THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, November 2 PAGE SEX Victor OitiwffumU Leo Relamirf Records u Moanin' Low from the musical comedy "The Little Show" Fox Trot Leo Relsman and 22047 Ills Orchestra Piccolo Pete Fox Trot Ted Weems and Ills Orchestra Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 22037 I Lift Up My Finger and Say "Tweet! Tweet!" (England's comedy-dance sensation) Fox Trot Jack Hylton and His Orchestra 22067 Lovable and Sweet from the motion picture "Street Girl" J Fox Trot Gut Arnhelm and 22054 Ills Orchestra Vocal Miller and FarreU 22078 Nat Shilkr.t Am I Blue? from the motion picture "On With, the Show" Fos Trot Nat Shllkr et and The 22004 Victor Orchestra Little by Little Fox Trot Bernle Cummins and 22088 Ills Orchestra Johnnr Marvin Vocal Johnny Marvin 22076 All the latest lied Seal records by famous Victor Artists Victor Talking if J VrA W ' Canada, Machine Co. II VjgPi U V 11 Limited kecords VICTROLAS AND OKTHOIMIONIC il MM I ' McRae Bros. DEMAND VE-I VICTOR RADIO RECEIVERS "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, D.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING C. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Dlacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. , ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Waterfront Whiffs Japanese Boatbuilders Busy; Halibut Boats May Fish For Cod This Winter; Halibut Season bearing Close aoanese boatbuilding plants in Cow Bav are busy with construction of new fishing craft, and, as the winter advances, it is quite possible there may be. greater activity. Y. Suehiro has just laid the keel for a new halibut boat for Capt. George Cook. The vessel will be fifty feet in length with beam of 12 feet and will be equipped with a 50 h.p. Atlas-Imperial full deisel engine. It will be completed and ready for delivery about the end of February. The Kiy Boat Shop has completed planking of a new 26' by 7' trolling boat, equipped with an 8 h.p. Regal engine, for John Mattson. After this work Is completed, a start will be made on a new 31' by 8' trolling boat for Karl Ehn or Dighy isiana. unis boat will be equipped with a 15 h.p Vivian engine. A number of Prince Rupert hall but boats are reDorted to be Intend Ing to fish during the halibut close season this year for Jlng, grey and fall in getting this fishery organ ized and a number of boats are planning to at least give it a The Consolidated Whaling Corporation has made a record production this season of 1678 barrels of whale oil from its two whaling stations at Rose Harbor and Naden Harbor on the Queen Charlotte Islands. The reason for the increase was the larger proportion of sperm whales which were taken and which were formerly believed to have been rare. In recent years, however, company gunners have been successful in locating the feeding grounds of this particular species. The season opened on May 12 and ended October 1, a total of 388 whales being taken, of which 292 were handled at the Rose Harbor station and the remainder at Naden Harbor. To Lucy Island Pacific Salvage Co.'s power tug Salvage Princess. Capt. Frank Tyler, made a trip on Monday to Lucy Island with a local lady who will spend a- month visiting at the lighthouse there. On Saturday the Princess made a trip to the Surf Point mine on Porcher Island with T, J. Shenton, Inspector of mines. Capt W P, Armour, manager of the Pacific Salvage Co.. who has been on a business trip to company headquarters in Vancouver, returned to the city on the Cardena last night On Sunday the Salvaee Princess made a trip to Port Essington, having in tow the Pacific Stevedoring Co.'s plledrlver which will be used mere in connection with the con struction of floats and approach, for which the company was recently awarded the contract by the federal department of public works. The Job will be In progress during me next iew weess. Norman L. Freeman, local renre- sentaUve of the International Fisheries Commission, who has been on a two weeks' trip to Juneau and Ketchikan on official duties. Is expected to return to the city to morrow. It is not likely that further experiments in the matter of halibut discoloration will be carried on until next soring at the local Flsheriea Experimental Station. Then, if possiDie, a new boat will be used in order to give a better chance to the sterilization process which, It Is expected, will prevent discoloration. The recent Initial experiments with the boats Takla. Pair of Jacks and Oibson were distinctly encouraging. D. B. Finn, director of the Prince Uupcrt Fisheries Experimental Station, who has been on a brief trip to Vancouver on business In connection with the new annex to the local 3tatlon, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from the south. The new provincial police boat P. M. L. 2, a full description of which was given In this paper earlier in the week, is due to arrive in port about the first of next week from Victoria, where she was built. From all accounts, the vessel must be a snappy and sturdy looking craft mm. mi fiMiinL rnprn u' i nn Tnotiw locaj people desirous of inspecting ucr. one wm iane up ner permanent berth at the floats of the Pacific Salvage Co.. here. ' Members of the Pacific Salvage staff are taking advantage of present slack times to give the engines of the various tugboats a thorough overhaul. The Blllmor has been completed and the Pachena Is now receiving attention. Coal? CoslI? Take advantage or low price to put In four wlntrr lupply, EPSON and CASSIt)Y.T.LLlNO-TON In any quantltln. Alto flour, liar. Drain and Feed. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Most of the eovernment fishery though, as yet, none have been del-, initely let. v Crab and shrimp fishefrmen are quite busrln the harbor Just now and the market seems to be able tr absorb all of these fresh shellfish mat can besbtained. There Is a good deal of activity along this line, although, apparently, no phenomenal catches are being made. Thir industry will probably keep a number of fishermen busy during the coming winter. The Rupert Marine Products dogfish camp near Kitkatla is still busy, although there are not as many fishermen out as the management might hope for. On the closing of the halibut season, however, it Is expected that more wlLT take advantage of this opportunity to keep busy during a portion of the winter, at least. The R. M P. does not claim that any great fortunes can be made in the dogfish-ing, but, nevertheless, it docs clalrr that there is. a real good living in i ,for .those who are ambitious enough, to take it up. RespeL'if not aflectldS, In which the late T., 0. Dawson, who met his death so tragically last Sunday, war held was well Indicated on Thurs day afternoon when almost ever Slace of business from the elevato the cold storage plant was closet! down. Fred ..Dawson was known along the "front" as well as every where else In this wide district as .prince, of good fellows and ar good a spbtt as.Ihey come, so it wa? with feelings of 'real sorrow and personal regret that they turnec from their work to honor him as h was laid to rest Regardless of ireed of affiliation, a most wholehearted tribute of respect was paid It is not often that a loss has been felt so keenly and universally here is was that of the late lamented Fred Dawson. With but half a month to gr before actual fishing ends on November 15, halibut landings for the season at Prince Rupert up tc yesterday totalled 26.150,250 poundr as compared with 25,278,900 pounds at a similar date last year. Am erican landings stood at 18,991,000 AGENT Prince Rupert, B.C. Smothering Spells Couldn't Walk Far Gasped For Breath Mrs. T. W. Hoth, Kelom, B.C., w t i t e s t For over , year I was troubled with smothering spells, and it was impossible for me to walk, even a short distance, on account of having to gasp for breath. "A friend told me to try which I did, and la a short time I felt much better, "I can now recommend them to everyone." Price, 50c a box at all druggists and dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of patrol boats in District No. 2 are ! prie, b' x Maburn & jjatited, now being assembled here prepara- oronto' Ont tory to taking up winter quarters at Dibgy Island. McLean Yard Busy The McLean shipbuilding yard at aulta an fvtnsive nroiram of fish red cod, flounders, etc. During the ' seal Cove Is busy Just now with time that fresh halibut is unobtain- boat rpnnir wnrk Manv of the hal- able, it is felt that there should be ibut boats are billed to go up there a real possibility of developing trade , for overhaul during the approach-in fresh codfish, etc. In any case, i ing season. Some boat-building an earner start nas Deen maae mis i contracts are also In sight, al pounds as against 18,098.800 pounds at a similar date in 1928 while the Canadian total was 7,159,250 pounds in comparison with 7.180,100 pounds. During the week, Saturday to Friday, inclusive at total of 745.-700 po'mds was landed made up of 112,200 pounds Canadian fish and 633,500 pounds American Prices during the week were again very sat' 'factory. The high price for Canadian fish was 18c and 10:: which the Katen was paid fot 3,000 pounds and the low, 14.1c and 10c paid the Nuba for 3.000 "-md. The top bid for American fish wa 18.9c and 8c paid the Pacific for 30.000 pounds and th low, 13.3c and 8c which the El-ectra received for 15,000 pounds. Hill 60 Bazaar Is Being Held nnual Effort of I.O.D.E. Chapter For Hospital Children's Ward Work The annuil bazaar of Hill Sixty "hapter Imperial Order. Daughters of the EmDlre. In aid of the 'hapter's children's ward work In 'he Prince Ruoert General Ho-iltal n tln he'd this afternoon 'n I.O.D.E. Hall, having opened at " o'clock. With Mrs. John Manaon as general convener, other comm'tt hiii by the follow' lad'v Advertising and raffles. Miss Hnldah Graham. Novlties Mrs 3 W. MoAiey. Candy, Mrs. Andrew Christiansen. Decoration!. Mini Marlorie Shlel Fancy work Mm. If. A Breen. Tea room. Mrs. S. C. Thopon. Home cooking. Mrs. R. E Moore. Program, Mrs. H. B. Rochester. RAILWAVMF.v ARE KILLED EDMONTON EDMONTON Nov. 1: Engineer Tames Hallett and Fireman John ""olthard were killed at Sanguedo hen the engine haUHn a pll 'Iriver ran into a bad place on th 'Ine where the track had subsided. Two men on the pile driver were thrown clear and escaped. This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. 135 GO HOME THIS YEAR! Your relatives and friends viU ml mjoy anything more than a mil from yw. 'h have maps it so nuT tou mat mvu.,toMrpT- AM.T AND tASHT FROM THE WEST TO THE OLD COIiWTKT THROUGH SLEEPING CARS FROM WESTERN CANADA tonntcting with SPECIAL TRAINS m WINNIPEG (o the Seaboard for following sailings From Montrl Moo trail Meatral Htlitti HUU, MooumI H Hthl.i lUiiln IUIHm lUlilu lltUlii lUW.i lUUtii IUIIf.l IUIHm . - Boat "ADdial" "AtcmU" Lwanotk" OmmII5 "SMMmr()erJ" "Uttutia" "Bftta" Ttaauia" -ftipSolw-"frtKrik VIU" UbiiwC Out 1. llrnt Nar.SM Nov. SMfc Not. SMk Not WU n- ;ib 1m. Mb Doc Sib Dec 3fc Um. Vtb Dm Vtb Wth .1MUU BOOK NOW Full information from local Agent or write It. F. McNAUGIITON DISTRICT. PASSENGER Otiow, 8fHMt, lftt rpool nytuoulti, HtTra, UMm clkuwaw. BollHt. Uwriwal Ham flymouth, Chtrbown, Aalnrp uuMttMown, cbarbavi. BoMwa rlyinoutli. Hm. Lonooo (Jummtowa, Ltvoipool Ooihenbur OnriMunwnil, Uilo, Qoptalufea Copootitcrn, OKaliit mtfmii. Uvrpiiol, GUogow Oom. i 1 THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. 100r TALKING AND MUSICAL PROGRAM Colleen Moore In 'Smiling Irish Eyes' A GREAT COMEDY-DRAMA Comedy 'THE STAR WITNESS" Musical Novelty DROWN RROS. Singing Novelty MOTHER PIN A ROSE ON ME Admission, 20c and 65c; Sat. Matinee, 2:30. Admission, 15c and 10c The Season s Big Smash in Radio RAD10LA 60 (MQA "1929 MODEL $ LjJ We cbifeider these sets to be the most mar. t !ou ever offered at this remarkable price. A nine-tubr Super-Hetercdyne Circuit employing seven UY 227 tubes, one 171 and one 280. These sets have no e :uul as fo distance, volume or tone. Only a limited number at this price. TOM B ALLINGER 3 1 8 5th St RADIO AND HICYCLE SHOP TELEPHONE SURILUS Samuel Massey. telephone super- intendent, reported to the city council last night that, during ' me memn 01 aepiemoer, nis ae-partraent showed a surplus . of; $1,273.70. revenue amounting to, $3,844 45 with expenditure of M.JJ 17ft 7 Tn arlHIIinn thori. rr:iJ!l capital expenditure amounting ta $317.33. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cart-ige, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. OH 1 Hall AF owe en TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS VERY LOW PKICE Mcintosh reds Per box ORANGE MARMALADE 4a. Per tin ECONOMY COFFEE Per lb PINBAPPLK H. 3 tins BRUNSWICK SARDINES 5 Una PICKLBS Per quart PBARS-3s. I Per tin PEACHBB Del Monte, 2s. Per I'm BUTTER 14-lb, box GAINER'S BACON Machine sliced. Per lb $2.25 45c 44c 35c 35c 48c 25c 24c 6.00 48c ME BELIEVE THESE ARE VERY GOOD PRICES ON CANNED FRUITS. Economy Cash & Carry 319 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, H.C. 8 WeUse Genuine FORD PARTS IN OUR service work, we use onljr crnuine Ford parts. Ttiese are identical with those from whieh your car was as setnbled at the Ford factory, Our mechanics have been pe dally trained to service tTery part of your car. All labor is charted at a low flat rale and we cuaranleed satisfaction. S. E. Parker Ltd. DEALEKS Prince Rupert, H.C. WE HAVE some partkuhrly good buys In Lljht Deliver Cars. It would pay you to look them over. Mine Head Coal HARD, HOT, CLEAN AND DRY This coal Is recociii all who have used it the boat Alberta coal Into Prince RuDert TU no rock nor slack and w deliver It in any su' y sire. En, 1 Inch lo 3-lnrh Stove, 3-Inch to 6-inch Furnace Lump b(.ir.: ,ktc ' jU ll''' $IS.i REMEMBER Our coal Is Kept un(li'i''-"J, J and you are not paying water. We Can Supply Telkwa Lump Wellington Lump WOD Mill Ends, per load S1J.5J J1U0 C. C. KETCHUM & CO., LTD. PHONE 771 $1.50