THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, Marsh: 5, 1929 fAGE FOUR The Daily News' PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMMj Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - Managing Editor. I h SURSCKIPTION HATES n City Delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, p;ild In advance S5.00 Pnr 1ppf Twrfnrl. Daid Ip advance per month .. -So By mail to all parts of Northern anil Central British Columbia, paid in advance lor yearly period j.. Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion .,f.v- Transient Advertising -in Front Pge. per Inch Local Redts, per insertion, per line . Classified Advertising, per Insertion, per word Legal Notices, each Insertion per aaate line ':.... ... Or four monthi fr By mail to all other parts ot British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per ear .... 3y mail to all otner countries, per year Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Editor and Reporters Te;ephone ... 66 'Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation." DAILY EDITION Tuesday, March 5, 1929 PEACE AND LAW ENFORCEMENT $3.00 $1.4!) .26 .15 $1.00 sg.oc The Letter Box views h pit v of Trince Runert. and also fluence has not been for peacflln jfcat direction. Hot very . town as a whole. aloofness has been a drawback . IH- sDinT of that the I At the Board of Trade meeting roimin hna hoon n frrpnr. surpass m.r pa ino with jjfrmrrmpr " , oi minor auicrences araonj backing of the United Stat vent almost any war. , txffii-. ii. '-'i. -n fine to let these men and women come into town each week-end, buy aaf alnon n ml anAnd their money.' But there it is, rather 'this port and who would have sup &KEENA RIVER BOAT SERVICE small amount ot money to Kiv this service, let us sit down ana Editor Daily Newa-If you will 'wait two or three years till we allow me a little space in your get a payed highway then these ,r 1 mm like to uxnren mv men will be able to walk ill if they nf thp business neonie 01 ""l T-t ? Anotner noint tnat mignt db Af ih trrltot ariivUv of the local mentioned is regarding the eleva i a t -tWo 'tor If it was not for the pub ferent cannery companies, mills, etc., who offered to help start this idea of a boat to run out of than spend a little energy and a.puea tne ireigm, eic Tta . v,r.l paper, . . PACIFIC nerv onerators. one being the larg- e .eievawr enuauun, c ..- est catniery interest in B. C. of- would be allowed to 1 stand laieior fered to purchase their supplies," f' in Prince Rupert, provided that for rore over or some prices were favorable to those """"r oc7:" ",cm: "u quoted in Vancouver, and also pro- move a uiue gram tnrougn vided that some efficient trans-, importation waa furnished to deliver ! 1 am herewith glad of the oppor-these goods to the various can-tunity to withdraw the offer we i 1 fk. ..iwiiiiv'mjirlA tn int a Hniit rtn thin run. The best thing loft to do now would be to post signs on this small town of ours to reaU as follows : ' ' Cash and Ctw yi(VUy-tiPtN Pother Me J H 4 A U W Thanking MhMlr! tJ the space. H Ml dhbr1, for' A 1 OF PRINCE RUPERT.; Per: W, P, Armour, j During the 'month of January the fire-department responded to! seven alarms according -to report' presented to the council last- ! night by Chief D. II. McDonald. I In twr cases there was loss TTZZwTtrZ d to the and to'think thatTe ever offered which had -t yet been adjusted, various canneries called at. 1 to allow a committee of this great Expend 0f the department, in- then tnen approached approacnea and ana asked asueu u if Board xwuru ui of Trade nauc be w appointed ai'i'"'"" to v n, nau aniuuiuvu T. T 10 was , , , "' , I would consider putting on such arrange all movements oi tnis sam xne usuai inspections nau aservice with a nroperly equipped boat. been made of equipment whichi All ailviTti.-mg sliouid he in l he Daily ievs Oilice on day pre. boat, and after taking the matter ml cannot neip manning me an- was iouna to oe m gooa oraer. renmi? phimu biiuh. ;n uuvitiisiiik receiveu sunject 10 approval. up with our directors we offered . ,. , . - -i , such a service, provided expenses and a very small profit on our in vestment couW be made. This service would have. coat the local j merchants who would be bene- fitted in the neighborhood of 200 apiece, aupposi.-g tne proposes 1 boat had never carried one pas-1 The new president of tfie'TJSnited States wh7se ir-tseng or a pound of freight, lut niimirotinn irnc nlnpo vpstpnfav. rlpoforerl in Kis inniirmrallwe tiave already plenty of freight address that he and his administration would be 'detficatecT p a'lthft.P"Srl0 to the enforcement of law at'h6me;tihd;ttie pKanidtion of eJT our mLT has woria peace, u is a great meat anu one wnicnKives:shpwn plenty of scope for activities. TheiM'dffd VM impbr- tant is the enforcement of law at home, for, until that is brought about, the ability to induce adherence to the findings of a world court will be doubted. The new president comes into power under the best company its faith in this town by estbii establishing a branch of the Pacific Salvage Co.. Ltd.. here, and pn willing at all times to help out all they can, and 1, as manager, have done my best in the publicity line ever since I arrived here, and possible conditions. The world is looking for a lead and although our local merchant esneciallv from the most powerful naticn in the western i wem to be dead in helping any hemisphere and one of the most powerful in the world . The fact that the United States has held back from thei Leaeue of Nations has weakened that hodv. . Her nw idea alonif. our comsanv is still willing to co-operate and helpi push ahead to a successful finish J . a a a a i go inose toor iircermen coiuo dot itm'cars and com, to Rupert. The & it ittigllRbepqSsibb taIl)re-;KOVernment ik to M the bills iv -t ;:;: ' 'yS-W -H- to open up tub country, whfle the In a few years tfie world will look back on this age as one when the world was emereinB' f rom savatrerv through its efforts to abolish war. They will wonder why for merchants and business men sit down and have everything brought to them cn a platter labelled "Gold." When the road is built there will be a how! go up for the government to furnish busses to bring the people into town, and n take the goods purchased many years nations were willing to jumf). at each other's back to their various homes. throats wolf -like, in order to attain petty advantage. By: Our neighbors to the north of then armaments as we know thepi today will have been 08 f e not fid to boost for this abolished and 'nations will be leakhfng tdtmst each ottier. i "LingT temin.r 5 As long as all are armed to thejtfiejth mutual trU8t 1S in,canadian National Railways, possible. ' v" Harold Brown, manager of the REVOLUTION IN MEXICO 1929 Examinations THE ENGINEERING PROFESSION IN BRITISH COLUMBIA THE following Examinations in nil branches of engineering will be held on the last Monday in April, 1929, in Vnncomcr, Victoria, Nelson, Kum loops unci Prince Rupert, 11. C, in accordance w i t Ii the terms of the Engineering Act of the Province anil the Hj-Laws of the Profession t Vrttimlnaryi FWrvgJttrftllen "F.glafr1ng IVH.M IW IT I M f m trhh S or more yMrrniinr Iftg btcrl,M. I'fittrralty attMlrnt la Applied $4rtr cieMplrl from IbU Mamlnatlon, Html or I'rofeuionalt To obtain a M I JriiM to Tract Ira I'jiajnrrrlni. Vvr vnglorrra ollh t or mora year aglnrerlog aiprri Inter inetUattt lor rUtrlton aa r.ns;lrwr In Tralnlns;. tor aliislenta SI la 21 yaara of it h & or mora rara majlnerlnf aiparlVnr, Vnltrrall radualra In ippliad Hrlrr m, rmpttMl from tkla aiamlnalsoa Final for Vnhvrthy Grmtluatrn lor rnalnrerlna: trail u tea ImIH Itif afttllatkMi aa riaineera In Tralnlns and Miaarsilng to 4 Jrmrm rnilnerrlnic rtiwrlenra (Thi mnd oral onlr) Tlic coo of the eianilualIoig, villi names of'trxt iMMikd uiul reference books reconnne mlnKhy the. I'riifrLfihm niwl titlirr rrlriiml liifnrituil Ifin rim 1r obtained on requests ricasegivo dale of birth wlittM Hrltlng. Address The Registrar! Association of Professional Engineers 930 I1II1KS IJUILDING VANCOUVtH, IJ.C. Union steamship Co., Ltd., wnen approached by me regarding this proposed service, said : "Go ahead, rf it will help Rupert and the Another revolution seems to have started in earnest in ? Xdo i80' Mexico according to news published in this paper yester-, fdvatage. Jh'int day. Already a number of states have declared themselves was not for the natural resources against President Portes Gil, who was the nominee of and the position Rupert holds, it Calles and was strongly supported by him. It is possible ' wou,d have n Motto if it had that a fierce civil war will result, but it does not seemlhad re,y on our local bUBineM likely that it will last long. One side or the other is pretty im"th verv near future w. will Sure to gain a quick supremacy. j yve two mills running near the ... l. . ..jar . . - . . . . . . mouth of the Skeena, and these ' '. -4 mills want a service from there each Saturday evening, returning Sunday evening. That would be FAMOUS PItOFFSSOR PASSI3S I Sir llertram Windle, 1'rofessor ;of Anthropology, renowned all over the American continent for his knowledge of ancient races and customs, who passed away suddenly. Sir Bertram was a professor at St. Michael's Col-.leg, Toronto, HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED line Head Alberta Lump ;. , . . A A hk( line Head Alberta Sootless Lanrc Eire . . .'. ... S12 5n Mine Head Sootless Egg $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg ". .$12.00 Also all other classes of. coal. DRY MUCH, JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 .Double load $650 Large sack i,...,. 50c Box wood cuttings, large load . . : $3.50 Piano and Furniture Moving. Express and Baggage Day and NIrM Service 139 Second Avenue ' -i,rir ..T- vViO V S-''.' ... "sw- . 1 f w-my- ' " ' ' r " I Vyy'l 7 tASBk H R SCHOOLS - Increase 31.7JH '' THE material progress of our PxpVifice is known the world over. We speak with pride . . . and rjjilitly 1 . . Of its Vast natural resources awaiting conversion into merchandise and. .wealth.' Wc take the figures of ten years ago and compare theni wjth those of today ... and the world agrees that our progress : . . considering our population . . . has been the brightest feature in the recovery; of the Dritisli Empire from tnewar. . And if this progress, of which wc arc so justly proud, Is to continue, docs not the most vital force of this country lie in our children? Some day, they will take the helm. Events will follow their judgment, skill and decision. THEY ARE OUR GREATEST ASSET I The Boy of today is the Man of to-morrow . . . the Girl, the future Mother of our citizens. On us rests the responsibility of shaping their formative years so that when we hand over the reins, they may carry on the Torch of Progress, undimmcd. How have we met our responsibility? Can wo look Young British Columbia In the eye with the feeling that all will be well with the future of the province for which wc have planned so carefully and labored so faithfully? SURELY! In the last ten vcarsnur nrhnal nnmi fat inn lni i. - . -.--. ........ ..m , . ,Vlth itiiii v;iinui;iivt: unit wc viuyrill grown from 64,570 to 101,688 . . . 58. Ve have ,. , our beloycd Province's future when wMtwivu ujr ofov uiuTuugniy comes: RITISH ,. " r trained; compiBtent ticheri ... an increase of 31.7 and 71 respectively! Recently wc have established special vocational schools for our girls and boys, where they may be fitted for thoso occupations for which they have a natural bent. Higher education is amply provided for at our University of British Columbia, where two thousand students are now enrolled, tho majority studying for their degree In Sclcnco and Agriculture. And tp the school training of our children we add thp. powerful influence of Home, tho religious and other organizations, each of which is. contributing its .full, measure. of the physical, mental and character upbuilding of our dearest, most treasured asset . . . OUR CHILDREN! confidence and faith will hand over iya mett annunttmenti alia uitdmfanApour f ravine fi 1 dttirt extra ctpies of thtti nmnctmtnn a nott to thit ntvipaptr Kill hinj Hem. Jdvertise ytur Prwi(el tne time LOLUiVilA'S PlOGRESS Cn.hI