Y The Wise Man The wlso man reads ihe clas-eificd advertisements and uses them whenever he, need'' sell or buy, or rent, to ( t goods or to get a job fy, A V LONDON, May 31. The Baldwin Government went KPaira win nroDaniv increase tne strentrtn nr i.invn ..onrtrn .ifi a liimm sf tViov nro pjillwl tinon to form a govern --, r . i 1 T :V.nrlc null curinff . . . . . . , i ' . .... l-.i..f T .in. o "ic ir side, thus (leliniteiy ureaKing mom a. . i , j. , i ru. Amomr the candidates elected were bir ausvbii w (rhin Co mninritv nf onlv 43 0VCP O. C. Wllley, UW, ' .-..vv. ... .. I 1 1 ...no Saklatvala. sole Communist m the lasi huum, tilth Canada Ha mreiril En-riiinukly of Iteernt Yrnra nnd within the past ;ew yera between the two Domlnlona was n enormoualy. One of the cord cording, ' waa made In an K" Park Lodee bv F. f'Sent of the Canadian National and New Zealand manager of 1 adtan National Steamahlpe, who ' 5 way to Toronto, on furlough, ' -a yeara in the Antlpodea. 2k mllllnn nniinrf hnvM nf NeW . - a al f iininni nm nrrnu iMA h 1 1 blj a n ii i n aii a,.v, . I M II UU f II II I f I III I I I IIIII IIIIlTIII lUII jlirtlittMU KUUVM rati 1-,- BUSINESS GOOD, MINEOUTPUl tio.vn to defeat yesterday in the general elections, the com- j binnd opposition having secured the election of more than one-half of the members of the House of Commons. Labor, while making many gains, did not secure a ma- - .if t l i .i . . inriri 1 11 i ii in I'm r inr-a cr t niut oncno ir ft-ij-t Mmni Lloyd George, leader of the Liberal minority, in control 01 tne situation, ine i-iioerais, witn sometning like litty members will be able to keep either Conservative or Labor parties m power and will thus be able to dictate the noli- C1CS IU il JUIUe CAU.I11. There are a number of seats yet to hear from, but the II ... 1 1 it A 1 1 Y 1 1 f Value Al-o Closely Approaches I Record car of lWG r May 31: "New Zealand la. ylCTOIMA, May :U. The ag-" inmaae iu trade with ffreirHte output of metals and min- erals in British uoiummaiu meona by whloh thla Increaee I'CL'ni department UllVHk i,n irrpatPSt Oil reiviu, mv fs . "I made pooal-ble la the dlree for Issuance. , i Jar. aervioe, provided y tn , ,. vVhilb owing to., lower level 01 national iemnip. a- -.i,. Interview than for 1927. IIIHTII NOTICE STANDING OF THE PARTIES ENGLAND NOW LONDON, May 31 At 7:15 this evening the standing of the parties in yesterday's election was an follows: Labor. 287. Conservatives, 216. Lireral, 51. Others, 7. Yet to come, 21. The three leaders, Premier Baldwin, Ramsay Macdon-, UiUVLK IuLLlU In QUAKE IN BUENOS i:i.kot srirnv tkiai. mill 11 I 1 I - 11. . - 1 ' llllll II 1 ll'll in I a V 7'.."- ... - L i-VM in --t iLiifiiLim ii v uii L't: iiid itii mm. "- " - o y I Cabinet ministers re-elected include Rt. Hon. Winston ! speedway, Indiana, May si. rem . unver isaiuwin. iaoor: bir donn isimon. l.id- .wi-i. . v.v:.v:;i ii7i Ti 1T T)U.11.nC 1 m TI.. T II u t i . . i a . a li a a a v a a a. iiiiiiii j a a w v la waa aa a a va .a a, w a a & a a a ah . . a ua. ajoa a a ia&v nun nil a ma .mnc T iauur nhnv wtipB his machine left the track, jmah, , Myt.r!,i who came cond, lost Two cabinet ministers were defeated and four mm- the race through engine trouble ,crs. not in the cabinet The cabinet ministers were Sir whkh dc,aved him 8ix min- r' 1 niB Cf nnl T01Han1l mintetDf Inrtnr !nl RiTririmnB in. attornev-ceneral. Defeated ministers not in J jnct, were Sir Frank Marriman, solicitor-general; Sir . i . . i- ff-.-r . i i- i r - i. j Attn Arn l in r i n r-cnnrni i nr i rr ri riv ri i i i h i n - i I, rlrrt 0. Williams. under-secretarvf ovlnfbfflriraue: nwnmm aTRES. May 31. f- i a ti i t . r i, Thirty tiersonn were renortra km . i . i i . Ten women were elected up to three this a ternoon. tg or crvatives included the Duchess of Atpol, Lady Astor, Coilpad. The number of injured u: ntrSs Iveatrh: Liberal. Miss Megan Lloyd George; t eatimated ..ibor, Ellen Wilkinson, Margaret isonuiiem. sumn uw- t i. - if 1.. ltTf, Mniif TIotntHnn nnM r.rr ljl(iy iuuauujr, ..T.. LATER I)ESIATCIIES LONDON, May 31. The Government was defeated, r i 1 !i t wr r nn i- n i iiiiu "a a a ,m iiiii i.i-.-i iiiiu a. a.& a a a ua u- BYLAWVOTE LIGHT TODAY Up to noon liu'e interest was ... , ,,f.ii. iif! i ui,i:nnll tl. ti-nmiu apparently being UKen in tne vot- - .... , . .. . ., f; i tl...n ...... nf Ik. f 1 the situation of the eitrnties ana nineues wne n u ian- city Hall. Only 58 votes had been . .i i it. v i t.t,.., t nnri ITninnists. cast up to 11:80, or some twenty nr-IU me DUIUUCe ue.w 1"UW""J " " 1p lhn nn Marth I at a similar On everv side is heard gossip of a coalition against the date when a vote was being .V V that, on the sale of the hydro-el tV.o Anna Ku'linrr .. ... a- , m.'i tts linr i this is easier said than uone. x'auiiiL um., taken -electric open xre is a possibility of another election in the autumn. uritii 8 0'eiock tonight and after-o In r.he other hand, it is common knowledge that Labor -VLtwashs morning. The result of the poll will bp known half an hqur later, it is expected. Wt). Vanco,is in charge of the poll, for whieh-Et P. Jones, city polic'tor, is returning officer. W. J. Sloan is the only poll clerk. sr.riitlninra nn behalf of the West Birmingham; Rt. Hon. John u. J". 'xTnEZl T.T - - - ' i i t rnn . . , . . u.!. .. t U,1 Hnnriro T.ihoral. SOn 01 the, u j oiaior uwiyii uiun u'b mere is a general leeiing mai the bylaws will le rejected. Joe Sankey and Joahua Talt, fort Slmpxon Indiana, charged wvth having j in their poroalon atolen gear from the halibut boa Ingrld H. . appeared before I Judge Young In County Court yeaterday iand elected for apeedy Ulal. Hearing of the case waa adjourned. REPARATION IN CAN&DA WILL BE PAID1N JUNE OTTAWA. May 31 Those person who Buffered loaaoa during the war and whose clalma were approved by the com mlM toner Frlel will be aent checka for the fuU amount on or about June IS, It waa atated at the department oi tne to the annual report ot tne (K,crr,ury of state- today nf-Vnlnes. mayf ready: va N ' I , J l value of tho the aggregate of ?K,3sa.a. output ,NaUotai a wo 239 lean than for the record jour. 192G. t was five muuu.io COMPSTONWON GOLF MATCHES MOORE PARK, May 31 Archie Compston, British professional golfer, won the first of two 3G- l touttw wn,,iH hA ahiDned tol a aon waa born to Mr. : noi0 rnatchos from Walter Hagen - -iiia yew, Mr. Wood atated, and h. a lad win ot iwd, u.' the United States prof essional, -to- ... u, me umiea oum- " wu " n.nri hob- nay. eignt up ana seven to piay. KMoa ha. been particularly Rood te of the Prince BPT.?' ,nd . They wRl play' their second match r M ln wa ln Md JuiT linvr L. iut Rirminghnm tomorrow. mg CANADIANS IN One Connrnallv--, On fjilmr Elrrtrd and Caljary Man IKfratrd ' LONDON, May 31:4fai the election yeatcrtlay Colonel Oraijl; Morten.' bira in the county of rrlncf Edward, Ontario, waa reelected drrswcratlve member tor BranMord a -id Chlawtck. A. W. Haywood, tottn In OaUraqut, 1 OM.. -aa eieoted In- BaJford. Wert. where he.ntade a. gain for Labor from the Oonservatlvert. Brig. Oeneral AlfredjCrlaehley D. B. O.. a native or Oalgarjr. A1U.. wai defeated a lhrre-e-iad oonteet In O-rton, Mrv heater. MANY LIVES-LOST IN FIRE TOKYO, Japan, Mav 31. residents of southern Sagha- lien Island fought today for their Boston Grill LARGE CABARET Special Dinners Thuradaya and Saturday Dancing Evrry Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall (or Hire, Accommodations for Private Fart tea PHONE 4 ST NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XX., No. 125. Vol PRINCE RUPERT, II. O, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS ritish Government Defeated Yeste rdav's Ele -e- ----i- Leads, Liberals ction, Labor r n 11 ontroii KING IS NOT VERY ILL; CAN DO BUSINESS LONDON, May 31 It was authoritatively stated today at Windsor Castle that there was no change in the King's condition. A bulletin issued at Windsor Castle said: -King George had a fair night. An abcess has formed under the site of an old scar on the right side of the chest and is now draining. His general condition remains good, though the King will need to remain in bed, he will be able to transact public business." TSQNEYVaTED TELEGRAPHS HrlMkh t'olumiiia )norter of Mil lion I'nr Kxlrn.long In 11 ii lure OTTWA. May 3t:-HJrw r-regrena on the eatlmalee waa matte tn the Houae cf 0'mmnoa yeatrrdy The voleauader roraaVraMon l-aahKHb aroprtatlons I tor lekeraph and telephone lima which ! re rr'Ted by the department of pub- Irxinded In the Itenta naaKed waa and IA. Ool. Alaraorttt, Oen aenratlve, waa reelected in Bury. Consolidated Completes Deal for George Copper ; Bonds Other Properties VICTORIA, May 31. The Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. today paid over to the attorneys for William B. George $171,000, thereby acquiring all the remaining George Copper Company shares in the possession of Mr. George and Mrs. George. They also bought shares in possession of five other original shareholders. A number of other copper properties in the north have been put under bond by Consolidated and the engineers of the company will complete their examinations of them during the next three months. FIND HELIUM WOMEN VOTED ! IN COLORADO LARGE NUMBERS i WASHINGTON, May 31 The Took Election Seriously In Eng. discovery of helium in such quan- j land Yesterday in Some titles as to give United States ! Districts practical control of the airship aituntion was reported yesterday. The discovery was made at Sind- lar, Colorado. This non-lntlam-mable gas In very scarce and ex- tensive. LONDON. Mav 31. The seriousness with which women took the elections yesterday was shown by the heavy poll they cast. In Westminster it was stated three, wheat HioiiKu women voted to every man belore; noon. In the coal mining area! winntpeo. mv si:--cuini wheat oi seanam, itamsay luacaonaias ouotatlona were from two and a quarter district, young women turned OUt to one and three quartera centa above Jn force, and it was estimated that' . , ' - ' .1... ; I A A - wiu.j o .a,. ,ine women voicu iwo 10 uiie a t'AKIt OI' THANKS Mr. Q. Plare and family dealre to thank their many friends for the kind expression ot aympathy and floral tri bute received in their bereavement. cnAOAnont is pkkiiy tav- oniTB Ht NTKHK MOIN JNII ' W' ' against men Jn tne early paii or the day. LIBERAL MEMBER DIES IN THE EAST MOMTREAI P.O.. May 31. iRoch L'anctol, Liberal member ofj ra u-nya uunier.. moon.. tne - . , ,,,-tf t,J V, w.n r.mrltji In the rnvin J UUI II III aonu. no iuu " rvrby. waa taken at half apeed member of Parliament since 1904. His death makes the fifth va- over a gallop of aeven furlonga : on a private track yeaterday and 'cancy in the House of Commons, ahowed up well. three Liberal seats and two Con- Pinal acceptance clotted Tueiday acrvatives. T ana xne im puoiuinTO jmtcraay ahowa 33 horaea left. Including all the leading tavorltea. Lord Aator'a Cragadour la being 4 quoted alx to one while the odda agalrmt Hunter'a Moon, are aeven to one. 4 I-AliY ASTOK fllXTlO LONDON, May 31: Lady Naney Aator waa among thone elected to the Brttlah Bouae of Cotnmona yeaterday by a mar. eln ot 311. Slide From Mountain Top of Lockeport Was Result of Earthquake Rumblings Ycrc Heard and Resident Thinks Volcanic Action Near Surface May Have Been Responsible Local volcanic action near the surface may have been responsible for many earthquake shocks which were felt on the Queen Charlotte Inland last Sunday and Monday, it is believed by J. C. Edwards of Lockeport, who is in Prince Rupert. Immediately after the first and most severe tremor, about .3 . o'clock. Sunday afternoon, the water of the bay at Lockeport virtually boiled up, and the same action of the sea was reported at other points in the r.e grborhood. It is by reason of- this fitct that Mr. Edwards be- a RiiriiinAlT UTAH sarsa."' h,' btn ""i ATKINSON WAS For ten hours after the first! tremor, Mr. Edwards reports that rumblings like slides werel heard from the mountain about; twelve mjles from Lockeport. For wenty-four hours later at less frequent interval such rumblings were audible. Mr. Edwards believes that these were slides fro-n the mountaintop, although he is pomewhat at a loss to-account for why there should should have been o many. From the T. A. Keller Logging Co.'s camp at Selwyn Inlet, It was observed that there had been a 75 00o rr tiegrph fmm Peace mr Mide from the top of the mountain ' - ' .... i i nk.M n n wn Muai., i An-ther Mem p. fnr ivxsti for -,f frenh rock and earth on be "A?. n IN THE CITY Minister of Agriculture Been Looking Over Needs of Interior After having made his first trip through the agricultural districts of the cuntral interior with which he stated he was favorably impressed, Hon. William Atkinson, provincial minister of agriculture, arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon a train the and sailed last Prince George for eier,h and .ekpbore line, in B.C. now fields below. The mountain A,t..n vj ii. not believed by Mr. Edwards ,jr J ll? J'u roNsr.KVATivns Eirqitn ! to b volcanic. On a smaller IfjLxViM nwunta n. nearer Lockeport, a 5f"l,.in"v0r- th LJi": U5TOON. May su pairtaJ.n. o. hUM boulder weiirhing several ' ?" A,,e. 8vmen aA a r3Med rtled tn tn , ,n- ", f-n feti dawn dawn . . r7recir,lce nreclnlce for for a a mi V K,ve- Rive, n-ww ne 1811 lnal tnw tne we Isrmer larmer. lives ana tneir nomes against for- aw e O'vnutiH, est fires, which were believed to oxfer city in yMerd-i nkTti K'" m hundred feet afte wooM be wecwaf ul . Thei ., ; A ... . iistancc or two nunarea teet aiter ... ... ..... h. nave Litu inrt lM rann. ..j nd k... burn tkma i - ,k ,,K, ,v,t. r.. junrc vrcn?nnvl persons nlALj lLJILIUmi led more than 1000 homes. r 4 a anala Vinci iruuuic uiin yvHv waa irum im wiau a-uoien mu.m hu . 11,. ni.. tat' Lorkenort at intervals of poa- , sibfv half an hour. On Monday evening there were two mora . . LI "'--t.-v e n Johnston Co.) mjrvlew. 3. 3 1-2. H'n Mleurl, 1.34. 1.23. fj-rt- Prrvloee. 10. 11. Cotton Blt. Nil. 49. Duthle. 51. 85. ? Oerrge Oepper. Nil. 7.05. Oeergla River, 33, M. Oelcenda, 1.33. 1.36. Orandvlew. 35. 351-2. Inderiendence, 7. 8. tdlan M'nea. 4. 8. Intern. Coal As Coke. 33, Kcotenay Florence,-1! 1-3 39. Ii. Ko-tertay King. 38, 39. L. at L.. 31-3. 3 1-2. Lueky Jim. 13. 14. Mohawk. 4. 41-3. M-rtcn Wool y. 51-2. 5 5-8. Mrmtt River CVrfd. 41-2. 5U2. M'rnvt Metala. Nil, 5. NeM-ral SUver. Nil, 12. Nrtole Five. tl. S2. Oregon Copper. 25, 28 Pend Oreille. 5.02. $.10. Plon-er Oo'.d. 1.25, 1.80. . Premier. 1.60. 1.63. Rcevea Maedonald. 1.60, 1.63. Rufua Argenta, 2212. 24. Ruth Hope. 32. 33. B'lvex Creat. 61-3, 61-2. Silverado Oona.. NU. 70. Silversmith, Nil. 17. 8nowflake. 621-2. 64. Bunloch, 2.00. 2.40. Termlnua, NU, 8. Topley Rlohfleld. 27. 29. Torlc Mlnea, NU. 1.23. Wellington, Nil, 12. Whitewater, 75. NU. Woodbine, 41-2. NU. Bluebird, 12, 13. Oils ' ' Advance. 1J.60. 18.00. ,. A. P. Oonaolldated. 4. OS, 4.07. Cnlmont, 3.65, 3.70. DalhouMe. 3. BO. 3. 83. DevenWi. l.M. 1.03. Fabyan Pete. 8 3-4. 9. H-me OH. 31.40. 31.50. Illlnola Alberta, NU. 1.30. ' Mvland, 8.00. 8.23. Merwug. -8egur, NIL 4.75. McLeod, 4.50. 4.75. New McDoug.-Segur. NU, 2.25. RoyalUe. Nil, 150.00. jVolenn, Nil. 1.35. 1 Sterling Pactflc. 1.65, 1.70. llargal. 1.63. 1.70. Freehold, 1.50. 1.60. Mercury. NU. 1.25. F.aotfM Stock! Sherrltt-Oordon, 7.10. Nil, Noranda. 49.35, NU. h'B'hwv hv v. II. Orme, who ex plained to Aim tne desirability or having the road pushed on up the FW"" p,vfir- The mlnlater also I not Mr Fdw.rda however i " W S w" Si trveVlnVes0n ' through the they were, he opines. ,por?) wM vcrv wfinJoyable Mr. STOCK QUOTATIONS A'Vinann said. He gave assurance Af hi eo-nnernfon In assisting the districts In their requirements. v kn n na acf nmr-in,d by Dr. W. H . r,Md, roWr.at ion cnmmlsiionei for the povinre. LITTLE CHANGE IN BASEBALL Athletics Increase Lead to Seven and Pirates Retain National NEW YORK, May 31. The Athletics yesterday Increased thilr margin over the Yankees ta seven and a half games. Bob Grove and Jack Quinn led the Athletics to their victory over Boston, while the Senators trimmed the Yankees twice. The Pirates retained the National lead by splitting with Chicago. The Cardinals entered into a virtual tie for the top by defeating Cincinnati. The Giants won their first double bill of the season by defeating Brooklyn basebalTscores National League Brooklyn 7-6, New York 8-15. Chicago 8-0. Pit tabu rub, 1-4.. BrtVoo 8-5. Philadelphia 7-11. Cincinnati 1-2. Bt. Loula 8-g. American League New York 5-3. Waahln0et 8-4. Philadelphia 9-9. IV too 2-3. Cleveland 6-3, Chicago 5-9. St Loula 6-13. Detroit 14-0. NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDINGS W. L. THUburgh 23 13 Chicago, 34 13 St. Loula 24 18 Philadelphia 18 17 New York 17 17 I Bea ton 18 23 Brooklyn V H M Cincinnati 12 36 AMERICAN LEAGUE STANDINGS W. L. Lieut. Jean Munro, Until lately aecond Philadelphia 38 9 ln charse of the Salvation Army at St Louie 28 IS Prince George, arrived ta the city on New Ycrt 30 yesterday afternoons train from Prince Dctrort 24 ' Oeorge and will aall tomorrow morning Cleveland 13 I on the Prlnceea Loulae for Wrangell Chicago 16 where ahe will apend a while recupera- Waahlngton Ung from a recent aevrre Ulnea. Doe ton 13 It Pet. .639 .680 ,613 .514 .800 .393 .389 .338 Pet. .737 .635 .856 .545 .487 .381 .31 .300