fadnesday, June 12, 1929 SPECIALS! SPECIALS! Lavender Mentholated Shaving- Cream, GOeMlvta der Talcum Powdeiy35c--S5c Value. mO, S v Both for, ":3.;?.v...,J?50,fc. Klenzo Shaving Cream, 50c, Genuine Gillette Blades, 50c $1.00 value. Both for gQc uur Bathing' Caps have arrived New, fresh stock. Valuc8from 15c to 1.00 V br-, , t'lHT SOAP Zrfic Pioneer Druo(ists LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone CS Cartage, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor, Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ana Furniture Moving. SPECIAL THIS WEEK! Surpl us Wallpaper 33 1-3 Discount Specials FOR THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY " A.VL (HOI ECLAIRS. MIOT. FINOERS. APPLE C'. 'JSSOM Per lb 37c NAL RED ARROW 80-per pjjg 20c F"f fine luaderinir. 1-kg ,10c Pr otn. tic ? ' ' M T EGGS Fraah. ' .3s. Per tin .. Ton v. i -y r paper 0 rik l:'s FLOUR In 4. Per sack .. ZKALAND MUTTKU churn Urand; as. "k $1.40 ...95c ...83c aflo WHIZ FLY FUMB S-og. Bottles. Tcr ott 40c SKE t'S-FOR FKUIT AND VEGETABLES '"d This VVeek Straw-Cgnteloupes, Water-f;herrlea and Plums. Watts' Grocery Quality Right-Prices Right ""INK 58 PHONE 56 THIRD AVL.blX7n ST. TELEPHONE 8't, 20C Local Items I Olof Heiwon win sail Uut aftsmon i on the Prince Oeorge for a trip Into 'the Atltn district. This afternoon's tram, Jim from the eat at I SO, was reported UU morning to be on time. The nag at the Court Maun grounds' was raised this mornmg In honor of nw VMM to'Wo ctty a Km. B. Randolph Bruof. lieutenant governor of Haitian Columbia. ' O. A. strMlUn. superintendent of the local dry doofc. returned to the city on the PrlnA Oeorge thl mom. ing from a brief p to Tanoouver on official Mriy routine waainsa was taken up t ANNOUNCBMENTS ooat ; Catholic Women's League Social, Uln" June 21. Admission 60c. ;z.ao .Moose Annual Picnic at Diguy June 80. OfaaTham Dnnce to be held at jP Clements obi U In. JijBfk K. at C. picnic, Suttday, Jujy 14 Dlfjrby Island. Coolie Bazaar October 2 and lff8 Vna (rrl dull. Orrm. rrf i r I ni t daJdfe"V.Lo"- sIvouiisrjiHilCoai- OLTICKLl , dl- Mm :t ?;;v;.r"o remedied r?I:';v..,hev.rr CAKILK'S LITTLE UVUR WLLS 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf I)entit Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone ' 686. R. t Mcintosh left on this morning' train tor tab cummer hoine at Terrace. Sa. "HjUay afternoon IMtU 'tor Bens Bella where he 5f Y 1' tk ud his duties as Dominion inerjei if fleer:' The cue of O. Hlnada. 6eal Cove Japanese, who Is charged with keeping liquor for sale, ha been adjourned un til Friday In cttjr police court. John Clark, manager of the B C. Packer cannery st Claxton, sailed yesterday afternoon by the Oatala on brief buainees trip to Vancouver. A ehwfe against Fred Ward of the Regent Rooms of keeping liquor for ale was (Harassed by Magistrate Mc-Clymont is olr pottoe court this morning. Miss Jean Telfer arrived In the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Vancouver to pay a vlalt with bar later. Mrs A. R. PhiUipa, 144 Ninth Avenue East. Jack McNeil of Tstkwa, who has been on a bualoew trip south, arrived In the city from Vancouver on the Prince Oscrgt thl rooming and proceeded to ant interior by train. Alec Amlth arrived la the ettjr on the Prince Oeorae thl motniag from Van-aouvsr. He wtU spend two weeks hew and at Stewart visiting with J broth- nd W. D. Smith. Mis. C. R. Btfgart left oa mornings train for Rochester. this when he wut receive treatment at the Mayo Clinic. Mm. Btgeart WM M. eoasBatued east by Mr. B. R. WUson H. Blake, engineer for the roach, who has been paring a to the city aad district on of' (Mai duties, sailed yeaterday afternoon by tbe Oeiela on M return to Vle- tort nlht at the regular monthly mil M CAapUr. Imperial Older, owning we man nupert assail ptusntsr. of the Empire, at Ita regular Clerk. Association in the Olty Hall. thly meeting last atgM. decided to Pred Hardy. pvasfctaat, occupied the give a 10 pem to the pupil coming chair and tarn was goad tStonaanoa ftrst In the eotraaoe eeeatmaUon at oi, memoir. Booth Memorial School Alas toMator and two sons of wis. Ens Knot, oeuantor of Mohatd McMastor-s parehu. I this year. in at eny of Mm vnea. suDxrlnssnaaBt mslnsis rj Dans. Bherlff and Hrs. ojan Natkmsl Oust nteamahtrw who Is a. a. suoseaon. Til ruth Avenue m the dtv on official tnsdnsss arrived REMNANT KOOM LOTS TLTL J roWmonun, of the week by Mr MeMaster sad will tnm Vancouver to fee vtth her father. C-fl fid In CO Ala I then leave for trip to Tanoouver and, OiiUU QUtMM jebewber. in the south. fuwor of lloeeberg. Oregaa. wUl aall by T 1 uniopal Chapter, imperial Ordor the Princras Alio tha afternoon on his AT . W. Edge Ca wjlirV riaiM-TavtUB I Hall to honor of a prominent party of with stnnertv hoidinas which be bat i ' mraom oi ine oroar nan Ksstern here. Canads and Southern I C. who are .7. TT-. O OUbcrt. englnear for the Hadto- Ulcgrsnh Branch, who has been hare nunc ni. u, aaacway. - - - oeaDm0lMggm Isajawvomsmtt t fr brtnd mm at the Bsjay 1 Mr and Mm. Norman A TTatt irlralaw ssatlon. aalltd by the Calais moved today Into the Prasbytorlan yostorday aftornooa on ls return tal Manse of rourtb Avenue Bast where Tietorta. timi wilt reside for the nest few! j sonata until their own new home at' Paestngtrs sailing from here for the the tamer of Fourth Avenue and Cot- smith an the steamer Oatala ysstatdey ton surest a vaady. Mr and htm. aftornoon Included: a. A. MoOrao, a Outfits L. Maui i wan take up Mai- Gilbert, j. MoRaa. John Clark and Rev donot In the Oovernflaent Agent's house w. S. Oooper. tor Tsneouver; ,D, lay-on Sac and Avenue. i lor for Bdtta Bella, and J. H. Bias. 'for mom. With quite a karge orowd of taurbMs i on beard for ht oompaaya first At-1 nftoan bmo who came out with the ska aaUing of the aaaaon. C.H.M. tlmnni mnoi DarM. which has beefi teamer moot ueorge, capt. aairy , aogulred by the Nedden. arrived In port at 11 o'oloek Coast awemsnlfw for sanrle out of mis m ru !-( from Tsneouver. Powell here. Mt by this morning's train , River and ocean raua . Mid wui sail at their iwturn to their homes In 4 o'clcn this aftarncon for Ketchikan, treat and Halifax. 'Juneau. WrangeU and Shag-way whence , '.he will retrun bare at 40J0 Monday C P R. ateaaver Prtnc. Alice. Oapt imornttu and tall south at I p.m. the . .... w 7L. r -i i win, mm w vbw wmm m , y. uiciuoaa u w mno snamaan from AlssAs us vlll is path's northbound asapr I at ISO for Vaooouver and Victoria iwtwt. uoTsrour s. m- saw, wupsi n, nnnsrejns hare for the ! m; " j; ",0V1. p 3r! . " on the vessel wul include L Vim. ...... . . ... ! : . . i rwwmwm, t. otase. n. ovaj ana . 'At 1' i.n A ly UULLAK aUUAo oW O.a.st. general paawsnasr saan; I Thomas, for Vtnoouver, aad Mrs. M aaauroont. assisvasu w urn rwwiic : MetSsrnan for Vletota 1 tourists s number of wealthy Cajffornlan J. P. Ford of Victoria, dkrtrlet ea glneer for the federal department of public works, arrived in the city this morning from the south aboard the Prince Oeorat on whMh he wUl to aaagway a route to the Yukon Tejntory on ottasW duties Mr Porde, who I aconiapaaied by his wife, will s- visit the Telegraph Creek (Action while la the north. L. A. Lambert, advance agrnt for the Weamlneter fMre Slnaers, who are to appear here on June 21 and at u oar the ausplcea ef Mm Oyro Club, arrived lb the city oa the Prince Oeora tbli morning from the south, twang a route to Alaska. At the luncheon of the Oyro Club today. Mr. Lambert aa) a short talk and ied the members with two fine vocal solos, being c-eosnpanled by O. P. Balagno. Robert Clreeiimwi of Winnipeg, pas- senser tsafrk: managar for the western region of the Canadian National Rail way., and Mm. Oreeimsu; O. A. Mo- Nlehoil, seneraklJMsaenaar agent. Van- oouver, aad MraMeNleholl, and Refl- nara ueaumonv vso?ui w ine racmc Ccatt manager of Canadian National Coast Bteamshlp. and Mm. Beaumont, are among members of the C N R. of- f trial parry making the round trip to Skagway aboard the steamer Prince Oeorge which I in port today... north bound. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Two modern houses. Phone Black 446. FOR RE4NT Five-roomed houso on Eleventh Avenue,-near Con-rod Street; large garden. Phone GiTfii C04. (140) TIIE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE ri.iT Kills flies Quicker! A T. J. Shenton. Inspector of mines. rill sail this afternoon on the prince Oeorge for a trip to the Atlln district official duties. J. B. Wood worth, who Is Interested' Ufoor for the Tuksw Territory screes the border. Mr. B. O. Oohoafj,aad daughter. Miss MUllcent Osborne R N., of she nursing staff of tbefPtmec RnpertsOen- eral Hosprtal, rcnrsd to the city on the Prince Oeorar ht ludTuuit & a vacation trip to Tanoouver, Portland and esn where la the south. Mm. B. L. Johaaoa. wife of Com-maadar B. It. Jonnson. head of the B. L.- Sttmmaufimmx pO and other aaarifje oonierns A Vancouver, Is among the nsasengers aboard toe steamer Prince Oeorge going north today to m-.ke the round trip to Skagway Mrs. Johnson resided In Prlnoe Bupert in the early dam when fMncc Bufsarh, (Caurteey of B. D. wXy STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) The following quotation! were Md and aked: BSTTlSW, 11-4, Jl-t. Big Xsmcsnrt. i.JS. i.S. , Oark Provtno. 10. 11. Cotton Batt. MU. to, Duthle Mines, ggl-1. at. fiesta Copper, .7.40. fm. Oeorats River, M. to. Ooloanda. 1.10. 1.11 Orandrlew. IV1-1. tJ. Indestendence, 7. Nil. tMK trslgary I.M, NU. Oreat West. 40. NU. Mecaury. I.M, Nil. Mid Wort. at. Nil. MU1 Otto. 10.00. NU. Model. SO, NU. Okstta. now. S.tO. NU. Saooaer. 1 M. Nil. Otoperoanton. M, Nil. Advaave, It 00. lg.oo. A p. oansolldated. S Calmont. t.75. 1.80. Oalhouate. 1.40. t 4t. Pahyan Pete. 8, 8 1-3. Oo. tsM.l Mtaat, 4. . -iaii Ooal ocat. x, mut.. Rotsnay ncremoe. it,.isv Ko-tonay X!ng. tt. M. Lakevtew. ml, 1 1-4. ' ' Lucky Jan. MU. 14. Mohaerk t. 4. Morton WooUey River Odd. Metals, tl-t. Nsttone: Silver, ll. it I Kohl Pios, M, w. Ootaw, M. st. Oreille 4. to. S Oft. Premier. 1.S1, 1.70. 40. 4. ..ss.t,.-. Rutua Aajaata, tt. n,. . Ruth Hoot, ti, nu. Stiver Oram. t. Sl-I. V aUverado Cons, NU, 70. . Btlvarcmith. it. lti-l ffloeaa King. NU, 7. gewwflake, II, at. - . ' Sunlooh, t.OI. t it. Teptey fUchOeM 17. as,., Tone Mines, MU. 1.40. Ttawaey Tt. 1.00. Wooaalhe. 11-4, Bl-t.' Blisstatfd, 11 it. fa1 . Kcsm, lg.te.. it.ao. ' Illinois-Alberts, at. NO. MctMig.-aerur. Nil. I.M, McLaod 1.80. Nil. Mrw MoDoug -fiegur. Nil, I.M. Rr-yallte. NU, 10 00 Vulcan Nil. 1 10 HsresJ, lsia l 20 PreehoW. 1 00, Nil sveftiag PaeifM, i tt. M. Turner Valley, Nil, 1 00. Mid Weet. 60. Nil . THOUGHT IDS.. KBOUND Profound ignorance of many EPoPlSLiP Eastern Canada of conditions, particularly "as pertains to the weather, on this part of. the British Columbia coast cannot but cause amusement if not some resentment on the part of local people. A local transportation office had been holding for about a year a consignment of freight for de livery to the Queen Charlotte Is lands, which had not been claimed here. Advices were sought from the East as to what should be done with the shipment. A reply came back a few days aero containing the illuminating presumption that no doum delivery could be made j as soon as the going out of the ice permitted the opening of navigation to the Queen Charlotte Wands." PRESENTATION TO MISS ANNIE DALBY in on Porcher Island,1 , . mining operations , arrived aerivT In the tSTdte city on the the Prince Prince Geoe George . , ' Popular Local Rnde-Elect Hon mm monons; jraui fMNuum Robert Thompson, business manager thls Prince Oeorge northbound. lirgeaitf Prttoaard Haaetton arrived la Interior on will U on Skagway. accomfauisdat' their son. C.M.P. of city tram the s train and Oeccge for a shipment of ored Last Night by Hill 60 Chapter, I.O.D.E. of the victoria THase, accompanied by At the regular monthly meeting Mm. Thompson arrived in, the city, last nicht of Hill 60 Chanter. Im- morntne on Matey bent. They , Order Daughters of trw. Rm- prre, at the home of Miss Flor- ,, ;.:.T.. t. ence Smith, Smith Block, a pleas- f maoa' t Whe" th Coast ateaaahipa. ag north aboard ."gent. Mm. John Maneon. made the steamer Prince Oaarge today. She i th presentation to Miss Annie will make toe round trip to skagway. Da'bf , an active member, who is j to be married soon, of a beauti-E. D. r-liuyriey. promteeot Vancouver , f ul silver cake dlah. Miss Dalbv. chiptng man. and Mt,.. Kmsaiey are wno is one of the best known and making, the round trip to Skafway aanr' the steamer, brltte-it, rnnn .itBwv loti Is here here today todavi mot oopular of the season's Oapt. P. o. Orovea, rnanaser of the Empire Stevedodng Oo. . Vancouver, and Mm. Orovea, former residents of Prince Rupert, are aboard the steamer Prince Oeorge today going north to make the round trip to Skagway. Milton Gonzales returned to the city on this afternoon's train from Smithers where he has spent the past few days on mill ing business. The regular monthly business luncrton of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club was held in the Commodore Cafe today. President Joe Greer occupied the chair. Sam Lepitich has sold out hi interest in the King Edward Cafe at Stewart to take up the position of manaper of the new Golden Gate Hotel which is t- ing built in the Portland Canal mining camp. rhe Weymarn Petroleums Limited own and control 17j0OO (seventeen thousand) acres of oU land. Bve complete crude oU structure, three wells now drilling, with ga and crude oU already reached: illtOQO.OO invented by Norwegian capitalist la oath and equipment. nils company was sponsored by the most prominent xi ts landing business men of Norway, including Mr. Jse B. Thcieaen, Oonsul Lars ChAtensen. Haakon and Msnrut Amolln. Mr. John Amelia. Wllhelm leb-n. WUhelm Torkildeen. who are larae ship owner, aad F. H. Pnlloh. E. 8 Skogotad. Ouatar Iveraen. Mr. Pentaen, Mr. Llnboe. who are members of the executives of banks and Industrials. Mi ii Tense or Tired Smoke a Bucldllliailt in- . (III. o; Uox Wajrrlnee l(Uiert, H.C. Pavar enter my order for share of WBY- MVUtN PtrrnOLBUM CO. LTD. (eubjeet to sUot-ssaot) at tl. 10 per share. 1 eackwe eheque. money order or bank draft for NAME . . . MJOaMBS .a payenent la fuH. The test of a'good cigarette it the extent to which It relieves rather than restrict tuttalned vocal effort and nervout strain." "I tmoke Buckingham! whenever I become tense or tired. They soothe the nervel and are very agree able in all respects." ESTABLISHED OVCS 60 TTACS THREE WELLS CIGARETTES ? PWPMORRlS&CaUMtTED M .."iVaVX-I ; WBU. NO 1 Loos ted Walte Valley. New Black Die-I mond structure, now down 1400 ft. OU and gas now U the well. Production depth approianately 8100 ft. WELL NO. 3 Located Ptncber Creek structure, now down 100 ft. Producing over 78J0O0 cubic ft. wet an. Production depth approximately aotO ft. ' WELL NO. 3 Located Olearwater River Valley structure, now down MS ft. Crude oU struck at 340 ft. Commercial production depth approximately noo ft. WELL NO. 4 Located Walnwrlght structure. Drilling i teat hokM before d tilling for produetien. Carrie Rrynotdt, gifted actress, appearing (hi Summer with the Lyric Musical Comedy Co., Fritters Theatre, Montreal. NO COUPONS ALL QUALITY 2? IN LONDON A SHILLING WE RECOMMEND AND OFFER 50,000 SHARES Weymarn Petroleums Limited AT 1,50 PER SHARE THE WEYMARN PETROLEUMS LIMITED will be a Petroleum distrlbuUnf company, pro-ducing, refining, and marketing its own product It is Jhe only opportunity the investing public have had, since the incorporation of other large distributors to participate In such a Mr. Paul Von Weymarn I ha at year actual caper-j lane In gsnlogMsJ and ; oil development ! He wU! personally vise all drilling and fmM activities He also president and managing d live tor of the company. Your speculative risk is I reduced by one naif. rhere prominent jentlemen are all interested In oil venture on the con tine at. and bought aad paid for the Weymarn Petroleum Limited. riiitkasaiiiii they invested tui.oeo.OO cash la drlUlng equipment In ttut company. They are now drilling the three seilt referred to above. We ask our clients to compare this offering wit any other offering advertised in any paper for a sound Investment. They have turned the arieage, cash and equipment over to the company bef3M offering any stock to the public. In view of these tacts we strongly urge our clients to ubesrlbe Immediately either by aplleatlon, wire or telephone to Douglas Sutherland, Broker, Prince Rupert, B.C. PHONE 262, AGENT FOR : ; Cartwright & Crickmore Co. Ltd. STOCK AND BOND BROKERS 715 Duntmulr Street tloi mm eiTiir.ui.AM Phone Sey. 5516 and 3291 Mesahem Vancouver and Seattle Stock Eaobiaaat Vancouver, B.C. Have Yoar Stmt) Fat On, 1h( Market liaroiitetrr MsiUnt; List OI K AlliK E WIU. IICLI Vtll 1 Send In a l.lt of Yaar Sbtek llulillags NAME VDDRH68 CITY or P. O. .' PHONE NO B-in .1 j See Papc 7. There arc a lot of small advertisements there that make pood reading.