Hi,, i i i LjI - (1, Af,,y '15, 1920 lore than Half Prince Rupert's Ea ly Pio leers are Now Removed but Many Yet Remain on Job - uc Or ddath has removed since 1914 more than pioneers of Prince Rupert who were registered , yv picture or biography in the ambitious record ' idcnts which was published that year under i V ot the Prince Rupert Pioneers' Association oi' which are now much prized by their posses- , i 2io or. so persons recorded in that volume, at a now dead, ninety have gone away, and many n lost track of, some no doubt being dead, while ...i,: ,i Anjiu. i pes for the future "'n ii .1 1 1 . i t wnicn Drougm ,cara or more ago. i:t are still here; ujfht their fortunes ..lid left the place: ; gathered to their li.tnd of time, it list of some of who figure in the u in, XIJL ..A .fourth, i . first mayoV. v on, third ,ma.yor. jjher...arririBd May, y . Vounfe.' , vhV. arrited 1001 url. lOOd, ... -i. ftee; II. no. T.-nd, 1908. ,,'itrick. 1908. . tcr, rx-mjror, 1007 i. v.m. . .p. 1008. '..ivii, 1808. iv on. 1&08. . . e 1008. v .hi Tuna, 1998. v-x. IW. i '.run :. FMv 10. 1000 .m.. i, Feb. 2. 1007. n. 1007. liTiBi 1908. ,. r, Joty, 1003. n Motrin. 1&89. . kin. 107. I. i:r)iurt, 1 M,,Bunot. 1 'Wone. r j ' ;i . ' j M Rrewn, " n. U Om. Anr. 4, ltOl - M-v IfOD. i'h 11.. :--l. i. lfisBfl. ' f..". ' ,''o-h. N Uohrr ' I K'.HH. 108. Duncan McKenzie. Walter Shaw. II rs. Jessie Jacobs. James Hunter, 1003. F. M. Crosby, July, 1003. J. A. Lindsay, 1D08. A. J. Galland, 1003. Aids S. I). Macdonsld. A. 0. Franks. W. J. HaymonU . E. B. Yager. J. S. Johnson. Mr. J. S. Johnson. It. A. McLeod. Mr. It. A. McLeod. Left the city William Maneon, seeend mayor, now in Vancouver. G. 11. Naden. Victoria. A. A. Mclntyre, member of f'rxt council. W. P. Lynch, member of first council. Hon. V. W. Smith, member of ' f f rt eoundl, Edmonton . A. H. Borrow, member of first cownell. .1. T r!. WHlinnis. Vancouver. Ci. W. Morrow. Vancouver. Thomas R. Miitlard, ex-alder man. , f . W. Kelly, John U. Heatfie, Ontario. W. 8 fUementa. Victoria. '. K. Mi'TvfleM Vancouver. K. A . Won4a. Vaneeurer. L. J. Conkejr. i n--r IfV. Trail . , Anfow Arbcrir. Seattle. MM. Kathtra Hnn!if, CW i ... i ' . . . . j - t-' r. l Tre. 1 Jl 1UW. QobC. f A. B. WIHUms. " - '.Hnu Joseph Howe,, Ixndon, 'rlnnrt. 190. . land. r,,ifnrt tw.'100Qt,.,.. ,. it. Wright. ' r. . tffrnh, j O. C. Loop. Bllltham. OriHt Thorburn. Emk- II. H. Bibintea, Victoria. . W. R. Morrispn. R. It McOonald. Vancouver. f: C. Wenson. W n. Ketr, Kraneois Lake. William Stephen. Henrge Wynne. Johr. Wynne. Anjrwx. a'ic Yule, Moataea. William II Cook. C. J. Omintham, Victoria. H- D. Robinson, New Weet-miattr. O. W. Peck. V.C., Sid ney, V.I. Jnaea H. Rwrers. Skafwny. W. P. Lrneh. wt-aWerman. P. R. r Brown, Teits. ' James Stewart. Mr. John O'Brien. MI PVTION OF LOYALISTS COMMEMORATED BY C ANADIAN MOMMENT i 1 riot.-iblc monnmt.. . und.'d to .-omm. moral- (how L.yull.su who r .:d 1 fowifo th.-ir l.nusn ui-1 Dr.nrd the trek U idu n tho early days, has just (ntroal enroute to Hiim.ltqn, Ont., where it will be ,, ,u King George bv an electric current from the Old Coun-'"lument, tho figures o' whicb are eight feet hih, is , 1 Hm seven famous Mf.rch brothers in Kent, Eng.. w" ' the gigantic Canadian Nation-n"p ,,W engaged in finishing "mo ial which will be erected on Parliament Hill. Ottawa. S. J. Kennedy; David Allen. H. M. Mcintosh. Arthur Bailey, Victoria. Fred Shaw, Los Angeles. A. Nicholson. Frank Knott. Sol Musaallem, Tort Haney. W. T. McFarla Mra. N. E. Anderson. J. W. Dean. George Bernstein. J. H. Nuttall. 51. E. Dansereau. Matthew Murray. J. E. Gllmoret Vicforia,, Daniel Cameron, , " '" ' Friink Kelly: Alfred Gendron. H. H. Hoffman. Mason Ramsay. II. W. Tooker, Victoria. J. N. Home. A. P. Home. Mrs. Arthur Cuthbert. William McLeod. Harry Brlggs. M. S. Ford. E. Van Gastel. Edward Chyber, Germany. D. M. Peyton, California. R. M. Higgs. Charles Hahn, W. G. Dennis, California. J. B. Roerig, Chicago.' Donald ' McLeod, Vancouver. Alfred Hnlligan. Gustave Hansen. W. B. Harper, Duncan, V.!.' THE' DAILY NEWS FAGE FTVB C. A. Vaughan. Fred Button, United States. J. II. Knouse. C. R. Cocks, Port Essington. The pioneer dead-John Knox, founder of Knox- : 'improvements being made to' , .,j. l ' are founder of the John Houston, .. 0, . u.i the Stewart General M. II. lf,,t. v.U.KirA!K...... :.l juagnus ijoiquisi, iaiiiurnia" y A'f siouiey, menioer oi iirst funcil. S. II. Hlld, ; n- t n Urn w . via council. . ,,.,( David Hunt'II 'Reddle. Alfred J.' Morris. Chief W. H . Vickers. C, E. Burgess. " , C. E. Burgess. , R. A. Stalker,. Mrs. Oiler Be-sner' M.M.Wells,. Athol Fraer. R. J. D. Smith, ex-alderman John O'Brien. J. L. Mitchell. Mrs. George Leek. F. N. Cl'fton. 1- Amadee Roberge. ! John Sudeni 1: Lockle MeDdnald. E. II. Maynard. Henry Cameron. Peter' Black. ' F. M. Davis'. -A. B. 'Ruwell. A. C' Little. NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. HURNS LAKE take all kinds of fur-bearing anU; , mais and ho.d them without in A school has been opened at Col- jury. ' I Jeymount with Miss Clare Tervo as teacher. j n, and-Mr. Badsero retumpd u ' to the city lask week after an ex- Miss Mona Peterson has been , n.iifnmt. t,v cestful In bringing In hybrid tea; -The sirrA howas realized and rerootHant rows safely n Monday night at a benefit through the winfer here. IddDce for Mrs. Smasslet w.iose 7 ihuabn4 has been invalided for A general mcetinir of the Burns some time. i Lake and D&trlel Board of Trade , i was heiu in me uwnraoim? last evening. H. Donalrtson is .aeveiortjng a: .r atlraittiirA iranlnn . (HI the or rail iwk of the Royal Bank of? Canada here. - Extensive 'InteriorilleraUens and renovations to the Omineca hMe' here are now being com pleted. H. Stein- of Colleymounf ha been "spewnng a few days here before pr.oeeding to the coast, where h will spend the summer engaged in fishing. Emery Do, ly In leresiKFTniH n, who was former cols Lk exbet Met from Mekiee dufininthe oom- ' s. V nir summer. Mr. ua'son.., was marrletl not long go to a snoriin of ono nf the oldest Spanish families in Mexico. It will bo three months before M'ss Grnce Duffell, R.N.. matron of the local hospia'. who recently underwent an onerjition at Haiel- ton. win be aole to resume ner duties here. PRINCE fiKOUGE Provincial rosid work through out this district will be well un der way this week. The Giscome road is to be resurfaced and there will be improvements on the Cariboo highway. C. R, Crysdale,' engineer in charge, of thjj general . reconais-sancc of the natural resources tributary to the Pacific Great Eastern Railway, ;hasheen pei-ding a fei. das In Prince George. J Vic Engstrom caught n char in Cluculz Lake which tipped tho scale at twenty J'ounds,. four ' " " ounces. The Indies' Aid ot Knox United Church held a successful tea and sale of homo rooking on Saturday afternoon at Miss 'A. E, Horwood's store. Aiwanner Anaerson wasiinea. .fK0 wnd costs recently bH'KUi MadAtrate N. P. MorinHi drivQig his car to the lommorii danger. 1 ' 1 ' v ALICE ARM Provincial Constable William Smith of Anyox has' been a vis- j itor in town during, me past weeK on official duties. . ' M, Santel returned to town last, week after, having spent several weeks visiting in Prince Rupert. Ketchikan and Juneau. FT l 1 1 1 1 nWhWFran-i mere as a large aVlcnu?ni:-'to vfwftMijfc.t I vert fwMful dance which In war held last Friday evening rT. W. Falconer's hall. . ; Charles Lee has left for the Nans valley, where he will hav charge of road work for the provincial department of public works. E. G. McBride, inspector of beer parlors, has been a-vlsltor here recently oh official STEWART, . " Rov. Father Hammond of Prince Rupert conducted' a spe- 'cful "Forty Hours" devotional i service in the local Roman Catho-( lie Church at the end of the week. I A highly successful mThstrel show was held here last Friday (and Saturday evening. There was a very large attendance. The af- 'fair was under the auspices of the Canadian Legion. The United States government has appropriated $147,000 to be used in the. completion of the final section of the Texas iCj;cekt highway connecting with" the Canadian road to Premier. I I Mr. and Mrs. George A. Fraser, left last week for a trip to Van couver and Victoria. Chnrlos Gesekus, a German A snowsllde Jpn the Torfer Swiss who is fnrmlng In the l.'.ilv; Hill last Wednesday' af-Beaverley district, has patented tarnoon carried away most of the n new form of trap which will smnll temporary tram line, scat- tering towers In all directions,! ' Jack Rennie ha eighteen horses packing supplies and building' material for the permanent tram.'i i Considerable alterations and Hospital. ii mtn '7M Bryant arrived' here last, Ijjimenxber of Hrsthweek. and is,, reopening the assay hi i . .. Most Rev. Archbishop F. H DuVernet.' . Capt. E. CJ McGoskrie. Kenneth Mqnrq. j D. W. Morrlssey, ex-alderman r ' ' ' Till r. .1. jiai, recK. ,.,(,., on ice, at tne Dunwn mine, ills, arrival is welcomed by owners of mining property in that region. : The death occurred recently of Mrs. Mary Alice Ives, mother of II. H.' Ives of Hyder. She had 'resided , atiiHyder for six; .year, Other sons 'are C. G. Ives and, R. H. Ives. . r' -W Pimples' Cleared A Ends Irritation vmnmmmi service Automotive Rash Healed IT Expels Eczema In our Automotive Departments we carry large and varied, stocks of supplies, replacement parts and garage equipment. Garages, Repair Shops and owners of But and Truck fleets arc assured of an excellent service in parts and supplies, such as Spark Plugs, Chains, Fire Extinguishers, Wrench Sets, Brake Linings, Pistons, Rings, Pins and Bearings, Ignition and Battery Cable, Gaskets, Carburetors, Alcmite Fittings, etc., as well as complete equipment for repairs and maintenance, including Cranes, Tire Changers, Presses, Spraying Outfits, Hoists, Test Stands, Air Compressors, etc, To ensure the steady and economical flow of power from drive to jt&chine, tirouer shafting, hangers, bear- , ings, pulleys and Mtt arc rssenti&l, and here, you.jWUl, u find Gratoa & JCnijht, Lcathtr and ?)icVs'Balata Belting,,;, i j Fairbanks Wood Pulleys. Barry 3tcel Split Pulleys, Hyatt Roller Bearings, as well as all the numerous appliances nccessry id the transmission of power. .' les Concrete mixers and carts, wheelbarrows, hoists, shoveli, brick and concrete block machines, rock crushers, tools and supplies for contractors, as well as a wide range of railway yard and shop equipment such as jacks, hand, push and motor car3, trucks of many sorts, stand pipes, car mover., ttc. F-Mo Fatos?y asad For practically tvery trucking purpose you can obtain a Fairbanks-Morse. Truck, of steel or wood, with iron, fibre or rubber tired wheels, either from our large stocks, or built to order for special service. They are sturdy to stand rough work, and yet are easy to handle and easy on floors. Hospital equipment, casters and replacement parts carried in stock, Yale ItoasSs For practically every job of lifting and moving material raw, in process or completed there's a Yale Unit that will do the work quickly, easily and safely. There are many Yale Hoists both hand and electric powered, Yale overhead trolleys carry big loads quietly and easily, and Yale Electric Trucks and Trailers arc quick to transfer material. Yale margins of safety are unusual, and Yale controls are simple, safe and easy to operate. Let us study your material moving problems in many cases our engineers have made real savings with Yale equipment. ir In our thirteen Branches you will find stocks of mechanical equipment snd shop supplies that for variety and quantity are unequaled in Canada. Aside from the many lines made by us, we have been selected to represent many of the world's outstanding makers of machine tools, machinery, equipment and supplies. Our general catalogue shows clearly how wide a service we provide for Canadian industry, n copy wiu oe maucu wuuuui vuiige. r7ie CANADIAN E J J CO MPANY-imited FKJOHN QUEDEC MONTREAL OTTAWA TORONTO WINDSOR WINNIPEG: REGINA SASKATOON CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER VICTORIA