CLASSIFIED HABIT Eyerons read tb Cluiiried Ad. If you Iom, tdrertlM (or it. If you find, locsU the owner. WhttcTer you need, tdvcrtlM for It OCT THE CLASSIFIED HABIT. Vol. XX., No. 52. LOUIS AUGER ISIN COURTS OTTAWA, Mar. 5: Louis M. Auger, member of Parliament for I'rcscott County was committed for trial today charged with a serious offence against a seven teen year old girl. Mr. pleaded not guilty. - A ', CITY IN RUPERT GETS $27,000 FOR PUBLIC WORK Smallest Vote of Whole North Goes To Iocal Riding VICTORIA." March 5 Vole for rldlngH fur the fiscal year of 1929 for public workn tabled in the legislature last night include: Atlin. $32,000. Cariboo. $81,000. Llllooet, ,$"7,000. Mackenzie, north and wuth, $39,000. Omineca. $75,000. Prince Rupert. $27,000. Skeena, $55,0Q0. Cariboo road. $35,000. The total appropriations estimate $2,500,000. This in-eludes bridge, fe r r ! e s, wharves, Jauncli surveys, traffic operailons, highway signs, unow twfvlce, etc., hnd , ' The debenture debt of the city, bandmaater for the band. Mr. Engine and Six Cars of tester- the Ttport ghows. totalled $1,192,- Wilson will resume hia duties at day's No. 6 Off Tracks- Traffic i Delayed Yesterday's eastbound No. C ex- press and paawnger uain arnountinir to $82,217.84. making "j Vr i r 1 nc., x"-s v. houra "" th . ...-i o 10,, oa-r on litia up lor Kinm m rning near Ttose Lake as a re-1 suit of a derailment at 12:45 , midnight when the engfne and: ix express refrigerator cars con-i taming fresh halibut left the! 'rai ks. The only Injury was tlmt sustained by a trespasser who was riding the engine tender tind who had his leg broken. Equipment Is reported to have not! jcen seriously damaged. It was. 'Sported to have the line clear by noon today and trains moving east and west again. Meantime, tins afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:80, is reported as. seven hours or more late. Among the passengers on the( derailed train were Mayor S. P. M'Mordle, Aid, F. G. Dawson and, M P. MiCaffery bound for Cal-j rarv as a delegation to take up. oeai wheat shipping anairs wun head officials of the Alberta Wheat Pool. FISH SPECIAL . i.i iin nf lven re- I elation. THOMAS WILSON Ilandnt.'i.sti r i.i !he lucal Iioys' Band who v ! str nijht pointed by the newly formed OLD TIMER PASSES PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. TUESDAY. MARCH 5, 1929 tut political animus." The bill to amend the Municipal At t, introduced by Poeley, proposes to give power to the muni- ;alities to assess aa improvements a tax on oil and gasoline -forage tanks, also to give the ouni ils power to appoint an act-ng mayor or reeve at the begin- mg of each year ''Yi'iconu' o Hgn nppc m It NEW WESTMINSTER, Mar. 5: Stabbed several times with a knife, John Andrew Dodaly of Clen Valley, Langley, died today CORDOVA, Mar. 6: Charles hospital. while boing brought here to the II. 1IHL resident of Alaska for It is reported that Bodaly was frlirprntor cars containing frosh'tho lait 0 years, died today after stabbed during a quarrel over a,,,t u.hlrh was landed here a siNfre. Aged G9, Auirer yesveruuy veterday was despawneo this M ierlunea morning for the etMn market, , . Mft.V: In He made and bull. E. Pronik, a Russian far-Dwt and mer, has been chitrged with the murder. ; . PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper l3H&M&Man&dn Makes Charges Regard to Report of Auditors but is Voted Down by Party Majority VICTORIA, March 5. A. M. Manson failed in his ef- ested in it." 916.0S on December si, 1928, .as once na lM ,,rK ',rRCUCe 01 " ion lo nave ine interim report oi tne auditors, neiuweu against $2,088,110.32 at December for tomorrow night. Maclachlan & Co.. referred to a selected committee of the ded debentures this effect was defeated in a straight party t " ikave dmh enrolled, there will be a pan ,8 g OI 4,ll,'4I.OS, iniirm wwnnicii irniuvn n,',l.n nn nl, nn.nn nn 1fnnn., lj; I Airs. U a TUMI S new aaso- BLOODSHED IN MEXICO NEW YORK. March 5. The first bloodshed in the Mexican ThU wus to revolution i renorUd from five certain legal aouois as ; tata as the government and rev nosn of the works for producing railwuy and r supplying eiecinc ngni, power, gas works or water worka. DIED RESULT KNIFE STABS lots captured Monterey, stragetic; munition centre in loa reported fighting. WHEAT TAKES DROP VANCOUVER. Mar. 6: Wheat took a drop here today to $1.?M4 GARD-OK1 THANKS- On behalf of the family of the est luften in ioe wont ui Hie uiuci, and each yearjshc-wirig.a substan tial increase Iri membership. Dur- erected and it now fully paid for An investment amounting to $8000, including the lots, which if. I consider, a very creditable achievement. "The year just ended has been a very strennous one for all of us, th- validity of the cheque. 'olutionlsU settled down today to ?Jfm fliu od by the acting mayor, a. what ippefini to a ,lf, nd JJ" ZZnXll inted under the existing existing sys- sys- d4.ath death ,tr,i,l. struggle. Th.. The revolution- revolution wo.u,d W,P ?o0. also gave power to dis- debt a fact which I am pleased to report has been accomplished. Later in the evening you will have t i -tJi Je satisfaction i .tn. v. n,t, irorvi in mrnaw tcm Wu.i Stafts oi Coahullfl, Sonora, 9lna- of gage destroyed . seeing -the "In addition to raising this p)rey, the several chapters have' ken a very active part in the vrk of the community. I wish to emphasise this ffl,ft, for someone remarked it had taken trie I. O. D. ji.,a long time to get ou of' debt. . "When, you ljear the splendid reMrts of. thq, different, chapters you will feel as I do, that the I. O. D. E. is a very live organiza- late H. D. Melntyra, the staff of Ition. and a credit to this city. the Prince Rupert Elevator desire to convey their sincere thanks for the many kind expressions of sympathy received on their sudden loss. My sincere thanks are due the officers of Municipal Chapter for the loyal support I have at all (Continued on Pe 8U) Boston Grill LARGfc CAIUBET Special Dinner Thursdays and Saturdays Dancing CTery Saturday night from 0 to It. Dance Bill for Hire Accommodation for mute Partle rhone 4M FINANCIAL POSITI PRICE FIVE CENTS RIDING TO GET $27,000 FOR ITS PUBLIC WORKS THIS YEAR City Has Surplus on 1928 Operations and Bond Debt Reduced Auditor's Keport Is Very Satisfactory, Indicating That' Finances of City Are in Excellent Condition ' I General revenue of the city for the year 1928 exceeded expenditure by $1724.12, according to the report of the auditor, George Rorie, C. A., which was presented to the city council last night. The report was tabled for two weeks in order that it may be studied by the aldermen before being finally accepted. The surplus was in spite of the fact that taxes levied during the year for general purposes amounted to $229,210.43, as compared with $259,- '122.76 in 1927. Current taxes col- OILS SWAMPED THE EXCHANGE VANCOUVER. March 6. Oil TRAIN DERAILS AT ROSE LAKE jlected during 1928 amounted to I $278,258.86 while arrears were collected in the turn of 167,980.20, making an aggregate collection for the year of SS81.247.66. The percentage of collections of -current taxes for the year was 86.4. The amount of credit of the issues again swamped the trading ,nlfln u.j ju facilities of the Icumulatod durit ih ,me Mi yesterday all Pf f" , u w fa strong, but profit-taking in the . . ' rW to the renu ac-what afternoon roouced.lhe.galn some- Home netted a 31.26 ad- 1 ft U "s shewed that the vanee. A. P. Consolidated 32. resort wlu.. of the electric light o- McDougall Segeur $1.25. mont 90. Illinois Alberta 28. and partmeet for the year had amoun-Dalhousie 70. ted to '$1W6.M while the tele- Premier was four cents strong- Phone department surplus was rr and Kootenav King. 8 cents $12,099.87. The annual deficit t end Oreille lost 50 and Reefre SI- Donald 6. Rufus was strong M)he waterworks had been reduced to $2,708.06, leaving a net Will t ! day and ended 2 ctnU higher, surplus on the utilities operations amounting' to $86,06.18 I The auditor's report goes into MORE PHONES NEEDED HERE Two Hundred Lines (o lie Added to Local board, Council Decides i .. I There has been such an in .crease in telephone users in the city 'that it haa become necessary to a'd another section of 200 lines to the municipal switchboard. This was decided upon by the council last night at the KUigestion r.f the utilities committee. The section will be purchased from the Stromfccrg-Carlson Co. at an estimated cot of $1000 and will be installed by the telephone tff . Aid. MitcdonaM. chairman of the utilities committee, explained that ahot 1M0 t' -phone were now in use in the city end the switchboard was up to it f till ranwcKy . It Had l.een neeeiwry to turn down telephone orders because the city did rvot have the necessary equipment. The proposal was to M a fifth section to th ftwlfehboard which would prnVwhly r-ean s about $00 phones. The naw, numbers. wll he WiO jfiiSS. THOMAS WILSON RE-APPOINTED Resume Duti master of Prin Boys' Band detail of city financing and in- The provisional comxnitee on the 'eludes general balance sheet, ac- Prince Rupert Boys' Band, at a counts of light, water, telephone, meeting last evening with Aid. schools, etc., local improvements Theo Collar, chairman, presiding, land other municinal denartments. reappointed Thorns Wilson to be LAUNCHING THE BRITISH CRUISER DORSETSHIRE Above is a nii'.une uj tue new Brit sh miiser. H M.S. Dorset-whire gliding down the slipway at Portsmouth after being christened by Lady Shaftsbury. The resBeL Which, is of the .J0,DO0-tan claws, cost approximately $11,000,100 to construct ' v , Burning of Mortgage Proved Interesting Event to Members of I.O.D.E. Municipal Chapter The burning of the $1000 mortgage on the hall owned by them was the feature of the annual meeting of the 1. 0?D..t! Municipal Chapter, held last night, with Mrs. Shelfo'rd Darton presiding. It was a memorable occasion, the actual ceremony being carried out by Mrs. A. IV Parkin, past municipal regent, during whose regency the hall was erected. The mortgage has been hanging over them for the past three years and the final payment , was made possible through receipt of the proceeds of the play "Green Stockings" last week at the Capitol Theatre. The haul . is now completely clear of edness. The meeting, which wus well attended, also heard the address of the national regent, Mis M. Church, read by Mrs. Brady. In connection with the mortgage burning ceremony, Mrs. Darton spoke as fellows: "I am sure you all feel this to he one of the proudest momenta of our lives as Daughters of the Empire in Prince Rupert. "We have reached another mile-cone in the history of our chapter, The dream which many of our old er members had of owning our own home has at last come true. It has been a long, hard pufL but 1 trust that a straight and level road lies-ahead of us. "The hall is renting well, especially so this last year, and should ibe able to pay its own expenses and also pay us a little interest on lour money, thus relieveing the chapter considerably. ;. - "We all feel that this is a very good way to celebrate our chapter's birthday. "Now. I'll ask Mrs. Parkin to step forward and put a match to the mortgage. It was during Mrs. Pur kin's term of office that the building was erected and we know of no one who is more inter- ici.y. ilia liiunun ku .... Regent's Report annual report vote of 30 to WJ" "h . xt..i. 11. Tom Uphill, Labor member, was voting with the Lib-1019. thi chanter received its eral opposition. charter. During the address Mr. Manson made serious charges "Upon looking lak those 10. and allegations in connection with the report, declaring yea" hav futl evjt inter-.! l:ortiona of it as "falsehoods" and' yar, howing greater EEVATOR MEN MOVING SOUTH Seven Members of Local Staff Going To Vancouver This Afternoon Transferred to the Vancouver house, seven members of the staff of the Alberta Wheat IW Prince Rupert elevator wttl sail for the south on the Camosun this afternoon. They are: Malcolm McLeod, shipping weighman : Gordon HitchoekT receiving weighman; Alex Murray and D. McDonald, scale men; Tommy Hughes, cleaning man; A. Mar-ray, storage man; and Frank Biggin, foreman. FUEL OIL FOR ASSAY PLANT Subject to the usual conditions, the city council last night granted permission to G. W. Dunn to in-stal a 100-gallon fuel oil tank under the sidewalk on Eighth Street, adjoining the Clements building, which has been taken by the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. for use as an assay office. Such a tank would give gravity for the fuel oil feed to the assay furnaces. DAUGHTER OF FORMER MINISTER IS DEAD " VANCOUVER, Mareb 5. Mrs. Mara Samantha Brown, daughter of the Hon. William Madougall. ing that time this building was member of the government of Sir John A aged 80. Macdonald, is dead bere, CUSTOMS INSPECTOR DEAD NEW WESTMINSTER, Mar. 5: John Stillwell Cluta, aged 8S. customs inspector for British Columbia and the Yukon is dead. Scottish Humor Imported ' direct front the Aberdeen Joke Factory AN INVESTMENT A young bloed. of Aberdeen gave his gin a iipatMK tor ner birthday. He knew he would get It all y r i hi ONE- Y111AFFI0'' iir4ill The most perfect written account of one-way traffic ia an Aberdonlan's pass-book. "An Aberdonian went into a hotel and ordered two glasses of Worthington. He drank one, and left the other to settla,"