Ik HA V1 IP 1 Philadelphia 14 7 New York 13 7 , ,St. Louis 13 10 -. Detroit 15 12 .j, Cleveland 11 12 Washington 8 12 mi , , Chicago u. 9 15 , Boaton 7 15 .607 .650 .565 .556 .478 inn .375 ' .318 nrnoMimMATrn' AT NEW MARKET i. NEW MARK F.T. Mhv i5. Lorff - - - - - 'Ifefby'smintef?troCn ffthe New Market stakes of mil id a-quar- ier .today. Mr. JinRs pame. seo- I on and Mldlothiap' a horses ran. id. Seven dtl .FIRST .WRAU.fjH: PL4YED YESTERDAY Superintendent's Office Won i From Station Staff by Score of 11 to 6 i- In the first division of the Canadian National Softball League, game was played yesterday between the superintendent's office and the station staff. The superintendent's office won by 11 to 6. SPORT NOTES . .; At a hotly contetod ball game In Hyder last Sunday' afternoon that went an extra innlnirs Slew RTf Aft nosed out Hjder.an that was ""ou. ine score. was 6-4; vr pitcher's duel all the ya If i - 111 WIC M i Demps Dempsey ATHLETICS IN FIRST PLACE'? Beat Detroit Yesterday, Thus Putting Them Half a Game Ahead of Yanks NEW YORK, May 15. The Athletics went into first place half a game aheacUpf. the rain-idle iYankees yesterdajPby heating Detroit in a game whTfip, left eight pitchers draped on thd ropes . ' Dostan pushed' Cbfcago into a deitdteek vtth Lwjs in the National by shading, Jfiem in 12 innings. Half 4he major, Ielgiachedule was rained o'ut'ystSruay, BASEBALL SCORES National League r i Chicago 5, Boston 6. American League Washington 9, .St Louis 7. Philadelphia 10, Detroit 8. Boston 2, Chicago 6, NATIONAL LEAGUE W 4 XTATX-L v ' V. L Pet Chicago 14 8 .C3C St. Louis ..... 14 8 Philadelphia ...... 9 10 .474 Cincinnati ....I... 10- feiSSy New York 7 1 H) A& Brooklyn 6 15 .286 AMERICAN LEAGUE STANDINGS W. L. Pet. as a I;1 ' 1 L Tt T a n. ka.u t?.. 1.1. J JlWHaHCfeut on July 4 al'tKoTugTi the "t fighters have not yet been an- 'foJkr- Bounced The card will'be staged I f In 4ka Tlnvat'a liniuK.1l Hii.L T. I. 'j v nan iNiin, -jai.lv will referee the mi. in -The Edmonton Commercial "Brads will defend the Underwood International Basketball Trophy j against the Chicago Brownies at j Edmonton on the approaching rpitueday and Monday. The Brownies formerly gave the -Grade a close run. HUSBAND OF STEWART 7" WOMAN SUCCUMRS TO c ro MINE INJURIES "aSfilC! M- 1." .lit T.n,.l.u..r. ...... ,4iB i.uuavui9ciii vii iici way from Stewart to Washington, re- xeived the sad intelligence here iu ssterday of the death of her hus band in an accident in an Alberta coal mine. Mr. Jacobscn for. 1 inerly worked nt Stewart and there 1 are two children. The family registered at the Savoy Hotel. I !f ;r: Horton Smith, the brilliant young Joiilin, Mo., professional, whose playing has been the sen- sation of winter golf in the Uni-; . 4 1 CJA A 1 1 t i f ll ieu oiaies, nas wen leu oix me American Ryder Cup foursome, Ion both sides of the Atlantic, Smith, who is only 20 years old, is seen here fondling some of his Tavonte ClUbS. ! . PROMINENT FIGURES' IN ;;SP0RT Written Especially for the Dally News by the Sports Editor EDHVIU) F. GEEKS Noted Turfman . Edward F. '(Pop) - Geers, fer miivnM.LMu,.. . ,-.-.. a tUM , j olT man ot the frottlm? thrf." tn all patrons o the Grand Circuit l invH i. 1 1U mier reinsman of the liaht w. (vsss world, In addition to his skill an S'i "u.! sece in developing champions tnd, In all around horsenunshin. the scone of his tcnmnli.w.B ! ha. been unparalleled. Not nl ha. he taken several wor7.,r 1889 ai Gevelnd single harness records, both It -u ht Mii h 1iL tretting and paehig but. he has mrSfoLl "S! ten team records in both iTnor of SZJS 4. tlrfsses and held the world's tri- mimrt.. r hMf.t u T h" 1 Plicate team record This Utter u V T" u h,s always achieved hTml .1 -'-ntrol ... . WRESTLING CHAMP Joe Steelier, three times world's heavyweight wrestling shows how he breaks a sack of meal by applying his famous scissors hold. It is just a year since the racket and he really did retire, .the supervision of his brother and training at Omaha. MISS COLLETT THE DAILY NEWS aer f WON AT GOLF ST. ANDREWS. Mny 15. Miss Glenna Collett, United states women's golf champion. erred women championship ty&aj defeating Mrs, J, F. MtilqueWFl, l" Toronto seven up and mx to fiia.v. . iYAlimhmi Mil' Geonre T. Stallings, who died yesterday, was palled the "Miracle Man" of baseball because of his rnatSaBTe because ot Stallings IjfrtC wrr m.1clff so oy me unique M M. the Bo8tn " "vlrM Market Uel Restricted Hcted fyesfn 14; The team was re- mystem he employed In directing be a mstake to eliminate mix-tfs play during the last half of ing aitogether, was the conten-that season k system that car- t, of joseph Bennett, superln- WlA Q I 17 A lVl?F fan tWgh e N'ational UaEUe Pool at Vancouver and Prince " ' Itrla ljljii,0'w:8 lep.nant find then on Rupert. iji8 elevators had not -nfi-. fti, a tfgur sCfaight victory over tampered with the number one ; trie Athletics in the world's ser1 flnd number two grades of wheat MOORETOWN, May 15.-WaI- In 1909 Stallings cvamein the present crop, Mr. Bennett !,r Hagen of United States held ' manager of the New York Van- gaye evidence before a parla. the qualifying leadership of the ke8 aftr -eion in which the raentary committee on agricul-: Yorkshire Evening News thousand c,ub. under Clark Griffith and ture today An output of 75-25, guin.as golf tournament today Norman (Kid) Elberfeld, finished, would be gatufactory Mr. Ben-! when he stored 70 to give him a last. That yefff the Yankees fin- nett tnought. He believed that ifi-hole total of 139. ishetl at "theHiead of the second J the output from the pool's ele- l.eo Diegel and AI Watrous. both j"1! ?Jt 110,he had S I vators at Vancouver and Prince if the United States, were tied .second place with 14p. CRUISER COLOMBO .). i nect uraves irom iw ceiiar . . ; " down baseball machine that the HnnKees were, on me neeis oi,,f miin ai,andoned there REACHES ES1UIiPLT'egrM,d that-the Athletulcs wf MCTORIA, May 15. H. M. S. handicapped by an obstacle that Colombo arrived' at Esquimau ' ability and leadership could not from Btwnuda on Tuesday in overcome internal dissension. It command of Captain C C Dob- wag gald tM Hal Chag6i who son. She will jeaye wjth.II . M. Iater wag drop d from organ,Ied C S. 25 for ancouver on May u ineligible, insti- to j7ne 4 " iKated the movement against Stal- ' i lings in an attempt to satisfy his own ambitions to become mana-N AMINO HIGHWAYS jger. The situation became unbear i able to the Georgian who tossed rin.. i... t.'over the managerial reins in dl.- v viivuiWTU LIMB UtCll made in the naming and number- ing bf moor roads in Canada and in the erection of uniform direction and warning signs and aanger signals. ..Interprftvincial conferehces have been held for the purpose 9f standardising igisns.' signals' anrf 'other nittVfw 'device fhrnnof.nt' nnmlnlnn ' -y . ' . ti-.l'i 1 when he drove Belle' Hamlin. Jus S- tin, o,l , "---- "ea inree Jbreast. a mile m 2:14 to a hih 'T - ee,ed' ?keWe? . ' wagon- """" waB wra January 25. Tn".' -..v. tasviuii iur norses mani- .v wr,y ana ai zu ne , r !!'n,"g reral hor8' ad he moved to Na.hvllTe where he J T v T"""B ",,u .Ka,n' " "V " 'tmf . ,:11U a,,YvneH to anger. PI ANs COMEBACK Joe said he was through with but has now put himself under manager, Tony, and is again Sport Chat Ctinie MackJ4,great Athletics and ittnl Mieinwi. Baseball experts leagues, but again Stallings was ., , igu,t 88 "1,ds&a8on approached 1 An onnortunltv with real bac king came to Stallings when he assumed the management of th Rn.tnn Rravp. in 1913 Durinv the winter preceding that season t, Mn; ko'rn n,.. i.v Inm. Drnau ..OA1tUu 'New Ytyrk ' contractor1. He gave i'Stallings fiil swing in running ; the club with the result that he : duplicaleff his xeat with the Yan-ikees. Boston 4ad finished last 'f6r four seasons, but climbed to ; fifth in Stallings' first year. That ; season Johnny Evers managed the 'Chicago Gobs and 'when he and Owner Charles W. Murphy severed diplomatic relations at the lose of the campaign, Stallings t.i.. i n i n 4i. u.. ,uuuu ""Wiicy iw km uicr me Trojan's contract. Evers, ' it was ....' u ......u j . Hraves. uiico, but uui iw for the mic first nisi half nail ui of u 1014 i.. u i dered about the second division, its natural place, the experts tH u nv Jnlv JUy. ine uraves nr.v.. were at at their their ol old station, last place. Then tinued VJft they into 'W marathon, during which the ves paed all other entries, f00' tht Giants for four straight pennants a"d cloml the Mwu ,n frnt ?th Braves' '.T"" four straight ? ""T victories T,he 0ver the Athletics in the world's rles marked the first time the series had been confined to that number of games. 1 Ken Myers, the lid sky Philadelphia fireman, whoue main ambition is to deeat Joe Wright, holder of the Diamond Sculls, will likely be in Toronto on June 1 to oppose the local star in a special quarter-mile dash, featuring the opening of the new course on the Humber River. In reply to an invitation to compete, Myers, In a letter, stated that he would like to accept, but wasn't sure if he could make the trip. However a despatch was sent later from Philadelphia to the effect that Myers had accepted and that he is quite anxious to try conclusions with the champion before Wright sails for England to defend his titleAYright has been showing better form than ever and he is keen 'to make it two victories Jn a row at Henley-dn-Thames, a feat never accomplished 'bof ore by a Canadian culler. Australia., has -.been strangely quiet regarding that sensational Olympic Games champion, Bobby Pearce, but it is likely that hte Purchaser of western Cana-mond dian Krani egpeclaIly wheatf ,s r ti. a a ZXV CmTe l Sculls event, thus making v, Wright's task harder than ever. Try a Dally News want-ad. It will bring results.,- ' JOE BENNETT FAVORS MIXING GRAIN RUPERT Elevator As OTTAWA. May 15: It would tendent of the Alberta Wheat Kuperi compareu iavorauiy wnn ! the 8tendard at the present time. would be complications at Prince Rupert where the pool has. only one elevator as off-grading would tie up a number of bins until a market could be obtained for them. STOCK QUOTATIONS I (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) The following quotation were did and aiked: Bayview, 34. Big Missouri, 1.35, 1.40. Cork Province, 11, 12. Cotton Belt, Nil, 52. Duthie, 50, 55. George Copper, 6.00, C.75. Georgia River, 30, 32. Goleonda, 1.55, 1.60. Grandview, 41, .42. Independence, 8, 9. Indian, Nil, 5. Inter. Coal & Coke, 44,145. Kootenay Florence, 14, ,15. Kootenay King, 39, 40 L. & L,. 3, 4. Lucky Jim, 12, 14. Mohawk, 4, 5. J Marmot River Gold,' 5, 64. Marmot Metals, 4, 5. jj Nat Sil. G. S., 16H, 19; Noble . Five, 58 60. ' Pend Oreille. C.15, Nil. Pioneer Gold, Nil, 1.50. Premier, 1.70, 1.75. Porter-ldaho, Nil. 52. Rufus-Argenta, 24, 25.: Ruth-Hope, 33, 38. ! Silver Crest, 7, 8. Silverado, Nil, 85. Silversmith, Nil, 18. Snwoflake, 58Vfc, 59. Sunloch, 2.25, 2J0. Terminus, Nil, 5Vt Topley Rlc.hfield, 29, 30. Torie, Nil, 1.60. Wellington, 11, 12. Whitewater, 75, 78. Oils, Calgary Dallas, 2.72, Nil. Federal, 38, 38. ' Great West, 80, Nil. Mercury, 1.68, Nil. ; Mid West, 1.00, Nil. Mill City. 9.45, Nil. . ; ' Model, 97, Nil. " Regent, 81, Nil. Spooner, 3.C5, Nil. Advance, 14.50, 14.90. A. P. Consolidated. 4.80, 4.83. Calmont, 5.20, 5.25. Dalhousie, 4.90, Nil. Devenlsh, U8, 1.39. Fabyon Pete, 10, 10. Home, 22.25, 22.40. Illinois-Alberta, Nil, 1.80. Mayland, 13.00, 13.25. MeDoug.-Segur, Nil, C.25. McLeod, 5.10, 5.25. New McDoug.-Segur, Nil, 3.30. Royallte, Nil, 170.00. Vulcan, Nil, 2.10. Hargal, 2.05, 2.10, Freehold, 1.75, 1.80. I United, 13.90, 4.00. Sterling Pacific, 2.J5, 2.18. Turner Valley, Nil, 1.52. Eastern Stocks Sherritt-Gordon, 8.00, Nil. Noranda, 55.00, Nil. GERMAN MILLERS YISITING CANADA WINNIPEG, May 15.The pos- ., I': "3 iwnsj ui victiiiaiiv Lfviuiiiiiiir a foreseen in a visit of nine German millers, who will arrive here on I Thursday to Investigate local milling facilities and Inspect various grades of Canadian wheat. TORONTO STOCKS' (Courtesy of S. D. Johnston Co.) Hollingvr, ?G.15. Hudson Bay, f 18.05. Nickel, $49.75. Mayland, $18.50. Mandy, $1.0.1. Newbec, 54 18. oranda,- $54.-75: : Western Pete. $G.G5. Sudbury Basin, $8.95. Sherllt Gordon, $3 Teck Hdghes, $9.08. Wednesday, M:c, Your Summer Home Can Look Twice as Attractive Simply cover the walli and ceilings with smooth, tight-fitting sheets of Gyproc Fireproof Wallboard then decorate. Gyproc will also make it cooler on hot days warmer on cold nights. 101 ir Fireproof Wallboard For Sale by Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. r Why don't you eat your way to slimness ? mm Are you one of time feminine person who. over your French pav try and hot sign for a sylphuke figure? rw.li.i. . n.. - 1 chocolate. I flangsrous, sal difficult to maintain. Zl.r: pita bscsus of our natural crinns kr . nrirtr:of fcrtd. bf In, irnvthlnn 'hrwr T-a, 'TZ. down the ouantitv antny of of evavthimi everything, r,. .. i us v fin 1 if- r, csu cakes and ana candy. canav. i irulimr th - uiiJx. ue and surh tlmbr wrecking delfcac Um mineral oil 1 in salad Mineral oiL not b ZZ JZ?Ta .. . jYour meals should conMat IsrRely 0 Ytgt tables fruit jtiirj mUk. Theyiup - ply Important tond value and no diet la safe which icnnret tlui rvmaiv -ut tly are not fsltemng. Of tliese milk is the most important, bctsuae it sunxies at no othtr urwi rmi Ar everything needed for bodily health! growth and activity. You can include ii in your an in various vtyt. A best of bottled mils-sm.-otir, cwm-crtara soup gives you a comfortable , ier soups and ttuces. mart vtlvrty let IteJinz of havinff lunrhMt wi anrtl.. I .n. r,. i..tA Ing ewential food values without tm- penhng your weight Milk should be wed In the m :aration of simple dev Cuitardi blanc mancet and other milk puddingt are ixxiriihinc, and do not threaten Increased poundage. Include It to PIODUCBD IN CANADA it "from HELD BY DETECTIVES IS RELEASED TODAY ! VANCOUVER, May ,,v Ff. . A; Leafe, who was hold 1V ! tiltes for investigation afr,P I band.tii staged a hold up , w Inord's Cala, Granvill.. x ; curly Tuesday morn ing ttas ' luused today. The poli, ,; W(,rfl . ii(l jhu hd no conn. rn.in u 7UAy TlaJu Outwit your wtahn$i for cream with thi$ rich n'dh Fnr ail the milk diihw. I suunI v-JUTauqn- aiim, Because "r uanf it you caii have the flsver 01 ri jmi fa a r ' iou ucn sa ijvetirincf nes from the vt of Camatioo MUX. the purest of whole mJk. vP"a wJible ru mi tna iur- . . r. im.ynKn meant uar we cretii 1.. .1 u.i j: " i ,. " r. ' u" F1' " T f""". eyefy drop bat its douMe ihsrt ct ; wttWrt ha? everything the creamr. cookM nca vr that you ordinanly gtt or.. 7 wth tl generous of butur iDi cream. ! Another way to elude your wWws4 cream tastes UUui of wMpped Car. .tUr, viit..r...,(,. n ian crsams. charlottes and lui & dirfx. In Coffer, too. it rives you ths creaaf nees without the extra catonet. Actually Csmstioa gives more oVB-ciout results in ccoking than eyui tbt puddings and custards. Mcrt than ' that, it it convenient; completely 6 j pendable, never varying in quality, and eitremely economical. Send for free Cook Ucr.k AJ'r Cariwtion Milk lroriiKl Co L toJ. UM Abbott Street. Vancouver, 01 In Your Diet -v. Carnation Milk puro whole milk evaporated double richness sup- filies the nourishment mperative to health, and by its uniformly distributed double cream content makes unnecessary the lavish use of cream and butter. Use for all cooking. Contented Cows fi th lab.! m,an. EVAPORATED MILK 0 hU