In a few days salmon angling will start under special permits on some of the picturesque streams in New Brunswick. Our picture shows (at toft) Rex Beach, novelist and outdoorsman, fishing on the Restigouche, and (on the r ght) Mr. J. H. Cosden, a New York millionaire, holdilng up a 36-pound beauty captu by Mr. Beach. , Drive ft Yourself There is no Better test Ford Car caturci CketrofeaWs il to II mOei kr O-Xoril jwawr eia Full loIWa (ires . T Ui aaaioaea1 tit-bnkl iytltM 4 UouiiaU ktdfttit iM 10 Un mitt vrr ftllon $ UllM Skalttrpnof gli wMtKU4 Tki pro iiraitim lock DURABILITY The duri-blltty of the Ford car hit never been fully measured bectutf one yetr of conUtene driving leave It like new. But It la powlbU to ettimate .by the matcrlala that go Into it, the finer alloy tteela, higher grade equipment and better batlc quality In every fart, that many thouiandi of mile of aervlcc arobuih Into lt chaul. . t SAFETY The fully endewed Ix brake lyttem ptlp the flying wheelt with allent power. The windthleld ia of ihatterproof ctau. ..An aU-weel body sivea majclmum protection. At high peeda the unique and effective Ford ipring and thock abaorber yatetn provldea Perfect balance. COMFORT Deeply upholstered acat cuahiona, tet at a rcMful angle, match In comfort your easy chair. Large window allow unocKtructcdvhlan and open wide tn warm weather. Four Houdaillc hydraulicahock abaorber, and the unique Ford feature of traruvene, aemi elliptic apriitg, give the effect of riding on air. . DEMONSTRATION Ak Ford dealer to let you Sour rive "a Ford car. He will bo glad to take you out, Select the (teepctt hllU, the heaviest going--you will be amazed at the power at your command. Head for the butleaf arieer. Drive alongside other car. Try the quick getaway, the: iwlft pickup in tecond,tne eary gear thift. Feel the imooth, sure aaion of the tlx brake ayttem. A ikmonitratlon will convive you of the outstanding merle of the Ford car. Drive It your, self, there la no better tut. Also tequest your Ford dealer to show you the hidden. Inbuilt quality features of the car which make It ao enduring, TIME PAYMENT; If you prefer to buy out of Income, you will find the authorised time payment plan off4 by all Ford dealers most attractive. 'tt PAGE StS TflE DAILY NEWS Mm IT WON'T HE LONG NOW IRVINEWINS BANQUET WAS Grouse Mouiiiai, (vYCAXYVV,..!. IN ORATORY; FINE SUCCESS Spirit Uunpaigu Four of Five Judge Gave IHm Milliard Season Brought to Suit- Decision oiwSaUirday. .Over sbl Close Wih"lrwenta Powell River Boy tlon of Prliea ! Four. of i;he i,v judges In the A most successful banquet was district final of the B. C. Oratori- held on Saturday evening in th ical Contest which was held on Boston Hall by the Prince Rup. j Saturday afternoon at the Capitol ert Billiard Association for the; Theatre gave their decisions In purpose of presenting various j I favor of Robert Irvine of , the prizes which were won. during thai ! Prince Rupert High School .over past winter season s activities, Arthur Button of Powell River. Between sixty and seventy per. ! Accordingly, Irvine will compete sons attended the gathering 1 in the provincial finals which will which was presided over by Fred ' be held on Friday of this week H. Stevens, president of the as- 'in n n aamiiaV 8AP I O Hrtn an1 urns 1. .1 ... fa L A large audience attended the the presence of Mayor S. P. Mc theatro on Saturday evening and Mordie who presented all th evinced keen Interest in the con- prizes. test. Irvine's subject was "Canada After full justice had been Among the Nations," and But- done to a fine banquet spread ton's, "The Peoples of Canada." and smokea donated by the Im Decision on the point system perial and Tuckett companies was made by the judges who were had been distributed, there was Bishop G. A. Rix, Rev. James B. a splendid musical program! Gibson, Rev. T. II. McAllister, L. which included cornet solns by I W. Patmore and P. H. Ltnzey. Boh Greenfield, solos by Bob 1 ; ' - iJamoa, duets by A. A. Kusson and Robert Irvine sailed last night Mitchell, storiea by A. A.J on thp PWnc- liunert for Van-fConnon and "fy Astori. musi-' FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED; FORD, ONTARIO " ..!.. f .i . a i couver where he will .represent " y me jtuperi uipi- -!this district in the final of the I""""" ",,a ,r- ana B. C. Oratorical Contest. Arthur v "WW I Button, over whom the local boy won in the district final here on Saturday afternoon, also sailed last evening on his return to Powell River. I .0 5;' V ', Oafe and mm--JjJUsai Comfortable ;" ripHEFord car car rolls rolls down down country country roads roads as as lJrnl )' 's' U ' " - ytf ''if 'J f Ji. smoothly smoothly and and comfortably comfortably as as over over trans- trans-. lj.BbsJ l&,-. - m . continental continental highways. highways. Roomy Roomy front front and and rear rear SWW' compartments lots ot leg room, head room. 'itfjfi body roprnr-.make it the ideal family car. The safety features of th? Ford cargivedriver and passengers a sense of security and well-being. They enable one to avoid dangers in traffic and the inbuilt strength of the car resists damage from the careless driving of "the other fellow." bpcakera Included Fred Stephens, Mayor MeMordle, S. D. Ma.vlonald, F. G. Pyle, M. M. Lamh and others. The presentations as follows: were made First Division Brunswick-Dalle Col lender Shield, won by Canadian Lejflon. Individual cup, donated by John Bulger, won by 3. P. Mc Mordie, F..O. Pyle, A. Murray. JJ Andrews, M Andrews, G. P. Tln-4 kpriand Dr. Wiesti .- Wl?h break prire,- donated by P. U. Billiard Association, won by A. Donald, 67 points. Second Division BesrlerCurj, won'ty Canadian Fish and Cold Storajre Co. Individual Cups, donated by the P. R, Billiard Association. Lvojr'by W. Balllie. J, Hlllnuth. J. iilajf. Macdonald C. Baptle. J. VmpbelJ, a. Krause. IJiKh break prire, donated by Jo.-Brown. won bv M If. fo. I-achlan, 38 points. Individual Junior Won by William Mitchell. Hunner-up cup, A. Maedonald. High break prize, donated by Boston Tafe, won by William Mitchell, 42 points. Senior Championship Won by C. P. Balagno. Runner-up cup, F. G. Pyle. High break prhe, donated bv Kmpresa Social Club, won by A. . tawwn, 69 points. District News TERRACE. W. H. Altemus. of East Or. arige, New Jersey, visited the local lumber operators this week on one of his periodical visits to X t me coast. Lawrence Grefg returned on Saturday after spending the past school year at the University of Hrltlsh Columbia. -A. - Mrs. Glover nnd Miss Butt of Usk were visitors here on Thuri. day. -R. L. -Melntoshr returned to his summer home here this past . 'i i " . " weeK ana ;is gej.ting spring gar denlng under way. An attractive bulletin board for th Anglican Church, made and donated by Wm. Farr, has been erected on Kalum Street, just south of the bank. The printing on the board warf the work of F. Nash." Father Leray arrived from the Interior on Thursday 'on a visit tn the local .Roman ;Cfttholle par ish. -x -r A FORTUNE IN PRIZES $1.00 Makes You Eligible TlCLP rownU ! a fvrlun.I hJ a ik tarn. iim h.lp miSc Csum Htm ( hiai will irM .!d Mtan ( Mirial dulUit i. Vmm. I Ik. rl ia wmpl.i I 1. TK CMipaar aaa ptavUioaj for a CraaJ Pnft cf (."3 4 Wtlr Cat Prim lol.llia Si. 000 nth tick lac lb. dunk, anci mmm I TW. VTmSIt Cah PriM .hall b. dnidt4 a. .llo.,t Ot : ZZZ I Om 1100 Cat Pr..i Taaiyiai. Hi Omk Ptkm Ij, ! 2. Err PurdiaMf ( a S 1 .00 Gran. Mauauia Hibty . jmrnrnfy I 1. A penal pimaa-ia awr iliaa aaa tlcaH will a Cafc Prifa far tMh aickal parckaMO1, 4. Each waak iba priaa winam a.awa aa4 aMmm f r ' i ml lat. I rmapliM at ika Campaica all aatvoa. aba bava aoa a m K I bwaaM rllfibla la iba 21,000 Ot.a4 Praw. i. Tb Craad Pri. tkM fca aaard.J la aaa al lha Wi al aba ta4 al lha Graaiar Caaimuiutf Spiral Caatpaita. ... r. mumm ... s.. . .. , Canadian Le rip 10 uuenos nyres, argentine, has arrived back in Vancouver A a DK.MANDS DISARMAMENT - . Vow the rrts'ds are In on-i Slaxlm Mtvlnoff, deleirute from Htlon for traffic afraln larvre Soviet Hussla to the Genevn con--"fntlHwt of ties are being" de- ference, won a preliminary vie Herd at the railway from the tory by securlnjc Immediate dis-dlfferent mills and camps whlcK cusslon of the Soviet projet for hve been cutting them during a 50 per cent, reduction in Ixist-the past months. Some of the In armaments. , L fjaraal (. Tba awtkada af aaaidiaf . Priaaa aW.11 ba l.ii n ; TkbM bakl kaaiae aqual appanaaa)r wkbauc rxajudt... ! aaaaa aam al anqaa.iiaa.bU iattgrHf Hava accr'l aaardiag iba Priaaa aa4 tbaar alaalaiaa tbart ba aaal n4 t"i-' HONOURABLE W. C SHELLY. Maakaar al Fuuxi el t Mmauaf al Fiaaara al tkMiab CalaarMa W. ROY W. MrlNlOSH. MMk-Uir.. KaN. Dil Si C H. I. McDOUGALL. twmkt Caa Sf MDaa(.n. K. I . DR. a H. m'URTIIINOTON. PmiilaM. Vaarau... U M. II. LEGGATT. Iatarr Sac.-Tma Waa4. V.II.k.. !;; DONA! D MrLFOD. Mk Stawan at WabA. Caair..i. .. BRENTON S. BROWN, PnMm, Graaaw Vaacaarcr I' ' 7. Il ia aa rMvaMarjt lav iba tMaba.a al a Gtaat.r t M aUit Gcauaa Maaaiaia rfartaa tbia Oiapaiea aa ba"". Maoar, bat aaxb aanaa aur 4rr anrrf iba GtaaM Mi-kic -j aaca far aarb Ticbal sSarcaaml at aacb liaM a aao rh. i a. PartbaM af TkbMa Wm Apiaaaa Caai oit 1 Mauauia Hiabaaf aad Sraaic Raaart I laaillil oa ' af FrUr aarb waab aiH ba aafcU la raaaiaa aba re.,i Gauaaa. ranl.adi aahaUa( la tba baM iH b. !. I m'i prlaa. . All raraa4a ia aasaral la ula af ailbMa aaj all m I aball ba u4r iba MUMa.Miaa al Gaa. A. Tanifci at Co . Viwwm. B. C Tba Doaaiaiaa Baab al Ctmt aill t t-.i alt Caaipaiga Fimdt. 10. Frll la tba auatkai Caaaaa awb aaaaa ami aJJifia I Aaark 110 for. .Mb ajebas aWrai. JtfaJ (a GROUSE MOUNTAIN JIIGIIVAY AND SCKNIC RCOBT 440 PaaJn Srraat WnI ' tc of their member-R. Iwrenci'. I tafunan. The ' i splendid lii as wl as the i elllnR library wh 5 under their supc The ihow rs ' f fairly heavy r- " nljfht have been ' !n dwiideninir a f-' In this vicinity. r-werc beglnninir as they nenred gto ' Try a Dally K" 11 Coupon -Application Gravis Mountain1 Highway tC Scrnic Retort, LtX 440 Pcnikr St. Writ, Vancouver, 0. C Gentlerrvem Please send me 1 Grouse Mt. Community Spirit Ticket 2 Grouse Mt. Community. Spirit Tickets 3 Grouse Mt. Community Spirit Tickets I attain flM for atb tklt dt rt Name Street City I laaj aab tlrkH .iniali i raa va Urlv. anna Wm aW aaafe akbac atibii mm allOia awarding a raw uraa CawsaaMUa tela" Caai.'Majm. Graa.. M a srai' at wk , 'nicks, are running loth day and and expects to !r night. i race on Wedncsd. Wor.1 has been rwelTed by A u0Blltion r ( Mrs. ,IUchmbnd that her daliirhtcri ghajIvaM haw he a Tired . ,, ,M .iiiim IMMIiiiiii aMiiM r iiHifnalMn" TTlaVilMII I II I lllillllbMB If ! or"