THE DAILY NEWS rueuet 40 ivi > (OMORENERVOUS HEADAGHES FRUIT SEASON 0 ems eee Be re eee eee AT ITS BEST | Daily News Classified Advertising | ~~ eee Oormertacommconmermneomarmeomssotascotmne repasnsotne SiPmsertnettinsetnsrtasesrmneotneitastinesiins WANTED. MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build. i Ae = : Loans f Y Prince prernanee and Strawberries Over (;; NTLEMAN WISHES ROOM. or| ae om = I = - Tried “FRUIT-A-TIVES", But Peaches Wii! be room and board wit ia : sore §=-td., Geo, Since She fr , dici nd Hoard = with private Nickerson, Secretary tf The Famous Fruit Medicine. in Soon. family, close to town. Box 204) —————$_—__ 2 Daily News Office 1927|/FOR SALI Evinrude and row rhe fruit seasoi is now about!..,. ; - — boat, good condition. Cheap. \ N } ry a ase car > a at its best with shainwhesries |" A a I rs lirst-clas os Apply soat Daily News of- rapidly disappearing from ‘i . nters = ae s alls - fice eave Bunday night's boat ) ' —e a ee Hlocal stands. The shipments from} . , | orrison F up river are becoming less ; nd | a Morri : it aS baiacie the priee is again rising after | WANTED— Young puppy. Coeker|/FOR REN Sewing machines, having been at its lowest gradient or settler preferred What of- pianos, Gerhard Heintzman Local raspberries and black « | fers? Box 290, Daily News phonographs—Singer Shop, the irants are in fine eondition and| office ivi home of the Gerhard Heintz. much preserving has been done| ~~~ " “ ae man piano, 329 BSecond Ave — during the past few days | WANTED Woman for kitchen et Peaches are expects d ko of “i work, Inlander, Second Ave, FOR RENT Furnished room with ° iwithin the next few weeks and FOR SALE a3 board if required. Near wharf ) will be suflicientiv low priced to rhe a ad Would suit one or two gentle - jmerit preserving The apricotiFOR SALI Three bed-room| ZC: _ Phone Bleck = a = ¥: n St., St. John, N.B, season is nearly over and local suites, dining room set, piano, POR R NI Room, with or with leasure that I write to |merchants report that there has library furniture also odd out board. Phone Red 589. She saved work—Sunlight Soap washed the reat benefit Ireecived *not been such a great demand fo ieces, 0 nt — —_—_—_—_—— _ . . ~ . o , nanan. Ts ee ee ne | ri *. sonnaoen by phon OE OT I clothes without rubbing. She saved time—she yo dicine, ome Ss as or ‘ yeal | rs f ., phone of Pu Ss we er, . i i = Iwasagreatsufferer |Apples are still rather high priced| aia » did other work while Sunlight did the wash. from Nervous Head and will yot come down very FOR oe 3 piano boxes, 85 alloc eile dian os a i cclias She saved money — because Sunlight is an nstipation, I tried much until about September 1 — indsay Cartage 94 LOS’ (ave ‘ : : j ‘ ¢ : snssniaceneedeinraemnaide a j may satin motor bonnet, absolutely ir Oo sulted doctors ; but Pears which are still * arriving FOR SALE—Old newspapers, ter with silver braid and silver hat , ee a Ps therefore there is less to help me until “/from south of the line are rather] eonts a hendie. pin, between reservoir and the soap used for washing than with ordinary soap, n several boxes. % | eeemsive and will remain high nner -Sinrerinamenyeentecteain government wharf. Finder and less wear and tear of the clothes. vnenale” at tn until the Canadian orchards begin| FOR SALI Canoe, $25.00, C. 1 please return to Daily News Insi S elievec 8 |to yield thelr crop. Currants| Bainter 192| office nsist on getting the Soap you ask for— " . c ive, Oo nave been unusually have gone up in price since last —_ ae ee ee : 5 P y WHE week. Australian Currants 30c |LOST at Salt Lakes, child’s knitted Miss ANNTE WARD. There are no greal changes in|Comb honey ‘oh 50c woolen coat. Finder please re- is fresh fruit juices, ithe regdlar line of goods exc pt} ihubarb, 3 Ibs for 4 .25¢} turn to Daily News office. ( and increased in lthat frest “6 ane at Dates (drom $ ee ees ined wi . c a ves tase Sees have now; pecs - oo eee ** |LOST—Buneh of keys tl all ined with finest toni Wy Dekieed t Of cents Ger en. Meet WDebeiens aie. ..... 20c inch of keys with smal and reliable remedy * ; epee = a whistle on ring. Finder please ac onstipation. ailhough coming down in price - cai rries, pe OX ; al leave at News office. tf 6 for $2.50, trialsize fe, j|Ye"Y Siiehtly in the stock market, |Strawberries, per crate re LL e Fruit a-tives Limited, shows no change here during the ES hen 6 08 0 3 ibs. for 25€ | FOUND / ipast few days. Radishes, .. - 3 bunches for 10¢| ———~—— riser - rece re: — Meats. Green Onions, 3 bunches for 10: om ND—Key ring with Yale and iBirloin steak .............. EE OPCs POPP ge Oy 5c! post office box keys. Apply Daily Phone 586 | Hes f, pot roasts, Ib ..25¢ to 28e}Celery, per bunch ......... 25¢ | News office, _ . Beef, chuck roast, Ib 30¢ “ atermelon, per Ib vieeadk 8c | MISCELLANEOUS ; At } Beef, rib roast, lb. 2c to 35e¢|/Cantaloupes ........ f5e to 25} oa — nZeY . rOcEr ly oe f, boiling, Ib 2c to 25e/Cherries, per Ib 20c to 40¢| SEE McGOWAN, the Cycle man, 2 — Hamburger, per ib., .. ... 25e|Apricots, per 20-lb. box . $2.50 for new and second-hand bi- ' . 216 6th A W (Stewing beef, per Ib. ; Ee ee err Bde | cycles, repairs and parts. Easy LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO 50 «10 Oth Ave. : “amib, leg, ... +. 46c/\Figs, cooking, lb .......... Jor terms All kinds of light re- % S, 2OUR chs « obibdieieetae 50c/Oranges, Valencia... 50¢ and 60c| pair work. Second Avenue, near : al We ur business and ${/Mutton, stewing ....... 25e|White Gurrants, per box, (Se) MeBride. Phone Blue 424. | FIMMMVUTDIDUNINIINVNTTNNENNNINNNi1111000000 ALATA order. Buy Mutton shoulder roast 32¢ | Black oucramss, ite THE NORTON—The place for a = s iVe ste : 25c|Red currants, 15e ae ; “8 . ‘TS gap eatin ® oy R ade ander “pee 30 Schateathansieg per Ib t5c| Shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp |= e : cheap junk. _Sggeeg ae ae ae a iPh me. ib @ ie treatment. 210 Fourth Street = e For Your —_ — i ‘ ’ aor j , om per ; : i . Ae s « Open 10 a.m. or by appoint- 4 E FOR { ripping, per ) 25c| Peaches, per doze ctoe OO mand Phone 493 trl. EY AT Pork sausages 30c. | Cocoanuts 25c¢ and Si mee wn ln laa 2 = Me ito sausage 5c.) New potatoes, per sack 83.50 FARMS FOR SALE = T* . Tomat ausages 35e. } : — Linzev’s Grocery ee ae A0|Beets, per bunch .. .. .. ., Se|-——— DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! = J Pork Chops 55c | Cabbag< .3 ibs. for 25e Cc. PB. BR. FARM LAND Choice 3 : = ined Ghanian 40c|Green peas 9 Ibs for 25c| farms in well settled districts One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your = a Avreshire bacon sliced 60c Pineapples 5c in W estern Canada; low Pr eh. Efficiency~ Bacon, picce, pert 67c|Pears, per doz ; Oc twenty years to pay; —- cee oe - a 9 he lands in Sunny Southern Al- Phont @ 507 1017 Grd Avenue i Bacon, sticed, per lb., ...... 0c |(reen applies 2 Ibs. for 25¢ : a th 1 : f $2.000 ir ; iHam, sliced 65¢|Tomatoes, per Ib.....25¢ and 35c¢ berta, with loan of 82, De & W tt | Ham smoked. 60c |Cagaba melon, per Ib. .. a improvements to assist new aiSarno a S iSalt backs 450 | lidlley dew melons, each, Alri settlers. Act nam they are e a e BUI i ‘ONTRACTORS Chicken per ib 50c l Green peppers, per Ib... 5O¢ CRS De. ar Deep amg “IMDERS AND CONTRACTORS \t owl, per lb . 45c|Egee plant, each, 40 and , full oe on | OFFICE HOURS:— Hea on ; ed de a hes a ithe ini , 40 G. Loughran, Genera sane ; a ae Te Dre aoe Se Ye 30c| agent, 744 Hastings St. West, Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 only, 4 ase ork and iCooked han sliced, per . ic aul 0 Fr. ef > Hee ceecee - , ; ee . a . E € ae Give iSpare Ribs per Ib 25e|Green beans, 2 Ibs. for 25e Vancouver, B.C. minenen Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to § . ® heertully iven : , ’ . - . } ‘lle ANS 9 s for 25¢ ; ? i . Dairy Produce. i Yellow beans, 2 Ib LAND ACT : BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING ff, Butter, per Ib 6dcl ——. as Dental Nursejin attendance. ONT aa ; : . CONTRACTORS \Butter (cooking) per Ib.... 50c | DROWNED IN KETTLE SKRENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT UF Phone 109 for appointment Cheese, per Ib . b0e | oe TAKE NOTICE ‘that Mark Smaby, of| 1 imberger cheese, per Ib 5vc Grand Forks, Aug. 15 Dorothy | Ocean Falis, B x : cecupation lageer i |= i SO LOLO ROO PEDO ODEPOODOOO 1: erger cheese, pe _* . } tends to apply for permission to lease ae — » soc} H el ‘ elve ear ol olio escribed lands yt? , con lkiggs (case)... :...-+. 00+. FO eo aceon ANIA HIE H SHOCKLEY Strictly new-laid eggs 80c |daughter of Sam tlunte Master) west end of & small bay on tk SL qe —_— . . ro raring ibe| mechanic at the Kettle Valley | shore of ewindk istend. and directly nore Clue | Whe arine ‘eee . if Sandstone eefs; “nee eas U0 ch a; SENERAL CONTRACTOR | 5 Fieh | roundhouse, and Charles Mich- re oe tstone hos is, taeae -_. meat 40 Shop Fraser St F 25cener, aged 25, a returned sqidier, | clains; thence north 40 chains to pout of . ’ Pregh GQlMOM .....ccsccees uc . 86 . 2g ; commencement, and containing 160 acres uldings and lod. salt. Alaska.........+. 15c; Were drownes ae nvON jmore or tess MARK SMABY - —_—_—_<_$_$_——_ sh lumber al- God 2 libs 35c | yesterday Date, July 24th, 1919. oi eeenemnmemeeme stock, ong 20c “ = “- 1s eo. eee... . skeae 20¢ | IN PROBATE Fyfe Smith's I a oe . ; 7 il HY PARLIAMENT STONED }IN THE st PREME : COURT OF BRITISH iFresh black cot ds ds COLUMBIA. vood ' 8he seuE? | ieee tes Given ere mates, a (Special via G.T.P. Telographs N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTI\\ REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN $[ 2libut ID. ...+-- +. +. +s: on.{ Luxdmburg, August 16.—The| TION ACT Phone Green 269. " | Her ring kippered, 2 lb. for ro Parliament buildings here were | iy DHE MATTER a ait. Bet al c - PHONE 190 3rd Avenue tetetetes LOLOL LLL LOLOL | Soles, Ib. : ib ; oe stoned bw 7.000 workmen whet! INTE STATE : ne | ee eee ee eT eeeeR }Skate, ........ a si aabrs jemonstrating against the higl rAkl NOTICE that in ere of : Hie ‘ §|} alt Acadia God, 2-Ib. boxes 60c ‘ ”" Honour F. MeB. Young, made the a0 .u 5° os ~— a cost of living lday of July, A.D. 1919, | was appoink Bowlin All Fruits and Vegetables. = | kama trator to the estate, a} eae | VV be }Onions, dry, per Ib. 10c | eee iaving claims against the said estate are | ‘ i ‘ ‘ US ACY ies 8 °° ¥ The“Gantand’” Boarding House §! "sie" deeds 228" Wedding Cakes a Specialty a TH D > ; Pg 0 q 7 me ee 9 1 all parties in ed ? ‘HIRD AVE NUE Bananas : ow scecasaaaalaasts August, A.D. £019. and all p ° ; ; a gar » estate are required to pay * AKES? ; UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Grapefruit (California 1x 416 Sixth Avenue East ae Sa ee Sees to in HAVE YOU TRIED OUR 30c. FRUIT Cc mace = Carrots, per Ib. ....... iT Near Drydock | Covey. en as. senile ate : Florence, Genoa and Sultana Lemons Bde Board by\Month or Week. Phone Red 2% | OMicial Administrator. | Healthy Exercise fh lish 1 -" 50c Dated this Sist day of July, 1919 Keep You F gq; 2neiish walnuts , _— ria EE ooo ~——~ — SuSE } i it —————— = = a } —_—- LS = ‘ Se Si . By GENE BYRNES . ’ Cigars and Tobaccos IT’S A GREAT LIFE IF YOU DON’T WEAKEN Oe ree I TOM LEE CO | Now (Ss 7 jos \ C ‘4G 840 Second A , 2 A SPLENDID \ / we orenre> A WELL, “COnd Avenu , y . j oe OK! ©, Weat, 7 “TIME “To oe 1S \ FAINT MEART ‘ } VEGETABLES Re ee het SRESSMAKERS NEVER WoN e ole - | ° Wholesale and Retail = MD MILLINERY | FAIR LADY ar mem re nw es | So neee , , vontractors and # , a BILLS AND HED | “ab | xchange, ‘ oe iS HE MAP A> a / ; » >» , ae ( i coo? BOLE? OWL | ® Rupert, B.C. HOMOR * / a ‘ Pe y a F 4 »° } rd Otel Pring Rune . a EUR ‘Be OPEAN PLAN tC per day and up, 4 FIRST. ST-CLASS CAFE | . rete. te | 5 ION Ne nernenos ; -_