at M Y JJ I IT PA3E two losers anrf dinners fn Ryder Cup Golf Contest, England, Week-End Four members of the American team which the professional golf championship to England Friday and Saturday. They are deft to right) Waiter Hagen, former holder of the British title; Gene Sarazen, Conner U.S. open champion; Leo Diegel. profession! kiflgpirf jajJd Johnny F u rcll, I'.S. oprn titleholdt-r. They crossed to EngnsrldttiO Uie Mam etaniii. shewn herewith. Below are the &ipberfc!of tie British Ryder Cup team which beat the American gblf&fiijii the famous annual Rytksr up competition at Muirtewn lid$;Hridjitrand Saturday Back row, left to right, T. II. Crfton,'Fred!;nsn, Archie Compaon. E. R. Whitcombe, SteWitrt Burns. Seated, left to right, Audrey Boomer, Abe Mitchell, George Duncan, captain, and C. A. Whitcombe. Baseball Played Between Cloud ; Bursts at tfeioJork Yesterday; , Underdogs Bht Favorites West NEW YORK, April 29. The eastern . teams plaved 1 1 111 A 1 11 i r i -TTjt "cuau uetwtren ciouuuursis on aunuay. une game p"5vas deleted, another cut short, and a second portion of a scheduled double-header at the Polo Grounds was washed y .away. ; ; righting in the western sector saw the St. Louis Browns continue their mad pace as the two National 'favorites fell before the so-called underdogs. The Cincinnati Reds, conceded to be as far under as possible for the uogs to gei, ien nicago reeling unuer a 17 to 12 blow at Jess nitched his first wnnnfnrr immo nf tVi Pittsburgh in turning back the Cardinals. Babe Ruth's second homer and Hoyt's effective " 4ng pulled the Yankees through at Washington. CHANGES MADE ; SOCCER LEAGUE J LONDON, April 20. Sheffield ui! : Wednesdays, by drawing with i::.' : Jlurnley on Saturday, got the need- .... ed point to give them the cham- pionship of the first divisin.i. Rury will be demoted U tne sec- u . .. Ofld division and Clapton Orieii. nd I'ortvale from second to .hlrd diviaion . B0XING COMMISSION' iBIG CROWD AT BALL PRACTICE Fifty Players Worked Out nt Ac-ropollrt Hill Grounds Yes-terday Morning 1 There was another enthusiastic baseball praetfce at the Acrn. The Third Lanark and th'4 I" the Senior League, tur ' ll'.llk Ti J . , m . . H.J M.& L. - 1 .... jn j ii iv i nuvrrn nrop irom ine Ural ! i 10 losa me Mil for a ocomsn nivir.ion to tne second, whiVe Dtm!ee Unifed and Merton step up. The Ranger are champions of the first division. luiiine oi nonra. mere was a pcrb game in which Herman Lobliek. Bill Lambfe. Nlek Chen- il and B. Gwyer exhibited their i talents as burlera. j C.yro Club. Elka and Native it soiri m m itn J ' " me mree pros- iiLftDfAa 15 rL(WritljlPIBCtlve t"nw. hate now aigned ! on a number of nl . ,;. JUNEAU. April 29. The may be distribution later In or-, ,.nouse yesterday afternoon passed der to mut-h the teams as evenlv 7f.U.- Kill . l- - I l vi. .... ... ...vB.v. wcwiiK lwaiiir p H'Die. 1 ne iSIKS are honing committoion, appointive by the I to fo.m a elub exclusively - --rt a of ': .-fr"'' -tt- & , I I I I , p- SCORES ' ' 'Saturday Scores 1 National' League Cincinnati, St. Louis 2-7. Chicago 8, Pittsburgh 7. Philadelphia 8, Brooklyn- 3. Boston 5, New York 4. ' American, League St. Louis I, Detroit 10. New York 9. Philadelphia 7. Washington 3, Boston 2. Cleveland 1, Chicago 7. Sunday Scores National League Boston 5, Brooklyn 2. Philadelphia 2, New York 8. Chicago 12, Cincinnati 17. Pittsburgh 6, St. Louis 2. American League Philadelphia, Boston 3. New Yprk. 7, Washington 2. . St. Louia 6, Di-oit 3. Cleveland 1, Ch'jeago Z. ' '" ''NATIONAL I.iiACUE t. $TANDIN'ftS W. L, Pet. Boston ... .vii 6 2 . .750 New York . . . .-. ... 4 3 .R71 Pittsburgh ...5 4 .550 St. Lowia .6 5 .545 Chicago 5 5 .500 1 Philadelphia . . . . . . 4 5 .444 Cincinnati t 6 .400 Brooklyn ....3 7 .300 IKilis Hill grounds yesterday mor.ting in anticipation of thcst Loula f ort hromlpg season's aeti vitlea, ; Philadaiphla! .' .m.. fifty player, representing New, York ;. ,m-. three clubs that will h n.iruJ. " --mm I Cleveland . . . Chicago AMERICAN LEAGUE STANDINGS 8 W..ri . C . ,'ui'i i 5 , , 6 , .'vj. . .5 -4 Boston 3 Washington 3 L. Pet. 4 .C67! 3 V M7 .3 7 : 6 Beat Calgary Grad Again Saturday Night .025 .462 ,455, .400 -375 MERALOMAS ARE CHAMPS on at i Kiks membera. CALOARY. April 29.The vthivn tku hit kT HS'Sfffl' - - IVnneouTer Jleralomas won the of three member., the flnit , to hold: J,k de Jausherand, who has Wern Canadian -girls' basket- oirice, respectively, far one. two hn mh4h.i. ...j . u.ii .i rr.i. and three years, and thereafter th r.H,.i ri...-. . . -.l ai.' . - . "ci"" inuuire orcnesira - mgni, ueieaiing ine uaigary uraas lor hrco-year terms as vacaflcles ; here, sailed lt nrhf nn i..'27 tn ir. nml tnMnir tti mnmi. h ,ui"'. jPrjrvce.Jlupert for. Vancouver. :63 to 39. .T!i a 1 ,(' ii .I THE DAILY NEWS Monday, April 2Q PROMINENT FIGURES IN SPORT Written Especially for the Daily News by the Sports Edltm- i.a.wrjoiLM'ETER (HANS) WAGNER One of tfafsreatest Ball Players . afiiinnwfl niihlirltv- rf ..- . en une o! me greatest iw y.-jr- .,.., ,,....1. , ierof nil tjmeand also one jMUKIICI, throughout the ,N efrcuit with- HUldinjci and i base . . - nis major league 'vftrs with tfr Pittsbursrh Pirates. Wagner's- first professional : i baseball job was with Steuben-; I fill. Ohio, in the Interstate SWIMMI.N'fi TRIAfi? ! .League' when he was paw $35 ai FOR OLYMPICS TO ... , nf Wa8 J'E IN VANCOUVER getting $90- from the Patarson I . . : j. . . Club of tho Atlantic I.airue. He a . ..., . . .. 1L Itiegan witn trm Louisville CIUD of, to. r v, n" ... . . . . ' - flOUIIIK L1IC UIIULI iriiL Hi the old National League in 1897 tand stayed with Barney Dreyfuss iwhen the latter got his Pittsburgh franchise in 1900. He was one of the strongest and most intelligent basebal) players in the major leagues. One of the proudest feats of his career was his first i home- run ofXi Christy Matthew-son on August 16, 1913. He '(! ft. .:! .i.i.l i I!;' .. ' l " "I in! We Offer incr vpnr And tha !cl'o'AVi that the 1932 Olympic Trials would be held In Vancouver. were the principal results of the annual meeting- of the Canadian Amateur Swim- ming Association here. NAVY CAPTURES I HEILBRONER CUP 1 n 1(117 Via ViQd Am ttt f Aci a BllArf t: Rair manf Tha " lrtm ia( 1 1 ing goods t"""" store oiutc in Pittsburgh i 'uui(u and was very close, -ov, the aggregate H.Bii: score tunc . - , M - V f tf-J 1 f I ( 1 . J I. . His modesty, good nature ano even disposition are such as umpires manages amateur team as n pas- being 641 to CIO in favor of the and league off icials desire in every , time, often taking part in the Naval Reserve. There were teams player and his relations with hi Kames . He also contlnnes his in- of seven men eaeh and the possible employer, Barney Dreyfuss, never terest Jn big league baseball and was 700. The shoot was on the caused the latter a moment's wor-;fteT1 ffoe.i to Forbes Field to re- R.C.Js'.V.R. range. rv. He led the National League ,1CW uf'iuuwiaiiees jmu maKe new for several seasons fn batting, friends with yoonger players yielding and base running. whose ideal he is- WEATHER REPORT Terrace Cloudy, calm, 1G. ,foto16d Cloudy, c!r 44. -' AiyanihPart tlWdy, utm, 4$. Alice Arm Part' cloudy, calm, 40. 1 Anvox Clear, calm. 48. . ! Stewart Part elmxly, calm, 44. Port Simpson Light north wind, part eloudvG., , 'llaysport Clear, calm", 41.' ildren's Colds 450,000 SHARES Checked without "doaing'Rubor. V VAPORiir Sport Chat I I TJi f r Tin iCIose Shoot on Indoor Range Yes-1 U'rior In looking forward tn '" h"Mterday,"HerIment Losing 'active 'tennis eaon. Officer,", Gil to G10 the TennU Club there CZ elected' for the ym , ,..' Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer j president, T. J. Thorp; jeertT'' attUeserve, eserve, for rpr the the first lirat time time in in the tne ; '. Rain; treasurer, Miss i :r"' , ,., . man as yoir like, was oorn most popular, John t r . (Hans) huinrv r.oi,..,t v-,., nf fV, irm.hv which wn Wagner, thrilled MIHIICM the tans . 1sm Ai,nllt .v. uic im iic bp. uc- nrwspntid cscincu in uf 102S liv Mnx 1MM ii, mil, nuuui- mue , .iiua, inn-1 omlthers'' t?irl ;t;onaI Leanue gan to earn his livelihood as. a bronef for thebest tgnnhoU on an j nflun.i r .1.- " . recent,7 visits brilliant ltant b-atting b-atting, barber he manifested his interest Indoor range with .22 rifles, won t,nii .,11 . won a t,a1t f 1 i.ii . ., f..- k lull.w.- fi I 15 running nntng dunng OUnng 111 uuncutlll as uu amaicut me jicriujuiici uu' ii vuiiii'ctviviV'1 career career 01 of - I c 21 .1 Since his retirement from baseball with a team from. FJrat Nor,! II, from the ff-. competition. The game Wa,i6 lude to an enjoyable dance t Z Club! UUnl Ule C0mB"B'S The Prince George AtMet1 Aasoefctlon fs meeting wijh iJf cm Itt ita. efforts to rciuvc.-tt all kirrtJt of sports in the in. r ' town, particularly &nmg r-, younr people. The a-.. . : u to ftold 1U firt annual (i,in-- Wmf ... TP 'LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage i nunc 09 Cartige, Warehousing, ant WJstrfbutintf. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravd We Specialhea In Plans id4 Furniture Morlnc. NORDON CORPORATION, limited Incorporated Under the Laws of the Domlnlori qf Canada 4 f i MEAD OFFICE: Vancouver, B.C. ADMCJ1STR ATTVK OFnCES -TtLrirr. AlJvrfi 1 A..U. r.Wt. '' ! CAPITALIZATION . Autborized-S,000,CO0 Shares of no par value. To be presently issued, Including this offering, 2,000,000 Shares rv-. The Company Has no Funded or Other indebtedness: REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER AGENTirUirl Trtn CVTwirWfWliinlpfi ud ViSiuVS? DIRECTORS Cl M. Itnky, aigwy, Albert, President and General Manner; frnirrW Vice-Preaident and General Manager Hucfwrn' Bay Mar-lasd Oil Co., Chief Geologist Rocky Mountain Diviaion Empirt Gas and Fuel Co, Chief Geologist Afartand Oi! Co. of Colorado antf Geological Department, United Sutes Geological Surrey. C C. Willi, Los AngaN, California, Manarti Director of United State properties; consulting geologist and engineer, formerly duel assfcUnt to Director in charge of Geology Snd Research of Marland Oil Companies; formerly geologist Associated Oil Co., Director St. Lonis Royalty Co. Samuel R. Smith, Vancouver, B.C., Vice-rresident and Assistant General Manager; oil operator, formerly chief of Land Department, Hudson's Bay Marland Oil Co. RoImvi S. Moran, Los Angeles, Californb, Comurimg Geohgiit and Engineer; former y Geokgbt SUndard Oil Co. of Califpmia. NO It DON CORPORATION LIMITED la a Canadian company, acquiring the property of Nordort Corporation and other valuable .oH lease and royalties, deriving substantial present Income from exUrinff oil fields of the United SUtes, direttcd by technical and eracl tul talent of the highest order, which will largely devote Its efforts ri development of oil in the fields of Western Canada. Kordan Corporation had its Inception' earfy in I9JI, to acquire xceptkiu opporlunitier in various oil district ol Canada and the United Stat auder the guidance of Mr. C. G, Willis and aociatl. rRortnTY HOLDINGS i Leases UJXQ arm and royafcy unr ieOO aim on sevenths distinct oil areaal of the United States, and 10400 acres in prospective valuable area in Western Canada. United State royalty interests include portion of landowner's royalty in one of the finest leases i the SanU Fe Springs field of Calilorsla. Five wells have here been completed to recently discovered deep and very prolific sand and thirteen more well arerdritBaar on the company's royalty acreage. In Stxt Hnito, ceaipaay owns royalty under 70,000 acres, l the latest prodncitg oil area in the United State. In Ttxtutht latest maibr producing flaU in the Unifed Stales, company owns lease on 7J0O acre in Midland county, part of which is now bring drilled or) acreage-division bjaiat by Mme of the 'artier operating companies ( the industry ; leaMn 200 acres in Crockett county, where i.JOO checkerboarded acM. transferred on acresge-dlvWorr basis, Is being drilled by Marland Oil Co-, and W A. Moncrieff, and whrrt within tlx past few days one well reached the sands and was bailing at the rate f 218 barreh d'ly. with prop cts that a big producer would ba brought M: fcasrs on 60 acre in Tecos county, on the Fort Stockton "high"; and lases on 1.000 acres in Ward eotmty on the Soda Lake structure. In Ohhkomii, one hall of roy alty under 160 acre on top of large eora-drill structure In the Wilcox sand area, where Marland Oil Co. own tht kise on Nordon royalty acreage. In Kamat, acreage in the vicinity of the recent discovery Just north of Wichita, Central Kitosai. Jn Ohio leases on 80 acre In eastern part of state, where a weR witnint one mile has Just come in with yield f 100 barrel ol high-gray-ity Pennsylvania crude. Olhtr royaltlet and Uaut art unJrr option' or nttotMon In Sunt a Ft Sprints firtd mil In etktt jitUs in Tridi and Xtw If t iiro B. T. Hale, CatffUT, AlbfHt, formlCWf Gleflit, Ilixitoa'i By Mirlwd Oil Company; Jornmiy TDtobrfAi tfpl r MarU4 Oil Compwy tl Mtxko. - t7. Maior-Crneral D. M. Ilaaarth. II S rt CMC. Tl. On. Urio, Director; Director Sherriti-Cordon Mines, Ltd, Sudbury Basin Mines, Ltd, etf. " Col. C. U. II. MaeAlp4ne, Toronta, Ontario, President, Dominion Explorers Limited; Director, Sudbury Basin Mints, Ltd., (tc. Mackenai Willlama, B.SeM Toronto, Ontario, Director; invest, men! banker. E. E. Campbell, M.r, Toroato, Ontario, Director; formerly Assistant General Manager Granby Consolidated Mining, Smettiog and Power Co., General Superintendent United Verde titration Mining Co. ITIF.9E1VT REVENUES i Royalty revenue from llrrwell In SanU t Springs field wHll presently be at raU of tjOOAOO per annu j, and rate Is expected to reach SSOOflOO per annum before the end of this year, as thirteen more well are being drilled on royalty leases Further revenue are expected from Texas and New Meaka fields from well now drilling, ' FINANCES i I'rwn completion of this pretent financing tho roupany will hv In eacrsa of 11,100,000 m rU-frmuTy, INTENSIVE CANADIAN OI'F.irATIONStTae Dnm. , .data objective of the Corporation is largr rxpamion of Itt eper-atioas in the proiwtiv fields of Western Canada, whtrt Itt tuff, in possession of valuable geological data, believes some I the most important structures on the continent may be developed. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONS iThe princlplet wtkh have been and wilt be followed by the Corporation in building up revenue necettary for execution of lu policies, used with marked success by the great royalty companies of the United State, wifl be rigidly adhered to, thu eliminating, in largest measure, drilling operation tho most costly and most baiardoul branch of th Industry. Lease and royaltle win be negotiated over a wide eprra.f. thus mlmmUing hazard of lost and increasing tht chance Tl bin lucCrfl. TAe Corporation it not drWint eompany and tviU hi optruliont in thai dkretion ,oiely to offt drilLt vkn, "ToPn-otions art mptraUvtly dimanded In protection ) Hi twVl,, PERSONNEL i The Handing of the directors of ',Hn Corporation I, of the highest order. VtGn he prosiwctlve field of Western Canada, with- the widest ttZriinZ m eontinental nil affair. Managing Director C O WUuT.S the credit fot dUcovery of several ol the Important field! fc the Lot Angele Basin. From time to time, anncmcemera m in, Vt k-.-. .....c.i., u,u imemauonaf reputatloa. Application wilt b$ modi tor tht(nt on Eastern and Wnlirn Sttxk Ex(kaiei Llteratare, with halftone and maps, containing fart lie r detail, gladly furnished upon request. SJ.OOjlfM SHARK. n piVl Trm of SnwMTtptton PAYABIi $1.00 WITH AITLICATION AND S2.00 UPON' IlPi ivrnv Y OF CERTIFICATES lfianwTiT?m"ii SLl'?15 "t'r.n AW Of OfR IRWrMM Avn rORRFSmvntvrt Tliant OH Ol'R OHM KKOKm i-r Vi.m!.V:!?'.!i!?J no OR s st Bsruirrifiv Msrni.rir.v i unn wmi i ni.i vin. MUUIK, roKliiNR. a m. Tiiu aii itiv .irA'y."'Vr. OF wt, ir v t i fTFrre ri)orr rn f, nv tVi ntrsns 11 f.MHT APRIL .SSil Ti 11 uistaKTio.-, but m anv evwti rVr itn "iose ; ! or bcsiness on may i, f fie rieht ft reterird to njtct any and ail otpQcatlont and, in my runt , to allot rmJltr amount, H ,T, oplUd Stobie-2orlong&(&' Stobie-Fodt Vancouver Branch, 716 West Hastings Street VANCOUVER - V JkJ Henri nrrw rAYAMDVELUNCTCWSTS. TOtlOMTO' 1 t