Saturday. November 2, 1029 TENpKKH REAIXD Tenders addressed to the , ,.',-ii'iicd at Ottawa and endorsed JJn" envelope. "Tender for -Houses', wt" Ct Hydrographlc Service" i' i i.' received up to upon, November Jn 1 029 for the ' Conatruotlon of a jl, ,)c.ii of principal .dimension a u Overall 100 feet. 0 inches. on Main Deck 100 " 0 " Err , i" 11 over planking 30 " 0 ' " Br .dill extreme 31 0 dVim nerplanklng . 6 " 0 " i! ins specifications, forms .of ,con-irj,. und rchedule of wages may be ida a id forms of tender procured, on ',; ,.:;.,u to the Department of Mar-, V niid rttherles, Marine Branch, ifwii or to the Agents of the De-jn-nnent at Victoria and Prince Jiu-. ,v B.C. or the Chief Inspector of i . rn- Vancouver. B.C. E, i tender must te baud strictly . ... Hie Departmental Specifications rn'iu jnuit be accompanied by an ac-, ,'',:cd ' heque on a chartered Canadian ji;.. v ciual to ten per cent (10) of ,.o whole amount of th tender, which di.'nuo will be forfeited should the m . - fil tenderer decline to enter Into .ntract prepared by the Depart-,, ui fall to complete the work i,iiiAfactartly. Cheque subjnttted by ui. ii' f:eful tenderers win oe returned. Tinder without cheque will not be ordered, 1 Department doe not bind tt-cell ;o iiccept the lowest jot .any tender. A. JOHNSTON. Deputy MtaUter. rv ,,r'ment of Marine St FTaberles, u'uwa. .October 2. IMS. "YIVIOAIII.E WATEIt.S PKOTECTIOXri ACT" ;t. S. F. Chapter 140. The Northern British Columbia P'.wer Company, Limited, of Prince rtujxrt hereby give notice that tti hns under Section 7 of the said Act, (kpc-ited with the Minister j of Public V, rk- nt Ottawa, and in the office of n: District Registrar of the Land Br,..iry District of Prince Rupert, at, !.::.' Rupert, a description of the ii i! :tn() the plans of -a power trans-ji - oti line proposed to be construe-t.c . ii lowers over the 6keena River v U lc 28 78 East of Prince Rupert on ti.e C:i.icllsn National Railway, In ' .f Lot No tw, ami Lot 15, B: i i Range 5, Coast District. Brl-tj,:i Cjlumbla. And tnke notice that after tiie ex-1 I r i : of one month from the date ' :, (:nt publication of this notice T'o Northern British Columbia Power t hiI'iimv Limited, will, tender Section i . w said Act, apply to the Miniate : IMblic Works at bui office in ci'y of Ottawa, for appnfal of th and plans, and to leave to ' i T'.ir; the said power tr nsmtsslon tiATrn this 30tji day October. Al 1939 Till NORTHERN BRtTtSlI G OLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED. By PATMORE c pulton Solicitors for the Applicant.' I TIMBER SALE XII 31 Sealed tenders will be received by ' Mn. inter of Lands. Victoria not. '( r Mum noon on the 14th day of V..r,'xr. IMS for ue ptawhase of l X117S1. to cut 1.985,000 F.BM. ot ispmce. Balsasa. UeoUock snd Cedar w: areas looated on KU-Kosh Inlet ..: I ijiifoon. Doula Channel, Range . V'i: Land Oitoti. T iji jnrt wui J allowed for ruiuval of timber. -urihr parUciUan or tbe Chief For-' Victoria, B.C, or District For-Prince Rupert, B.C. (247) LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land , In Prince Rupert Land Recording D!r:cl of BritUh Columbia, and situ. on the South Bank of the Skrent niver bpposite Mile 29.78 of Canadian '.:inai Railways. JSaat of Prince Ru-iert Tuke aotice that Northern Brltlab 'I'lmbia Power Company, Limited, Of f': r.ce Rupert, B.C., occupation Power r;. ration intends to apply, for per-Jiiion to purchaae the following de-'Tioed lands: Ojinmenclng at a pot pllnted 120 'b u distant, and In a Southerly di ff-.-tion from centre line of Canadian J-itioiiai Rallwsys, MUe 28.78, East f fit ce Rupert, on the South bank 4l f-na River: Uience South 10 chalna: thence West 10 chaina; thsnce North jialna: more or. less to High Water ! thence Easterly along H.W.M. i 'I'ftin more or Vas to point ol f'immencement, and containing 1C " more or leas. NonnrERN British coIdmbia POWER COMPANY, LIMITED. r. 1 Thomas D. McLean. Agent. tated September 21st, 19?9. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO jORDER CutUnc WorkmaruOilp and Styl All Guaranteed j ' SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED W Deliver to Any Tart of th , City. Ling, Jthe Jailor Phnne .049 Dallv Nou,. i. 4 utmmmwmMMtmmrm .THE DAILY HEW3 '""" page .rrvz CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST 1 FOUND TniS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. MILADY BEAUTY SHOP For first-class hair dressing, per manent waving ana all kinds of beauty culture. PHONE 655 ELITE BEAUTY PARLOR Mrs. Sutherland ; Expert marcelling, finger and water waving. Face massage and scalp treatments. 1 Phone 499 SINGING LESSONS Evenings J. E. UAVEY, PHONE BLACK ,396 CHARLES P, BALAGNO JEACIIEK OF PIANO J TERMS MODERATE rllONE GREEN 280 BOATBUILDERS KIY BOATBUILDERS, COW BAY Pleasure and Rowboats Fur Sale Y. Suehlro, Cow Bay Boatbuilder, P. O. Box 314 LAND ACT etlklne Land Dlxrlrt; District of CaHtlar TAKE Notice that 1, HOT -ff. Moon of 1206 Pacific Mutual BMg.. Loa An- gelee, Calif, oooupatkra, Mining ,Ea- glijeer, tatenda to apply for permission to purchaae the follori& described landi: Oommenclns t a poet planted .about tttree-quarters of a mile dlatant and lni a Noncenj atreciion irom ine moum of the TuUequab River; thence vest 30 ohalm; 4henc north 20 chain: Uienc east 30 chains: tbeoce aouth 30 chain to point of commencement, aald parcel containing 40 acres more or leas. Located August Sth. 1939. Roy W. .Moore Locator: James B. 8Upier, Agent. JAMS B. 8TAPLEK. Agent. Date! Ausuat 9th, 1B29. LAND ACT I . Notice of Intention fo AppI .to rurchae Land In Um Atlln Land Recording DUrtrlet. 1ad .aftuate .at West Taku Arm of take notice that I. Otto H. Part ridge, of Ben-mjr-Ohree. Atlln. B.C.. euptoa, jnlne owner, Intend to apply for a purchase of the following described lands: Oomme&otnf at a post planted 0 rods south of Ben-mj-Chree Str. Landing, thence weat 40 ebalna: thence wuU 40 chains: thence eaat 40 chains; thenee north 40 ehaUts and containing 160 aece. wore or lew. OTTO H. PARTRIDGE, Dated: September 9th. 1929. EXAMINATION FOR IN SPECTOR OF STEAM BOILERS & MACHINERY Competitive examinations for Inspec tor of Bleam-BoUen and Machinery win .h held at the office of the Boiler Inspection Department in the Work- . mens uomwwu flee. 411 Dunwmiir Bireei, vinwunr, B.Cm commencing November 18th. 19J9, at 10 Jai AppltCaUon form and furtjher in-lormatlojma be obtained from the Boler BspeM iwparuneni k w address. ?. . A. M. ,BAKJLK, r. airtl Service CommUelofier. Nellce of Intention to Apply 4o IMk JJind TAKE NOTICE That I. James Martin it.utt no. Intend to aDDlT for a lease of the following deserioecl lands: OommenclM at a post high water mark and about two hundred and IWty leet of ahore end of New Maneett, BC. wharf: thence In 7 Westerly direction and parallel to the wharf to row water mark; thence North Westerly to the wharf: thence .Northerly along the wnan 10 gn water mar a; wenoe aiuug m - high water mark to the point of commencement, and containing two acres. Tie? aT' Maatt. B.C., this Jl dsy of October. 1929. at 12 05 AM. ' JAMES MARTIN. BRINGING UP COT TO KEEP HIM A,W-j PROM TWlS MOOSE PR HEU- STEAL. THt " - I tr ti WANTED WOMAN WANTS -Work. Phone 289. (257) WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs. Chas. Edwards, at Wallace's.' 179 LAST YEAR 2300 permanent appointments ,as Postal Helpers, Clerks, Stenographers, Typists, Etc., .were made .in .the Canadian Civil .Setvice. Tree booklet "How .to gej into Jhe .Canadian Civil Service" sent on .request to M. C. C. Civil Service School, 18 Mackle Block, Calgary. (256) $100 REWARD For The First Autobody, Fender and Ducolng graduate we have not already placed in a position. This higniy paid modern trade offers unlimited opportunity; shops and men needed everywhere. Special low .rates now on. Earn while . I it.ll 1LI. 1 1 yuu team, man ui au urn your name and address for fur ther particulars. HEMPHILL AUTO It AVIATION SCHOOL, 1043 Pender Street West, Vancouver, B.C. . r ... AGENTS WANTED $ 1 T ! AGENTS $200 monthly repre- i senUnz us In West selling am azing new automobile trouble llcht. Sticks Jinywhere on car. It's an Everlasting Flashlight. Select your territory. Send for demonstrator and sales particulars. M. J. S. Specialty Mfg. it Sales Limited, 137 Wellington Street, W., Toronto. (256) '4 .MISCELLANEOUS USE OF ROOM and bed could be given In exchange for small janitor service. Applicant must be known in the city and thoroughly trustworthy. Box !230 Dally News. (tf) LOST LOST Spare tire and rim. FIndeJ please return to City Transfer. 120.6) POUND FOUND silver Maltese cross brooch with letters W. A. Apply Dally News Office. QUEEN CHARLOTTE PORT CLEMENTS STAGE Meets all boats northbound at Queen Charlotte City to convey passengers to Port Clements, and meets southbound boats at Port Clements to receive passengers for Queen Charlotte City. Fare $5.00, and In proportion to Intermediate points. R. G. McKENZIE PREMIER HOTEL QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY,,B.C. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of British Columbia, and situate on the South Bank of Skeena River, opposite MUe 38.78 on Canadian, National Railways, Eaat ot Prince Ru "-. pert, B.C. ' Take notice that Northern British Columbia Power Company, Limited of' Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Powef. Corporation Intends to apply for a. lease of the following described land: Commencing at a post planted about 130 chains distant and in a Southerly direction from centre line of Canadian National Railways, opposite mile 28.76 East of Prince Rupert, on the south bank of the Skeena Hirer, tbence North 5 chains more or leas to Low Water Mark; thence Westerly along L.W.M. S chains; thence South S chains, more or leas to H.W.M. : thence Easterly along H.W.M. to point of commencement and containing two (3) acres, more or leas. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY, LIMITED. Per: Thomas X). McLean, Agent. Dated September 31st. 1039. FATHER .. -,POUNl tt KViowv.! FOR SALE PIANO FOR SALE In good condition. For particulars apply Mrs. S. a.,care Daily News Of . FOR SALE Boat, suitable for . deep-sea trawler or packer ...length, ,45 fee,t. 20 h.p. Frisco. J3tandaJEnginPone355. Jtf FOR SALE Gasoline boat. 38 feet long by 11 feet four inch .beam. 36 h.p. Hull and engine newly overhauled. Sacrifice. Apply Pacific Salvage Company. (256) FOR RENT FOR .KENT Four j-oom Hat with iath. Furnished. Phone 547. tf." FOR RENT Five-room suite, , Summit Apt3. Phone Blue 345. . (tf) FOR HENT Double or single housekeeping rooms. Phone 427 (tf) FORWENT FodiSfoomed modern Ivhous. ApplyyJiB. MacKay, 530 V Sixth- AvenueBLst. (tf) FOR ' RENT Furnished apart ments 2, 4, and 5 rooms. Apply Mussauem orogery. un FPR RENT Aujomohiles. pianos' phonographs and sowing mach Ines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT Clean, well furnish--ed modern tweand three xoom-ed suites. Palmer Aoartments. 'Phone Red 444! (tf) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Two,, lots on' Tenth M.n A1aJ 0,n Cleared and' level, ready for baildlner. AnnlVi'Box 228. Dallv ., ilawiiiOfflce,--- I tim FOr?' SAEETwo" 'rbts on Oratt- MiIlJFiIUvATente West. $1,000 Lt Rfh- oi-terniB. Arranged. This yeara pj joajpjAppiy Box 229 Dajjy. ey?s Qince. un 151' ACRES Level, fertile fruit land, very light clearing; $375.00 cash. iJitsiDMiTiAL (Datable corner, .Gcabam ,A( H'stview. unob- CRUISER,. ;"ye,rai,rS1 Fry,- Atlas dWy'1 'ermine, equipped Tompieie. io anywnere uuu eaishil 1 I. 1 JI. M. STEPHENS & CO. LTD, Rentals Loans Real Estate ; HOUSE TOR SALE ..Modern Jlouse qn , Sixth Avenue, Section 6, One Block East of McBride k . i. . GOOD CONDITION REASONABLE PRICE AND EASY TERMS H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Phone 96 216 Sixth St. Paints, Wallpaper, Etc 1 SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies jP. O. BQX 120 ' rilONE,22 , SPRINGS Made and repaired for any kind of Auto or Truck. Prompt Service. Satlsractlon guaranteed. Star Wcldinr and Renalr Works P..O. Box 761 Prince , Rupert, 8-c- .Dally News "CUfSitjed" adver-tlslnsr brings results.' IFHE3EE?) ACOPINJI Uj- iZM ' - AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs crating, packing and shlppiner Workmanship 'guaranteed? Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. 3. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block THE ELECTRIC BAKERY The Store That Quality Built!" EAT ELECTRIC BREAD ' The Best There Is! P. O. BOX 416 PHONE GC7 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SALVAGE ANH TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do it." PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work, Boats and Scows of all descriptions ior Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains In Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Sand and Gravel, In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water. Phone, Day ot JHgtit 564 P. O. Box 1564 CHIROPRACTIC SUNSHINE AND ULTRA VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS R. E. EYOLFSON, D.C. ANALYTE ADJUSTMENT INDICATOR iSEXlCE? 623 Third Avdnue West Blue 85 Phones Red 589 SUNSHINE AND ULTRA RED RAY CHLROPRACTIC We are now able to give you LIGHT TREATMENT In addition to our health service. In all cases consult W. C. ASPINALL D.C. 6 Exchange Block Green 241 Phones Black 283 II.J.ZUMKEIIR CHIMNEY SWEEP General Handy Man New Address at Red's Transfer PHONE 201 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land In The SUklne Land Recording Division, Land Recording District ot Telegraph Creek, and situate in Maple Slough, ne half mile north of the main Channel of the Taku River and about one mile In a North-easterly direction from the junction ot the Tulsequab and Taku Rivers. Take notice that Nell Forbes of Alice Arm, B.C., occupation Miner, Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands; Commencing at a post planted one half mile north of the Taku River and about one mile In a North-easterly direction from the Junction of the Taku and Tulaequah Rivers: thence South 20 chains; thence east 20 chains; thence .North 30 ohalna; thence West 20 chains and containing 40 acres, more or lee'. NEIL FORBES, Miner ot Alice Arm, B.C Sated September 23rd. 1939. 0HKHtHWHlKHKHKHKH s The Blessing of IMMACULATE HOMES Knowing thiit the coal you order for this winter will not mess MP your basement pr fill your Jiouge with dirt, is a thing of inter est to the housewife. Our coal is !LEAN surprised that there HQrjlor YouriCLEAN ALBERT & McCAFFERY,, LTD. Phones 11G find 117 I L.ND ACT .Notice of Intention to. Apply to Lease Land In Prince Rupert Landi Recording District of British Columbia, and situate between Low Water Mark on the North side and Low Water Mark oa South side of Skeena River opposite MUe 38.78 of Canadian National RaU-ways, East of Prince Rupert. Take notice that Northern British Columbia Power Company. .Limited of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Power Corporation Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at post planted ISO feet distant, and in a southerly direction from centre line of Canadian National Railways. MUe 3876 East ot Prince Rupert thence South S deg. u min. mat u enams niore or teas to L.W.M. on South b.eik Skeena River: thence Easterly along L. W.M. 3 chains; thence North 9 ctae. 40 mln West 114 chains, more or lefts to L.W. M. ton North bank of Skiana River; thence Weaterlv alons t.W.M. a cftaln', more or less to pott ot Mm- mencement and containnup 33 acres, more cr less. J! NORTHERN BRITISH COLOMBIA POWER COMPANY. LIMITED. Per: Thomas D. McLean, Agent. Dated September 31st. 1930. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Genuine Hudson Bay' Blankets with seal. A lifetime blanket at a reasonable cost. Everything In furniture, bedding ana lioor coverings. , Lots of stock at reasonable prices. McKenzie's , Furniture Phone 775 - TPw?- DrSATl ! W SEEM Mf iff INJ THE ' s coal, and yotu will Be is a difference. coal from us. Today 1 Prince RupeA, p. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land "i In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of British Columbia, and altu-ate on the North bank of Skeena River, near MUe 28.78 on Canadian National Railways, east of Prince Rupert. B.C. Take notice that Northern BrUlh Power Ocmpany, Limited of Prince Rupert. n.C, occupation Power Cor-poartion Intends to apply Xor lease of tfae following described lands: Oommanatng at a poat planted about BO ft. distant, and In a aoutherly direction from centre line ot Canadian National Railways, MUe 28.76 East of Prince Rupert, on the north bank of Skeena River theure South 2 chaina, more or less, to . Low Water Mark: thence Eaterly along L.W M. a chains; thence North 3 chains more or less to High Water Mark: thence. Westerly along H.W.M. 5 chains, more or less to point of commencement and containing one acre, more or leas.' NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY, LIMITED. Per: Thomas D. McLean, Agent. Dated September 31st. 1929. CLEARING & GRADING Concrete Foundations Tunnels and shafts in difficult ground a specialty. NELS ROKKJAR, CENTRAL HOTEL Try a Dally f)ewa want-ad. 4y George McManus