. fAUE TWO U PROMINENT FIGURES IN SPORT Written Especially for the Dally News by the Sports Editov THE EARL OF DERBY Who Achieved One of His Ambitions rd Derby had two ambitigns Keysoe in 1919, Tranquil in 1924 j-ouUj-rtfl win he JJefbr and a M . fairway in 1928. Fairway Decome 'Prime Minister of- (Tredt wa tl?e favorite to win the Derby Tjrfuin. ila8t ,ear but flnished "'nth. Lord ' '-won fr Born r.j ';iiV' Derby' the One thousand Edward George VflUeri Guineas in 1918 with Ferry and Stanley on April 4, 18G5, the son in lp23 with Tranquil. He won of Lord Stanley of Preston, later! the Two. Thousand Guineas in a Governor-General of Canada, 1 1926 with Colorado. Lord Derby the Earl of Derby has had a long headed the winning list of own-and distinguished political career ers In 1928 with a total of $300,-and by no means the least prom- OQ0 for a grand toatl of $2,500,-inent matter in his career has 000 in less than twenty years, ( been his connection wjth the After the war he always gave turf. In 183 he and his father five per cent of his winnings to started a small stud. They were , the British Legion of Ex-Service very lucky in their early pur- Men. chases and both father and soni When Lord Derby replaced won the first race in which they, Lord IWtie a . anhnniinr of ran a horse. This was the foun- dation of a great turf career. He won tbe St. Leger stakes four times with Swynford in 1910, DR. FREELANJ) ' IS WINNER OF THE WEAKNESS PIMLICO RACE TRACK. Maryland, May 11: Walter G. Salmnn'n Tlr VreeUnA won the 1'reaknefw $50,000 added money feature of the Eastern racing season here on Friday. Minotaur was second and African third. 4 BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL IS INTERESTING 1 J w.w. sate iBiiwvB tjpw VU VtVVt , c htampede For Leadership Indl-; and the engines, which are prec-cates Yankees Showing;,., .tMS all U- nd( tbeogh f orm several British firms arc mw ex- . . , .. J ; t .ml I Iff ' , luun, way lli Tho stampede for the leadership in the A,nie$ean League is now on in earnest and tbe wise ones are again looking for the Yankees t take a commanding lead by the --tfxLoI. May. -Yesterday ..ther-Yaiu kees batted Detroit for their eighth straight vktorj. featured ,, ky homers from the bats of Ruth , Meusel. At the same time the , Athletics were falling before an ,..,&n,auKHt from Cleveland by a nfne to nothing score and drop-to a game and a half behind New York. fh the National League Cincinnati defeated Boston by bunch-W hit. Crltz hitting a homer with one on and Bell cracked another. Pittsburgh beat Philadelphia by heavy hiUJtig, the Phfllles scoring severt?runs in the opejifftr inning a,pd the Pirata six kniJfefot a meeting meeting of of tl In the alghUi. Klln PWIsd.lsfy ' ' T LeugOe A..fl. -iW.I.. tod phia nd Grantham for Pitts- tTanwc. praiiaent' of oury rn, eacn nit homers. ' " I ft BASEBALL SCORES' it t J '& National League gghicago 11, New Y'ork 4. jjjtt. Louis 4, Brooklyn 0. Cincinnati 5, Boston 3. 13, Philadelphia 9. fttsburgh American League ??w York 10. Detroit B. Riiladelphia 0, Cleveland 9. Washington 4, Chieogo 2. j Boston 3, St. Louis 4. ! NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDINGS, .mi W. Chicago . . . 6 ' .v: 5jt. Louis .. 13 finf BoJn ljittsburgh . 9 8 .523 Cincinnati , 8 11 .421 , . PhWadelphia 7 10 9 WWJUliTn 1 Si 1? AMERICAN LEAGUE STANDINGS W. L. Pet Wrw York 13 4 .765 JJtHadelphia 12 6 K&ALoula 12 8.. ;coo' JiDTrjoH 12 11 ,522 yQi&land 10 11 .476jrce Washington G 11 .353 -bifPago 7 13 .350. Bojton C 13 .272 Paris in 1918, the first act of hospitality the Parisians showed him was to elect him to the French ockey Club. 1 Sport Chat A new sport, pleasing and thril-. ling to indulge in, was introduced . . a. a . Jin rcnirinnri mar loasnn ond ia a ready becoming popular. It is out- board motorbont racing. These light craft, steered in some cases 1 by a pole and in others by a wheel, skim over the water at a rare speed, leaving a trail of fine spray behind. They are well-controlled boats, obeying the slightest whira of the helmsman, twisting and twirling, banking and cornering, and being 'brought to heel' as speedily as they shoot into racing speed. The outboard are so light that they can be easily taken about on a trailer behind a motor-car; IPerimentmg with them) range - frora the 24D e.e. t th Ut i29 Elto 815 ex. eflriae. mm of vhich was tried Mt at Bdgebas-on. The speed at which the oat-oards travel is anything fron !0 to 40 miles an hoar, the world's reeord speed being 41.15 niles per hour. NO RIVAL FOR CHICAGO TEAM HOCKEYLEAGUE TORONTO. May 11. Paddy Harmon's application for a frunchjje temperate a second hockey Jelm Irt Chicago was killed the National f? 1. the Pacific Coast League. w"s naldln be imo- ciated with Hannoji'lrt the plan lor the projectwLteam. Harmon's aDDlhf-ation. 'did not come before the meeting, as Pres- ... u 'i ' :aeni f tbjk uaiaer explained that he consent of Major Frederick McLaughlin, president of the Black Hawks, was first neeeaeary and that ilajor McLaughlin refused to give. Frank Patrick was not present at the meeting. GLENAYON WINNER OF BELFAST CUP tcague Soccer In Old Country a-KM. a. 'i wwt itmi vamc iu viose ivaay iin j Finals for Trophy BELFAST, May 11. League -"'"I vninc i an enu iur ine nca-T son todav with th finnl mntphpn Smt w vpri bj; GlcnaVon. PERCY WILLIAMS TO RACE IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER, May 11. -It is arranged that Percy Williams will here on Dominion Day against several outside sprinters aa part of the annual Dominion Day celebration . FAMOUS PLAYER COACHES THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, May 11, 1929 Karel Kokeluh, the famous CzecfuvKIovakian tennis player, is preparing; the Britjsh.. lawn tennis team for the Davis Cui series at me AU-cngiand 1 tub, vumoiedon. lie i here seen detti giving F. II. D. Wiled ;i few wrinkles regarding the grip and position of his racket for a forehand' drive. HUDDERSFIELD WINS ENGLISH RUGBY CUP Defeated Leeds in Final Today by Score of Two to Nil HALIFAX, England, May 11. Hudderafield won the Rugby League Cup today by beating Leeds 2 to-Of FOOTBALLLINE-UPS Tbe Reginent teaio- for Menday night is the firat'cnior (oatbaR gaM of th,,aeaaon against the Tbiatlea will eoaaiat of 1 the following ylayeca: .Brand; Roas and NomnttM; Kelaey. Murray ane A. Hoiliitiajwii- .W JUiaseir; Haw. Hnaji ad J?raer. wite waiters tt . Uiaferwoed , as .-parea. Plafen wifl be fiued with hacta and other equipment ..t tbe Armory. The Thistle team will consist of: Laaibe; Haig and Erskipe; G. MiUbell, Baptie and Woods; A. Mitchell, A. Jlydonald. W. Mitchell, John CaoipOeJl an D. Jack, with Jack Campbell, Bust sanich, Stiles ami W. Murray as reserves. TWO GREAT RIVAL SCU BRITISH DAVIS. CUP TEAM . SWEENEY GOLF CHAMP VICTORIA, May 11: Mrs. S. C. Sweeney yesterday won the women's golf champion ship of II.C. by defeating Mrs. Hew Paterson of Victoria seven and six in the final eighteen holes. WORD' WINS GREAT JUBILEE KEMPTON PARk, England, May IT. Athford. owned by W. larnett, won the Great Jubilee oday. Trevelin came second nd Cabnllerot third. BALDWIN NOMINATED LONDON, May 11: Premier "laldwin was today nominated for the Bewdley division. LLERS MEET IN JUNE During the first week of JujiC Joe Wright Jr., Canadian champion sculler, will row against K9n Myers, reputed to be the best singles sculler in the United Stat as, on he new regatta pourse 011 the Humber River ndar Toronto. Both athletes went to the Olympic Games at Amsterdam last summer when they represented their respective countries In the rowing events. The laat time Myars and Wrigfi met the forrner oarsman burned himself out by setting too hot a pace, but he hnr greatly Improved since then and (t jj going to be a great race. NEARLY QUARTER MILLION POUNDS OF HALIBUT SOLD TODAY Halibut sales' at the local Fish Exchange this morning aggregated 245,000 pounds, twelve American vessels selling a total of 177,500 -pounds at from 12c and; Co to 13c and 7c while seven Canadian boats disposed of 67,-500 pounds at 11.3c and Gc to 12c iind Gc. Arrivals and sales: American Viking, 7,000 pounds, Booth Fisheries, 12.9c and' 7c. 1 Aleutian, 20,000 pounds, Pacific Fisheries, 12c atid Gc. Atlas, 16,000 pounds, Cunadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 12.3c and Gc. Democrat, 24,000 pounds, Royal Fish Co.. 1 2.2c and Gc. Ivanhoe, 10,000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 12c and Gc. Sentinel. 27,000 pounds, Booth Fisheries, 12c and Gc. Baltic, 14,000, pounds, Canadian Fish '& Cold Storage Co., 12.7c and 7c. Happy, 11,000 pounds, and uravo, WU pounus, anauianfcsiivetf GxwUtfJI&liiii&-.'iUfiiU' Fish &, Cold Storage Co.. l-Wut;'-1 K'" and 7c. 1 Hi Gill, 8,500 pounds, Bpoth Fisheries, 13c and 7;. Augusta, 12,000 pounds, Atlbi Fisheries, 13c and 7c. ; Teddy J., IG.000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, 13c and 7c. Canadian Johanna, 20,000 pounds, Atlln Fisheries, 12c and Gc. Pair of JaQks, to Pacific Fisheries at 11.4 and 6. Rose Spit, 10,500 pounds, Can? adian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 11.8c and 6c. 5U1I. 8,000 pounds, Pacific Fisheries, He and Gc. !! Kalen, 7.000 pounds, Booth Fisheries, 11.3c and Gc. I Brant, 6,000 pounds, Boot Fisheries, 11.3c and 6c. Morris 1L, 7.00Q pouiJ, Roy) Fish Co.. 11.5c and 6c. VANCOUVER BUSINESS ji MEN TO PAY VISIT TO!' OWEN LAKE PROPERTY Prof. J. M. Turnbull of the University of British Columbia, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver and proceeded by train to the interior, where he will make ii n inspection of the Owen Lake; mining property, for which he is consulting engineer. Accompanying Professor Turnbul were W. A. Castleton, Fred Dietrich, A, A. Ross and W. E. Winteraute, all well known Vancouver business men. who are interested in Owen Lake, as well as the Top-Icy- Richfield mine. 1 UTILE JAPANESE , GIRL DEAD AFTER J A BRIEF ILLNESS Victim of a sudden onset of pneumonia, Tame Nishio, 0-year-nld daughter of A. Nishio, Seal Cove barber, and Mrs. Nishio, succumbed at 1 :30 yesterday after-"oon in the Prince Rijpert General Hospital. She had been ill pnly about 24 liours. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon, arrangements ''ng in the hands of the B. C. Undertakers. . FINAL SC0T11SH i DANCE OF SEASON Very Enjoyable Afalr Last Night in I.O.D.E. Hall Was Largely Attended The concluding Scottish dance of the season was held last plght by St. Andrew's Society fn the I.O.D.E. Hall. There was a good attendance and the affair was thoroughly enjoyable. MmjC was by an orchestra con, sistlng- of Mrs. James Black, John Bremner, J. B. McKay and James Watt. Dellciqui refreshments were served. Howard Stcen was master of ceremonies and convener DUCHESS pIES LONDON, May 11: The dow-ager Duchess of Abercorn, aged 80, died last night. STOCK QUOTATIONS The following quotation were jiil and a.iked: Bayview, 3a, 3. , Big Missouri, 1.45, Nil. Cork Province. lOf-Ui CoUon Belt," NHi 54. Dunwell, Nil, 23. Duthie, 50, CO , George Copper, G.00", 6.90, Georgia River, 30, 33. Golconda, Nil, 1.55. Grandview, 40, 41. Independence, 8, 9. Indian, 4, 5, Inter. Coal & Coke, 39, 41. kootenay Florence, 14, 1G. Kootenay King, 41, 41 Vj. L. 4 L, 3y4, 3't. Lucky Jim, NH, 15. Mohawk, 4, 4. Morton Woolsey, 5Vi, 5. Marmot River Gold, 5, 5,. Marmot Metals, 5, G. National Silver, 15ft, 1G. Noble Five, Nil, 58. Oregon Copier. 41, 42. Pend Oreille, 5.26, 5.(0. Pioneer Gold, Nil, 1.60. Premier, 1.80, 1.83. PnrloIJnlin AC M Reeves Macdqnajd, LSSj 1x8. Ru,th-Hope, 33, 37 1 Silverado, 85, Nil Silversmith, 14. Nil. Slocan Rambler 13,fKil.' ' j " ' ' ' Snowflake, 47, 48.' Sunloch, 2.10, Nil. M ,; Terminus, 5, C Vi. f ;' Topley Richfield, 3Q, 31. Wellington, Nil, 9. Whitewater, 75, 77. Woodbine, 6, 6V4. Oils, Calgary Dallas, 2.30. Nil. Great West, 75, Nil. Mercury, 1.C7V4, Nil. Mid West. 1.10, Nil. Okalta Com., 550.00, Nil. Regent, 85, Nil, Turner Valley, 1.60, Nil. Richfield, 1.40, Nil. Stockmen, 41, Nil. Advance,. 13.50. 1-J.QQ. A. P. Ppnaojjdated, 5.02, 5.06. Calmont 5.75, 5.80. ' Dalhousie, 5.05, 5.50. Devenish, 1.52. 1.55. Fabyon Pt!,' 10,l'10l4. ' Home, 23.Qp ,23.25. , . . T Illinois-Alberta, Nil," 1.75. May land, 12.25, J3.00. McDougfgur. (II, C.75. ' StfLeodJfcUb.'5.60. NtwMeDrfugSegnr. Nil; 3.40. Royalite. Nil." 17L0O. Vulcan, Nil, 2,05, Hargal, '2.15.' 20. Freehold. 1.80, 1.85. Sterling Pacific. 2.30, 2.45. .United, 13.25, Nil. New Valley, Nil. 1.50. Eastern Stocks Sherritt-Gordon, 8.05, Nil. Noranda, 67.60,' Nil. TORONTO STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Falfon Bridge, 12.10. Hudson Bay, j8,Q04 Hollinger, 6:65.. . Nickel, 52.25, ; , Mandy, 1.10. Newbec, . . Noranda, " 67.50 $t" Sudbury Basin, 8.75. Sherritt-Gordon, 8.00. Teck Hughes, 9.15. takeshore, 26.30. Mclntyre, 18.00. WOULD FORM NEW LEAGUE Paddy Harmon Threatens) to Start Up Independent of National Hpckey ody CHICAGO, May 11 Hockey wfll be played n a new $7,000,000 stadium here next season in spite of thp National Hockey League's refusal to grant him a franchise, Paddy Harmon said today. Harmon said he was considering the organization qf a new league or participation In the organization of a new loop which would Include Windsor and Detroit members of the Canadian Professional League last season with tearris from Buffalo, Cleveland, Cincin nati and Chicago. qyjTE weu Vocalist I'm afraid I didn't Jo very well. 1 Wireless AnnouncerOh, that's all right. As a matter of fact, through an error you were announced as "Farmyard Imitations. The Countryman. rfJ your AND CHILDREN Woman Say She Is Unworthy of Husband and Commits . Suicide AflKA;TOON, May 1 It-Lav- pany, stating that she w;.- un worthy of him and uxkiiiis I. i mvimatm ta her act, Mi :.. Mtir Wftabn took her four rhmnn, ranging in ages from nine curs to five months, to the banks of b Saaka-hewan River two mil. from the city Friday aft:raon tnd killed them by strunguiuti in nd than committed suiiid. i hanifing herself. The deaths w. re discovered at five o'clock Hm morning after an all night ,k ;n h. When WHaon returned h me last evening he found the cote raying his wife was taking ti,i hjldren in the family cur The bodies of the children were found acattereif along th$ river U:x nd the"; rnethera bdy hanging from a Jree, she hiving muu)it:J an apple boUtdrlilckfd it aw.... The autononfre- was found lo-c by. FORMER LOCAL SCHOOL PRINCIPAL RECEIVES DEGREE WITH HONORS Word baa bean rt'civ.-d r 1 Ity that p. H, Uartiu- 1 merly prinHl of Bt)i Me mortal School here. wn l.u Hacbelor of Arts degree u .f.h f'rsttelaaa boeore io cb. mi tn t the recent convocation ui the I 1 veralty of British C,luml.i. Vancouver. GAND ' sWHHHHHHLHHKEtfl Thlg advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British -''-' fjolumbla