PAGE EIGHT GRAND DOUBLE BILL Dr. Alexander ni'ixE sis IILOCK DENTIST IbVb.3 i I I Ml Mm Ml pill II SIM SB I I I fll I Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholme Theatre TUESDAY AT 7 AT 7:30 P.M. Tom Mix and "Tony" in "Tumbling River" AT 8:45 P.M. John Mack Brown and Dorothy Dwan in "SQUARE CROOKS" SPECIAL PROGRAM OF SYNCHRONIZED MUSIC COMEDY-l"CLUNKEfl ON CORNER." ORCHESTRAL SELECTION "THE MERRY WIDOW." FOX NEWS SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAM ADMISSION, 33c AND 10c. COMING SOON SYD CHAPLIN AND HETTY I1ALFOUR IN "SKIRTS." Garden Field ! Seeds ' FERTILIZER ' ., , BULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN iiiuce Rupert Feed Co. 1 PHONE 58 Out of Town Readers ! The Dally N'ewa Shopper will gladly raalie purchases for our readers who live at a distance from a shopplns centre. This service nas rcn appreciated, particularly by the women of the district, there is no added tt and attention is personal. JUST WRITE TO THE DAILY NEWS SHOPPER Hi UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halllr.M irora iTInrf Kuiwrt. I'nt VANCOlVf.R. VICTORIA, 9waaun 111). liutrAilc. Ale-rt IUJ. tie. TarUy. 3JO p.m. lor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Bat dale, Alert Iv, , etc, mllnnht lor M.UY AKjI. ANVOX. STfcV ART. IVALLH I8I.AMI, I-JK1 MMI'.mI.N SAAS ItltCK. Sunday p.m. 1U n4 Airnut. R. M. KM. Ill, Atna. rrinrr l(u.rrt. UA . Through UckrU Mid .o Victoria and ."rail If. and bir.(.ar:f thnkiti through l drttlnatlor ilCAOIANJ fPACiriC4 i - B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert T K.lihlkun. Mrangrll. Junmii and Nluxwa) lb. 9, t; Marrh 9, ZO. To Vancouver1. Victoria and Seallle I'r-lirunr.v 13, T; March II, tt. IMIINCKSH KOVAI. I'm Hutnlalt. Latt Itrlla IMIa. Ocean lall. Naniik. Alrrt ll.iv. Campbell Klter. Vanroutrr anil Victoria, rrry rrltlaj. lit p.m. AfMiU (ur all Mriiililp Llnm. lull InfnntMtlon from W. C. OIUHUill, )KUtl. AfiKM turner II It Mrrct and 3rd .tenue. rrlnre Kilrrt. tl.t'. I'lione 31. I Canadian National QTjc Largefl Railway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE hulling from rillNCK ItlTKKT fur VAM Ol i:il. ICTOItlA. xl.VHI.i: unii liilrrnirdlate point, rath tlllDAY. 9:00 a.m. liir STi; AUT and ANVOX, pach ULIlNKMIAY. 10.0ft p.m. lor NOKTII AM) fOL'TII UlV.r.S CIIAItl.OT'l K ISMNbvjortnielilW.. l. ;. r.lSSKNflEK TRAINS LEAVE I'KI.NTi: RLTF.KT ijicn, tr.ii.-r..-M.M ana tvuiHii.w at ii:suain. rcr rKINt'K ,1 "TJEOItOK, EDMO.STOX, "WINMI'EO, all "polnti K9trrn-f!anana. '! llnltrd Statu. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office, 523 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 2C0 Advertise in "The Daily News" TO PROTEST REGULATION City Council Opposed to Salmon Heine; Sold in Area in Which A j laugm olMotjorlibr . .. i ' r Aid.' Mcdonalcl. seconded by 'Aid. Orme, the city council last night decided to senu a telegram to headquarters of the fisheries department at Ottawa protesting against any move whereby it should be made compulsory that salmon should be sold only in the area where it might be caught. . There seemed to be uncertainty as to just what recommendations had been made by the cannery interests with regard to new fishing regulations and the fisheries committee, of which Aid. Rudder-ham is chairman, was authorized to ascertain at once the nature of these regulations, so they may be protested against if found discriminatory against the fishermen or the interests of this city. . PRUDHOMME URGES BETTER GRADE FOR CONCRETE SIDEWALKS Aid. Prudhomme urged at last night's council meeting that, be fore -the; orjorete sidewalk pro gram was resumed tnis year, the city would be well advised to establish a grade for these sidewalks. He suggested that the registered grade of the streets should be followed and the walks not built, as had been apparently the case last year, to suit the i buildings. He referred to the fact ; that some of the present concrete (walks were 15 to 18 inches above the street, while on others slush : from the streets drained onto the walks. I Aid. Brown promised that the ' suggestion would be considered by the board of works. SOA SPECIALS I -J $ COMBINATIONS $ NO. 11 box Fels-Naptha, 3 cakes Foot Soap, all for . .$1.00 NO. 23 bars P. & G. Naptha, 3 bars Ivory Soap, 1 pkg. Jif, 1 pkg. Sunlight Soap. All for $1.00 NO. 3 1 pkg. Lux, 3 bars Pearl Naptha Soap, 1 bar Klondyk Soap, all for $1.00 NO. 42 cans Old Dutch Cleanser, 1 pkg. Princess Soap Flakes (large), 2 pkg. Lux, 4 pkta. Reckitt's Blue, all for ... .$1.00 NO. 5 3 pkg. Lux, 3 cakes Palm-olive, 3 cake's Life Buoy Soap, 3 cakes Foot Soap, all for $1.00 Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 017-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P, -O. Box 575. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER '"utting, Workmanship ami Stylf All (t'uarantrcd SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED VVo Deliver to Any Part of the City. Ling, the Ta lor Phone CPJ MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VAI.ENT1NDAIRY Telephone 657. THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, Mar !) WEEK AT THEATRES Monday and Tuesday Capitol: "The Cossacks," with John Gilbert and Renee Adoree. Special musical numbers. Westholme: Tom Mix in "Tumbling; River." V?i'. -Til John' -Mack Dorothy Dawn Crooks." . ii . Browjl and in "Square Wednesday and Thursday Capitol; "The Awakening" with Vilma Bankey. Westholme: Junior Cough-Ian in "Marked Money." Friday and Saturday Capitol: "the Water Hole" with Jack Holt. Al Small and his orchestra. Westholme: Syd Chaplin with Betty Balfour in "Skirts." ' VIOLETPARK PLAYGROUND Ratepayers of East End of City 1 Make Request to City Council, I Conrad Street Grading A delegation from the Section Seven and Eight Property Own-ora' Association consisting of T. Ross Mackay, Ex. Aid. G. Cay, Robert McKay and Miss M. Dur-ran appeared before the city council last night -and asked that improvements be made to the paving-of Conrad Street and that a recreation ground be established on Violet Park. Mr. Mackay declared that Conrad Street, upon which there was orach traffic, was notoriously the worst pa ml street in' the city, it could be easily I'ept in shape.'. He also referred to the great need of soma kind of recreation grounds in the east end of town. Thu city waq.qutyje big enough fr two ball parka, he felt. , , Mian Durrao expressed, t&e opinion that people across the. crek were not getting full justice from the council. She appealed par ticularly for the establishment of recreation grounds on Violet Park. , Acting Mayer Collart, (n referring the matter to the Board of Works, Murd the delegation that it would be fully gone into. He pointed out, however, that the finances of the city were limited land it might not be possible to do anything this year. NEW WATER MAINS TO BE LAID DOWN City Council Implements Recommendation of Fire Chief Invoking $GO0O Eipenditure In compliance with recommendations of the fire chief, the city council last night accepted a report from the finance committee providing for the laying of a new six-inch water main with valves and hydrants from McBride Street to Lothinifre Street, a distance of approximately 1500 feet, and from Sixth Avenue to the lane south of Sixth Avenue, fcOO feet, at a cost of $f000. Aid. Drown explained that the old line on Eighth Avenue was in bad shape and w-rn continually ! blowing out, being useless for fire protection . The other part was a link that had never been connected Digging could be saved by putting the water pipe in the name ditch ;m the sewer which was now being put In. Aid. Drown suggested that the city might carry out such replacement work gradually year by year. On ragfrnstlon of Aid. Ruddi-r-hnm it was decided to call at once for tenders fa?, the lupply of the c'l'tirml pipe ."' Fishermen JIASTE!'. MECHANIC irts and Pants The best made, and we can supply you at 30 per cent less! Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE ROCK CRUSHER TO BE MOVED City Council Reiterates Former Decision After Considerable Discussion ' -v, , .!.' Removal of the' rock crusher from First Avenue and Seventh Street to Seventh Avenue and Dunsmuir Street was again the subject of discussion at last night's meeting of the city council ,.nd, after a number of rather di vergent viewpoints had been expressed, it was unanimously de-ided to pr)pceed with the Board of forks' original plan tc make a start on the opening of Seventh Avenue from Dunsmuir to Mc-iiride Street in spite of a petition of protest which was lodged two weeks ago by certain ratepayers concerned. Aid. Collart asked why the work should not be atarted westward from McBride Street instead if east from Dunsmuir. Aid. Brown explained that it would be advantageous and economical to start on Dunsmuir Street as was planned. Alit Prudiionwie expressed tht plhiqsr that H would cost easU Hoc . yafd more to haul rock away frojp Dunsmuir Street vh. hiaht Avenue and Fulton btreo, than it would from Mcltriat street. City Engineer McLean expressed the opinion that addition. ..oats in setting up and moving 'he rock crusher if a start were made on McBride Street wouk. more than counter balance any toss there might -be in haulinj, from Dunsmuir Street He bad selected what was considered the most economical site for the placing of the crusher. Aid. Rudderham was strongly n favor of starting from Dunsmuir Street Aid. Collart asked if there 'night not be danger of slides In cutting through Seventh Avenue. The ' city engineer replied that ihe. rock walls would not be per-oendfeular but would bench down. 'The recommendation of the Board of Works was finally adapted. ' , A petition from owners of prop srty in Brock 11, Section 1, asking that the lane in that block be graded and hovelled before the rock crusher wss moved was referred to the Board of Works The city engineer explained that the most of the material in this lane was muskeg and it would not be necessary .to hold the roc. crusher for what little rock then-was there. Aid. Brown suggested thst this work should be carried out under local improvements The petition was signed by Fre Stork, Wilfrid Gratton, II. L Rochester, Cora E. Black, W. E Coilison, J. C. McLennan and George James, whose property barks on the lano. who arrived in Canada before Juncbth 1928 may bring their WIVES and FAMILIES CANADA (children under 17 year free) Apply io (22 llaxtiriftaSt. Vt Vancouver. B.C. of Anv Stvomthtp Agtnt niddciiio i moment C1J i let so ifk delicious SS CLASS! COLOR! COM FORT I WARMTH! Tonight, 7-9 p.m. 35c and 5c "THE COSSACKS" Willi the Stars of "The Rlg aradpr JOHN GILBERT AND ItENEE ADOREE Many of ouf natrons said that the love sequent , (,f ' j tween John Gilbert and Renee Adoree in "The Big p j ade" would never again be approached on the !,,', i Judg.' for yoursplf. See th(a great starring combi,,;,!,,,',, , Jn their latetf -pUturot, . ;,, " COMEDY, NEJVS. and a' SPECIAL MUSICAL" PiiKSENTATION UV TifK CAPITOLIANS ia) "Lucia di Lammermoor Doneictti) . ib) "Love's Old Sweet Song" (with "Freddy" a' zylophone) . You see our used cars on the road everywhere. And they are always running, and running strong, h: used car Imrgains arc real bargains for the reason that they arc thoroughly checked and inspected before they are sold. ' t. I'.' ! ' THE FOLLOWING USED CAR BARGAP S NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION i927 Dodge Sedan, leather upholstery r 1926 Eflwx Coach . ; . -'i . . J-:. :. i' 1 1928 Model A Tudor Demonstrator .'. 1927 Ford Tudor, good equipment 1927 Fortl Covered Light Delivery . . J. 1923 Dodge Covered Delivery 3l S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone DEMAND "Rupert Brand" 9 lpper "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd I'rince Rupert. D.C Bring Your ; v, FURS to Goldbloom He pn.VH Ihe hlshest prices. LINDSAY'S lartage and storage l'none n(1 Carfige, Warchousinft Distributing. Team or Motor Servica i-.i a,i (ind Gravel We Specialize In l'n e lrct Furniture