4 The Wise Ma?v The wise man reads the -A sifted advertisements an BEAVER COVE PAPER MILL ISREVIVED" Engineers Said to He Making Sur vey and Hlg Mill Likely to He Huilt XV.roUVER, June 12. tt K.iitracU and agreement ..c.t been closed, it waa aUted -.Uav on what appeared re-ajthority that the Interna- Pnln Xi Parwtr Co. will DTob- ,ui!i a 500-ton paper mill at, ... -r nve, on tne norm oi vh-, i Island, involving a capital . nf from fifteen to twenty "ii dollars. j i Kv project kom ahead as pro- j l it will involve the esiaDiisn-l a town of something like ..milr at that point, t tnatii.nal engineers are now ' r u preliminary survey. ialIsale of halibut today i a umaU U of halibut at vi .nnr today, only 1M OW pound ! i.fterM, mostly Amartoaa. v (i- follows: American f 0"Mdo 6000 to CMd Sae at I R r,l 32.000 to- nooMl WeteSrtss .i a. " iajo to Deoib ni" t . .. e. r 4.000 to HoaMl rtalieeki "' " 1 ' B T'"'f 2.500 to Attht nhert -fl 6:.,t 8 A i ' -i 14,000 to OnM 8orate ; n i id 8. Canadian H .louder 8.000 to Palfl HthwlM (l " and 7. iid 3.000 to AtUn naherle at 1 ..Ml 7. HUGE BENEFITS FROMTOURISTS Rum of $2:0,000,000 Said to Have Ilccn Icft in Country I.nt Year . r,''TMVA. Juno 12. Tourist ' " ' brought $250,501,000 Into ii;i'I:i in KlOQ nronrHlnir to 0tl- " "' - of the Dominion Bureau of lies, ftrr-advance of nearly f "nii.ooo over tho estimated '' lint .spent in tho country the Phtiouh year. Tin increase was largely due to .. r heavy influx of motors from 1 " I nitcd States. GOVERNOR OF . On the invitation of II. F. Ker-gin, M L A . lion. R. Randolph Bruce, lieutenant-governor of British Columbia, arrived in the city on the Prince George thrs morning fiom Victoria and will proceed north to visit Atlin electoral riding. 'Vista will be made at Atlin and Telegraph Creek, and, returning here on June 26, Ilia Honor will then go to Anyox, Alice Arm ana Stewart. A vin't is also planned to the Queen Charlotte Islands on the wv inuth. ThAinrh Vila visit is mf an unof ficial n.Hure. Ieutanant-Governor Bruce was met on his arrival nere tHs morning by Mayor S. P. Mc-Mordif, who extended a welcome on behalf nf thr city. He was driven around the city, taking in the cold storage plant and dry dork . EMIGRATION TURNING TO SOUTH AMERICA TA&Hinn. riMiill. June 12. The tide of emigration ... . 1 . 1 .. In.l.A.I WML WhlCn lor aefuen in'- ward across the Atlantic to New York and other American ports ha definitely set in a southwesterly direction. European steamship companws !are operating InfW and faster irteamera to South America than were the pre-war emigrant car-'riers of the North Atlantic, with much better accomodation. Under these conditions IVarllians , believe that their country Is on the I verge of Kreat Increase in pop-ulatto" with consequent agricul tural ueveroimitMit.. "tokoxto storks (Pniirlesv S. I). Johnston Co.) Ahana I M ttnnva fill 10. SO. V- '- n Bv 16.88. Nickel 47.00. 'MaodV OS. Nw4 001--Noraoda 82 00. Bidbury Bln 8 ,8 BbfirlMCWtlbn 7.10. Twk lluikai B. CON TOUR on UJ( UrtmyA !! ere. YiKlay En Uoute to Atlin Electoral Hiding 'ti' IWHI.IAMr.ST to rusn ' m.TKi, nutkMk OTTAWA. June w Ji. Tth.t ritam ittie attlur tomorrow or friaay. H SI.IIAI. NOTIf B Th.. funeral of the !' M- c,,"",(, wlUeSw s""' Chapel. 1 OTTAWA, June 12. If Cana-' dians would eat fifteen per cent i ess bacon and fifteen ier cent i more beef, there would be no ; cause for 'anxiety with reject to th u'opoHal of the United States iConjrre' to increase the tariff on live cattle. Thi was pointed out 'by Hon. W. R. Motherwell, minister of agriculture, In an Interview today. Canada exports only fifteen per cent of the beef raised in this , country. I , SIR ',Y. J. HICKS TO BE CREATED YISCOUNT IN FINAL HONORS LIST LONDON. June 12. Premier Baldwins resignation honors list is due shortly and it w 11 include a viscountcy for SirWilIiam Jony-aon Hicks, home secretary in the Iqte government, thus creating a ancy in Vhe House lor i wicK- nhum, wb'i e Sir William was ele. ted with a majority of 0000. Sir Thomas Inskin. attorney- a i ih4b -ihei late governraeht; who was defeated in Central Bristol, will likely be the Conservative candidate. PULP PROJECT FOR JUNE4U DISTRICT JUNKAU. June 12. Work is continuing this summer on the- surveys In connection with the proposed Cameron-Chandlar pulp and paper project. J. H. Cameron is in the district looking over the concern's interests. I NEW BUILDING IS COMPLETED Carnge and Warehouse of Llnd-' wy Cartage on Second Ave. Is Imptwing Structure Trm lmnftsinir niW bkvfittV and warehouse building for tho I,lnday Cartage Co., near the junction of First, Second and Third Avenues, is now completed and ready ftr ue. The structure measures 85 by 100 feet and Is two storeya in height, navtng cost about S20.000 to erect. The basement floor will be used for warehouse purposes and the upper storey for a garage and automobile showroom. WASHINGTON ISPLEASED Visit of British Premier Will He Welcome ;JEvent for U. S. Government WASHINGTON, June 12. The American" Government waa declared in high official circles to be greatly gratified and ready to welcome the plan of Premier Ramsay Mccdonald of Great Britain to visit the United States to confer with President Hoover on Anglo-American, relations. With his arrival In London Friday, Charles G. Dawes, the new American ambassador to Great Britain, is expected to become acquainted with the proposal and to participate in the discussion of it on behalf of the United States. Meanwhile, it is said, on behalf of the president, that he learned about the nronoped v's't of Mr. Macdonpld rnly through new paper despatches? TERRIBLE TOIliOF ACCIDENTS IN U. S i' CHICAOO. June U;-iAecldit Ud 08.000 pcraona In tkf. ynlted State In 1928. the National Safety OounaO announce. Thl was an InereiKC of 3 .1 per cent ow 19J7. (Jfvthe r-tl number of attb S7A00 Wft ettrlbufd t-. automobiles and 368 tW etvU avtation. Rallrcad accidnta, the report aald. are ' on the wane. TO BE APPOINTED FOR PRINCE RUPERT The, Prince Ruperi radio asso-cialion has been'fiolRted by B.J. Haugbton, suin'intendent of ra dio, that a part time inspector would be appointed to be located in Prince Rupert. This news was veryswelcome to rad" fans, as a personwn the spot can take quick action in regard to interference and follow It up. Horniuj. rmxroxEn on aooouM of the rain. It nlRht'i cn r. noftball fixture betveen the Station and Bound Kou-e w powt- noned and will be played tonignt u condition permit. Curious Phenomena Seen at Queen Charlotte Islands Following Big Earthquake SKIDEGATE, June 12. The hot sprines on Hot Spring Island, on the east coast of Moresby Island, have gone completely dry since the recent earthquake. The springs were considered to be among the best in Canada. Hand loggers at the head of Peel Harbor, on the west coast of Moresby Island, report that one of the mountains cracked open and smoke was issuing from the crevices. ' At Hippo Island there was one of the biggest landslides on June 7 that had been known on Queen Charlotte Islands. The roar of the earth movement, like thunder, was heard by the fishermen in th'o neighborhood above the noise of their engines. The mountain was completely covered for a long time by fine dust. TBNNIS (1AMK In the Prince Rupert Tewita Club'a championship tournament, Mlsa Vera Smith and Mn. CfcirrtoJat M Caroline Mitchell and Mlas Etta RtberUen by a score of 8-3. S-t. 7-5 In the first round of the ladles' doubles. mi us ni.i.wu: ,m , LOOT IN CHINA Tt hOnilKAMT HANKOW " SHANGHAI. June ia. rive days of pillage and looting by HuaneM Reds In whleh thoasanda were maanaorrd were reported today to have apread deitpair through the ungarrlaoried cities aoutheait of Hankow. 4 Boston Grill LARGE CAHAtlKT Special Dinner Thundajrs and Saturdays them whenever he needs f DaurJng Eery Saturday Night, 9 to 1 or buy, or rent, to find 4 Dance Hall for Hire Accommodation (or Private Parties PHONE 437 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V .! XX . No. 135. PRINCE UUPEItT, B. C, WEDiNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1929 PRICE FIVE HKntv Saskatchewan to Have Coalition Government Dr. Anderson Head ItEGINA, June 12. After a Liberal administration , f t years, a Conservative Government with the com-i ir.od support of the Independents and Progressives tutor luc premiership of Dr. J. T. Anderson may come into no,. or during the Jatter part of the week. This forecast l, political propnets iouoweu conterences ol opposition nir mbers-elect yesterday. At separate meetings the three opposition parties, numbering 35 members-elect, adopted identical resolutions calling upon Premier James Gardiner to resign im-nifJiately. No statement is anticipated from the premier, however, until tomorrow or Friday after the official returns have been received. The formation of a coalition government, was forecast last night in an official statement issued Ify the Conservative party. Announcement was also made that ten v,' mbors-elect of the Independent and Progressive groups had indicated their willingness to co-Operate with t!ie Conservatives on the following terms: A pledge for reform of the civil service. Retention of the identity of each group. Freedom in the matter of Federal politics. The statement said these terms had been accepted by 'in Conservatives and that Dr. Anderson wo.8 chosen leader of the respective groups acting co-operatively. I'MNS roil FLOATS IIKItK ARE FINISHED Wans and apcdileations for the new fiidMrnxn'a floats at Prince Rupert he been completed by the federal department of public wurks and were brpught north today by J. p. Fsrde. district MCtneer, Victoria. Construction of tlx float, to cow Moh an ap- prejirtatton wh made at otuwa. thl cession, in to be started In the near future. . 4 4 EAT BEEF AND SOLVE TARIFF Britain's Election Elevates and Crushes Many Notables The IJr itNh nl-c tioas ar over and John Bull has proved that he is not going to be 4istm U-d by results. He has uud'.iled through before and he will get through again. Above, are .some f:miliar fac who will be seen in the House again, uri'.l some who huve puss"' out hi Uic pa ture. Top. left to right, is Rt. Hon. Neville Chaniberiai.i, Minute:- nf Heaith in th- ili.i .w .. lioverinient, who doubled his majority in Dlrmingjiara; Jjp Tjjlett, " famous Lanerite. rtri rertiiwd his lost seat in Lancashire fr .m ttTe (Jonnsn-attve Twrty; lit Hon. Sir Austin Chamberlnin, Britain's Foreign Secretary in the Baldwin Government, who only jimt scraped throu 'h with less than one hundred votes. Bottom, left to right, is Sir Harry Kritain. one of Baldwin's old standby, who fadell away before a crushing La-k poll ; Lady Astor, who again wdn her seat for the Conservative Party by a large majority; Sir A. Steel-MaiUand, Minister ot Labor in the Conservative Government, who suffered defeat. MESSAGE OF BALDWIN TO CAN. PREMIER OTTAWA. June 12: A fare-nfll niemace which former I'rr-in irr Manley ItuUlwIn wnt to iTrnilr.- .Mwkrmlr kln( nn lit (lr of Mr Itrdwln rri.iiutlmi bi-en niwle public liere at lil o: -I Ivor twt4)' Irmkrnl in) re-kltnutliin In lite Kln. On leav-ln( ulfhe I uliould V.kv to eixl )u a hm-huc i frrell ad Iihti-h (tMKl M'luhM It hai keen a crral rliHete to rk In rl-liiltitntlnn with you and I wlh to enpreaa my wurmevt IImiiM for jour helpful rooieral Iim ilur ln( the Ui four anl a half rur In all nintUri of rouiiiion toiirrni." LANCASTER IS NEWCOLLECTOR Number of Changr In Provincial (lov eminent i:nili)rf In Nor lb SPRING SALMON OFF j QUEEN CHARLOTTES Thorough Ovtrhaul Planned for Steamer Prince David at the Local Drydoch Shipyard I - I Speaking of reconditioning of the steamer Prince David, which has been acquired by Canadian National Coast Steamships for local service out of this port, Reginald Beaumont, assistant to the Pacific coast manager of the steamship company, stated this morning that final plans for the work had not yet been completed, although the vntention was to convert the vessel from coal to fuel burning and also to extend the present limited passenger-carrying accomodation. The work, which by the time it is completed, is expected to be quite extensive, will be carried out at the local drydock. RED SALMON AT ! ASSIGNED BUT KODIAK, ALASKA1 ASSETS GOOD , SEWARD. June 12. Indicating VANCOUVER. June 12.-Fol-a successful season, thft -first run 'owing a meeting of directors, the of red salmon is reported In the Brunette Li -nber Co., Ltd., ot Kodiak district. Grimes andMat- New Westminster, made, an as- icn.i rannni es nut un several hun- slgnment under the Bankruptcy ArpA p,..,,. in n the first few days -Act yesterday. The total liabih- viotoria. jah in-Change announcad in the nnil Jrwl tne KoaiaK cannery yj aiao XJ patR tlwt re ghow'n at $729.8M and the Oovemuwit aaenean are .-M1J i.,i- total assets at $ leaving here as fotlowa: Oharlea Manrc tranararred from Atlin to Mnce Hupert. Edward Oope transferred from Finite to Atlin. Hiehard McOuaty. agent nt Anyox. goes to VMwn. H. D. Campbell Is appointed to Anyox. A. J. Unewter la promoted to be collector at Prlnoe RugWt. ed several hundred case, but tho l.CSJJM. run was light. , SKIDEOATE, June 12. The Buahby Company is still buying dogfish here for the reduetion nlant at Prince Rupert. Two old- a credit surplus of $087,803 BUSHBY BUYERS ARE SWEDE GROUP BUSY AT ISLANDS . IS BONDED SKI DUO ATE. Jfune 12. A. Rogers, Rand McDonald and Neh timers are being employed by the I. arson of Lockeport, Queen Char-company. Captain Oswald, who lottea, have bonded thIr mineral bought salmon here a jnVr ago, claims, the Swede group, to an and Ctrft. Jim Morrison, who was American mining concern I SKIDFCATE June 12. Re- sapper of tho steam trawler Tri- for $00,000. , ports from Hippo Island state that umph 18 years ago fishing there for spring salmon i I continues poor. North Island report" picking up ruin: oi' win: at I A Snane of the r N R lol audit ! office at Vancouver and formerly In ! Prlnr. Rupert Is cncr aboard 1 the Prince Oeow t-xlav iTm through of the trolling results in those Vancouver. Juno U; -ti pot to Bkagway on officii nuMnean. He watrig. The spring nalmon run csnh price of wheat today was tl 121-4 expects to be returnliw south oa tb there is Improving. at tr local exchange. same ateamer next Monday.