PAGE EIGHT Healthful Cereal for Hot Breakfast Em- Crisp in oven: serve with piping hot milk. Delicious-and brimful of energy Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd ( 4 0L . Ill, ill IMIM' inwvKn. HpiTTir KHi lilkan, AVrancell, Juneau a Vk tuvtf V 'Ii VuuciMner, Vlctvrln and eatt I'UINCEHS HOVAI-tkean KalU. LOGGING AT HALF THE COST OF HORSES Bigger Production Economical Operation CATERPILLAR IRACTORS Make Bigger Profits Sole Distributors for II. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER II. C. Branches: Kelowna, E.G.; Nelson, II. C.; Prince George, 11. C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salllnci From frlnre Kupcrt Kr VANCOUVER. VIU10U1A, SwantMin liuy. Uutttiale. Alert llay. rtiCiucn-tUy. 3:30 p.m. for VANtoi VKIt. VirroKIA, liutMlale. Alert lluv. rte., Friday midnight lur ALICE? A KM, ANYOV. STEWAKT. N'AAM ItlVKIt. humlay. K.-4( p. m. M WHIT MMi-Ml.N AMI WALES Isl.AMI. Tliursdar, P.m. 133 Znl AYtnur .. It, M. ,S.MITII Areut ITime Ituprrt. II C. ' 'I t rough tlrketn Mild tq Victoria and Ceuttle .uud baggage checked through to destination. k B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SER VICES lETa SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT ml .ska way .May 1. 11. 22 ttlr Muv 5. 1... 86 etc.. Vancouver and Vlc- S- luru evrry l-ndajr 10 p.m. Ajenta rar all htranulilp LI net. " W. V. UltCIllltll, tlENEItAL AGENT 3rd Ae., I'rlnre l(uiert. II. C. Phone 31 Canadian National Q7ic Largcil Railway Syilcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE HlllnjC ritlNCK Itt'l'F.KT for VANCOlEH. VICTORIA. hEATTLE. aiul IntrrmedlatF polnti, each Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. lur ANVO.V and STEWAKT. ruth Wednesday and Saturday, 1.-00 p.m. lor NUUTII AMI SOt'TII QIEEN CIIAUI.OTiE IHL.MiH. rurlulttitl. rASKEMICIt T MAINS LEAVE rillNTR KtTERl tauh MIINIIAV, M 1.DNEISHAV and SATtXllAV at 11:30 J.i. lor I'KINCE (IM)H(it, KDMO.iTON, HINSlltO, all poInU Uu.teru Canada. I ii lied blltr. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINKS City Ticket Office, S28 Third Avfc, Prince Hupert-Phorie 2f.(i Keep Up With Yourself MEN who forge ahead in business raise their standards of living. Their wants increase; things that were once luxuries become necessities. But too often, the amount of life insurance remains the same. Should the inevitable happen, the widow and chil- . dren must effect a drastic cut in their scale of living. Keep up with yourself don't let your life insurance fall below a sale ratio to your family's living expenses. is. ' mis r Manufacturers Bife Insurance Company HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, CANADA Branch Office SM-e Rogw Bldg.. Vancouvtr. B. A. Twlaa, Branch Manager NOItltIS W. I'HINOI.E, IHSTUICT ItKPIlEriH.N'T.VTM E Prtnoe Rupm, B. C. See I aj;c 7. There arc a lot of small advertisements there that make good reading. LOOKING OVER FOUR lANTHEM BY CHOIR lk-lng Made for Tower Corporation of Canada G. II. Kohl, consulting for the Piwe- Cnmoratio-i of Canada, i, was was out out with with his his party party the the I fitter -""J" "tarn Chlrch. tL The part of last week making. f ryrenr-Hanccpftheelulu nrHnrltrary Kthada and Falls River hydro electric power sites. The party CHURCH PARADE OF ODDFELLOWS' LODGE Attended Divine Service Last Evening at First Baptist Church The local Oddfellows lodge held its annual church parade last evening. About the order, under Mr. It. Ilramley will give a free demonstration in our store on Saturday. (live us a call. 2 HEINZ 95c. SPECIALS ? NO. 1 ' - ' Tomato soup, small, 9 tins . . .96c NO. 2 . . 3' bottles keftfoB, huge, 1 tin soup, small. All for 95c 1' tin bakVa bearmfll;l tin sphaghettl, small; 1 tin tomato soup, small; 1 bottle ketchup, large; 1 bottle sandwich relish. Allfor ..A.. 06t NO. 4 1 tin baked beans, medium; 1 tin tomato soup, medium; 1 tin spaghetti, medium; 1 bottle vinegiir, lG-oz. ; 1 jar prepared mustard. All for 95c NO. 5 1, tin baked beans, small; 1 bottle cucumber pickles or relish; 1 tin tomato soup, 1 bottle sandwich relish, 1 bottle vinegar, 16-oz. All for' 9fic Mussallem Grocery Co. j Limited 1 617-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. O. Box 575. Our Special $50 Engagement Ring We'd like to show you how good value ths is. Fine white diamond set In 18 K. gold in the newest patterns. We buy the diamonds by weight and we set them ourselves. We save you money this way. John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS in'B DAILY NEWS Monday. Am HYDRO POWER SITES LAST EVENING AT ! Preliminary Reconnaissances Now The nuUttni. "I Wan, Clad When They Sifld SyuV Kc " ' yaPlen-didly rertjjyfed by the senior choir, under John E. Davey, at evening ervie jCerday in iqm tjres- drifter in Mfc as spiritual affairs. - m anthem nntnm fh ln- "ITS annovins to be JL stymied by a donkey engine . . but it'i a grand game, thif Anchor Donaldson Deck Golf, in a brreze, ai bracing o the wind that twee pi the Old Course at St. Andrews. Plenty of fun and hospitality when you travel Anchor Donaldann. 9- 1 III ft Sail Anchor-Donaldton I' C. rv''lll .1,.. I... Mo fVMnlll nm Baci threuth TU Cunard Sfam Stop C., Limiltd, 6m lltutinii St. W., Vamnmr (TtLSeymdr 3648-9), or any iitanskipatenl. weakly bkiliutf. from Montreal land Quebec) to Ireland. Scotland I and ttngUnd in con-M. ' Junction with Cunard commencing May 3rd. ANCHOR-DONALDSON nv LINE CsUrtTawMTHMttsktatr T": -) f'-3. Ladies' and Children's Silk Hosiery AT REASONAULE PRICES Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE NEWCAPITOL I CALENDARS OUT Mi"" Olive Uunro. and quartette , ., returned today d 1 wHl " Ttf. nk A TrinW uei ;uasaey ma aic viapperMju. i. is n of lalclna. i his subject, "The "Tommy Atfcina" the biggest ',hf""'" Great PubUe Oucstion." the iwitor. BriUah production of all time merely preliminary nature. Detailed examinations will be made later. FINE SONG SERVICE Excellent Pictures Are Hooked For Month of May j The Canitol The;itre ha booked air 'exceptionally, fine program of pictures for the coming month which the management feel sure Outstanding on the Hat art the Efs jiSrnr Rev. T. ftbn Jones, discussed Iiomance and drama leap from the well aa in teen in a picture of two fighting lads who love the same lassie. AT UNITED CHURCH Hawthorne Dunn, Recently Arrived from Rowland, Proves Himself Fine Soloist The Great White North an educational picture of the first rank. Clear cut and accurate, worth go ng miles to see, as it might have been worth risking 1 fe and limb to chronicle what actu ally transpires. , "Forbidden Hours" with Ramon Navarro (tsar of "Ben-Ilur A large congregation enjoyed a f "). " wet tragedies of a special song service last night in monarch's life told in a glorious 40 members of First United Church. The full Ioye """T. ' James Haddon. senior choir, under J. S. Wilson. "Tr"' Whip" starring Dorothy noble grand, and with W. A. Mc- gave a splendid rendition of the Macknill. Racing melodrama with Lean as marshal, participated in anthem "Awake. Put On Strength," the uit pf kinga at its .sportiest, the parade from the Metropole and Hawthorne Dunn, recently ar-1 "Tk Sinking . Fool" Al Jol-Hall to First Baptist Church, rived here from Rossland. Droved greatest screen success. where they' were joined by about himself another real acquisition in ' Tri f W with Delores del 15 members of the Rebekah lodge, local vocal talent wih the singing , Ri W stirring drama of the Rev. W. F. Price delivered an of the solo, "One Sweetly Solemn,0 rush days In the Yukon, appropriate sermon and there was Thought. The subject of the I " special music by the choir, includ- sermon of the pastor. Rev. Alfred Ing the anthem "Pilot Me." Vic Wilson, waa "The Song of Libera- Houstn sang as a vocal solo, "The tion." New Jerusalem." J! MOTHER OF NORMAN OM5iSS2H3S38J2a WATT niFJ IN FKT 95c. DAY wuu in u:iui PIANO RECITAL ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY The second of a series of piano recitals was held at St. Joseph's . . Academy on Saturday afternoon. Govrrnmeat Acert Advised of Sad The following pupils performed, BereavesMsu at Aylaer, P.Q. giving a very enjoyable enjertaln- l merit: Miasea Gladys Mellish, Govertkanent Agent Norman A. i Frances Moore, Jessie Glllis, Watt received the sad intelligence ftancy Brown. Betty Brown, Ed-yeseerday of the death at Aylmer, na Gillies. Margaret McDonald, P.Q.. of hB mother. Mrs. John Daphne Hammel, Margaret Sue Watt. She1tV- predeceased Mny Gulick. Shirley McEwen, Marie years Wt fty her.hUband. An- Balagno. KatfMTinp WataHfh, llalf n jnther brother in this proviaee is McCaffery, Marie Murphy, tuth Caraet WaJt known insur- Gillioi. , V aace saaa. i . ,. . . SOLVATION ARMY ; ALREADY RECEIVING SELF-DENIAL GIFTS ) While the Salvation Army annual self-denial collection does not atart officially until May 1, Adjutant Kerr reports that he has already received a number of do-'rat'on. fo-" of them being sent in voluntarily. At the city council meeting to night the council is being asked' to allow the annual tag on May It. I This will wind up the campaign. ! I" the meantime, a personal canvas is being conducted and envelopes distributed. ' WAR LEFT HIM TO SUFFER TERRIBLY Until He Found Happy Relief in "FRUIT.A-TIVES" Many a batlle-eoarred veteran of Ita Oreat War baa found aura; from pain and aufTerint; in "Fruit-a-tiy." Thia famous modirine, made from fruit juices combined with the ft neat rmdi-eirwl ingredienta, haa helped them to sdhut themseWea to modern eottditioM and to comet tliese fault of diotation sad elimination which resulted from their terrible war experiences. "Kver euvw leaving the army," writes Mr. L. 1'.. Newman of Ions Station, Ont., "I sud.-rwl terribly from Con-(Kpnlion. After epending a lot of money on remedies, I took four boxes of 'Kruit-s-tivea and I can sincerely ay they save me ptrmmtnl nUif." Otbor (Jrcat War votermne liave taken "Kruit-a-tivee" for Itheumatiam, Kid-ney Trouble, Indiseetion and Dyapep-Nenrouaneas and raeepleaaneas with equally gratifyinc reeulu. Try them. !l4c. and 60s. abox at dealers everywhere. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Stvl All Cuarnnlml SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED tVe Dillvir to Any Part of tin City. Ling, the Tailor Phone G19 EMBARRASSING MOMENTS CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK ANU SHIPYARD OPKUAT1XG (J. T. 1". 20.000-TON FLOATING Oil t)l Mngineera, Machinltn, Boilermakers, HlatkKmiths. 1 Mnkert, Founders, Woodworker, Etc. ULKCTUIC AND ACETYLENE WELDIN'.j Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle AH Kind- of MAKINE AM) COMMERCIAL WORK PJIONES 43 AND 385 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 ' " .1 1 ' - 1!-, Ja NI5WSlIIIMEKTJlJS,nAniUVEI) Aline Head AIIcrta Lump.. M Mine Head Alberta Sootlcss I,arj;c Egu Mine Head Sootless Kg? . ........ 1 Pembina Peerless KgK 4 Also all other clawotf of coal. DRY 1HUCII, .FACKPINE AN'I) CEI) Single load ... s Double load , L4trj(e sack Box wood cuttings, large load . . . Piaiio and Furniture Moving. Express and )' -n-v Day nd Service 139 Se. ..,' DEMAND "Rupert Birand5 "THE DAINTIEST .BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert D.C Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Rssitfc