Elow often has an attack of indigestion interfered “.h your work or spoiled your pleasure? Good health , matter of sound digestion, \V/henever you ubled by dyspepsia, flatulence, sour eructations, . headache, biliousness or constipation, take Beech. Pills. Th y qui kly and effective ly correct ci} restive +rbances, stimulate the supply of gastric juice and Tone the Stomach THE DAILY NE wa, “THE SQUAW MAN” IS FIRST RATE DRAMA Old Play Brought up to Date by Latest Movie Methods. Soeeone has said, in order to uccessfully entertain the publie the dramatist must make them laugh, make them wait, make them ery The Squaw Man” does all of these things. The Lasky company used it as its premiere | production It was directed by Cecil B. De Mille and now, after a lapse of several years, it has been revived, reproduced, com. Page 3 Re Ree as wee mi —— ealth Insurance One of the distinctive qualities of food ae baked with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is wholesomeness. This is health insurance of such vital 7, ———- tones » to Women are with Every Bo ; 2 ; ‘ oe ‘id by cd ivegele t@ inane the world. in tou 28e. scchianen a "ae and eH importance that millions of women nena emcees \ |toem-of 0 porte Sty drum; ia bake at home just to be sure that -_—— aa ony ie ae Dr. Price’s Baking Powder is used. | — ee Ceeil B. De Mille. in the inter ( p. W. mMORRISSEY Phone 573 WILFRID KELLY vening years, has achieved much For healthful food and the best re- ' P. Bo 56 in the way of advaneed methods i j Ss = : O, Box 1664. See ee ee sults in baking, prudent housekeepers | perfection the talents in this di always use rince upert rocery ction he exhibited even in the ottedartal earliest days of his entry into the ————a motion picture business. He has [ r a greater facilities today than he f p “ i Company had when The Penta Man" was | R. 3 q 4 > | stock on hand than money in bank, takes this first produced, and these have | ving ent ae an er ae e their ee oe n on ee "aes ae ate CREAM | ' es set forth below wi ye maintaned until Oo enhance re production. In a] , } i ment is changed, when a further list of good word, he has had the rare chance | BAKIN G P OV BB ER ollow These prices are absolutely for cash of seeing his picture and then) os , hes No C. O. e je iis to account will doing it all died again. as all . cae Delivery eat. e ieads be ‘auhe 0b stat cast of players has i Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes ling purchase. cnosen. Malcolm's Best, 1s ..,.@0e, 2s ..$1.15 5s ..$2.85 iW dilielietes ah ea oi be " lea (Ambe - . - ee nee ee sie e ite ” ; as _ she wh again tonight. | Contains No Alum—Leaves No Bit tter Taste | s P ind Beans, tomato sauce ...... . 2 for 25c. eee ate hite bDOQMS pissectese seveeseseces BO Ibs. for Bo. DEMAND FOR FURS IS | ie oe SSS | y | SE id eieie deeves CeCe Roe Oo Ste .. - 6006 Bua OS co. ms y Biscuits oa eamiiin ge eee 30c. STEADILY INCREASING acai 7 mn Strawberry, 4s $1.26. Black Currant, 4s, $1.00, Red nt, $9.00. Raspberry, 4s, $1.20. Strawberry and $1.00. Green gage, 4s, $1.00. i itoes, 2%s, per case $4.50, per dozen $2.40, per can, 2 for 45c. i t per Gane yer Se: Ses $2, per can 2 for 35c. Ml ses, Don 0, 28, .300, 3s,.....40c. 5s 60c. i Oe WH 6b oe eed as ch sph ve 6 a's ee per C@Mm, .i.é; . eseee eo oo) oe Poasties ce. 46 FeV TSE Pes. tb seeds 15c. MOGs i.cksetbeebas dbo * ws | . LOCAL NS ITEms ithe insect pest and has found that} ionly sting humans as the last te o.. 6 resort. ' At Mission City, there is a Do- his way back to Washington. lall the buoys and beacons on the value One Dollar or over. secured free of cost by mariners. Come early and take your choice jfrom Lake Atitn. lon the 27th day of May, 1919. RUPERT MOSQUIT 0S ARE VERY MODEST We want you to buy veer ca mri " Bulk Coffee Museum. | ae We are offering a very high grade Coffee at the Professor H. G. Dyar, of the| Special Price of 50c. per pound. National Museum, Washington,;] To get this Coffee to you we are raffling a beautiful D. C., accompanied by his assist- | ant Miss Aseyeh Allen, are in the| NEW GRAPHAPHONE city for @ few days on their way|} One chance given to each purchaser of one pound south. Professor Dyar is a noted! f our peci entomologist and has been pay- ™ m al ing particular attention to mos-| apiece. rhis is his third se aotiel 50c. COFFEE spent in Canada, and he has dis Coffee demonstrated and served free all the time yvered several new varieties of COME IN! SEE OUR WINDOW! the same brand of mosquito has | different habits which vary ac-| cording to the climate. Dr. Dyar has worked his way] clear across Canada and this sum- | mer has visited the Yukon andl? Twe Steves. Phones 4, « and 834 Atlin countries and took in the Alaska coast towns on his way south. He returned from Terrace on Thursday night, where he se- cured several specimens of the kind of mosquito unknown in Prince Rupert. Dr. Dyar did find meowalten. to tere Bane ar Ormes Limited which are the most modest, and (, minion entomologist with whom Dr. Dyar will compare notes on While our stock lasts we will i voroe ro mummers] GIVE AWAY FREE—A BATHING CAP fhe Department of Marine has with every purchase of Rexall Preparations just published a complete list of coast. Copies of the list may be The Boat Rock light at Nakat Bay, Dixon Entrance, which was reported extinguished August 4, Phones 82 and 200 Store P.O. Box 1680 will be relighted as soon as prac- 3rd Avenue and 6th Sireet ticable r supntaneapeneannae * Mrs. A. L, Provtor who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. smith of this city, returned han on the Prinee George. A e e ‘large number of friends were at the boat to see Mrs. Proctor off. ar ar ec C e WATER NOTICE i ‘ LIMITED DIVERSION AND USE. Electric Engineers and Contractors rAKE NOTICE that M. R. Lillico, of We carry a full line of Electric Ranges, Washing Machines, Ottawa, Ont, Whose address is care Wm. log : .. > 2 oe an 4 B. Hood, Atlin, B.C. will apply for & Vacuum Cleaners, Hot Plates, Grills, trons, licence to, take and use four cubic fost Toasters, and Fixtures. t secon f water out of Spruce Creek, . : aa : : nich flows east to wane ead declan tie Estimates furnished on House wiring and Motor installation Pine Creek, about two and one half miles MARINE DEPARTMENT ihe water will be diverted from the treat at & point yebout 150. ft. below | Agents for up on as edved’s sroun Cons a A. Ag Me Regal Gasoline Engines for trolling poses upon the Calder Bench Lease de- Caille Perfection Motors Titan Storage Batteries Non ey. tlydraulic Placer Mining ae Mosier Spark Plug rhis notlee Was posted on the ground | (The Plug that was chosen for the Transatlantic flights? A copy of this notice ‘and an appitcaton| Our service department will help you to plan your rsuant thereto and to the ter Act ° ina pe eu will bp Qiod te tae elnen ae. tan) Lighting Equipment. | A. full line } of Dynamos, Storage Batteries, Switch boards, Conduit, Cable, Water Recorder at Atlin, B, C. ; Objections to the application may be Lamps Searchlights, ete 4 °., : . fied with Be, eaid nat enet ner . =e the Comptroller 0 ater Rights, arila- ment buildings, Vietoria, B. C., within We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat ' 4 tainty cove power oe are 7 of | Storage Batteries charged and repaired (no time lost while ‘ i notice ’ loe ews ly : i = M. K. LILLICO, Applicant, your battery is being charged, we have one at your disposal... ‘ Ottawa, Ont 3 By Wm. B. Hood, Atlin, B.C. Agent. | Third Avenue (opposite Post Office) PHONE 126 f. rhe date of the first publication of this | notice is June 23, 101 nt hy