flGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, May 15, 1929 tion that is our due, or failing Must Have Roads Sever Tie or this, to sever the ever weakening The Daily News tic that binds us to the south. riUNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA (This excellent article is ineligible That Binds North to South is for the prize because -it Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert is too long Ed.). Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue Opinion of a Stewart Writer II. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION THE NEW PROVINCE 1 I II ill' " p r . 1 1 1 j . & 1 1 i 1 V Subscription rates locatln 01 e."sea or government ana me pre- City delivery, byWn or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance S5.00moncierance 01 population in tne s,uuuierii portion 01 uie For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 province has secured for the south a position which has lis mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, 'been utilized to the fullest extent in forwarding the ad- : 1 ...... -!.. 1 pt ju 111 auvaute ivi yvaiiy pquuu .... . Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion Transient advertising on front page, per inch, ........... Local readers, per insertion, per line Classified advertising, per rflteriion, per w.ord';:;, Or fnur months for -:''ii- B) mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em lis to maintain its unity. pire and Unjted States, paid in advance, per year 6.00 1 it is much to be regretted that By mail .o all other countries, per year 7.50 these conditions exist and unless nave anu we snau not ue nappy unui we get it. aii we or fhe beftsfiaah-W exfted. suggest is that wtfrSne tir ,9laim fqr it, iipt only through wuir vLniteSMjrw- ine 7vssociaitu ioanis. i)ut lnuiviuuanv eanv nexi'A'ear in ntflt ves iifxthenrovineTaraeins time for it to be nrdviqe'd, When the summer service ope'ns. latu re,, pledged to no party, and remans ovinat time wecan.reimorce tne uemana ov au- wllu . i,0,,t Ul,,er u,c flitinnnl infrrmritirn Wn nvo rft nolfinrr fnf farrfa Kiif tereSlS of simply for our rights. SNOW ON. PRAIRIES man or beast or growing things. THE HUMBLE HOUSE WITH -T SWKLL (JARAfiK ns in the Columbus Dispatch COMPETITION ENDS NEXT WEEK if- The t'.uggfstioos for Improving conditions In northern and central British Columbia have mostly been along one line. The building of a highway and the formation of a new province. While' some valuable suggestions have been rnnde, the last word has.tUit been said and there is, still plenty of room lor others. The competition will end definitely on Saturday of next week, after which the articles will be judged. northern and central British Columbia first, last.un evWfctnB time, they would Iei 'afiftrtinn to obtain Thi' iu: , . 1 I ' , . j treatment denied hft the4 man; V 'it.? Wbekfel and towmW'Bimfr TVir w!m atinw nn trip nrntrips vpstnrrlav. Tt. must, ments that KaTe?gine i u ft,t,f tv, ,o nrutnrr nv,;,vnoUn who. even had'theWwiaTied eould llUb uc hiuukiiv, 111a i. kiicic who uinuiiiiL uujc-Liuiiauic , r , more than southern influences snow will fill the purpose just as well as rain. Probably woujd auow it is all gone now. While six inches of snow sounds rather Falling the formation of an winterly, it must be remembered that there has been snow independent party the pledging in Prince Rupert in May without any particular harm to of the present representatives to wont lor me gooa 01 tne norm even at the expense of party affiliations might accomplish results. Or the extension of the movement towards (Mpari might be augmented.thue fofc- I lng on the south tne neflsion i whether to adopt aiiiore gener- of the north or to atiffar thi loaa of ' the greater jxirtlfln 'W the province. " I j In the meantime, individually and through the IHSfdvf "Trade '-.a, and jiublicity oriwUwons,: wider' knowledge of the potential' ities of the north could be made-more generally known, the compilation and publication of in-: formation in regard to mineral lands lying Idle would undoubt edly stimulate prnstwctintf by airplane, now extensively practiced in eastern Canada. Many ! discoveries of mineral by the placer miners in the early days which to them were valueless, to day with these , IfHffllLUM .maJ Tcntfwn.'the redisvWr prospective mines is assured. Scenic Highways Concurrently with the foregoing constant presentation to the government of the needs of the north In roads must bo maintained, with requests basod on soaift. In keeplng-'wjthithat In Xrt8UcjnitheT.outh,vjierS scenlji highwayjuiave done much tp ip eriasqr ritabletouristMVafuc. I The connection of Prince Bup-j ert with the road system of tho province should be made tho! main issue for the peoplo of, northern and central British Co!- umbla to unite on, and a movement started and prosecuted i with vigor until the desired insult hM.hean obtained, with th ; creation of the Province of Cnle donia the alternative. Too long have we stood hat in hand for the meagre doles the a Droaoer mmaea policy man ... . . . , fested the now narrow breach ' , . ... .. ... Wednesday, May 15, 1929 . between the north an.l south is ed to give. The time past when " these httflA THIS SUMMER 300 vancement of the southern area, and the general want of Judge Duhuc to Of flciate in, Mur- 10 tfumtilnlfVA S- -rf fin lift c r n r f Vi a vr nftnf VO no MIUHICUC Ul CI1C JU tCll tlcliitico U. iiuiuimi auu '25 British Columbia, coupled with more or less antagonism .02 to the exploitation of resources outside of the s'outh's im-.15 mediate environments, has brought about conditions that 1.00 must be remedied if the province dcr Case at Aklavik In Arctic EDMONTON. May lffi-Two' Eskimos now being held at "AW?' lavik on criminal charges are to be tried at that far northern point this summer before Judge Dubuc, stipendiary magistrate for thfi nnrlhwpst fprritnri. At- has gont .-,in , i110 ,.i,.,i , f . . I i VV.llli .u VW tivtu . Vf W J JUO. UW icvtiiu AVVVS1VU moo an raa u'Atlll . A . . bound to widen until separation T rrom utUwn' c- Dar,,B wi" suffice, the northern half if of r th. the !u iho . ,,,,,. vn results. ' Throughout the south the gen eral viewpoint which has been ioccudv vantage points en tne The federal government has refused to give a daily British Columbia coast are en-mail during the summer for the district between Edmon- titled to the business derived ton and Prince Rupert. The postmaster-general is not frem the. exploitation of the re-yet convinced of its.necessity or desirability. The Prince f?urce8 1beh,,nd Jthem- and wIllJ Rupert Board of Trade has asked for it again and again. JJ the ranci Individual Boards of Trade at the different towns and m of the 1)rDVjnce wui have villages have asked for it. Edmonton has asked for it begun, and the Associated Boards of Trade for central British independent Members Columbia have asked for it iyAM tJ.:SM& fj'fo' nWMPui Whilo wp vnli7P thf npsirn nf thf nnetmnetpr.rrpnprnl ritorv direallVitflbuLarr-. .AO It to keep down expenses, at the same tirn$Jvtajhink vVff 'are''hou,f.tentf!Sf entitlel to that daily maU. It is not a vital matte? like 15 biic uuiiviiiig wiu ivou) uui iu 10 wiiikLiiui c ouuuiu conditions SB UB ore iaqir , peatit much change province has greater potential J()Seph A c,arke w, be counM, wtraun in uuiivim ana agricm u i un . . . ivi luc avvupm, win forts the whol situation can be custody of the Stewart and the many towns as own hands to force the recogni yet unborn that will some day having The idea seems to have become prevalent here that the largely fostered by one Vancou- .nd wly thTdli- 'T? aPP,nted b' the minir town of Stewart was opposed to the idea of a new prov- ver . newspaper-is that the pro- rim,MtJon exercliwd the adt of Julice-fnce for the north. That fallacy is cleared up today by the v.inee .shouId .be deve,Td on vancement of the north would . A c.harjfc : of m"rd?r has ... - " i Hiia tA I fy maun T na pan. -! mr n(nlnB f llUinn I.a times " greater '- f- c;r"r ""XrV:; tralfcation of all traffic in Van-j.- .. kimq, who is alleged to have muu. oicn man, wnu suoiigiy uxyes wie luimaiiu.i ui C0UPi the fact that the natural " ! killed, another native named 0k- a new province as an alternative to better treatment. We .trnd of traffic is bv the shor- what are we eoinr to do about suk. at nthurt init i.nv sir. ciinrrrncf tliif inufinfl inf anaf A1 in flio mnffot tia rlo tkA a!i.9 lir.:.:-. .i ..ni t . 1 ' ' ! . ' . . . jf 1 i 1 "WHAT A GOVERNMENT' From The Humorist, London, "feb-" ""j,""v- ",;l"v'0"-u " ""' ui iei rouiwo num me iiivcuv. nijin hiujik mr ucuer times un- pijaK win oe inea on a cnarge ; panjr $ leave Kdtnonton for the kenzie Rfver. The trip will take velopment of northern British Columbia Should read the the ea is ignored and in the'der present conditions will mean of infanticide alleged to have far north are being made by the from six week to two months ai'llCie. -5 ,: U.l ! C ' . t -.'., ,QalTJ.lVp oul 01 111,8 i""4"1 l,lc .inat many years must pass Either better treatment or sever the ties is the SUffffes- development of the northern in- fore much advance, can be be- been committed at Demarcation Royal Canadian Mounted Polim. in rnmnlut ex- Point in the Yukon .Territory. It. ia.exiiected that the nartv will Four thousand mllp will i. iinn that pnmno frnm tlin minino- ntrp "nf Pnrr1flnf1rW9Pon economic- lines is rmtm, whereas whereas by by united united ef- ef- Both Both prisoners are now in danai. DAILY MAIL the leave here about June 16 in time covered by the nartv in makinir Royal-Canadian "to take pamage on the first trip this trip to the Arctic, it beinir Vancouver, Prince Rupert,; changed, the power is in our Mounted Police at Aklavik. of the s.s. Distributor after the approximately 2.000 mileR I . .AE-PtKSKrA&rAflA 1 'vii ;t'. fe nlLivil , hiih .. . ... risr7p nii ::::: CALGARY u. ,(4 - ' i.i i ;u i i lilt !' 1 (1( i.ilifl. Ik ' Electrical AmbasslJjgpip ri order to 6crvc the people of Canada from those who live in the largest cities, to those dwelling in remote hamlets the Northern Electric Company have establish xl their direct ambassadors in stratcgio distributingpoints of the Iarninion. J?rom these centres radiate the in fluence, and that personal service which the Northern Electric Com' ' pany desire the public to expert of tiiem. Thece branches, therefore, enable all rarts of the Dominion to share equaUyinthebcnefitstliattheHome Office represents and dispenses. ' ' ' .! E&th brdnch is equlf to render a complete 'sales, merchandising anJ engineering imici. Korfhem Fecrc COMPANY LlMITCD Equipment for Trawmimng Patter and Souni a H ..Is VANCOUVtS 313 Water Street, Vancouver, .CVV n- - - ,' each Arrangements for the judicial break up of the ice in the Mac- way from Edmonton to Aklavik,