 13. Orange Lodge 10, Canadian Legion 17. Grotto 12. Cold Storage 15. LIONS AGAIN AREWINNERS VANCOUVER. March 5 The saiffr' i ' i ii . Coogins. goalie for Bristol Ci ty. pushing mu in tne reconl spectacular game between Bristol City and Chelsea at Stamford Bridge. I chair and many speakers lauded j the feats of the guest of honor I and made due mention of the distinction he had brought to his: home town. Among the speakers; were Sidney Godwin, A. M. Rud-j dy, Mrs. V. Schelderup, D. Trous-! dell, Jorn Berg, H. D. MacNeil, : Lyster Mulvany, P. L. .Mulville, P. j V. Tallon, Mrs. S. Godwin and W. N. Campbell. Every organi-; zatfon in Burns Lake was repres-j ented. A junior ski jumping competi- j tion wa recently, held at Mac-! Donald's Landing on Burns Lake and there was much rivalry for honors among the youthful con-i testants. In the 15 years and over class, Danny Trousdell came : first with Sam Kerr second.' Okei Stanyer won the standing jump with Buddy Brunei I a close sec-1 ond. T. Ilougen jumped the farthest in the fifteen and under, cJsm but whs unable to remain standing and J. Thompson won ; the jump. 2 C.N. OPERATORS Displaced' New Empress Club Last Night From First Place FRED PARKER IS CONFIDENT In Spile of Wednesday Night Result, Is Willing to Take Gurvich on Again Objecting to press reports regarding his figHt last Wednesday night with Dido Gurvich,, Fred Parker, of Toronto, who was badly outpointed on that occasion,, announced! to The Daily News, this morning that he was willing to meet Gurvich again' in 60 days' time and1 to put up a side bet of $100 or more to say that he will win a return fight. A far as' the' main purse 'is con cerned, Parker says he is'will-ing that it should go to any charitable cause. Parker says that, for some reason, he was not able to get going on Wednesday night. He is confident, however, of his ability to whip Gurvich and whin him badlv LEAD CRIBBAGE st. Andrews bowling -Prince Rupert Crrbbage League' xUZZr.JjTtsah ...,h- u. latt night -iv, follows: . ABbotfs by a score of 14 to 10 in St. Andrew-Society carpet bowt Knights of Columbus 18,' C. Tayfer .. T. . 2 MooHe 14. iB. Dalgarno 2 : Baglet. 14, C. N. Meehanlee 13. !J. Fi'ew '.. ..:'.. 1 ,-,. !R. Cameron ....'..M: 1 League Table MeIn .-. . ,1. T T ' U. . Li. r. C. N Operatfiig 9 187 106 187 New Empress .... 9 136 107 186 uootc y m 11a lzo Canadian Legion.. 9 131 119 124 Pr. Rupert Hotel 9 134 114 124 Cold Storage 9 123 120 123 Eagles 9 122 121 122 Grotto 9 120 123 120 C N.' Mechanics.. 9 119 124 119 K. of Columbus.. 9 110 133 110 Native C. of C. ... 9 110 133 110 I Orange Lodge .... 9 108 135 108 1. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English League, Division y The Wednesday 2, Portsmouth Westham United 2, Leicester City 1. English League, Division 2 Clapton 3, Grimsby 1. ELKS WHIST Mrs. II. Skattebol, with ii score of 210, and W. I). Vance, with 204, were priie winners lit the Vancouver Lions continued their ElkB' Lodtfe week,y ui toBr-winninar streak here last nicht ininament last night. Refreshments a hard contest tmfe jactoria Cubs iwcr ervel by Mrs. SkMteboll and endeiun tfnhlthe count. :nl M"- F. M. Crosby. Jt wasi Robertson-, tnWVTftoria goalie, Mr was left at home sick, and Omears, their captain, was on the bench with sore Vbs. Red Hardaker came up from Seattle to fill in between the posts. He had a stormy passage in the first period when four Vancouver goals got by Jhim, but after that hu allowed but1 one more goal, SkntteboPs birthday. R0NCHITIS 7a Al bedtimt rub th throat and 9mw chMt thoroughly with V CKS VapoRud Ow, 1 1 Millie, J.r. U.mJ Y.mrlr ! GRAND TERMINALS WIN OVER CAN'DIAN LEGION MokrBnsrVeek's Fixture by Ag-! gregrite Score of lTSo to llli) l Watson's Rink Beat George Abbott's 14 to 10 Last Evening I Qrhml Ttsrmlnals tightened up the.gaft Mwpen themselve and Jje Canadian: Legion for the leadership of the first division billiard engufe aS little, closer By winning riast weekVfjjcture from the ex- Score1 of 'i l$8(fo 1119. In the final 3Bme,:jlasii night J;. Andrews, Ca nadian Legion, won ny a score oi 250 to 196 over Grand'Terminals. i STOCK QUOTATIONS i Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) The following quotation bid and askedt BayVtew, 4, 42- Big Missouri. 1.75; i.m. Dunwdi, "14, Nil. Duthie Mines, 51, 55; George (Jepper. 8.00, URL Georgia River. 47, 49: Goleonda, 1.10, GrdndWew, 4T, 40. Independence. 16, lWit. Indian Mine, Nil, 6. Inte. Coal & Coke, 37 30. Kootenai Florence, 18Vfc 20:. L. &. Lw S s. Luck Jim) 10. 17. Mohawk, 7. MottW WeolseY, 4V,, 4. Marmot RlVer Geld. 9 to Marmot Metals, 5 0, rat ai. a. s-.. i7vf, is. No&le Five, to, 67. Oregon Gepper, 7U. 72. Perid Oreille, 15, I75. Premier, li.96, 1.97. Portenld&ho. Wz, Nib Reeves Macdonald, 3.40). Hbfus-Argenta, 38, 39. KUth.HopevNll. 48: ' Silver Crest, 8, 9; " " , , Silverado Cons., 1.00; Nil, Sloean Rambler, Nil, 20. . , Snowflakeji 31, Nil. Terminus,; 6, 10. Tcplr Rii-hfield. 40, 41. Tbrfe Mine. 1.00, Nil. Weillngton, 144, 15. Whitewater. 1.00. 1.10. Wofedblne, 44, 5. Bluebird, 19. 20. .. (" Oils A. P. Consolidafed, 2.40, 2.43. Dalhoutie Oil, 3.15, 3.20. Dtfefflsh Pet Ltd., 1.05,. UO, abydh Pete, 14, 14. ' Home Oil, 16.85, 18.00. Mkyland Oil, 5.50. Nil. McLeod, Nil, 4.50. Eastern Stocks Sherritt-Gordon, 9.45, Nil. HALIBUT ARRIVALS eritts, 12.2c and ue Viola. 7000 pounds. Booth Fish eries, 12.1c and Gc. SECOND HALF OF BILLIARDS First' Division ;Marchlfi Canadian Legion vs. QroHo), BILLIARD STANDINGS First Division TEAM STANDINGS VIM Av erand' Terminal1"." 8 ttflG J125 Grotto '4 -4:1 7 ?IM tuiadiuv Legion . . 3 ."U18 1139' INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES W. E. Williaoroft (G) 2 BOO 260 r. J. A. West (CD V. II. Long- (GT) . . Hamilton GT) . . P. Bulagno (GT) ;. P. Tinker (CL) . A. Donald (G) J. Nelson, M. Andrews (CL) . . V. J. Nelson (GT) . 'M. McLaehlhn (G) IF. 0 Pyle (CL) .. .'Alex Murray (CL) . J. Andrews (CL) . . Col. MeMordie (CL) Ben Self (GT) 2 were Bert Morgan (G) .. 4 . I ai7 247 . 9 '2821 217 . S ?18 239 . 9 2)t27 2SG 8 1891 23G Iff 2841 234 8 1SC9 234 . 9 2086 -282 . 2 4G4 232 5 1W8 380 8 1708 226 9 1992 221 . 6 1811 219 BRITISH DIRECTORS 438 218 862 21S F. WHilams (OT)- . . t 426 2l:J F. Stephens (6) ... 10 2122 21L A. A. fcasson (G) .. 10 2109 21 0. Brown (G) 10 2KB 210. W, M lit heir (GT) .. mi. 4. BMlsjfi (G) 1 3inf M. Fenelon (ft), . , . . 1 1M18( iftV II. Jarmaa (GT) . S 846 .17? J, Bulger (GT) .... 1 He.'iflfcfc. G. L. Ybuniawn (QT) 1 108 lttf (Second Ditsl6n) ' ' L T. A Cretto 4 S7 888 Cm Storage 4 36ftt -898 Grand Terminals .... 4 tilt 843 Individual Avtrages F. Williams (GT) . 4 8W 200 J. .Mar (CS-, 2 400 iOO A. Macdonald (CS) . 6 11.70 195 W. E, Williscroft (G) 9 1702 18'J jJ. Campbell (CS) . 8 1516 189 'I. Beeeley (G) 7 1312 187 J. Hillman (CS) . 10 1817 182 M McLacblan (G) 10 1 184 Ben Self (GT) 5 $0 184 W7 Mitchell tan . . ,5- 0 182 VV, Bailey, (CS,.. 1 0 h tl 1 181 S. D. 'Macdonald (O) 9.1f8 17S GUBaptie OB) a-10 lgpt 180 John Bulger (GT) . 10 1114 171 G. Hewe (G) ... .' 16 171)9 171 ' E. 'Fenelon (GST) ' 5 m 17S W. II: JWmsM (OT) 10 UK'S 1S7 C. Youngman (GT) 10 1312 153 J. Doughe.ty (G) ... S ' Bert Morgan (G)" . . . . 2 !G. Rrauae (CS) .... 4 ;. Walker iGT) .... 1 1 153 151 ! GREEDY, SAYSIPOST ! . i (Financial Poet, Toronto) Canadian corporation invest ments are often under fire from British financial e'ditors. Yet in one important respect Canadiae standards are much higher than etendards in Britain. Directors in Britain usually enjoy very fat emolument and' often take ad vantage of opportunity to benefit J-T ' ' rng last night. Rinks of Ben Dal- Only 25,000 Pounds Marketed at -monally at the expense of the N. garno and Jack McLean will meet Local Irish Exchange Today general run of shareholders. For Thursday ntgbt in th next game. ! Instance, when the Mond ttlckel follows W Haiti.,, L.JIni.. Itl.t .... r 1U4. t .L. -l-.it RJnk ttandingi to date are as only m Mng Jers to subscribe -to new shares G. Scott : 1 J. Wateon 1 Abbott 0 L P 0, marketed at the fish exchange it set aside certain shares for All the- fish was from American the directors to buy at a low U'l...l. I ...... . .. ... . " u "ce B luuuno. nrice. IT this Wer la Hannn In Ithona, 8500 pounds, Atlln Canada the directors would be F,!.riMd0 ".d:- n out of publle ffnetel Hfb. ruyr u..us, CaMMHBH imt ot dire tore- received annuaf fee swclcaal the dlreetori- of Mond Nibfeel re- ft "wettia eonetihite fsndal; i.h a & r.'.M Pi. to- a Fish and 6c. March 25-Grand Termlnalifr- vs. Canadian-Legion. , Second' Division" March 7 Grottb' vs. Terninals. . March 14 Cold Storage THERE'S A LIMIT Grand JTroifbw ..- i ' . . March 21 Grand Terminals vs. Cold Storage.'' ' ' ! ' ' TORONTO STOCKS ftrifeon Bridge, lftTff. Nickel, 02. Mandy, 1.06. ) Fend Oreille. 1B.80. Premier. L95. Sherritt-Gordon, 9.45. ;. Sutibury, 11.26. Teck, 0:80. Hararenvjr, 450. the weather ; fl?., llhysport Calm, tmkg, . Port Simnson East wind. snowing, 30'." ,1 v- I lialaltori ClAir nnlmi' W 1 Smtbirsth?ufrf cnltii Burns Lake Clear, c(lm, 19. Vanderhoof Cloudy, vDliidy, 26. O.UITE suri: "A sensible man doubts ev- Mlstress Put. plenty of nuts in erythirig. Only a fool' la eertnin tno oaKe, Nora, of what he says." NTfr?l TM 1 aontl M An vnniMt ntai " "Aro A i 1 toda. Me jaW 'hurts mc already. Belfast, News. you certain ol Jhat?H "Positive!" Iluen Humor, ' 'tll l ( p Jack Wrigh. first ranking tennis player in the I)., has captured the Bermuda tennis champion: nip from of New York, in three straight sets. If you never mm bottles the Hostess Package. you will twelve Twelve bottles of the most refreshing drink you pver thought to have! Twelve l)0ttls of purity ami fine flavor I Twelve bottles in which the champagne of ginger ales awaits your gtiestsl "Canada Dry" has an allure, a witchery, a distinction like that of some rare-old wine. It does not bite the tongue or leave an unpleasant after-effect. Its finest quality Jamaica ginger, its other ingredients of high purity, give it a mellowness, a "dry ness" which are delightful. And note how well it mixes with other beverages. Order "Canada Dry" today in. the Hostess Package and be prepared for those unexpected guests. Turn. ' ' ; The Hostess Package convenient and handy when unexpected guests arrive would be lh,t pcrfectjjhoJtcss who lindS hon- mahv turnffuniw order "Cinada CANADA DRY" . oil1 SIHONDS SAWS The most economical saws to sc Simonda Canada Saw Co. Limited, St. Iletnl Sti anf Acorn Vancouvar, B.C MONTREAL