"avail arii.-s THE DAILY NEWS 1 "Tage TT?r Tuesday, U, 1 iiiiro si NVwiy Kith: "Now hat we got all these books, Sophie, I .sr(ctV!il .on(4ejchool and. lrnJto. read." . The Passing Show KING GEORGE R 'OvFRS SLOWLY !5C fk.hu-f: 1 1 sunlit palace at f'raigwell, at Bognor. King rfe w it a;pT..t:i!L' froni his recent illness that rmuH hi. l0ctKO m:,.-h concern. His Majesty is shown above Ivinv in th biiU.iA which transported him from Buckineham PalaiP to Eogfior. th? first time in nearly three months that hi- subjects h:id had n chance to see him. I. - I . t raaaWaftllS3yyWBW This huge mass of steel and concrete is the Pacoima Uam inn. wie iaiT'.st oi us type m the world. Constvu. tllin 01 iippn.xirnatrly J2.r),00(),000. District News TERRACE 1 Dan Clacker Avas down from Cedarvale at the. end of ihe wet, a few days in Prince Ruit. Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Robinson enttfrtaioed a few friends one evening during the week iti honor of lire. MeCubuin of Pacific. lit j. 15. 'Aar and son returned on Sat unlay after several weeks visit with her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Van-derHp of Parkeeville, Vancouver Wand. The secoad-luind goods which hud aceumulatad durinir tnc years he was la the hardware markei business, were disposed of by J. 11. Aj'ar on Katurlay afternoon iy auction. F. G. Bishop wielded tht hannmer. There was a K ' ci'4d and bvyiag was brisk, pr;urc:,lly eirytcitBg beinK dis-j om'd of. Kvipst ran-ipbell and E. Nelson w-ru . visitors here from Topley .u: in).' the week. Mr. an 1 Mrs. A. McLeod were hosts at a dellthtu! gaUterias at their home on Wednday evening lust, whan about sixteen friends enjoyed a musical' evening together. I The quarterly joint rneetiBg of ithe Canadian Legion and their Women's Auxiliary was held in j their club room on Thursday evening. Routine business was Legion is putting on a LaLaaaamsslBaaVfatBBamasaaaVT.V aaR Tenders are to be called lor the National Reseuivh Laboratories at om:e. acr..roing to an announcement made by Dr. 11. U. Tory of the SatJonal uese-iu-h Council. Above ar: two pictures showing top. the front of the new building, and bottom, the rear of the building, taken from a model m de by Sproatt & Rolph, the architects. This new Research building, which will be 414 feet long and cost no less than $,-M)0.iOO is to be erected on propirty in Ottawa overlooking the nu"-'v" rlv"r and close to "Earn cliffe," which was once the residence of Sir John A. Macdonaid GIANT DAM AT SAN FERNANDO COMPLETE " the San Fernando Valley. Califor. n in arch, 1925, and t.h. tufai r,,.t was EGG PRICES DUETODROP Huller Firm on Local Market as late. but. with arrivals on Yelleir Mtvtaoi .oataaM Naval arch ad run . FAC1T wuser: !b:.. conducted and the remainder of &Tr 1 Hi S ta t. a tor .... .30 Sbabart). 3 lbs 3S 1 rUMT NX Au. ommtn. 3 lb !. 4rk4l UBibolger. Jy V '. Juuau. MSMs . . Mm SMajftaid sultd atutna. lb. the evenincr -nont .!.. Il Tk.l'' e1,n Gt ' lb . oe Ka treat llcxier, per r .'. 36c Oaxnb BaftW 3&C i3tf. JkMlk, sew eaop. llti ltt .. 25 v-,. ..Kr.. concert on March 15 at which swttt' BrMkHda ' a. the drawings will take place for the grand prizes which aire being awarded to the holders of the lucky tickets. , S'l?W INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH BUILDING FOR CANADA Jack. ib. '! Romano Bardo, It. - 93e ; UaiuuetMtl IU. J,'. . A-SOc :m::??::a:::::::Je1 Paatrv Uour. Pure tiaui. L rule. Ib. oau Bran Middlings Barlev . IV. U I.. ,1. .... LAUD1 Lavlnc tiiash Oyster aheli UntM"--Scratob luod M W . . . ijfr scrap . Oiound oil ekt Baby chick Jeil ., Flat oat chouM.... Oruahed aaUi'l.i.i,. Fin barlev fuoo (3.60 ..601 B. C. tt Bullet 4S a. C eh-Ttr. ewe. -, . . .80 ii v. tresb Mlru Ho Local new laM r Puwl. No J, ,b. in. Ii- .-wu. wtiol. rat (fad . 4t A. 403 34 Zotlag roUa. lb 24 M 3ac-n. back, altced. lb &Oc "... .-w . ve... iti.A fc. 'Pvrt. st.oulir A sM ' ftBM kajHa. Hi, ....'... ascto &Oc :.( MMfStiias k " em., lata 3 isr. km .,,v v SW. put mist le to .uo &e4. MHCI lJViv to ld l. aUak JOfl to 450 ;kf. rai. ttWne rib 3W j tftM. th3ttim ... toy Iummsi, ut ..i. ; tic I UUttfe 6P , 45 M) OC 4ytuMt boulder 10c I ' am iia,ra. . I RlwMned 4te wjintn, Ib. 'ted sanoted aalmon I I 'I'.nnr. htwIlN. tC . HaUdlc t'.ileta. Ib llaUbut Salmon, fresh sorlM tie . ,2io ..4Se -v. asc . ..40C j NUTS Almonds, shelled Valencia 7Qo Draalla 354 Walnuu. broken shelled ..... 4-M. , OaiVM .i. ! Almonds 35o i reaivuts . .j. ....,. , 'sue ' Uanchiirlau wslnuu.t. 25c Iff'T :k!Vpi4":::::::::::: ik EM.ptU 300 . Stack Ii .iMid t, IJiyM aWl niil waltiuis. Ib - ks4S rt::r .a.i- nd DcilkleiVAUey aj.Hi ...i,...1...,..n5.7a DRIf.ll FKWT.I lmon a(fbrahg peel ..... ?Wsa1o,l . ...li.75 3.m; ....$3.10! . ...13.10 ....4i(J t ... Jj . 4ayi ....2.03 ....13.85 35o Citron peel Black cooking Hg. lb. White flfta. a lb ... day of this week, it is expected r.or.T.A there will be a drop from ihe f i- ' ur quoted today. The butter crro.,Tn.'f.r '.V.'.'.:.'.'. mes received from them. I would also llVe to thank the members of the entertainment committee for the work they did in connection with the play, especially the convener, Mrs. Ma neon, and our treasurer, Mrs. Landrey, Upon whom fell most of the work of collecting and laying the bjllls and getting the books ready foi the auditor in so short a time. ""In conclusion, let me say that I feel we can look back with par donable pride to what has been accomplished during the year. ar.d can also loijk forward with Josperous. future, v-. . . -. Other Reports njMoaT. irejiort Xf 'the! sec- i Iretarwas presented' by Mrs. D urcnara ictoa. . turners 0 oi the subsidiary chalew repprtinaj 5 ' we as lofiowsr j.-Oueen Mar Secretary, MrlU ; C..J. Jrp"Un; tyfasurer,' Mrsu; R: V. G. IPlne. Jllll C(-Se4jrtary. Miss Wllla Dyer; treAsUre, Mrs. J. W. Mc-Auley. . AlUirHViMi--SeretaryMri J. A; 'Tehg? treasurer, Mrs. Bert West. The most of the money raised ty Hill GO Chapter had, as usual, gone to the children's ward in the Prince Rupert General The report of Mrs. McLeod, ,4i s. a if n -k. ,- -."o.r Her veruoni What a disappointment Bob had been I Once he was always bright and cheery well-groomed. Then something happened. Dob became careless. Seemed to lose his am bition. Even his appenr ance was affected. Why. she was actually ashamed of him nowl Hit vertion: What had come over Mary? Two yews ago he had been so much in lov wo municipal secretary, was as fol-"Mowa: ! 250 . 3t 1.7(1 . 35e IH-jce nas also nau a lenuency up- potatoes sack ....ajo to $3.00 ward of late . There has been no "ijr ' i: . , " , . , , , arl!e. Imported, per lb 35c Cjiange in flour prices during the New greennion.. a bunch. , l&o JMst month and sugar JSilOW a grean peppers, lb. 70c ., , j . New cabbsg. pe lb 10c and tie slightly downward trend. Turnips-, o ib. jSr; Owing to unsatisfactory quat'tokanatnn oniom. 3 ib; 25a' ity of the Mexican product, toma- gffi'toS'gr:.?..::::-' ivm ziave praciicauy uisappeareu nouiouse aac Following are retail prices cup rent in the city today: Catlfonia solnaeh. Ib. . "I IMIt .2oc : iw.so BURNING OF THE MORTGAGE ...ta.7S. IllfltVUII IL'Tl'IIPCIkV! Vr . .aoc to Toe 40C. U &tC ...... " - v.-. 4&C j-x. 7lK 7 44a MetuctiK Clm. krs . .k-' 4JH'iaii;' BrOokfteidiewlat rtitMMl ID ipk.:3ix Orujera .......,,...., Mf ;'. BrMc(leld CanrUM; cmm, ft U. :pkt 4u' I ItVI Ull .I4X 14 1" EST '10 MSMBDrS'OF I. O. jO, j; MUNICIPAL CHAPTER. ' .(.'.: I . . . (Continued from page one) ... Tw.. '"VVWIlKa C Uff uS.'jiitflU ant at ai all all meetinifM ITltPtJnL'M numherlnv num iur inr ... imeti Chapter Uueen Mury, a 'oman puaecttatng a iovi.,g imin, . Uiob character, muu one vnoe life was a must fitting leon to "The Hmpire Celebration was diwin' eorrii-d on Umpire Day. .hen the children from public schools assembled at a local theatre, and listened to a most .nstructjve and educational ad-Jress by Itfshop Itlx, and a most .leasing program. On the same ccnslon Ills Warship, Mayor .sMordte, uctflreiteil the High chool students, along patriotic lines. .Municipals report for yean jnding 192G-S7 showed we were onfronted with a mortgage of 4000, $800 of this amount hav-iig been paid last year and the remaining ?600 this year. The mfltntairtanee and opera- confidence io a very .bright 'an('on'''0' ur iuw.Bole owned uilding is kept up by .nd badminton fees. fir rentals 1 i . aiv iuiiivvi'. Ul . J. u, 1.. rteel that they hav: uccomnlishd f . great deal, whenlippreciating the fact that wh .efeetcd, main-, Ulned. Mefated. tdifiDtVd and furnished a building 4&ho'etner "representing an expenditure of ap- proximately ?10,0OO, all of which monies have been raised in Prince Rupert, expended in Prince Rupert, and through th efforts of fcjry member q( tjie Daughters f theTjmnjh-e In'l'riW Rupert" Officers Elected The election of officers resul-d as follows: Honorary Regent. Mrs. J. C. cLennan. Regent, Mrs. 8helford Darton. ith her. But these days she was always so cross. Her old-Une youth and charm had led. Irue, he d slipped somewhat, himself. Hut, Mary. ... What a tragedy that constipation can wreck so much happiness I It begins with such little things headaches, littlessnest. Hut iteventually saps the strongest body, and my A "'i01" d'ease. And all the while it could A t be so" easily prevented so surely relieved. Kcljogg's 'ALL-BRAN is guaranteed to relieve contipationto safer! pie vent It ALL-BRAN 11 effective ondnalurt? Bulk or roughage relieves constipation in a n ALL-BRAN V ICe-UPifm.f , Manson. air Jo jt i uKuui uuc me im-unure. me " 'vc-iit irpnt "?nu- ". 2Xr!v1leire and the honor nf ,h. s -t L . . tn Mini? v,u.!tv, i, iu feeeretnrv t,. reacilea, pwicq . dau i "'B n.n.,im mc iciim ail" - " D, fi , -Auricou. lb asc nual renort f Munlalnal nh.ntitur McLeod. rtN ""me uu-iuu. -io 01. 39 " lb. boi 0. D. E. for the year endinir Taurer, Mrs ir i , , ... i . - ' t - i LanH-. Well Flour; Sueur on r ": Jin. 'ror r eoroary' 0 , Mr, u-' i .n- i - - n,,.i.. n. . iuiiiuu. - v - - 1U-OU, lO i..utiHilW, , iv&uiai Prunes. 30-40. 3 lbs. 20 10. DUE 1 , MmAll, ; Rifer aud daughter, I ftiPWces have, had a tendency .tMI)0rt',w giiw iitfifii.. ib.' ' ! ! &'nkr,-4ir; Myers mur-lj1 "f" on the Ideal market Wdues of . ,5-5..,. . ned 'on Saturday after speeding .350 . . JJthi Educational Knvf, .Jm tint Iaao Ihnn 1 1 i t. n I . wUIdah "Grahum -ihe Vm primary hapten, this jeur imve jMOuawy not vor.efl Company, Entertainment Summer Stockings," in addition assisting wftu donating towards neeoy fam-iiien in the way of supplying clothing, provisions. The chapter suffered a great Whk. loo lbs wdeal in the passing away or Mrs. Yellow, loo lbs t....tM u1 x ernet, oigauixer of i. O. I). E. this city, and Regent of our lust lvtarv, M u the same exteut us in otnera, , ' , " , ei n "ere lor the rtaaon that they have 'JT't lud Z greatly assisted municipal in all Mr WHium v'' ., nder oi u. unuenawngs namely : xen- Rrocklesbv nrl M . ' " ' otaph i'uwl, foppy "tag Uay, Rid- nme m r P ( r ",,,n h lt Home Razair Tea Room, : nd ' Er,4 Booth for H.M.S. Durban Shins Shins . f. av' After the meeting. dan, "if from the local market for the !E3 -SflUfnival. Sea Cadets Fi nr-n. "J?yl, music be nff by Mr. . j . . . . ' . I.. .. " " lJlnl,'.. 1 i t me -liMnir. LLalllornia tomatoes Hubbard snuush lb oa tntinn tatlon, and uml the tho rlm. play " "Green " ui'.zn "iv. should be offered within the next 0uViVoiv:'.::;::::: few Weeks. Sweet potatc. J lb Jfe Feed pric are Jtff Jwfng to Pa"nips. 4 lbs ssc recent advances in the grain stk 335 Awful Pimples On Face and Neck For Four Years I-wiaVred terribly luZZ my t e ' J yVM I had tried Men-,! :Bg, relief until one day a ieaf Cil and advised tne ; iJ. I Mbi bottles and my face ia now ts-'j) rlear of pimples. " Manufactured only Hr Tt " VI j burn Co, Ltd, Toci.c, OaL MINING Stock Noon and afternoon o ing prices on Vinconw Stock Exchange on tm stock-list board dally, We can give Instart to vice in buyinr and aeHit Mining Storks oa Vancomt Stock Exchange, We also have faciU'Jei I accepting Wheat crder 01 Winnipeg F: xV Fxc;asft Reprienting Miller, Cowls Co Ltd. Vancouver. S. D. Johnston Colli 617 2nd ATtnoe Prince Rupert, R& The Romance that ended so soon natural way. ALL BRVN furnishes bulk in "n"0" quantity because it is 00 ,t bran. It carries rr.oiu,e through the inteitines.sen11 sweeping out poisons Part-bran products seldom contain sufficient bulk to be completely effective Doctors recommend ALL -BRAN because it if 100 bran 100 effective. Don I risk ALL-BRAN brings lasting relief. Far better than habit-forming pills whose dose rmwt b" constantly increased. ALL-BRAN is an appetizing cereal delicious with milk or cream, fruits or honey added. Mix it with other cereals. Sprinkle Into soups. Use it m cooking. Eat two tablespoonfuls daily-"0" cases, with every meal. It will protect the health of your family. All grocers sell Kellogg's AU-BRAN. Served at hotels, restaurants, on diner. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontaiio. au4 m ttmtM ALLBRAN tAW CuarantttJt KilUtt'i ALL-BRAN ttU with IAi 4UI" tvrmmfl t '' ht I iimtUn: n.r TtlilV ttltly, w will flv ,M pmrthf '.