J! PAOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Friday . i :, The Daily News PRINCE KUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Souday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Thirtl Avenue H. F. PULLBN - ! M'ajwgfaig-Editor DAILY EDITION s Friday. May 31. 1929 ACCEPTABLE CONTRACTS The securing of the contracts by the local shipyards for two new steel vessels for tlie Canadian National Railway is the best news received here for some time. It means that the drydock staff will be kept at work regularly during the remainder of the year and well into the spring. Prince Rupert will benefit very largely from these contracts and the Canadian National management is to be congratulated on seeing that their own shops here are kept busy. With the mills, the drydock and the railway shops busy, in addition to the fisheries activities, Prince Rupert should soon feel the benefit of the payroll. Add to this the promised activities of the Power Corporation and 1929 should yet be an excellent season. FRASER RIVER TREATY Only incidentally are we interested in the sockeye fisheries treaty recently signed by United States and Canada.; The signing'of this treaty seems to have been given the , men who are always opposed to the U. S. the opportunity to attack her through the pact. For years Canada has been asking for such a treaty. They saw the practical extinction of the salmon in the Fraser and at last the opportunity arose to have the river re-stocked and the catch regulated so that Canada might get her rightful share of the catch. The opposition then began. TENNIS DANCE PORT CLEMENTS PORT CLEMENTS May 81 : The ten- Bte Club held a very enjoyable dance last Saturday evening in Hastle's Hall Jar the purpose cf raising funds to pay far the new floor laid on the tennis atmrt. which was badly needed. A shoulder of lamb was donated by B. T. Ward And a doll, wave auctioned narlng the evening, the former won by Mrs. Hammond and the latter by Mrs. Williams The proceeds for the evening were tt? 00. which amount helps considerably toward the payment of the lumber mil. COLOMBO WINS -ANOTHER GAME was displayed, narucularly an the part of the wanhto man. Prince Rnnart shcoUng oould base bean boner. Brand made of Sne esve when bs TlrttmUy went prans tn the goal mouth tod orrvoBMd a aoal wttfe hia bands With Colaanbu ptoytog oownhUl, all asorrng was done In fie first half. Money turnsd lo two fisM goals for the inh:p while Bsptle aocred Prlnv Rupert's single sduntar on a penalty shot Tb- players wars: H M Ooloraoo Roper, Dunbar and Bum: Oar, rattd s&d Payne Obray. Marley. Tr ggs. Newtcn and RoMnson. PMnce Rupert Brand: Ralg and Br-sr: Mow. Owrr!e and Woods: J. R. Murray. Russell. Bsptat. Jaok and Nor-ftafft-n. On the whole, it was a splendid game nd a baanper crowd of fans wont up Aorcnolls Hill to nee It. Local Items The case of Feat Brawn, shatntd with keeping lafnar for sal, has been further adjourned for eight dap m city police ruaangmi sailing tonagBt on the Oar-dena for the aouth wtH Include C. An derson and A. FanaUd. both for Paasongm arrtrlnf In the any fsom Vancouver on the Osedena this afternoon included: Miss Maran. Mr. aod Mrs. Field. Mr. and Mm. Knutsen and Mt. Clark. Mrs. hobeila Donaldson, mother of Mrs. C. E. Ottllln. fourth Avenue Bast, sailed oh the Ftteee George last night for a visit m Ocean Fall. Maw Moron allium in tne city on the Oardeua this aitenaoan from Yaneowver. being an routs to Green Island where btr fathsr Took more ltuWt IMM Mayer. J?!?! Jt Ito ramp L.t NUM vTLv SJJTn S Vancouver won tney win spend the nj r t t is is 1 l More Mre aummax vlaltlng wHh Mm Bees pareosa. H M.S. Colombo football players cored another victory over Prinot Rupert iisnaaunlauves last night but by the nead maram at 3 to 1. me iortty aoar aV not a nmd Want to the forwards. Ooalksepen Hnper rColnmkn) and Carl Brand , IrYlnee Bnpsrt) warn the hardest work-ed piayors on the ftM for both goala la turn good Mm. Mary Owen wfll arrive in the city on Monday afternoon train from Winnipeg to spend the aue-aner nstttng ith her brother and atatrr-m-law. Mr. and(Mm. Oaome J. Dea. The case of Wong Won, Chinese, charged under the Bankruptcy Act, vr-'.eb occupied all day yeatarday In sHy rollo court wa adjadtned until tens afternoon. Rev. Manley P. Bby. who attendsd the recent conference m Vanaouver. was s piimngif aboard the Oardetta this afternoon going through to Fttt -'impsrn wlwre he la pastor of the United Church. Mlas D H. Real R. N. of the staff cf the Port Simpson General Bospstal " aa a passenger aboard the Cardena that tfternoon returning north after having spent s holiday in Vancouver and etse-rhare la tat south. Paawnrra aaUuaJ from bere for the i crth on the atsJKber Prmcess Loutse tomorrow morning win incrade: Mm. J. M. Hurst, for Juheaw; Mrs. C Hudson and C. Hurst, tor Keteblkan; Garnet yvatt, tor Bkagway; Lieut. Munro, for WranoWI, and J. BUef and A. J Praderlck. for Wbltharse. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK ANU s SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20.000.TON FLOATING DKYDOCK EnKlneer, Machlniit, IJollermakeris, UlackKmiths, Pattern Makfrs, I oundcru, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTUIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of both Make Better Bread Ask your grocer for ROYAL YEAST CAKES , STANDARD OF OOAUTY, Tne Letter Box THE WATT CASE dean recosd, and tne B.C.. May . Miter, Dally Itans- Tbe dtarnnl of Norman A. Watt. tKmrnsniwr Aawnt at Prince Super, by the bread man from Vancouver, has ttee. This tastes on think of all that was gcn on throughout B. C. atat July in iirisnHaa wigardlng OvU oaf-vanta. j Sorely those who made thiss pram lees, have fallen wry low, the standards of a This aetlon of Shelly- has tne death knoll of the party m the north, both provincial and for many years to come. "Whamr riwr a. man aowcth. that ahsU ha also rose." In leaving the Oovernmest offiot. Mr.' watt takes with him a beat wisnaa of everyone in to riUllMOMMirS ANSWER TO MAYOR Mr.MOIIDlE , Editor, Deity News: The mayor says In bis letter that voted for a more eayensjv pipe than than reoamenendsd by the engineer. I want to pmphaslsf that the pipe ttttt-ed was that meonunanded by the engineer after SUecussing the different pipes wttal the board of works. I wish also to,, wanted the mnyor that X had nothing to do with the work started the auttsmn of 1MT and any work si! need to In his latter, done artke trunk sewer was under way and tlanast oompietsd. when I was elected in nk-uary 1M. I nave oonsiaaantnly eraw-ciped the ooard of works for the manner and tor the eanssslve oust of tbe work Mad done and have no anafcigy to make lor to doing I do not think we are getting aotstfaotory Mtarna tor tne money spent. As for having any sonal f sBiint against the liallnsr or any of the board of works staff, I think tnat the people of Prinot Rupert will txdteve me when I say tftat tkai is net so and that' ths maim iMm voring to create sympsUry for the en glneer and evade the gdstlun of the eftloieney and the soononnoal samsWe- tlng of our work. A. J. PMfjBHOMUE. ANMVIKS THE MAYOR editor, Dally Htm: Wfcn lowktoc through loor paper this evenant I was very nnueh mmptS' Indeed to see a letter from the maaar ronvcllna; the money bylaws to bs voted on tout row, and the stand that be takes as this oannsetlon. To bests, with, I pjosuttie that this latter Is a paid advertisement, which the ' poor ratepayer will have to pay for. as I uadfpstand a similar latter appeared In yesterday's Issue. Wnan tne people read a oommundoattsn over the mayors sat nature they anouM be furnished fti something wbotesome in the way of advice, but this threat of hi is nt only unwholesome, but untrue, when he says tost we will have to pay tJde tltumo 00 in neat year's levy if the bylaw falls to pass, Instsad of having R aprrad over a period of twenty yeari.' ebould the bylaw carry. No person has any desire to embaraas the oouncU, but we do want conditions In the public works department of the" city property adjusted, and an tr-i vagant waste of the people's money cwvsioea, ana apparently the only way. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER 4 Cutting, Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Deliver to Any Part of tin City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 049 j to secure tills would be -to defeat the ; , bjlawi and bring Uie matter to showdown. In conversation with the mayor a day or two before last election, the writer discussed with him the rotten condition of affairs tn the worka department. Which he admitted, but , promised that he was golpf to go into this Immediately the MooUon wa over What has be done to rtfht mattera We are not' after anybody'a aoaAp, but we do want the council to lrre up, to their obligations, and If they have mnomiwtence In their emDiof who are 4 aVEg FIRSTYACHT VISITS PORT ,11. II. Manny if Seattle Oprnn Cruls-j Ing Neawtn tn Northern ! ll.C. and Alaska i Henry M. Manny. Seattle broker, who of estimate dlatrtct aovernor of the Rotary ;iot capable glvang a proper for them to work on. get rid of them. Cluo last year. I. tie ttret entfata end not wat our money la ttie mu- yaehtsaaao of the season to Matt prince ur they have been doing. All this Rupert, having arrived la port list talk about changed pipe and back-til- night aboard hia handsome 41-foot ling of ditches, to In my opinion petty P"r cruiasr Katharine Among the larceny fooltohneea. when reduced to number of Mr. Manny's party la Victor dollars and cents, and used far no Rabel, vlae-preaUsn of the Star Mach- other purpose than to draw attention , "nr Co. of Seattle, who went to school way from the real eauee of the U with Cap W. P. Armour, trouble. They had no right to sanction msnsawr of the Pacific Salvage Co.. an over-draft of (19.000.00 on a 186.- bare. Mr. Manny thought the Rotary 000. 00 estimate, without submitting a Club bat mat on Friday and that he bylaw to the people, and they knew R. , ouM attend a luncheon and was. Let them clean house, get osnapetrnt therefore, disappointed to learn people In office who can make oorreet the ohib had met yostartfty. estimates and oarrr on work i aanoml-1 The Party will prooead cUy and welt then come to the people morning to Juneau and other Alaska, with their bylaw and we will help them' points cn a three wtess' cruise and will to get K passed. There t lota of time U bere southbound. for this between now and December. and the mayor must know It. tout this hsyh-hanfted threat of crucifying us Harold Luther Hanson, an of Re, nest year la the tax levy, to as foolish John Hanaon. la graduating tonight M it la unwarranted. Vote the bylawi from Battle Lane High School. M In-down, and Jet vm start propwly -betver nrsota. which he has been attending late than never. , ,or P ,our Tears He la seventeen 'yearn of ane and will to to Atagsburg H. B. ROCHB8TBR. Colleen. Minnesota. In the fall. fir.. Typical ROUND TRIP FARES tnwii'M. :.i.ho M(WTk.i..wi i i . (IIKAt.O .. MI.H0 WItTl) .. I:,, .,, , dltovio.. 3;W flilUi, . I.i Ch ios; (in. i aiauhY ..... .) Mhik j.-. h . T nuimle lo;ir iiu Vancouver I . Oilier iuluu I orint.uuilugi I nil rsrtli iilnrv. Unto Hale, Limits, Etc. CITY TlCKKT OffclCK V.'M TIIIKK tVl:. MHlftf 'l.'l Ran ad 1AM National Goodyear Produces for South America Largest Conveyor Belt -'V, Ever Made in Canada 2953 feet long. E ven with the belt In two pieces, part of factory wall waa taken down to make shipment. Three other great belts on same shipment 820 feet, 722 feet, 492 feet. Total weight of shipment 24,980 pounds over 12 tons. Belts intended for tin ore conveying at Patlno Mines in Bolivia. Belts built for AlhVChalmers Co. PROBABLY no greater compliment has been paid Canadian-made Goodyear Conveyor Belts than this order one of the largest single orders for conveyor belts ever placed with any manufacturer. Far away in Bolivia, Patino Mines and Enterprises Consolidated will depend on the quality of these Good year Belts for continuous, profitable operation. Like thousands of others, Allis-Chalmers engineers believe that Goodyear quality is the safest bet at so great a distance from any source of supply. And the same quality is available for even the smallest userin conveyor belts, transmission belts, hose, packing, valves. Write, wire or phone any Goodyear branch. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. of Canada, Limited, Halifax, St. John, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Fort William, Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver. Qoodyear means Qood Wear MADE HOSE IN CANADA JIUNE AND COMMERCIAL WORK ""PHONES 43 AND 385 BELTS PACKING W23