PAGE EIC.nT CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from Prince Kurwrt For VAXC OUVEK. VICTORIA, Snanson I lay, Itutnlalr. Alrrt liar. He. rum day, 3:30 p.m. lor VAM Ol VEK. VICTORIA. Hulrdalf. Alfrt lUv. He., FtMaT midnight For Al.irt; ARM. ANVOX. STKWAIIT, N.MS ItlVKIJ. Mimlav. 8:00 p.m. For I'OKT SIMPSON ANII WALKS M,tXI. Thursdar. n.m. 123 2nd Arrnur It. M. SMITH Agent Prlnrr Kuurrt. II C. Tl rough ticket told to Victoria and Seattle jnd bassme checked through to destination. MB B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES IcAKADlAxT SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT 'PAPIFHV Tu liflcUIWan, WrangelL Juneau and Skagwajr Ma; 1, 11, 33 ToVaiicVie. IktorU ami Seattle May ". 15. Hi X S PIIINCESS KOVAL Oieaii tall. .. Vancouver ni Vlc- ' vNf 10rtm-'rlU :o p ro Agrntf (or ail steasMhlu Line. nr, ' V 0 .QUCHAKD, lil.NBBAL AHCNT 5lrd t . Prince Tlurert. tl C. Pitta 31 Canadian National Qfte Largeii Railway Syfltm in America .... STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailing from PltlNCE KITF.KT for VAVt'fMVKU. Vlr'TWtM R.TTI-i: alHl Intermediate polnti, rarh Thurvda; aiKl Sunday, I9(t p.m. lor ANVOX and STEWART, each Wednesday and Saturday, 4)00 p.m. -lor SOUTH AND hOlTII IJtlKN (HAIILOUK ISl.AM. lorlniglitly PASSKNOF.K TRAINS LEAVE PKIM'K RITI RT Mth MOMIAY. ULIINESIIAV and SVTLKKAV at 11:38 a.m. for PRINCE (lEOItdE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all xlnU Eaatern Canada. Inlted Mate AOENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert- -I'lione 2Gft LOGGING AT HALF THE COST OF HORSES UijTgcr Production Economical Operation CATERPILLAR 1RACT0RS Make Bigger Profits Sole Distributors for I). C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER, H.C. Ilranche: Kelowna, L.C.; Nelson, H.C; Prince George, H.C. SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET 3rd Avenue Phone 765 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. I RAILWAYWAS HIS SUBJECT Knst End Ratepayers Heard Interesting Address Last j Wight, ify G. V. Nic- , of the history of the building! of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway and mentioned such adverse circumstances as the deaths of Sir Charles M. Hays and Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the building of the Panama Canal. He outlined the financial crisis which preceded the amalgamation and the subsequent formation of the Canadian National Railways. Mr. Nickerson mentioned the fact that Canadian National was not in a position like the Canadian Pacific to enter actively into various forms of industrial development. He pointed out the possibilities of the lumbering industry and mentioned the advantages that the southern part of the province had so far enjoyed in. this trade. He thought there were greater possibilities for salmon fishing and packing in this district and elaborated on the potentialities of the mining business, mentioning the effect it might have on Prince Rupert if some large mining company should decide to establish here. Ex.-Ald. ,G. B. Casey presided at the meeting. He was strongly in favor of the Canadian National selling out to the Canadian Pacific. . C.N.R. steamer Prince John, C&pU .E. Mabbs , du in port tomori-flw mothtng-- from Van-couyeV tia 'the Qfieen Charlotte lslaadi and will sail at 8 o'clock Saturday night on her return south over the same route. Sugar ! NOW IS THE TIME TO STOCK UP SUGAR 100s JG.40 SUGAR 50s $3.33 SUGAR 20s $1.35 BULK SUGAR 15 lbs. ...$1.00 BROWN SUGAR 15 lbs. $1.00 SODA BISCUITS Per box 65c SWEET BISCUITS S lbs. $1.00 WESTON'S SODAS--Per tin 45c ASPARAGUS TIPS 3 tins $1.00 GREEN PEAS 7 tine $1.00 HONEY Ontario. 5-lb. tin. 80c Fresh vegetables of all kinds arriving every boat at the lowest prices. FOR A SQUARE DEAL AND MONEY SAVING GO TO Mussallem Grocery Co. Lim'ted 1617-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. O. Box 675. Why Pay More? MEN'S and BOYS' CAPS A great assortment of Men's Hlgh-Grade Caps. Regular $2.75, to clear at $1.25 and $1.45 AI-SO HOYS' CAPS Going at 49c. Montreal Iimrters -i! THIRD AVENUE - - - Looking for a house? There arc some listed in The The Firm That Drought Eastern Daily News classified columns. j Prices to the West TJIE DAILY NEW3 THRILLING DRAMA OF THE I SOUTH SEAS OPENS AT CAPITOL Clonic Itluc Starred in "White Shadows of the Sauth. Seas"; Harry Willis, Ventriloquist, in New Act ( Love, under the tronic moon erim shadows of the DIED HOSPITAL Wa Irishman, 40 Years and Well Known in Mining Camps The death occurred yesterday afternoon at the general hospital of Jerry Ifulvihilf, a resident of Stewart, who had been in the hos-jital for ttte past three months. He was of Irish birth, 40 years of ige, a miner well-known in the nnrthern Amni ' vjl n Htu. i NOTICE the Canadan Cafe, have this day dissolwad partnership and Jung Minn will no longer be responsible for any debts contracted on accouit of the said Canadian ufe after tliis date. '(Signed) JUNG MING. rlnco U,uiert, B.C. May 14, 1JL4 RELIEVED mnn fnntnctip sppnnrv? fnt'-flllllf . ' rr't n 1 - ' i : 1 n-11 111U11CV-11U11UI V (IlllM' luutl iiuintuvv ww-.w.. - -- CM but terrible-a i thrilling drama of a dyinerace.j way situation as it affects the gorgeous, port of Prince Rupert was the These factors all contribute to make V. b. Van Dyke s subject of an interesting address production, "White Shadows in the bouth beas, wnicn 1 n U' Uatn V,n i iL. rv;-l rPV. rnlm r i 5 rrVl f o HitlH-n fVinf la Uj VF. 1 1 tI.IVriVll UtlUI C M'E tUIUtJO 10 lllC VapiiUl illCtlviC lUJUKlll) " H1MV U Section Seven and Eight Rate- human, natural and different. The Metro-Goldwyn-payersV'Association in Rupert Mayer pf0duction soars to a new high level of popular East gymnasium last night. The'. . 1 speaker gave -a 'Waeral. review jintereM. mAUr tW th whit Y till uy iK: una luncit uu i.t...v..j w.v. ..w r.:en, wherever they find their I around the world, brimr QUICKLY . . TLU Pirdr V.felabl. Pill quickly starts Um bile flowing, gently moves the bowels, the poisons pass a war. the sour and acid stomach sweetens, and blllou Des ranlslies. Sick Headache. Indigestion, Uad Breath and Complexion Improve by the gentle action ot thece tin? vegetable laxative pills All PrunHlnu 25r and 75c red jkgs. CARTER'S ETlsPILLS Week-End Specials BLUE RlliBON TEA Mb. i.kft 66c CIARK'S SOUPS Vegetable, ox tail or ea. 6 tins 88c ROWNTItEE'S COCOA 'as. 2 tins BSc NABOB KEI) PLUMS 2'iS. 3 tins 70c DURKEY'S SALAD DRK8SING Bottle 60c MRS. POUTER'S MAYQN-NA1SK--Jar 80c AYLMKU BONELESS CHICKEN Tin 40c GOLDEN CHURN BUTTER :i-lb. brick 51.40 QUA K Kit CHINA OATS I'kK )... 40c SHAKER SALT 2 pkgs 25c BEEKIST HONEY 5-lb. tin 85c UKL MONTE BARTLETT PEARS 2s. .itins: 80c NABOB RED PITTED CHERRIES 2a. 3 tins 80c AYLMKR CRUSHED PINEAPPLES tVt. 3 tins ... ,80c ROYAL CITY APRICOTS 2', js. 3 tin 80c NABOB SLICED PEACHES 2's.s. :tA(os 85c EGGS Frash ftxtraa, 3 doz $1.10; SWKKT OHANGPS dos. 06c1 RIPE ISAM AN AS 3 lbs 50c Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Pioprletor Fifth Street. I'hone 20s ... .. , . ...LI... I! mniTii im nirilVTnn vmn mem a snauow wnicn wnen. irWAKl ill rK thrown over primitive races re- suits in disease, destruction and death for the simple savage. On ' this new but simple theme he h: s woven a screen drama, vio- ; lent and terrible but tragically of Age. ! beautiful. The photography has deservedly been declared the most beautiful scenes of the South Seas ever filmed and due to Director W. S. Van Dyke U story moves rapidly to a dramatic conclusion. Harry C. Willis whose clever and versatile entertaining made such a big hit last night, and Funeral arrangements are irT Monday will offer an . entirely the hands of the B. C. t tonight and Capitol pat takers. rons are assured of another Ideal night's entertainment. C.N.R. steamer Prince George. . ' ICapL Harry Nedden, arrived in ThOHI-;t maI fnTCr Prt at 1116 this morning from Take notice that Jung vi Mfng 171 .. r. and Henry Hoy, proprietors ol r t.'-ii i Ocean Falls and will sail at 1 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart, returning here at 7 '.TO tomorrow evening and sailing south at 10 p.m. 1 b J Clean decks ... so ciesn you could cat your brea' fast off them ... so clean that the looks like a new ship every day. Early In the morning they clean her, thee cheery Cunard Deck Hands ... with ocans of water, with mops and brooms and old fashioned elbow Create. Sail Cunard 1 ......... Bmt Ihrouth TU Cmori Slum P Cc., Lmiied, 6t llaslttt SL W Vancomtr (7W. Aymoir Jftfo-P), or any UtamikipapHt. ww- ejy dalllngi to Eurap from Montreal (and Quebec) CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICE Cebln,Toi,rW71ilr,irblii rvl Third ClMt Tafreahlny Dry mouth and parched throat arc grateful for the refreshing coolness of VVriglcs Spearmint. WrJglcy's whitens teeth, sweetens the mouth, clears the throat and aids digestion, while the act of chewing calms and soothes the. nerv es. WftiGlEYS Vr meal w TONKiJIT 7-9 P.M. Next Sat M::thcc , "Pccial fun.fct rr children by ij. " C. Willis. lite Shadows" IN THE SOUTH SEAS" One of the Picture Sensations of the , VAUDEVILLE HARRY C. WILLIS AND "JERRY" NEWS-COMEDY COMING May McAvoy In "The Terror HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 HAS MOVED to 171 3rd Avenue Easi 0pp. S?an Parker's Garage Heated Storage C ( iV ,-..ui'JL'",- J' DEMAND Rupert Brand'' ippers A ST THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOI)." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lli djds Checked J Prince Rupert. IMi. By modern vaporizing ointment Just rub on SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting-, Workmanship nml Style All Guaranteed UITS STBAM CLIJANBD AND I'RBSSKD Ve Utlivtr to Any Part of tht City. Ling, the Tailor Phono Bin Garden Field Seeds FERTILIZER RULKLKY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Prince Rupert Feed Co. PHONE H8 MILK ill FreHh Pnxtuilzfd tr.i Crcom Daily EARLY DELIVr:HV Throughout the -ltj. VALENTIN DAIRY Teltphnne 6 j1 Representative fur MILLER COURT & CO-Limited Through our wo can make iri..; Hon of buy:nh' a: 1 orders on the Van ' gnry tlrtd Toronto changes;' Closing prices f exchanges postod stock board twit i1 Orders frm ff clients, by wire r i' receive our I"" ' ; tlon. 11 Inhncfnn Colli C10 2nd Avenue 1 n- lrlnre HnvrrU r I 1