4- i m js-sssan -the millions." whom fate chose to take down iyour reminiscences. Mine has been Tftere was a Knoc aiine nnnr. thg most uncventful life you could Mrgen entered with a tray. Miss pjy imaRine. There has been Brown stood up and reached out,no slngle lncldent in it, no ro-"L., ,. 'mance. nothing but plain every- .Noy?.uJl?nt,..c.?e cwB!day evistence. and yours-how claimed , , hastily. ' Stay and l sharej amaz, , , t have never been so my meal, Miss Brown. We haven i t carried out of myself as when I poured it out. Then he rang the bell. "A car for Miss Brown in ten minutes," he directed, "protected. You understand. You will have to ring up XYO through our own ex- Sr?!aughW as the door closed, "Forgive me," she begged, "but I havo been such a simple person all mv life a lawyer's daughter In a quiet village, a nursery governess, a typist, without a spice of romance or adventure in her life. And now 'a car for Miss Brown protected!"' ' He smiled thouehtfully. "You may find," he warned her. "that you may never be able altogether to step back Into that simple life' Tomorrow, when we know Just how we stand, we must talk seriously. Tonight, now in fact, l want you to go away, some one is coming to see me whom you might Drobablv recognize, and who would prefer not to be seen here." She rose to ner reet: He neipea her on with her mackintosh a little awkwardly, and after looking round the room In vain for a mirror she put on her hat as well as she could under the circumstances. He handed her over to Mergen. "You will be safely escorted home." he said. "Tomorrow morning all that vou have to do Is be at the bartk the moment the clock has struck 10. The car to take you there will be outside your home ai 10 minutes to the hour The remainder of the responsibility will be mine." He held out his hand, and Miss Brown placed hers in It timidly. 'we part mends?' 'he asked. with a sudden, transforming smile I hone so, she answered fer vently. "I am very proud to think so." Suddenly, to her Immense sur prise, he raised her fingers to his Hds. Miss Brown hurried out to the elevator with flushed cheeks. Malakoff Again At precisely the hour when Miss Brown descended from the upper flights of the great building In Whitehall and entered the automobile which was to convey her safely to Shepherd's Market, Mala- koir. lor tne secona time in tne day. gazed urxm caviare. He was linisnea our conversation yei.. in nnnn,it tn L.nv. m, nnii. - niu ,iniimiii have you sent home later. What.,n my han(iand y'w began to funds, and with an agenda , which For Real Comfort get a "Silent Night" Mattress Spring-Filled (Nachman) Such comfbrt and luxury as is built into these mattresses has seldom been found in any other. Just imagine! Four hundred and eightyfour inch springs in each mattress. No sagging! The well padded springs give to the weight of the body and induce a restful ncss that is soothing and satisfying. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER OF 20 OF THESE SPLENDID "Silent Night" Mattresses at the Special Price of $23.50 SOLD EXCLUSIVELY IN PRINCE RUPERT BY Geo. J. Dawes r FEDERAL BLOCK Mione Black 120 Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY HEWS Wednesday, Nuwrn., PAGE FOUR liil I K?OTIHEOraH on Copyright, 1927. by E. Phillips Oppenhelm 1Nt1AU ivstaimenT XXII. ' confided. "I was trying to get away from the main streets and find a "I'm pretty well sure of it," he ta&" arent easllv easuy frlehtened IrlSmene(. answered. "They're showing tansl , Jol,,( fvcrywnere oi con. " u MJ should have been terrified of rnnvlncfd that they've got hold of what they look upon as my death-bed revelations, and those letters, thev'll be giving themselves away all the time." "It all seems very auncuii, you half an hour ago if I hadn't Been so angry. "I was a brute." he admitted. "I don't often lose my self-control, though. I'm ashamed to have done it before you. I was at a disadvarf Miss Brown mused, "to a practical tage. remember. The only women Derson like myself. For Instance. 1 1 see anything of .nowadays are how did you manage about death; the women I make use of abroad certificates and that sort of thing., and one or two in England of the and how did you contrive to es-isame class. I suppose that preju-can any inauiry about the man, dices me against the sex. I hate yw kitted that night?" ,Ple. although I am a spy myself. Some of these women, esoeclally ..it? Ha; a iump hcln frZ6t Authorities naturallv" those I make use of in England-ftSJiSMtha Be 1 have a ,lst of them somewhere SSL'Si VXembXnd ,wl their .husbands, their best ZV rtSSRi-their lovers, for a If things turn out as I hope I'll . P"1 necklace piece the whole story together for "There are plenty of men with you one day " I ,ne ramff laclc principle," Miss thVtrafflc from across the Bridge bribes. Have you never byw mar- westward. -S at all " ia wife like you can from your that." he went f,r,e"ds' a?d sometimes I've had to "I like to hear ; on. "sSSetfmcYwhen one's a little o for a vear a n tlmj j JZzLa i'. n.nrw onA un't : It is very strange, she re flee- working for them "17 Married?" he scoffed. "Not likely! You cant disappear from is mere, Mergen weave- that amazinei storv. There red "Some more plates and things, Dewier, ordered and terrible things. Oh," she cried. IOr VOU. MUSS PIUWU, I WUllUCl nm nrnn, kn.otV. w.., fin. wnnt mnrip vnn wander Into Lorn- ' bertaon Sauare that foggy night, "I was a little frightened," she THE PAIN OF "Fruit.a.tives" Rid Him of Trouble of Long Standing A sufferer from rbeumtusm for yean, Mr. S. Floyd, Nanaimo, B.C, toned to "Fruit a-tlves". He writes; "la hnt I hW nZ,L TnA.tl.w' rockd Ukt a dunn." Do you have the terrible agonizing palni of rheumatism can't work, cant sleep, torture all the time? "Fruit--tivel will five you relief just as it has helped thousands of others. No more pain for the rest of your days 1 Get a box to-day. Sold at all drugS&s, gers!" "There's a ereat deal." he mus one of six men dining together in a orivate dining room above a cafe in Sharesbury avenue si men who together comprised what was known as the Action ComBU tee or tne Aavanceo wominunjs; Party, revolutionaries all u them. was never put op paper.,'. "A whole chicken lor one tnmg,.waa dram' m tne 7ery ' setting I Thev were all men with a secret sir." the man retuied Dlenty lor ,,,, i, j j . n.u i , V ,y.ia nrl 'uul wuuuu, mr ucau moil ucimiu aillulUUli tu urtuiuc jvuucopicj 1 ca ;,n u tne screen, ana men me wonaer or the revolution to which they oi tne tnmgs you spose aDoui. 1 were piedgea. sworn enemies or felt one moment as though I were ,all manner of compromise, out to ine7.?i5w .JSriL ih rhnir;'cafe ln sme cltv whose n&m even'and fire. If necessary. tiTi' . JF" iM.-iSSsf' IX ' had neY?r . heard of before, . . and I One - was Malakoff himself, the 1 rm mm Mr Arf IhA n IP If On I .11. - 1 ..w.iT" .,h.TaV arkPd m aw wehlng you fighting for Continental agent; another wasi WL.i mm i,PaJ ! your. Ufe. all turmoil jind color and Bretskopf. the firebrand of Bar-1 h , theybegan their meal, the wheel bustief and danger, beautiful thlnes , celona. a mancrfizv with the. hist I rortress in wnuenaii wun an oi-i..T hnvft hn arhtnt) sn tn st lt flcially dead man Queei company lall on paperiot0 see the for destruction, whose brain wasi always in a state of fury. 'tot whom logic and common sense were pap for the babes, whose speeehmaklng had become ln these days nothing but tirades of .bloodshed; then ed, which will only be academical- there was Pennington, for all his ly useful now. My Egyptian mis- suave manners many times more slon. for instance. Things hive dangerous, eloquent, a link be-slmmered down there. Those other tween his party and the Socialists; PHP! IMATIQM ! troubles.' 'he went on. leaning over I Noel Frankland, an ex -officio rvnbviwi4i iiwi a ,toward the box of cigarettes, and! member of this committee, whose helping himself. "Syria. Mesopo-' very existence ne wouia onen aeny tamla, Shanghai, seem only local I In the House of Commons; Thorn-when one has peered for a moment i ton. an ex-soldier, who had fought into the abyss "and realized the valiantly ln the war, come out of great cataclysm which might come, it with a grievance, and who was I have told them at the Foreign now the pioneer of treason in the Office," he went on. speaking al-!same ranks where he had once most as much to himself as to! been a hero, and Pritchard, sec-her, "to count on me no more lniretary of the Seamen's Union, a the Orient. I took up this other; thin, cadaverous - looking man, job twelve months ago a little with a mass of fair hair and an skentlcallv It didn't reallv lntpr-! Inexhaustible gift of words. est me. Now I know It's tremen-l Malakoff attacked his caviare dous. I was like all the other with appetite. Dconle before. I didn't believe in "Twice in one day!" he murmur the seriousness of the movement." i ed. "We live indeed we live! I Thev had f Inished their dinner. ! lunched with the lady who deigns He made coffee in a little pot and ' to bestow upon me just now a HEADACHE RELIEVED . . . QUICKLY ni tuAj vium rii guickiy corrects tne digestive .disturb -J IC1I1W I CV illt 111- tcBtinsl Doisons. and sick hefldache quickly disappears. Vour whole sys- j tem enjoys a ionic eneci, consupa-Uon vanishes, and you feel a renewed vigor. Avoid bromides and dope, they are depressing and harmful. All Druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. GARTER'S Hui PILLS passing preference, and for England her food was wonderful. However. I eat too much, if I were not possessed of such a wealth of energy it would affect my music-hot that anything could really do that. The artist in me would live and triumph even If my body grew coarse." Bretskopf. pale and heavy, with light-colored hair, scowled across the table. "You people over here weary me," he said. "In our councils, even our daily life at Barcelona, we have but one thought the work. Here you with your music, and Pennlnntm with his golf and society. Pritchard and Frankland with thoir women why. one wonder how we progress at all!" There was never a revolution without women," Frankland murmured. "There's too much eating and drinking and talk, to my mind," Thornton pronounced sullenly. wno wants to sit aown ana 1111 his stomach In times like these?" Malakoff puabed away his emp ty nlatc and sipped his wine "No man fights the worse or thlxikj the worse for being well fed." he declared. "You. my friend. Thornton, are a hard worker, you are very much in earnest, but you are too gloomy.' ' Thornton looked up with a dan gerous slitter ln his eyes. He had eaten and drunk sparingly and he had taken no part in the conver sation. I am doing my lob," he said, a little somberly. "Last night, while you all slept in your b?ds. I was round Camberley, Farnham and Wcking way. I pinned a thousand of our latest messages on tne; trunks of trees all round the caps a thousand, mind you, and I'm doing something Of the-sort! every day I Thornton .ex-sergeant in theiGUattl,tV.C.!D6 Vh' now what would happen to. me. if. i were: round? uow street urst. Then the military would ask for me court-martial, all over in ten minutes, muffled drums and a volley. I've seen it happen to others pretty often during the war. You fellows aren't taking on much of that sort of thing." . "I'm not so sure." Malakoff obi served, pouring hjmielr'crut some wine, "ir Resetter naai jivecr an bthfr twenty-foiir1 hours, or If his 1 I ' V. .1 1 lui i u nil itJBtiicu jjuwiiiug street I fancy it tyould have been Bow street for some of us." "Colonel Dssiter was the most dangerous man to our cause who ever worked for the government. Pritchard declared. "Somehow . or other he got underneath. Lucky for us mat tiroogner stucK to nun, though he paid for lt with his life, AAil vitap. Malakoff nodded gloomily. "I ought to know all about Des-slter ." he remarked. "Every one of our continental branches was in a panic. He virtually ruined our great coup ln Bucharest, and Rome nearly closed down." "Desatter was tne worst enemy our cause has ever known," Pennington declared, leaning back ln his chair. "Personally, although we have done everything that is pos sible through this branch, I can't feel that we shall be out of the wood until we have that notebook ln our possession." (To Be Continued Tomorrow) Moose Win Over Eagles Cribbage In a postponed Cribbage League same lost night, the Moose beat the Eagles by a score of 14 to 13. The standing as a result of this match Is as follows: Grotto P. Rupert I C. N. It. A. I. O. O. F. . New Empress .. K. of Columbus Seal Cqve Orange Lodge For Agst. Pts. .128 88 128 .118 08 118 .111 105 111 .109 107 109 .108 110 100 ...113 103 113 ... 99 117 D9 ... 99 11T 99 ... 90 120 SO ... 90 120 00 .107 109 107 Sport Chat A Billiard eague has Just been formed In Anyox and promises to be considerable of an attraction hnth fnr nlavers and SDectators. The executive Uicjuuea mi. rcmuis as president and Mr. Armstrong as secretary with one representative fmm pnrh of four teams which are already entered. Play will start as soon as organization of the teams has been completed. Prospects for organized basket' hall in Anvox this winter are brighter. Recently Norton Young attracted a number of players to the gymnasium wnere an entnusi astie workout was held and a scratch game played. It Is likely that a few exhibition games will be played In order to help, the players to get into Biriuu ueiun? me otiic ' dule ia drawn up. ELKS LOSE TO PLAYERS Senior Match Feature of Last Night's Basketball Fixtures A keenly contested senior game ln which Players' Club defeated Elks 31 to 24 was the feature of last night's basketball flxfures at the Exhibition Hall. The dramatists overcame a first half lead of the Elks 15 to 9 ln orde rto win out'. It was an Interesting match for the falr-stzed crowd of fans ln attendance. It. B. Skinner refereed and the Individual scoring was as follows: Elks W. Lamble. 1; V. Moore; II. Macdonald, 6; W. Mitchell. 11; O. Mitchell: Dr. Qosse, 2;.M. Bud-inlch, 4; total. 24. Players' Club A. Mitchell. 9; V. Meagher, 4; D. Frlzzell. 3; Smith, 11; H. Hellbroner; T. Kel- sey, 5; total, 31. C. N. It. vs. Navy The Intermediate League game of CNJl. vs. Navy was a rough af- lair, tne railway men winning 20 to IS, Half time score was 13 to 12 for the C.N.R. boys who did most of the scoring In the second half. CvNJl. J. Comadlna. 8; W. Harold, 5; H. Skattebol. 1; J. McKay, 10; F. Cameron, 2; total, 23. Navy C. Nelson, 4; O. Shenton; J. McPhee; f. Macdonald; a. Howe, 6; J. Pierce. (J; total, 10. Big Four vs. Bankers Big Four took a heavy 26 to 7 lead in the first half over the Bankers, this tending to make the game uninteresting to the fans. However. Bankers made a great comeback in the second period but lost out on the short end of a 39 to 29 score. George Mitchell ref-ereed this as well as the first Intermediate match- Big Four J. McNulty. 12; E. Smith. 4; A. Cross, 13; P. Stalker, 6; F. Dlngwell; B. Stalker, 4: total. 39. Bankers Harold Macdonald. 15; E. Barlow, 4; J. Scott, 10jFBur- 3 CANAD1ENS AWAY WITH PITTSBURGH Number of Good Hockey Games Played Last Nijht in National League MONTBEAL, Nov. 27: Defeating the Pittsburgh Pirates' defense five times ln the last period, the Cana-dlens ran away with the National Hockey League game here last night. TORONTO. Nov. 27: The Maple Leafs scored the first victory of the season last night when they downed fhe New York Rangers at New York in a rough struggle. At Boston the Bruins were badly f mil n rfi hv tViA fenuulu Unntroal f-i Maroons. It was the world cham pion-.' first defeat of the season. Ottawa's fighting Senators maintained an undefeated record last evening by nosing, put Detroit in extra time. Last night's score were: Montreal 6, Boston 1. Ottawa 4. Detroit 3. - ' Toronto 4, New York Rangers 3. Pittsburgh 2 .Canadiens 9. dette; J. Underwood; C. Donald ron: S. Smith; total, 29. The league standings to date: Senior League W. L. P. Players' Club . 2 2 6 Three Two Taxi 2 l 4 Elks H.-.1 3 2 High School . Big Pour .I Naval Reserve Intermediate. ...J 0 .. .2 0 ..-1 4 Bankers 1 2 C. N. R. v - 1 .3 Die e. Leafs .. www Ladles W. L. i 1 2 GROTTO Had Lonr Vl. 250. J. H. Plllsbury. 260. TTt . will 1.4 Finn in t. . .: vm Ornftn vsvt. i lon'llM to wS'ixMS .me. iiie TODttCCOniSM WOn , one game 0f the tiw in Hll man sustained his C of the season at the hand iuujik Dy a score uf w Orotto won all other rasy margins The scores were as follow, 1 Mm in,, . U1U1I 181, W. J. Nelson (Grotto ; A. Murray. 159 Don ' BriV . wire;) n n m-i . AiiiAer. inn1 n, ..:,., n, 170 t i.i The league staniitno .-T Orotto ... Elks Canadian Legion "fj uj m O, Tf! 9 10597 8 8891 9 m C. N. Cribbage i r Freight Shed Now Lfadlnf Dryilock Close Second ACfiTtf1af Inn r'rihh'ifr T ....... last nignt were o.s i : ? Station 14, Oenrrai Offlcn : riciKuv oiicu it, j,. IJff ment 10. Drydock 14, LocomotWt 8h-Frelght Sheds 30 H Drydock it I Station 13 S General Of rices V I Locomotive Shops u a Car Department 22 t ot - J One ... . Rogers Highlwy No. 6 10 , ' $285.00 $20 down. Balance over 12 months. Rogers lowboy No. 530 $225.00 J10 down. Balance over 12 months, v. Combination J ' Radio-Phonograph' ' $395.00 $25 down. Balance over 12 months. ...On the Special Easy Payment Plan . , ?his offer positively closes Saturday, November 30th ,. . . so choose your set without delay. Just make, the small tfown payment ... plug in on any light socket . and pick your favorite programmes. Each set is a masterpiece of fine cabi-. net woritand the last word in tone, volume, sensitivity andlefc'tivity. Decide NOW, that YOU will participate in this, the year's, greatest radio offering. Power Corporation of Canada Limited PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.