ee the greates your swee tooth. Packages. SEALED TIGHT we Ph KEPT RIGHT -RFECT GUM VRIGLEYS The © The longest — lasting benefit, t satisfaction for t WRIGLEYS in the sealed Air-tight and impurity-proof. Flavour Lasts . D. W. MORRISSEY Phone 673 P. O. Box 1664. Prince Rupert (rocery Company : sti on hand than money OK n bank, takes this 10d ving the public high grade value for their cold forth below maintaned until ent is chapged, when a further \ rhese prices are No C.0.D. or prices, es set will be list of good ‘lutely for ount Delivery will be made by auto on eding purchase. abst cash charging to acc will is Best, is 60c. 2s ..$1.15 5s . . $2.85 DOR By du a ee a i kes ce MK 65c. © 016 « 60 Me MIs os 'nn's 6b 6 ch os 0 2 for 35ce. and Beans, tomato sauce ........ 2 for 25c ° DOGG. i ko Pil ans cu ds cee rnce 5 ibs. for 50c. eerste ae k,n. oe ede 0k ban .60c HM, CPS WERE... .cire ce tc octcccd 30c. erry is $1.26. Black Currant, is $1.00. lied $1.00. Raspberry, 4s, $1.20. Strawberry and >1.00. Cireen gage, 4s. $1.00. s, per case $4.50, per dozen $2.40, per can 2 for 45¢. er case $3.75, per doz., $2, per can 2 for 36ce. . 800, 3s,.....40c. 5s.... .60c, op a 5c. S,. roll, Prince Rupert Grocery Co. =) | THE DAILY NEWB. GRADING CITY IS COMPLETE of Surveying Sections 7, 8, 2, 6 and 6. PROPOSE TO BORROW ON A NEW SYSTEN At the City Council meeting last night the mayor reported that the engineefs had completed the work of striking the grades on all roads in sections 7, 8, 2, 5 and 6 pre | Paratory to a scheme of working ifrom the consolidated idirect instead of revenue under the plan. It was found the cheapes| 0 grade and 7 and 8 the dearest They working on a plan for the spending of a million and local improvement that it Section 2 was were rage 3 object was the union of all man- kind in a single religious concep tion the great funda truths common to all re based on mental ligions any It did not deny or taboo form of faith, but advised concentration on the main points the religions as considering differences be tween unimportant a half dollars on the gra@ing of|and ephemeral jStreets. This would need very} rheir idea was that the spirit jJittle more taxation than at pres./ual regeneration of all mankind lent and they could borrow each|might be effected by the united! lyear as the city extended and as|forces of righteousness which j the debentures on the old debtihave heretofore acted singly, un- vere paid. correlated and antagonistically. Under the scheme which they|As the Allies could only win th proposed all land in the city|war under a Foch. so the vietory ;}would pay a share of the taxes.|of virtue over sin is only possibl iW aterfront and government lands land everything else would have to pay a part of the cost of develop ing the city. Many of these not paying anything at He did not think the seetion would have more would the outside dis taxed to keep up the central portions of the city LECTURE GIVEN BIBLE SOCIETY Dr. J. Knox Wright Tells of the } Deveiopment in China and Korea. wer presen business to Pay any nor triets be Last night in the Methodist Chureh Hall, Dr. J. Knox Wright travelling secretary for the dian Bible Society, gave a nteresting lecture on Korea The many iwhich the lecturer Cana very and with illustrated his jaddress left a vivid impression of China views like present to hear the ecture and after the meeting ex pressed their thanks to bi ia right for the fine educatio | | | jwhat the countries looked Many were entertainment. fhe whole trend of the speak- t remarks was to show the marked progress of unity among the churches in foreign lands. Everywhere Christianity was re- placing the older Chinese and Korean religions. Theological colleges are carried on there with marked and one of th aims of the for is to train up native who can go and people from theii success great missions the Missionaries preach to the own wonderful experience. At the conclusion Dr. Wright was given a hearty vote of thanks and replied by giving some of the data of the work of the Bible So present iciety and how it had turned out’ Bibles in 511 languages and was ladding an additional one every lseven weeks. | Last year's officers of the Bible Society were re-elected for the lensuing term and it was urged that greater action be now taken than in former years. Dr. H, R iGrant is president, all nfembers of the Ministerial Association are vice-presidents, ©. © Younes | ‘ x-oflicio” Perry, secretary, and Judge itreasurer, Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ele t ‘“ . LIMITED wectric Eugineers and Coutractors he Of Eleetrie Ranges, Washing Machines “leaners, Hot Plates, Grills, Irons, Estimates ¢ Toasters, and Fixtures, ‘shed on House wiring and Motor installation MARINE DEPARTMENT — Agents for Callie Perfor asoline Engines for trolling ection Motors Titan Storage Batteries soci Mosler Spark Plug 0 an... ‘a8 ¢hosen for the Transatlantic flights (epartment will help you to plan your 4 ‘pment, A full line of Dynamos . “s, Pwitch boards, Conduit, Cable, Searchlights, ete, Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat ‘arged and repaired (no time lost while + Charged we have one at your di sposal, ©PPOsite Post Office) . Lamps We make Thing Avenue PHONE 125 Se SeeSENNS mene |y three | ‘BAHAI REVELATION SUBJECT OF LECTURE | HERE LAST SUNDAY when all virtue works in harmony ee * j$.|IN THE LETTER BOX * CREE ER HH PROPOSED NEW SCHOOL To the Will you allow me space to cor- glaring misstatement in the appeal made by the trustees where they state that the archi- tect’s estimate a lumber structure such as they called for at $1@@,- 000, The fact is that my price was $60,000 and for slow burning $70,000 for framed. This statement corresponds with their actions all through this so-called competition. WILLIAM BRUCE, Synopsis of =o land Act Amendments editor: rect a ‘The tender of the North Shore bad condition, fron Works for supplying a 50-ft {not any older were atill good. Others that were steel smokestack for the auxiliars - ————_-_+_—— pumping station for $725 was The fishing boat Zorra owned accepted Chat of the Vulean|/and operated by the Atlin Fish- Iron Works at $625 at Vancouver | eries. Ltd., left for North Island was considered the dearer as it! early this morning for another was not painted or delivered Thejload of salmon. purchase of the smokestack _— = brought a criticism of the depart-| F. Bell. the master mechanic tment from Alderman McMeekin| Anyox was a passenger for for it to get into such/south on the boat Sunday nig allowing ‘at the ht. — SPECIAL Thursday, 21st Aug. FOR CASH ONLY 10 tins PACIFIC for $1.00 Delivered only with other goods and only ten tins to one customer See Our Coffee Demonstration in Window 5] () MILK FULLERS, LTD. Phones 44, 45 and 534 Two Stores. of first-class land ; second-class to reduced to 80 an $23.60 an acre. Pre-emption new confined to sur- lands only. veyed Records will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes ——s is non-timber land. —— pre-emptions abolished, but pasties not mary than four may arra. or adjacent pre-emptions with fotnt residence, but each making necessary improvements on respective “Webasto saust eoousy claims for five years and make improvements to value of $10 per as including clear- ing and cultivation at least 5 acres, ore receiving Crown Grant. Where pre-emptor in occupation not less than 8 years, and has made pro- portionate improvemen he may, be- cause of ill-health, or other cause, be Granted intermediate certificate of im- Records without permanent resi- dence may be issued, provided appli- cant makes improvements to extent of $300 per annum and same each year. Failure to make improvements or record same will operate as for- feiture. Title cannot obtained in less than 6 years, and improvements of $10.00 per acre, including 6 acres cleared and cultivated, and residence bet RY 2 etre ave uired. -emptor holding rown t may record another pre-emption, if he requires land in conjunction with his farm, without actual occupation, pro- vided statutory improvements made and residence maintained on Crown granted land e Unsurveyed areas, not exceedi 20 acres, may be leased as homesites; title to be obtained after fulfilling resi- dential and improvement conditions. For — and industrial purposes areas exceeding 640 acres may be leased by one person or company. Mill, factory or industrial sites on timber land not exceedi 40 acres may be purchased; conditions include payment of stumpage. Natural hay meadows inaccessible by existing roads may be p conditional upon construction of a road to them. Rebate of one-half of cost of road, not exceeding half of purchase price, is made. ° PRE-EMPTORS’ FREE GRANTS AcT. The scope of this Act is enlarged to include persone joint and serv- ing with His Majesty's Vocoss e time within which the heirs or dev of deceased pre-emptor may ap y for title under this Act is extended from for one year from the death of such person, as formerly, until one year after the conclusion of the present war. This privilege is also made re- troactive No fees relating to pre-emptions are due or payable by soldiers on re- emptions recorded after June 26, 1918. Taxes are remitted for five years. ; Provision for return of moneys ac- Az interesting lecturs wa | erued, due and been paid since August . P. ball Sunday 4, 1914, on account of paymenta Tene given in the K. of ais or taxes on soldiers’ pre-emptions. : faa aeve Alien, her Interest on agreements to purchase evening by Mrs. A eyeh | town op elty lots held by members of subject being “The Bahai Reve Allied Forces, or depend nts, acquired } ; the apeakt | direct or indirect, remitted from en- lation According to the spe: listment to March 81, 1920, the effect of the great war has | 8UB-PURCNASERS OF CROWN been to unsettle all our standards, | rune ; shigion rh _Provieton made for issuance of even those of relig Crown grants to sub-purchasers of ; lig 1 had taken Crown Lands, acquuing rights from Christian relieior purchasers who failed to complete . y eourse sinee the days urchase, involving forfeiture, on ful- wrong cou! ; taken to] Allment of conditions of purchase, in- Constantine It had une! | terest and taxes. Where sub-purchas i loctril ers Go not claim whole of original par- form symbolism ané . cel, purchase price due and taxes may little sense of the funda be ‘istributed proportionately over with ittle % either het whole area. Applications must be mental verities of life eith made by May 1, 1920 or hereaftet The sects and GRAZING. stems were all work! Qrasing Act, 1919, for systematic li@ious 8 nity and development of livestock industry pro- lat cross purposes when un : vides for grazing districts and range he vere needed | administration under Commissioner leoneerted action we Apnual graging permits issued weaker found a basis on numbers ranged: priority for estab- | i The spe lation. | lished Owners, Stock-owners may lharmony in the Rahai Revelati | form Assectations for range manage- i sOrny partially | rh movement originated peek. eee ub Gout 4 | ris ove ‘ or d was devel ‘2 an head. iPersia in i844 and leveloper ame wv 7 successive prophets Its | | 7 Ormes Limited "Re 00 R fi, ” While our stock lasts we will with every purchase of Rexall Preparations value One Dollar or over. Come early and take your choice Phones 82 and 200 Store P.O. Box 1680 . 3rd Avenue and 6th Street ae’ Yes - - Ivs BETTER Domestic Bread Made by Machinery WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY PASTRY &]| 717 Third Ave. PIES Pound Cake Phone 190 THE LA CASSE BAKERY FOR SALE Lot 5, Block 44, Sectioni @...........+. $3,000.00 cash Lot 6, Block 14, Section 1 @ ........806. 3,000.00 ” Lot 9; Block 5, Section 1 @ .....-..006. 600.00 ” Lot 10, Block 5, Seetion 1 @ ........+. ‘ 600.00 " FISHERMEN, LOOK Lot 16, Block 50, Section 8 @ ......++68. 100,00 " DAVID H. HAYS, 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. Section One Lots for Sale Biock 6 Assessed at sede ne take Lot'13, $475. s ‘s’ Block 6 °81,800 Assessed OS ....6se+e0ee88 6,000 Lot 5 Block = = i BUS ARSGGEOD GB cc. : cderenbses 1,800 Lot 2) Block 7 .a.. 465 Assensed Bt ....+.-+05 o00 4,600 Lut 7, Block 7 ...%. ° 425 Assessed Ot... ss cceuanees vise Lots 16 and 17, Block 96 $2,750 Assessed at 6000 teu eae * THEO. COLLAR NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INGUTNANOE WESTHOLME THEATRE BLOOK REAL ESTATE EL OOF BoE SS « a - ee os 7 a a7 # &.