V.Yunesday, Jliy 15, 1929 ' , - ; . tjg Local and Personal News In Brief " " " m i : 1 -i : $m I ' 'T, Kodak Time is Here ! Pioneer THIRD AVE. 1 SIXTH ST Well Mannered Service to Motorists. buy noMiNib&riKKS They Arc Good1 Tires S. E. PARKER Limited". FORD DE'ACEIIS Urn SK a 1 J ZTi IrAi SIM ROUND Typical TRIP r UlNMmi .. 7SJW ai-'akv irlanilr . .. Tour ....... via wl f ull I'arllriilam. S l.lmlli, g CITY TICKET Canadian Huy from the merchants is fresh. ' Vty fhavethfeni. fa stock frfm) tfle ,tinyl5r ne to.the'. Clh1 Kodtfk ' fornwrttes." Ceme In and see them. We develop and print pkturee. Dally sendee. LM Drucciits ! -TELEPHONE H',.9nn ! gg We want to make friends and hold them. By courteous service we can win this. Let us take care of your gas, oil-ana greasing needs, utiaranftedl work. We make' a Specialty ot pumpirrgtlre8 for ladies. Let Ur help you today.. 0 it j FARES j MOVTKKAL.. H ; ; W i j Vanfou-r . .......wtliull IaiW ijBD Ed National that advertise. Their stock IMt- ' IS Etc. yOT OFl'ICB ; M o TaxiPhoneM, Big 4 Taxi, tf - : ,-, ,:; . Dentist. Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phones G8C. Mooseheart Ladles' brides, Whist and dance May 28, at 8 :.'. prompt. ' 'Mrs. II. F. Woarmuth h.ix 1' joined' the glimmer relief .nursing , Staff 6t Ihel'Hnic'Kujmri Genera! Hospital. K. McCanell has arrived in the city from Victoria to join the staff of the Forent Uranch here as junior forester. The County Court case of M -Crae vs Hanson has been ad-jouriH'l until tomorrow morning for argument of counsel. Jack Mair, t'.N.R. bagpagc-i matter, 'returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a two weeks' holiday trip to Prince Albert and other prairir ! points. It. L. Mcintosh left on thi-1 morninir's train for TVrrape. ' H'A'v llr' I UtOrknain until the end of tne month, when he wiH leave for a trip to England. Mrs. Mcintosh left for the old country some months ago. C.N.R. Constable G. Gedden who has been stationed for a , r. . x u,m. reuuru-1 e to the city on yesterday f- ternoon's train and 'will resume his duties here Constable E. Martin, who has been relieving i uere, win oe movea eisewnere. - 1 1 The mainUlnance appeal of " . nvvmumsm w mver agaiiw nr Msoano, ,M-r ward JotwMCB. wm coinpH8tedTudVr TSe fi.rvVrnntrv Act Ha. tfor Judge F.McB. YcXmir" Vancouver where she will County.. Court yesterday ''Vtv3mmL-7ar 'wXlit't' brlefvTsIt She will meet .iJ Jlj: j . .. . maoe ior gioMWin w nope, that a recone4littti nsigllt Be brought Uat faeaMVMii the prirt- cipals. ..i ' i . HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert John Sknmn and. W. S. Off, , Stewart; ; Fnnk Taaffe, J. M. Renneit, A. G. Young, D. Gedda and I. C. Bardwell, Vancouver; John Anderson, Arthur Swanson and Ivor Swanson, Anyox; A. F. Priestly. Aiyansh; E. G. Mc-Dride, New Westminster; II. L. 'Mann, Lima, Peru; J. 0. Mac- donald, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. : chief of the city detachment of tons of freight to discharge at Fred T. Salsbury, 8unnyslde Can-r the provincial police In addition Skagway and is not expected nery; George F. Tough. Inver- to his other duties as district here before early tomorrow mor-ness; W. E. Walker, Na. I chief, took ver his municipal ning. ' i, ' ' 1 duties today. Sergeant J. P. M. ?yal ! Hannah, transferred to Vancou; John W. Allen, superintendent H. R, Belloch,., Lam Soveren yv where 'he will take charge of engineer for the Dominion. Flsh-und T. Leek, city; AvClore; Cop' the motor license department, eries, who has been here In con-Ier.Hlver; II. iloward ari C. TI. Pxpcts to Jeve 8unday night for nection with the chartering of Underwood, C.NJt.; .U. II Shel- SOutl, accompanied by Mrs. patrol vesscS for the forthcom-stad, Shames; V. Wilson, SftaUle. Hannah ,aid daughter. , I"? salmoh fishing season, will ' ' I sail tomorrow evening Uy th t Savoy - t prince George on his return to 1 1: L; Isaacson, ftewart; M. Menu- Vancouver. Jttt, 4Vt ,ngtpns B. Ilnrtin and,.JIt At Uonjltf. Central II. Corkill, Premier; J. L. Wallace, A. Dohl, C. Cronduf and J. Skinner,' C.N.R. No Longer Need for Two Pairs of Glasses A. pair of our Kryptok Doub'le-Vibion Lenses contain a Jena for reading with a lens for distance In one and without the unsightly They give perfect vision both for far and near. Iet us demonstrate their advantages. John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS Mrs. J A. Lindsay sailed yes- - y4 " rT'n byihe Catala 'An .... u frit. 4V VnnAnl.M. - v. .i w iouvui, I 1 . I I E. A. ireianu, local opilClSn. I sailed yet,rday afternoon on the Catala for a business trip to Vancouver. wiH hid "a anll'ho uta o If G If r e 74V Avenle We8t Thursday. 3 to 6 ni" n fi Jnhnainn of Inverness ye.terday afternoon on the ICatel fpr a trip to Kleratu. He itt x -i WiaiV ' Wbnc. Won. CbJne. eWel 'rT'.'.1! Ml! I . 'li.. . . ; ert ert Plavejca' PlaaM! Club Club on on Wednesday Wednesday evening al,fiaO -in Elks' Hall. All memhara and fpianda fpi1ia1lv IiwiteZ Noidity program' 112 H. P. f?Mard, arrived1 in. lho CltV On TBKterdaV afternoons tiiin from Wiruiiwg to Join the f;. . VJ .. Starr of t Df UJV.K. City ticket oftlce hN fur tna mmnMir ..W w months. TAKES OVER DUTIES I Staff Sergeant Alex McNeill, appointed pro-tern to the post of I ;; k m. a a m a. a. m a. - - - - . Birthday D1 Tea, it United tt a c Church , ...... ... . , Fast Workers June 17 and 18. t... DaHJ' J - vair nuam. Moose Annual Picnic at Digby; lnno 30. I Gingham Dance to be held at Prince George thli mornIng from Pm f'lomanU'hnm. tlmo In June.;? , ... . ....... - --- Sn l reirw l.uv a bowl K. of C. picnld. Sunday, Julyi8teatne Frince George( U to 4. DigbjjrIsland. come locij manager for the Homft! SCALE OF CHARGES :,-',,-a ' i The following' is the scale i of charges' made' for reading notices: i ! Birth Notices 50c. ! Cards of Thanks, $2. ! Funeral Notices $1. 1 ! Funeral Flowers 10c per name. Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. E. J: Large left on this mtfrft- ing's train for Terrace where he will spend a few days' visit . i ; Mrs. James Arthur and family will sail tomorrow night on the j Prince George for Vancouver. 1 - -f' . ; G. A. Luridie "Will be a passen ger sailing (tomorrow morning on; the Princess, Louise for Vancouver. j Leo Contoli returned to the j city on the Prince George this morning from a trip to VakWou ver. E. E. Gregg, assistant district forester, returned to the city on viiv aiternoon's train from i t-i rjM-t. where ha haa luMan anAti- uing several days in charge of forest fire fighting work. After .having, spent several weeks in the Prince1 Rupert Geh- Hospital where, she under wont an nnorattnn fnr n r.rw n il I . citA Mrg. v. F. Ableson has returned to her home at tie Bes- npr Afutrtmonta: nMr A Tlrrnt rolumoH in the dty on the Prlnce fargJ thig morning morning from Irom Vancouver Vancouver! where he attended a recent Ro tary district convention. Mrs. I ,' .rema!nin Jn the H ior a wnne longer. ... " . . ' 11 "atten, well known Van-: jcouver mining engineer, arrived ,n the clty from the south on the!the city on the Prince George Pr,nee GeorKe this morning be- ,ng on 1,18 ay 10 ine '"war 10; vialt nrnnprtioa fnr wnicn n la consulting engineer. Mrs. John Bulger jr. sailed yes- i-y. afternoon oq tfie CaUla - . . . . i . i l i irom irau wnere ne dm mo a- mvenTron.'" Summer Summer week-end week-end excursion fares from Prince Ttupert to Tef- race and Smithers are new 'In ef- feet Triangle Tour exeurlon Hs lo wauper nr m w nwnton. Calgary and Vancouver Ill -.1- .1.1. 1. I I 'v,,, Boon mic mis nrwwu nam inose lo eastern vttiwuii nuu utc United State, on May 22. ; ! C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise, ICapt. Arthur Slater, southbound from Skagway to Vancouver, is late this trip because of an ex- ceptionally heavy cargo of 800 Mr. andMr(, oiler tef,fllbbi.WWLtt. L .. . nr. wno nave wren " a if w mw- treal and other points In Eastern U) to the c,ty 0 the Prince George this morning. being UCIllK accompanied VVVllipaiici4 by uj their with two v ' " dtu hte who are home for the p . - . summer -acation from their studies in convent at Vancouver. HI- -A f.o T W lnPkoi. tr.rrivVV miituuvc. iu iivc uw 1 niucmc k -m. yt.v..J i formerly second enirineer on the Oil Distributors Ltd. T. A. Clarke, formerly awis- tant district, forester, iiere and now locMeiVsaNeUog Irt 'a, slrnt- lor capacityflrrlyed In pie city on thePrinceGforge. this morn- ing from the south and will spend a holiday here as th guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Col- lison, Sixth Avenue East. . .... . ... . TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I FURNITURE For sale. 1717 Graham Avenur. U4. Budweiser Barley-Malt Syrup is a highly concentrated extract of finest barley one of the most wholesome cereals the earth produces. Its uses for food products are many and varied. It is sold by grocers and dealers everywhere. Ask for it by name. ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS- Budweiser Barley-Malt Syrup George Rorie is leaving tomor- ;row nignt ror Vancouver on a brief visit. Mrs. Fred Stephens arrived In this morning from Seattle. TV vn...t n... I Elks' Flag Day on June 3 will l lane piace ai o:io mis aiiernooni,''"'-i . , L ... in the office of Mayor S. P. Mc - Vi Mordie. Borden Memorial and AnnuraiKtt.yw schools have each noralnattof I - f w ! II. u Mann, who was a mem- ber of the Royal Bank of Canada staff here some years ago and was also located for a time at Burns Lake, arrived in the city mi Jiriuaj nuciuwui wttVi from Montreal and will proceed ....41. . IU ... wain miuiuiiuti mini ''Ai'ij tuiive vjcuimc. iic hviuk i mo. borne at New Westminster on a three months' leavr of absence from Lima, Peru, where he Is now located in the service of the bank. REAL ESTATE FIRMS MERGE McCaffery & Gibbons and Ther Collart Ltd. Amalgamation is Announced Today Amalgamation of the two pio- riMM- brokerage firms of McCaf fery & Gibbons Ltd. and Tke Collart Ltd. into a new firm which will be known as McCaf anOOUIVCWl lOdaV. ill. I . .ucui- , , - . . P'J nt of the new con cern with Ald..Theo Collart sec retary treasurer and managing director and A. A. Easson, as- . , . manager Mrs W. W UMifkr Wright will will fvrvnln remain u- with the com pany whose personnel will be unchanged. The same lines of real estate and all manner of therf ,w, a "P!31 He,,ari ment for mining stocks. , , , , ... r McCaffery & Gibbons Ltd. was " .... CollartLtd. In10 tiip THE WCAI WEATHER prince Rupert Raining, calm; temperature, 45. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 58. Rosswood Cloudy, calm, 58. Aiyansh Light rain, calm, 48, Alice Arm Light rain, calm, 59. Anyox Light rain, calm, 52, Stewart Rain to cloudy, calm, 50. Port Simpson Rain, calm, 44. llay.jiiut Rain, calm, 48. llarelton--Cloudy, eatm, 60. Burns Lake -Cloudy, calm, 50. Smithers Cloudy, calm, 53. BM-117 NEW MAIL SERVICE Under the daily train senicf w fJ tmIIs will arrive from the easU! If I II- 1 1 T- i in luuiiuttv, v euiie.Huuy anu r i i-t 'v .ftai.iin.inE n r n istrhed for th pant MnnHav' ,tSM Wednesday and Saturday morn-Kv - , I '1 j -lun .', - 1 V - ' j-y L H: A' tt3 BUS H ' S Grocerferial irftA FANCY YELLdW NEW ti U0WJf Af'flLES lb 10ci $3.00 BOX 1UART SEALERS, FRASE VALLEY STRAWBERRY JA for 55fi IALKIN'S BF.ST RASPBERRY JAM 4-1 b. tin G5 -LB. BRICKS BUTTER JBBYS APrilfOTS 2s. Tin m 'OST'S BK A.N FLAKES 2 for 25 .1BUVS PfiW.i.Ml Rl-'PE" 2 tins 451S i. C. GRANULATED SUGAR 20 lba $1. WEET JUICY ORANGES 4 dox 75' Bush's Grocerteria PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER Dr Alexander r rilONE 875 BESNER ni-OCK DENTIST LINDSAYS n . IP. 1 orrurm nnn .vnraop vui iui;v u.iu utuiutv Phone 68 pf j Cartage, Warehousing, ana f' Distributing. Team or - f . I Coal, Sand and Gravel riii We Specialize In Piano anaiffE Furniture Moving.