The Wise Mar A The wise man reads the c , ; sificd advertisements and ' . "f them whenever he needs to se. ,v, , or buy, or rent, to find lost goods or to get a job. '; Vol, XX., No. 112 RING menr. oral or otherwise, on which the plaintiff based his claim, and Eted that Harris abandoned the daim3. CANADA GOT $21,259,649 AS WAR PAYMENTS VANCOUVER, May ComnMeifc'ff. thv Commission who 1 easily in Vancouver. i. .NON-RESIDENTS IN I ALASKA PAY $ZbU v 15:- Sas- drain asked , Hugh A. 'SUVerison, manager May May 15.-hle lo. Ciniei . . ,., ,ui.rv. yesterday, whv why VICTORIA. Ju-ficc Morrison reserved judg Co. Ltd.. tnnro shins did. not load at merit in the supremo court action) jrince Rupert, and were in which William Harris of Port! told that most of the ships Angeles claims" 5100,000 form taking grain to the Orient D; mci Llndeborg and others. al-i comblrd lumber and wheat, Ipgedly due him for his share inl an ideal mixture, giving the the 4 i.T)iot revenue tons and fig Missouri mineral claims on they could easily secure car- lmK. lit i ,u. cA...t mtn. . r l. ., n ttvn rvfAi Prt uiiuuii uvlt. ill LlltJ oicnftu i goes irnnfl ni ilirpc w n division Defendants denied any agree TROLLING LICENSE JUNHAU. May 15,-Refore the n,l turned it passed legislation providing for a tax of tro lera.and $250 on .non-resident -i u,-n memorials sent asked for They to Washington. of the : us , of her-has OTTAWA, May 15.-Canada ; tho prohibition fc rpi.,.j V.. rin fnr fert ier or , chicken icea nf n a . .! nr.n I- .nnthop mpmorial tne aias - war oi nu n..". accounts .,.,., to 0 W!.19. actdfding to a statement kan solons requwtfd cowreM fcMed in the house of commons Prohibit the sejiure of seine boats. Vro..J. .. . rl.. i-.. .J nr. for VlOiaHO'l .n '"yy te prime mmiiwr in u.n V, . until the - -r to a request uy n. oi ushhik ,., ot f tne the oi of Kt"vns. ConnrvnHvn. nf Vancou- owned Is found guilty Vfr Centri. fenfn with w Although the official plan;-! are withheld, it is thought that the Federal Trade ( ommission's investigation -into power trust propaganda will be extended to include tne auegea Duying up oz entire country. Forest Fires in the Interior are Cause of Anxiety but Rain is Likely to Aid in Checking Them There have been two rather serious forest fires in Prince Rupert district during the past week, one in the vicinity of Terrace and the other near yyoocicock. ror-tunntelv. efforts of forestry officials, aided by large creW's of fire fighters, have resulted in keeping them out of green timber areas and (hero-was the prospect this morning that rain would soon-bo falling to alleviate the situa- . . . ....... in i. i. j i" i i iu: tion. K. Hi. Alien, uisinci ioresier, issueu uu appeal una mnrrtfaii; to the nublre t exercise particular caution against fire at WTre observed from look-out sta- thia time of haiard before the lions of this district growth of the new vegetation. i patches from Victoria last The fire near Terrace has been 1 nisht stated that British Columbia about threa and a half mile 1 wa facing one or the most dlsas-1 nnrlhivull nf thnl-A nil Snrinir 'troiis forest fire seasons of recent i NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, H. C , WEDNESDAY, MAY 15,1929 IS carriers, nounced the Canadian The four American trolling boats, We, Tecora, Jeanette and May, which were seized, last week by C. G. S. Malas-pina and are being held here pending the opening of trials on charges of illegally using Canadian harbors for fishing bases in contravention of the international treaty, have been moved to Dlghy Island, where they are now in charge of the customs department, which has placed a couple of men in custody of them. Meanwhile, instructions are being awaited from Ottawa as to the course of prosecution, no orders having been re ecived up to this morning. The rren from tiic oats arc in the city awaiting the outcome of the action and the Malas-pina is also still here. CANADA Witt .14 Water Rates Also Will Re Modified to Correspond "The effect of these reductions in rail rates will be some slight modification of all water rates from Fort William and Port Arthur to Montreal and Quebec," said T. R. Enderby, general manager of the Canadian Steamship Lines, In a statement today in connection with the grain carrying reduction announced by railways la the Uited States and Canada. MINISTER OF FINANCE HERE Hon. W. C. Shelly Visiting Gov-eminent Agencies in This Section Creek, the first tributary of the T,JT w nZ7r. ml.laler of KiUumaklum River. It has been vin),Ht pani.i -howed that 133 flnnrP. is in the citv this after- tovering an area of about 500 fjre8 nai already been reported noon making a brief inspection acre in old burn and slash and from different parts of the prov- 0f the government agencies in this was yesterday under control on ince. with the fire hazard in the district. He leaves this after- the limber side. As many,. as.. r7,, northern part ot tne province in-.oon for Stewart and Anyox ana men were employed on Sunday aiid. creasing as a result of warmer will return south on the same Monday under Assistant District Weather. Iboat. While here he visuea ine Forester K. Jl. Gregg In fighting this fire. Some 25 men have been engaged in fighting the fire near Wood cock and were succesful in get ting it trenched before it entered he, grepn timber. Tills cbh-flagratnn covered an area' o) 406 ' " or. BOO acres,,' , ., There have been a few smaller fires In the district, including one near Ilarrett and two in the Ba-bine. Apparently, the fire situation in Prince George district has been more terious than in Prince Rupert. Near ihe border of this dis trict around the headwaters of the I' OF EDINBURGH Sir. HAbert Taktf 1'rincipaUhip 'Scottish University TORONTO, May 15. Sir Robert Falconer announced last night that he declined an offer of the provincial buildings and looked Jover the local situation. ' When seen by The Daily News, Mr. Shellv said he could not spend much time, as he was due home Saturday in Vancouver, and was leaving for tho east early in thp week. He said he would like Falconer Would: Not to have gone through to Smithers but touna nimseu unuuie iu u so. He was asked to stop off here and speak at the Rotary Club tomorrow, but, although a good Ro-tarlan, was unable to be present. Mr. Shelly is accompanied on position of vice-chancellor and the trip by E. D. Johnson, for-prlncipal of the University of merly city treasurer of Prince Edinburgh. He is president of Rupert, now deputy minister of hich he s charged. J Necbnk River twb-or three fireajtho University of Toronto. finance. KING GIVEN WELCOME ON HIS RETURN WINDSOR, May 15 The King came back to this ancient home of Rritish sovereigns today like a conquering hero. All Windsor and the surrounding countryside were out to welcome their monarch. Windsor was decorated as seldom before. The King, accompanied' by the Queen, had a remarkable reception throughout their two and quarter hours' trip from Craigwell House, hear Hog-nor, where the King had spent the months of convalescence. CAPT. RITCHIE DIES 1 VANCOUVER, May 15 The price of wheat here today was SU2. .. Boston Grill LARGE CABARET Special Dinner Thursdays and Saturdays Dancing Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall lor Hire Accommodation fur Private Fartlee PHONE 437 VOR PRICE FIVE CENTS AWFUL HOLOCAUST AT CLEVELAND HOSPITAL Minister of Railways Says to Ship Grain to Vancouver by P.G.E. not Economical While Rupert Open J. C. Brady Pleads For This Port but General iMcRac, Conservative Organizer, Declares Vancouver Is Only Route and Inevitable OTTAWA, May 15. Replying to a query from J. A. Frascr, Conservative member for Caribou, Hon. Charles Dunning, minister of railways, declared it would not be economical to haul grain over the P. G. E. system frcm Prince George to Vancouver while the route to Prince Rupert was available. Construction of a railway outlet for the Peace River country from Mackenzie River to Vancouver through the Peace Pass was advocated in the house of commons yesterday by General McRae, Conservative member for North Vancouver, when the house was in committee o;i a bill to incorporate the Northern Alborta Railway Company. "The economic outlets for this part of the Peace River country is undoubtedly by the Peace Pass, Prince George and Vancouver, and willingly or otherwise, that is the railway which in the development of that great country "lust'bp Pjjg -a- J. C. Brady? fiSscmftrve jnVm&Y 'for SFeena" point eu out the advantages 10 De ueriveu irom uuuiMuiuii m the railway link to the Pacific from the Peace River vi- Prince Rupert. The steamshjp route to the Orient from Prince Rupert is shorter by approximate 500 miles than the distance from any other British Columbia port to the Far East. Apart from the logic of the developmemVof Prince Rupert as a grain port, the government was under certain obligations to protect and assist the Canadian National Railway link from Jasper to Prince Rupert. Mr Brady said he believed that an agreement between the C .N.R. and the C.P.R. would have a retrograde effect where development of the Peace wheat lands was concerned MINING CLAM PIG MISSOURI: Judgment Reserved by Chief Justice Auiey Morrison at Victoria ONE REASON nm NOT SHHTIMi liKrtiiN AT PRIN.CE, HUPKRT "7i HTV U. S. Trade Commission Aroused IN CUSTODY OF CUSTOMS Word Heine Awaited From Ottawa in Matter of Seized Trolling Boats Terrible Scenes ' As Patients Die in a U. S. Hospital Explosicn of Movie Films Causes Fire and Gas Explosion, Poisoning Many, of Patients; 93 Lives Known to Be Lost; Scores Injured CLEVELAND, Ohio, May 15.-.Ninety-thre,e lives are knov.n to have been lost and scores injured in a deadly explosion and fire at Cleveland Clinic Hospital shortly after noon today. Many of the dead were victims of poisonous gases and suffocated in agony. Others died from burns. Mo3t of the victims were patients who were powerless to escape the death they could see approaching them. Others were nurses and doctors. Pedestrians for blocks around dronoed to the sidewalk casDinir. overcome bv eras. 1 he hospital is operated by Dr. George Cnle and is nationally known. The building was a four-storey orick structure. The firemen braved death to rescue patients. Tho in jured and dying were rushed to other hospitals. More than 1UU persons were in the building when the explosions occurred in the X-ray films stored, in the basement Tho bromide gas compound in the films was released in Ulense brown clouds. The. deadly bronriderwhidvrnsout the victims to bleed profusely at the eyes, nose, and mouth. The victims died rapidly at hospitals Vhere thoy were taken before the feverish work ;o'f administering oxygen could progress rapidly enough1. At1 the Mount Sinai hos- MONTREAL, May 15: What- I,lutl wnmu uii iiuui cue ueau wiuuuieu aiuui &i. iu w. two Boston. Mass., napers. Senator G. W. Norris (left) of Nebras ever action is taken by the Unt- J,wu nvuij aiwi me me swneu mi uttupam-o iwu ka, and David I. Walsh (right) of Massachusetts, have been parti- ted States raildoads on the ques-jbeen removed and the fire extinguished. The Scenes 01 colarly outspoken in their condemnation of what they term an ac-;tion of reducing the rates for, the explosion and the fire were ghastly. Some of the pa-tempt on the part of the power trust to influence the press of theflour will be met by Canadian Hents screamed horribly with fright as thev saw the 11 was ouiciai y -deadly gases creep upon them while they lay in bed, help-: today ? Ian Vh National !i nl Railways. iv, , less to move. Many ' screamed , rri with the pain r n, of the awful; uunin as wiey were reuiuvcu. rue aguujr ui uiuae suitivtii ; by the fire died in the aspect of horror of the convulsions of the other patients and nurses who clutched at their : throats and gasped for breath as they suffered the torments of poison gas. GRAF ZEPPELIN 0FFT0MRR0W FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany, May 15. The departure of the Graf Zeppelin for the United States was definitely set today for between 5:30 and 6a.m. central European time tomorrow. AUTHORIZES SLE OF " THE PACIFIC CABLE OTTAWA, May 15. The bill which authorizes the government to enter into an agreement for the sale of the Pacific cable, as well as certain wireless telegraph undertakings, passed the house of commons yesterday. BIRTH NOTICE A son was born to Mr. and . Mrs, J. L. Bremner of Pacific, B.C; at Edmonton, Alta., May 11, VANCOUVER, May 15: Cap- 1929. 112 tain James Kinsley Ritchie, a ' " -veteran of the Cariboo and Yukon rTFTT,"Ti ? TRTr gold rush days, Is dead here,-; rnHtch Nlimnr aged 86. Scotia. He was born in Nova PRICE OF WHEAT Imported direct Aberdeen Joke from the Factory THE GRANITE CITV The Granite City was so called by a Jew who found it hard to live in.