PAGE SIX News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Formal Opening of Silver Cup Mill? Owen Lake Property Looking Well; Aerial Service to Mines North of Prince George All the people of Hazelton and New Hazelton were the 'guasts of Manager and Mrs. W. B. Domberg at the formal opening of the concentrating mill on the property last Sunday. Last Tuesday the, first truck load of concentrates was brought down to the railway and hauling will now be continuous unless something unforeseen occurs. The rrn'ne has now been developed to a stage of tonnage production with a reserve of ore in sight to last a long ;4ime and the mill is turning-out 11 lorn of rich concentrates every ern Canadian development corn-day. Success of the Silver Cup rhe aerial base will be "draw attehtWr. -t6 other rich made at Sout, For George and mineral possibilities on Nine Mile not at Summlt Lake which has R. L Gale of Smith- mountain. been f(Jund io be toQ jnconven. the south, recently examined the ' Silver Cup and reported highly on it. dishes, salads, cakes, pastries, tempting desierts and caWles. Yours for: the euune Mail coupon today. ST.CHARL DON WETMORK Of Acadia University, Wolf-ville, N.S., who has just won the " v $100 I.O.D.E. priie for the best Dean R. W. Brock of the facul- one-act play submitted in the .. . nnn a : a. rri 1 ty of science at the University comjieuuun. me Vwy con- There are at present forty-five of British Columbia will have cerns the history or the ram.iy of Laval the name of the firs charge of the mlneraand geolo- men employed at the Owen Lake mine which is under development gical branch of the survey of Bishop of Quebec and is entitled natural which is to be The House of Laval. by Frank II. Taylor and (fuile resources a, community is .being built up made 'thfs summer of that sec- a round the property. Ten feet a tion of the province tributary to future developments are unfold- dr J;beig made in the tunnel the. proposed extension of the ed. w$Hc and' it is expected to do Pacific Great Eastern Railway better when the mechanical muc- into the Peace River district. i . The . Independence mine at tor ireta down to work. Values i btewart has recently struck are being well maintained. " twefve feet of fine ore in the The Power Corporation of tunnel 665 feet underground. The Canada and the Consolidated ore shows principally copper but The Western Canada, Airways Mining & Smelting Co,, both al- there is a strong content of gal-Ltd. has been contracted with lied with the same financial ena and some zinc. Though no by the Ingenika Mines, which is group in Montreal, are apparent- assay returns are yet available, developing the Ferguson proper- ly working hand in hand in the the ore is known to be of com-ty, and the Consolidated Mining matter of mining development on mercial quality. The success of & Smelting Co., to take mining this coast. The proposed develop the Independence is a tribute to supplies tms summer into the ment of the Campbell River the faith and courage of the mining fields north of Prince I power project and the plans for brothers, Sam and Jack Fitzger-George. A. D. (Jruickshank, who a smelter and copper refinery aid, who have stuck by the pro-will take charge of this service, in the Comox district are;, an evi- pcrty for years, the former us-has been at Prince George re- dence of this. A similar under- ually looking after the financing cently making preliminary ar- standing has evidently also been while the latter attended to the r.-ngement and has left for reached between the twd pom- development work. VVirv'?eg from which point he panies' in the Portland Canal ' will fly a super-Kokker plane to' area where Power Corporation Eight. imenlmostly carpenters, Prince George, expecting to ar- has acquired the American Creek have gone up" from Stewart to ! rive there about May 20. His water power, sending in Its crew place the Mountain Boy property first passengers will be ' Robert to make preparations for the es- in a position for the resumption and John. C. McCombes of Mon tablishment of a plant which of operations. They expect to be treal who have been at Prince will supply power to mining; pro, through this .week and, In an-Georgerfor -rme time awaiting .perties which. Consolidated, is de- other..' few days, . the trail from air transport into the Ingenika 'veloping nearby. Possibly, the al- the flat to the mine -will be where they will spend the sum-jliance may have some beneficial cleared and mining operations mer In the interests of an east- effect upon Prince Rupert as, fctarted- , . For That Dash of Cream I MM ' I '1111 II I I 1 1 I I IMS " ' .' wr-g iM-m i- ""Tr-,sTT'1 mii 1 1 is s A Cook Book for You--Free Dozens of tested recipe for delicious creamed soups and sauces, breads, fish Stir in undiluted Borden's St. CH'arlcs Milk for that de-licute cooked-with-cream quality at the! cost of milk. Greum soups, chowders and sauces take on a delicious new and richer flavor. TWo sizes: I t . U ADDHMt iv ;.i . ' : Talli'16 qz.. Small, 6 oz. UttSWEETCHtO EUAPORATEO - B tla ITpt, i 4 scaiw rVUMI laiUa., Ysutwuvr .Pita KliJ mijrt St. Charltt Reitf Book HAMS ,...,M,..,M MILK S THE DAILY, HEV73 mm. M LML The very newest prints, whether they be quiet and conservative or loud and splashy, carry a iwo-Inch border in a darker contrasting 'tone. Sometimes "the" border repeats the urint eft; the fabric or uses an entirely different motif. The model sketched is in black white and green, while the border repeats these colors in a running design. Note the attractive mou-cholr neck, novel fitted hip treatment and circular skirt. Fur on Summer Coats One of the latest styles in tailored summer coats with new fur trimming. Checks nnd . I'ieats Invade the PyJnnia Mode V conn FASHION FANCIES The Summer Suit Is Unllned conceivable style and fabric The Smartest Prints are Bordered ery frjgm ins.sjinpje, sieeveieas dels In cotton fabrics, to the luxurious ensembles of satin and velvet. Belonging to the later class is this smart pyjama ensemble In two shades of blue. The trousers, pleated, are of flag blue crepe, while the sleeveless tuckln Is of French blue. The coat of gingham checked crepe, is of flag blue ton French blue. Tennis Dress Is an Ensemble And now ensembles for tennis. Of silk, cotton or printed crepes, they are attractive and practical. They differ from the costumes designed for sports spectator? in that they have a general all of utility, but they are none the less smart for that. ,i Here is a white linen tennis dress, sleeveless, with a printed linen coat o hip length. The print carries a perdominance of red, and this.ahade.i-ls further, emphasized by the faggottingl on the dress, the monogram and the suede belt. The Casually Assembled Costume Takes Popular Favor If you can achieve harmony in your costume without sacrificing that careless air ho necessary to chic, you won't be criticized. The smart woman, nowadays, builds her ensemble so that it won't look too carefully and Btiltedly matched. For exampTof Here' Is a charming lounging suit in silk crepe with black trousers, yoked and flared at the ankles. The blouse is chartreuse. The average wo? man would wear a chartreuse or black coat ,the smart woman chooses' a bright printed coat that carries both chartreuse and m & ' JMBMmh . 1' I 3 7 ft I mm. 'introducing the he!l8( ;- r or hprin? sii. 111 . . . ! p if: ... ''. U III Here Is one Suits .for summer will be se Ing novelties ,,f(. vcrely tailored, of lightweight the pantie-bl wash fabrics, and unlined for silk, to be won: comfort. v ' It is made in Such a model Is the charmlrg step-in, and tn.r. yellow pique suit sketched here, suits or used It is worn with a pantie-blouse suit at a nn.ri in yellow and white striped tub makes the 11-i silk, that is belted at the waist, does away win The boutonnlere is of yellow and days and is all-.; orange carnations. 2 Here's a Tuckin Won' Stays Put With the .r V-u blouse for fpi sm' snorts ensemble - : li r ...!... ... I.i u tl .1 nil I IU(M .11 VI f " These simple summer dresses gng blouses. T!i' are very attractive in 'igured pantie-shirt. ana materials, ine on , one plain . . t. , ., n the right is dressy with very ...... and ntie thi,t 5t.. one of the newest collars. of Sheer Velvet TTSk . . black, with' 'perhaps a touch of Velvet that Is softer, thinner ojhyellow. "f and lighter than ever, fashions lr . ' most'of the: smart spring and summer evening wraps on dis-GOOD CHILD phy. This fabric is ever smart and too universally becoming to here. It is a i " - 1 . tailored, with a ? A Lovely Summer Evening Wrap rnent which necessary in h" Wl the trick pockets ... i i (nv, IhAir rlfio T.H xt'vtt . . it . i . . . . , .1 IT nftn .ithf-r. Galyak Still Leads InthfR' Fur Smartness . Mother-You were a good girl hnor. J0" The cot skct.-M , , , i- . The model sketched in nlmnlo . ... snd1" . " ' " i io mrow your uanana skins . ,;,r , """r cal or tne trim Lour "" ln smjb: . ,, (,hl. l ldel a ooHlj luxury In th, M wururoue. nun n... i'iuvv. uumi iiu. i' iiul incm in na iwnuv-ufven inrnM wirio nn ir nn nnen ui Drum"- l il..fn onlloioHnn nt "mn t II .... ,i . '. v . . lkn Purl'"' in me niiKV'"' iy"", v" I'wnci ui mv Kcniit'inan silting aoie m many smart arrange- country irom haves." Tiiey are avunnoie m ev- next io me.i iiumor. . ments. L J will be extreme